Is it possible to water indoor flowers with melt water? We retain moisture in the soil in the spring and collect melt water for irrigation

Now there is a lot of snow outside and it’s time to stock up on plenty of melt water for watering the seedlings. Seeds germinate better in snow water or melt water, you can safely spray plants (including indoor plants) with it, and most importantly - with water from melted snow or ice, it is most beneficial to water young seedlings.

But it is better to collect snow for these purposes not within the city, but outside the city - there the snow is cleaner and does not contain harmful toxic substances, although this is not at all scary for plants, since their too small concentration does not harm them. And if you collect the top, whitest layer of snow, especially freshly fallen snow, with a minimum of dust, and even away from dirty tracks, then everything will be fine.

Plants are tolerant of pollution. You can observe near busy highways, where there is a lot of dust and soot, the grass still grows and, especially after winter, fresh greenery appears. And how wonderfully all plants respond to rainwater in the summer, when everything starts to turn green after the rains. And in the spring, when everything is saturated with melt water and the air temperature rises, all the plants grow together.

Which water is more suitable for watering and spraying plants, for watering seedlings of vegetables and flowers?

When growing seedlings and indoor flowers, it is useful to water them with melt water, which can be obtained from snow or ice. You should not melt snow or ice over a fire, but slowly, at room temperature, and immediately use this water for irrigation.

Do not water the plants too much cold water: it is almost not absorbed by the roots, in addition, the roots can rot. The water should be 2 - 3 degrees warmer room temperature.

Melt water, or “living” water as it is called, has a special structure and has a beneficial effect on the biochemical processes of plants.

IN winter time You can use snow taken from the street, or you can freeze the water yourself. The fact is that on city streets snow can contain harmful impurities that are not desirable for plants. Ice consists of absolutely clean water, during crystallization, water displaces all impurities into a space that has not yet frozen. Therefore, they do not allow the liquid to completely freeze and drain off the remainder, which contains all the harmful compounds.

How to cook melt water made of ice? We place the container with water outside - in the cold or in freezer and leave until two-thirds of its volume turns into ice. We drain the remaining water, bring it into a warm room, and wait for the ice to melt! Melt water from ice for watering seedlings is ready!

Of course, it is not possible to store a lot of snow, especially considering that this property of melt water lasts only a few hours after melting. Therefore, use melt water to germinate seeds and to water seedlings at least at the beginning of their growth, when they gain strength. When the seedlings are powerful and large volumes of watering are required, you will have to switch to tap water.

Tap water is hard and has many impurities and salts in its composition, so with constant watering, the soil accumulates them. But snow or melt water is almost distilled and does not change the composition of the soil when watering. Therefore, in order to soften tap water, you should first keep it in an open container so that some of its substances evaporate. It is not recommended to boil it, as some of the beneficial substances contained in it will also disappear.

Shells added to water chicken eggs, will enrich the water with calcium beneficial for plants.

Use water from melted snow or ice to water your plants. Good luck and good results in growing plant seedlings!

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Now, while the snow is not yet about to melt, you can stock up on plenty of melt water for watering the seedlings. How necessary is this? No matter what they say about the fact that you can water the seedlings with anything - and tap water, and boiled, “meticulous botanists” are already storing snow water: seeds germinate better in such water, it can be safely sprayed on plants (including indoor ones), and the most significant thing is that it is most useful to water young seedlings with snow water, at least for during the first stages of growing it (warmed up, of course!).

While observing nature, you might have noticed how well plants respond to “water from the sky” - rain or melt. In some ways, this soft water is subtly different from tap water. The greenery grows so luxuriantly after the rains. And in the spring, when everything gets wet from melt water, the seeds lying on the surface in a mixture of silt and humus find themselves in the best conditions for germination - they hatch together.

The question arises about the quality of snow water if snow is collected within the city: does such water contain poisonous substances - salts - that are harmful to our seeds? heavy metals etc.? Generally speaking, if there is a danger of poisoning, it is not for plants: the concentrations are too low (the grass does not suffer after the snow melts!). And if you collect the top, whitest layer of snow, preferably freshly fallen, with a minimum of dust, and if you do this somewhere in the park, away from dirty trails, then everything will be fine. Firstly, I once tested the quality of melt water on fish - they survived in it and even reproduced; secondly, plants are distinguished by incomparably greater tolerance to pollution: after all, even near the highways themselves, where salt and soot fly from under the wheels, grass still grows... So snow water is unlikely to harm the seeds, but it will definitely help them .

How much snow water should I store? I stock up for 1-2 months. In my experience, for the first month of growing seedlings - this is when we have trays and pots with low seedlings - for the entire, say, March or April, two plastic tubs of 15-20 liters were enough, enough for a whole glassed-in loggia filled with seedlings, since it wet air, the soil dries out slowly, and many of the trays are covered with film. Of course, in May the tops already evaporate so much that we have to switch to tap water, but we spend the most critical period, when it is important to maintain stable soil conditions, with soft water. The difference between snow water is that it is almost distilled and does not change the composition of the soil after watering, while hard tap water is actually a solution of salts, and with frequent watering, salts accumulate in the soil.

For those who have relatively few seedlings, a bucket (plastic) of melted snow water will last for a long time. To do this, you will have to bring home several bags of snow.

There are many ways and methods by which you can grow healthy plants. Many gardeners and flower growers use both natural and chemicals to achieve the set goal.

However, the use of certain means must be justified.

And today we will remind you that it is not “chemistry alone” that can maintain the health of plants, and we will draw your attention to the basis - the quality of water for irrigation.

When growing capricious potted flowers or when growing seedlings from seeds, it is important to remember that young, immature shoots can be influenced by many factors.

And, if you notice that after watering the soil becomes hard and covered with a whitish crust, then most likely you are watering with hard water.

Salts contained in tap water accumulate in the soil and negatively affect the germination and growth of plants.

Chlorine salts leave a white coating on the leaves (when sprayed), which impedes the process of photosynthesis, and the salts shift the soil balance to the acidic side.

More from school curriculum We know that the formula of water is H2O. However, in chemical composition ordinary water, hydrogen atoms can be replaced by an isotope - deuterium. Deuterium has Negative influence on living organisms.

For the first time, the phenomenon of melt water became known after series scientific research Japanese scientists who froze water and studied its crystals under a microscope. They found that melt water has an ordered structure, and the size of the molecule itself becomes slightly smaller size cell membranes.

Crystallizing, the water becomes cleaner, and all harmful compounds are pushed into the not yet frozen space.

Thus, using melt water, you can restore energy, accelerate growth and improve metabolism not only in plants, but also in the human body.

The absence of deuterium, a decrease in the concentration of salts and other impurities was noted in the melt water.

So, how can you prepare melt water?

To do this you will need:

Pour water into a container and place in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours.

Heavy water is frozen first. After time has passed, remove the formed ice crust on the surface, which contains deuterium, using a scoop.

Leave to freeze for another 2-3 hours. Drain off any frozen moisture.

The resulting ice is thawed at room temperature.

It is known that their healing properties melt water is stored for 6-8 hours after defrosting.

From what was described above, we can conclude that preparing healing melt water is not at all difficult. Melted, biologically active water has a positive effect on the rate of seed germination, ensuring vigorous germination and strong sprouts. Plants that are watered with melt water produce greater yields compared to other plants that are watered with tap water. Plants become resistant to pests and diseases.

When watered with melt water, the soil remains loose and does not become crusty.

By using melted water for watering, you will soon notice that your plants look healthy.

Water - what to water flowers. Opinions.

The question is very
twofold. It is imperative to keep water for irrigation. So that's it
depends on your living conditions. And there is also Ukraine, and Germany and
Canada and so on. It's different for everyone. Therefore - I believe - that
Everyone should know what kind of water they have in their city. But I would do it anyway
In this case, I would leave the water to breathe overnight so that I could water my people in the morning.
pets. If the water is not allowed to settle, then very soon on the surface of the earth
A white coating will appear - this is lime contained in the water.

I wouldn't recommend using a hot tap. Heated hot water
It will give iron deposits to the pipes. This has already been verified. We won't pour it into the kettle
hot water- only from a cold tap. Same with flowers. Another
little advice- if anyone has an aquarium in their house, water it with this
water. Very useful for flowers - both fertilizer and warmth and has already passed
through the filter.

Irrigation is ALWAYS affected by water quality. Please note
attention, some books on floriculture even say how many days
the water must settle. And the dishes in which it settles must be
the water must be open. When watering from plastic bottles bottom layer
do not use water. We have very hard water in Donetsk if you water
such soda will leave a white crust on the surface of the earth. For plant growth
this naturally cannot but influence. After all, almost all plants love
soft water. In the literature it is even recommended to soften water with special
means or a bag of peat placed in a bucket of water for a day.

Many books write that it is useful to water with boiled water. But the result is the same as from settled water.

indoor flowers are, of course, better with settled water. Chlorine evaporates
which has such a detrimental effect on flowers. But don't forget - we live in
different places - and in different places the water is purified differently. We have water
good. I very often water directly from the tap. White plaque No. And in
The water in the city is terribly chlorinated. Therefore, of course it is necessary
be sure to let it sit. This is where the white coating comes from.

Girls, I water the flowers with tea leaves, even the orchid, everyone is alive and well

about what kind of water to water indoor plants is not as banal as
it could seem. And sometimes even experienced people don’t know the answer.
flower growers.
We most often use the most ordinary tap water
water. In the best case - not straight from the tap, but settled and a little
warmed up. It is believed that after such a simple procedure it becomes
acceptable for plants. Alas, this is a fallacy!

Nutritional value of the soil mixture, light level and temperature regime greatly affect the health of seedling plants. However, many novice summer residents forget that “education” strong seedlings impossible without the use of high-quality irrigation water. In this case, the ideal drink for seedlings is melt water.

What are the benefits of melt water?

The healing properties of melt water (snow water) are known not only to people, but also to animals - it has been noticed that chickens, geese, piglets and other domestic animals drink it greedily. Seeds that have taken the snow bath give a rich harvest. And house plants respond to watering with snow water by blooming more luxuriantly and for a longer period of time.

What is the main difference between melt water and regular tap water and even filtered water? According to scientists, its unique characteristics are explained by the fact that it preserves the structure of ice. Each piece of ice includes many 12-sided pieces of regular shape. The whole structure is somewhat reminiscent of an ice castle with empty halls. During heating, such “halls” disintegrate and the water decreases in volume.

It is the preserved ice structure that the snowfield owes its ability to actively participate in various biochemical processes. Perhaps this is why melt water is often called “living”.

Snowwoman saves healing power for some period of time after melting. In the summer months, thunderstorm water has similar properties. This happens because in a cool thundercloud, moisture not only crystallizes, but is also charged with beneficial ions.

Melt water for seeds and seedlings

To soak seeds and water seedlings, it is permissible to use filtered water at room temperature or slightly warmer. Tap water must be allowed to settle so that the chlorine compounds disappear and unnecessary suspension precipitates. But the best results are obtained by treating the seeds and watering with structured snow water obtained at the end of winter from the last snow.

Of course, not all of us live in ecologically clean areas, and winter in last years Doesn't care much for snow. To prepare melt water, you can purchase a special device (which, by the way, costs almost 14 thousand rubles), but you can do without it.

So, to make melt water at home:

  1. Place spring or tap water in an open-mouthed container and let it steep for 10-12 hours (if you are using filtered water, skip this step).
  2. Pour water into 1.5-2 liter bottles, filling them 2/3 full (drain off any sediment formed at the bottom).
  3. Cap the bottles and place them in the freezer.
  4. Remove the containers from the freezer as soon as the water in them is about half frozen (this takes me about a day).
  5. Drain off the unfrozen liquid and melt the remaining ice at room temperature.

Melt water quickly loses its life-giving power, so I recommend using it immediately after heating. And in order to always have it on hand, I advise you to add a new portion on a daily basis.

By the way, for watering seedlings it is also very good to use water infused with shungite or passed through a magnet (the so-called magnetic water). Such water is more easily absorbed by plants, promotes their development and improves immunity. Seeds will also give faster and faster germination if they are soaked in shungite, melt or magnetic water before sowing.

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