Nikolai is a Russian name or not. Nikolay - Sagittarius

Career, business and money

Kolya has a sharp mind. He's smart. Able to summarize and analyze information. He doesn’t boast about his abilities. This makes him a versatile worker. A man can work and successfully build a career in almost any field. His superiors value him for the following qualities: hard work, commitment, diligence, decency, physical endurance.

Nikolai is not a careerist. But he may well occupy a leadership position. As a boss, he is strict, does not forgive mistakes, is categorical and unyielding in his decisions. He is associated with a despot. Suitable professions- politician, military man, actor, artist, musician, writer, doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher.

This man has an entrepreneurial spirit, but risk is contraindicated for him. To eliminate the possibility of losing your financial investment, you need to carefully check and analyze your business plan before starting a business. Study entrepreneurial activity Nikolai needs to be on his own. Partnership is not for Kolya. Lotteries, games on the stock market, and investments are contraindicated for him.

Marriage and family

In marriage, Nikolai behaves like a jealous person. He does not forgive treason and betrayal, although he himself can easily have relationships on the side. The man is silent with his wife and undemanding in everyday life. He does housework that requires brute physical force willingly. He easily copes with the care and improvement of his home, garden, and vegetable garden.

Whenever he’s in the mood, he helps his wife with housework. Has a passion for delicious food. Loves to greet guests. In the circle of friends he feels free and relaxed. Kolya is very attached to children, strives to create a good material base for them, to give good education. He is on cordial terms with all his relatives. Has few friends. The latter is very faithful and devoted.

Sex and love

Nikolai is very stingy with emotions opposite sex. But his character is characterized by increased sexuality. He cannot imagine his life without being present in it beautiful woman. The man is in love. He is attracted to ladies with a pleasant appearance and innate intelligence. The chosen one should be soft, gentle, compliant - all these qualities make it possible to smooth out Nikolai’s sharp corners. Next to such a partner, he becomes kinder. It is desirable for a woman to have a taller social status. This will please Kolya’s vanity.

Nikolai’s sexual preferences are plump ladies with decent breast size. He considers his chosen one with such forms to be soft and sensual. The man will court you sincerely, but without any sentimentality. A representative of the fair sex he likes can propose to him after a couple of days of dating. Kolya is good at sex, but he is not loyal to his girlfriend.


Nikolai does not pay due attention to his health. In his old age he has a lot of problems. Most at risk internal organs– liver, kidneys, heart.

A complex character and the habit of getting irritated over trifles lead to stress, and the result is a deviation in the functioning of the nervous system and psyche. The man is prone to overeating and alcoholism. Bad habits quickly take root and are cured with great difficulty.

Interests and hobbies

Nikolai prefers hobbies that are fruitful. This includes fishing, hunting, picking berries and mushrooms. He can spend hours in the garden, doing landscaping and planting new trees. In his youth, Kolya enjoys sports - football, basketball, martial arts.

As an adult, he loads himself with work so much that there is practically no time left for entertainment. Rest for this man is the company of friends and a delicious lunch on the table. The evening can be spent reading a book and listening to your favorite music.

You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By by and large Where do you go quality is more important and the convenience of clothing, rather than the correspondence of its style to the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Nikolai, manifestation in love

Nikolay, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of a “friend to everyone.” You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

The origin and meaning of the name Nikolai for a boy plays huge role. The name has Greek roots and means " conqueror of nations».

The mystery of the name

The energy of the name Nikolai endows a person with many seemingly contradictory qualities. Severity and fun, sociability and isolation, tension and lightness can coexist in it at the same time. What also plays a role here is that the name is quite common and it is impossible to characterize it within a less strict framework. a large number a wide variety of people.

The designation of the name says that Nikolai can literally be woven from contradictions; he is often difficult to discern and understand. WITH positive side this versatility can manifest itself in the breadth of his views; Kolya is interested in a lot of things, in any field of knowledge he can have his own views and opinions. But this does not mean that he is a know-it-all; rather, his developed intuition and fast, agile mind can manifest themselves here; he owes them much more than logic.

Fate and mystery of the name Nikolai: All the qualities and character traits make Nikolai a rather narcissistic and self-willed person. He will not be an obedient and diligent child in childhood, no matter how good his upbringing. The only thing that can calm him down and keep him in place? his own interest. Now where Kolya will be truly focused is on his favorite pastime, be it sports, creativity or science. The most favorable option for his development will be if he is able to maintain his passion and carry it with him throughout the world. adult life. Having found a professional continuation, this business can become the work of a lifetime for Nikolai and bring him not only material, but also spiritual benefit.

The character and fate of the boy: Possessing considerable enthusiasm, Nikolai often turns out to be the “ringleader” in the company of peers and comrades. This trait will help him become a good organizer already in mature age, and sociability will help you master the art of diplomacy. For some leadership position Nikolay will have all the necessary qualities.

A distinctive feature of Nikolai's agile mind is his wit, which he can use both with jokes and in response to criticism, depending on the situation.

Nikolay can be recommended to moderate his pride, and show all his self-will in independence. This way he will have a much greater chance of a positive opinion of him in society. By respecting not only yourself, but also those around you, you can achieve great success in life.

Speaking about the secret of the name Nikolai, we can also highlight impulsiveness. Often, in uncontrollable anger, he can do things that he will later regret. His contradictory nature in an uncontrolled state can play a cruel joke on him. Kolya must learn to listen to both his head and his heart at the same time, and sometimes try to turn off his emotions.

Name characteristics: In his feelings for women, Nikolai is hot and passionate, sometimes even too much. Already on the second date you can hear a marriage proposal from him. Moreover, a girl can conquer him not so much with her appearance as with her mentality and character. Nikolai will become a good master of the house; he wants the comfort and well-being of his home, which is what he will strive for. Children are everything to him; he is ready to indulge their every whim. His disadvantage as a spouse may be uncontrollable jealousy and a penchant for alcohol.

An unforced conversation that smoothly flows into an interesting, friendly argument can “reveal” Nikolai, especially when it comes to his sphere of interests. Here he will not be able to hide his true emotions, which can be contagious to others. Recommendation when communicating with Nikolai: do not make him angry.

What does astrology say?

What does the name Nikolai mean in astrology:
  • Correspondence of the name to the zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  • Patron planet: Mars.
  • Character traits: activity, determination, confidence, emotionality.
  • Name colors: steel, green, red, brown.
  • Patron saints of the name: Nicholas of Pskov, Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Name days: February 17, May 22, August 11, December 19.
  • Talisman stone: emerald.

Name meaning

Nikolai is an ambiguous nature, because he combines such qualities as energy and laziness, sociability and peremptoryness, cheerfulness and severity, kindness and toughness. It is not surprising that it is quite difficult to understand him, and communication with him often does not work out, despite the erudition and versatility of this man’s views. His qualities such as stubbornness, pride and impulsiveness do not make Nikolai attractive, but much depends on the time of year in which he was born.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

Winter Nikolai reasonable, practical, selfish, and in some cases despotic. When making a decision, he is guided exclusively by his own interests and common sense, while the experiences of others care little about him. This man is stubborn and persistent, but if necessary, he can be flexible and adapt to circumstances. With women he is attentive, charming and temperamental, so he has no shortage of fans.

Spring Nikolay - a real egoist, it is simply impossible to be angry and offended by him, since he has a cheerful, easy and kind disposition. He is rightfully considered the life of the party, so many of his shortcomings are forgiven. The creative component of spring Nikolai means that he can easily solve any problem, and in a rather creative and extraordinary way. This man simply basks in women’s attention, but most often treats feelings (both his own and those of others) lightly.

Summer Nikolay cunning and ambitious. This is a true diplomat who can easily fool any opponent. His charm and kindness know no bounds, so everyone loves him: relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues. But it is extremely difficult for him to love someone, because he does not know how to trust people, and he considers constancy in a relationship to be a kind of ephemeral state and pattern that prevents him from making life more fulfilling and interesting. This man rarely has serious relationships.

Autumn Nicholas - a leader by nature, the main thing for him is to feel power and superiority over others. He is secretive, silent and withdrawn, because if he lets a person close to him, he can lose control over the situation, which is absolutely unacceptable for him. At the same time, this man has a broad and generous soul, which no one even suspects (You will never know what is hidden behind the mask of autumn Nicholas’s coldness). With women he is gallant and tactful, but nothing more. He will give his heart only once.

Stone - talisman

Emerald and sapphire are Nicholas's talisman stones.


This stone, which develops the gift of providence, symbolizes knowledge that helps to comprehend and preserve the mystery of the universe.

Emerald is the personification of purity, beauty and chastity. At the same time, this stone favors love affairs, dispels evil spells, fights insomnia, eliminates sorrows, sharpens mental insight, and enhances oratory abilities.

The Slavs considered emerald a stone of wisdom, composure, courage and hope. The amazingly rich color of the stone symbolized life, youth and purity.

An amulet with an emerald brought joy, fun and harmony to its owner. It was recommended to be worn by newlyweds in order to preserve the atmosphere of pure love. It was believed that the splitting of an emerald indicates the betrayal of one of the lovers.

Emerald brought victory to warriors, and this stone also saved them from ambushes and other insidious plans of the enemy.


Sapphire is a symbol of purity, innocence, wisdom, modesty, fidelity, constancy, virtue and a clear conscience.

In the East, this stone identified true friendship, modesty and selflessness, so products with it were designed to protect their owner from deception and betrayal.

Sapphire protects from evil spells and envy, bestows inspiration and prudence, and enhances the sense of justice.

In general, sapphire can be confidently called a stone that fulfills wishes: for example, it gives power-hungers the opportunity to control people; helps lovers strengthen relationships; opens paths to spiritual enrichment for creative people.

Important! A stone that has obvious flaws will bring misfortune because it positive qualities will appear exactly the opposite.


Red, brown, blue, light blue and white are colors that favor Nicholas (you can read more about them in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).





Animal - symbol

Nicholas's totem animals are an elephant and a horse.


The elephant is rightfully considered an oriental symbol, personifying strength, power, prosperity, intelligence, patience, loyalty, strength of character, ambition, longevity, prosperity and happiness.

In India, the elephant is still revered today as a sacred animal, symbolizing wisdom, dignity, as well as power and prudence.

In Buddhism, this animal is identified with spiritual knowledge and stability, compassion, love and kindness.

For the Chinese, the elephant is a symbol of strength, prudence, insight and overcoming death.

The Greeks and Romans considered the elephant an attribute of Mercury, helping to win victory and gain immortality.

In the Christian tradition, the elephant symbolizes the victory of Jesus not only over death, but also over evil, which is represented in the form of a snake (thus, the elephant is depicted trampling the snake).

Horse (horse)

It is a symbol of energy, beauty, grace, as well as power and harmony of spirit and body.

From time immemorial, the horse was considered the embodiment of the perfect creation of the Lord, combining strength and spirit.

In many cultural traditions, this animal symbolizes indomitable freedom, fearlessness, masculinity, valor, glory, nobility, speed of thought, wisdom and the endless passage of time (it is not surprising that the horse often personifies the continuity of life).

The white horse symbolizes the sun, light, life, spiritual enlightenment, happiness, prosperity and mercy, while the black horse represents death and the devil.


The symbolic plants of Nicholas are ash and gladiolus.


This is the embodiment of strength, power, splendor and royalty.

Ash is considered a purely male tree, symbolizing war, patronizing warriors, giving them valor and courage.

Scandinavians believe that this tree acts as a link between the underworld and the earth, that is, it connects the divine world with the human world, and the material with the spiritual.

Ash helps to understand a person’s purpose and awakens the gift of clairvoyance, but it has such an effect only on those who sincerely want to know themselves and the world around them.

Protective amulets made of ash protect their owner from any witchcraft and evil.


This amulet plant, which brings victory and protects against death and injury in battle, is considered a symbol of nobility, fidelity, and friendship.

Gladiolus is also credited with the ability to protect the home and family from ill-wishers and the evil eye (it is enough to plant several bushes of this plant around the house for peace, prosperity and tranquility to reign in the house).

During the Middle Ages, gladiolus was credited with the amazing property of preventing premature death.


Iron, which patronizes Nicholas, symbolizes strength of character, masculinity, fortitude, the will to win and toughness. In addition, in the Christian tradition, this metal represents war, justice, power and authority.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Nikolai

Name translation

The name Nicholas is translated from Greek as “victor of nations” or “victorious people.”

History of the name

The name Nikolai takes its roots from the ancient Greek Nikolaos, consisting of two roots - “nika” (translated as “victory”) and “laos” (translated as “people”).

According to another version, the name Nikolai is a transformed version of the Old Russian name “Nikodim”.

It should be noted that among the Slavs (especially in Rus') this name is extremely common, and all thanks to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of travelers and sailors.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Analogues of the name Nikolai: Kolya, Kolenka, Nikolka, Kolyunya, Kolyan, Nikola, Mikolka, Mikola, Nicholas, Nikola, Nikolasha, Kolyusya, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyasha, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Kolechka, Nik, Nikasha, Nikusya, as well as Nikusha.

The secret of the name Nikolai

Patrons of the name

  • Archbishop and miracle worker Nicholas of Myra.
  • Foolish Nikolai Novgorodsky.
  • Martyr Nicholas of Sebaste.
  • Foolish Nikolai Pskovsky.
  • Schemamonk Nikolai Slavyanin.
  • Hegumen and confessor Nikolai Studiysky.
  • Equal-to-the-Apostles Archbishop Nicholas of Japan.
  • Presbyter Nicholas of Athens.
  • Righteous Nicholas Local (or Deputy).
  • Priest Nikolai Planas.
  • Bishop Nicholas (Velimirović) of Ohrid and Žić.
  • Martyr Nicholas of Magnesia.
  • Reverend Martyr Nicholas Vuneni.
  • Patriarch of Constantinople Nicholas the Mystic.
  • Martyr Nicholas of Bulgaria.
  • Martyr Nicholas.
  • Martyr Nicholas Pandopol.
  • Reverend Nicholas Trikkokit.
  • Martyr Nicholas of Crete.
  • Martyr Nicholas of Chios.
  • Archbishop Nicholas of Thessalonica.
  • Martyr Nikolai Karaman.
  • Patriarch Nikolai Chrysoverg.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 6th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 24th and 31st.

February: 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 26th and 28th.

March: 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22 and 26.

April: 18th and 24th.

May: 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 29 and 30.

June: 1st, 5th, 10th, 18th, 20th, 23rd and 27th.

July: 4th, 8th, 17th and 27th.

August: 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 25, 26 and 27.

September: 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th and 28th.

October: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27 and 31.

November: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28 and 29.

December: 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 and 31.

The legend about the name Nikolai

Among Christians, Archbishop Nicholas of Myra, better known as Nicholas the Saint or Nicholas the Wonderworker, enjoys special respect.

Thus, according to one legend, Saint Nicholas was the fruit of the love and prayers of the childless pious couple Theophanes and Nonna. Miracles began from the moment the child was born, whose mother was cured of her illness after giving birth, and the newborn himself stood on his feet in the font during his baptism. From birth, the child led a fasting life, namely, he took mother’s milk only on Wednesdays and Fridays, and then only once a day and exclusively after evening prayers their parents.

Since childhood, Nikolai studied the Divine Scripture, while he spent the whole day within the walls of the temple, and devoted the night to prayer and reading divine books. It is not surprising that his works were appreciated, and Saint Nicholas was first promoted to reader, and then to the rank of priest.

According to legend, Saint Nicholas saved from sin a once rich man who, fleeing poverty and hunger, wanted to make his three daughters harlots. Then at night the saint secretly threw three bags containing gold into his window, which saved his family from the fall. This is where the tradition of giving children bags of sweets and gifts on St. Nicholas Day came from. Saint Nicholas tried to do all good deeds secretly.

Nicholas the Wonderworker showed not only meekness and fortitude to all hardships and hardships of life, but also great mercy towards his flock, never refusing to help the suffering and needy. He knew how to pacify the elements of the sea with prayer, thereby protecting sailors and travelers.

Saint Nicholas lived to a ripe old age. His relics were not only preserved in an incorruptible state, but also exuded healing myrrh.

Famous people

Famous poets and writers named Nikolai:

  • Nikolai Gusinsky;
  • Nikolai Gogol;
  • Nikolay Leskov;
  • Nikolai Chernyshevsky;
  • Nikolai Uspensky;
  • Nikolay Nekrasov;
  • Nikolay Gumilyov;
  • Nikolay Zabolotsky;
  • Nikolay Karamzin;
  • Nikolay Dobronravov.

Famous scientists named Nikolai:

  • Nicolaus Copernicus - Polish astronomer;
  • Nikolai Beketov - Russian chemist;
  • Nikolai Lange - Russian psychologist;
  • Nikolai Lobachevsky - Russian mathematician;
  • Nikolai Karamzin - Russian historian;
  • Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay - famous Russian traveler;
  • Nikolai Przhevalsky - scientist-traveler;
  • Nikolai Sklifosovsky - an outstanding Russian surgeon;
  • Nikolai Berdyaev - Russian philosopher;
  • Nikolai Pirogov is a great surgeon who founded the military field branch of surgery.

Famous singers named Nikolai:

  • Nikolay Baskov;
  • Nikolay Rastorguev.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - famous Russian composer.

Nicholas I and Nicholas II - Russian emperors.

Nicholas Roerich - Russian artist.

Nikolay Makarov - Soviet developer of automatic small arms.

Nikolai Gastello - Soviet military pilot.

Nikolay Sheremetyev - Russian prince and philanthropist.

Nikolay Rubinstein - a gifted teacher, virtuoso pianist and conductor.

Rimsky-Korsakov - Russian composer.

Nikolay Karachentsov - famous Russian actor.

The meaning of the name Nikolai

For a child

Little Kolya is a real mischief maker and a leader, and his enthusiasm and energy is enough for everyone. Neither parents' persuasion nor threats are able to calm this impatient little playboy. The only thing that parents can do in this situation to direct their child’s energy in a different direction is to truly captivate Nikolai by enrolling in sports section or modeling circle.

Smart and savvy Nikolai studies quite well (and this despite the fact that his incentive is not to gain new knowledge, but to maintain his authority among his peers). For this boy, it is important what others think of him. If necessary, he can easily disrupt the lesson: the main thing is to look like a fearless hero in the eyes of his classmates.

But the cheerful, independent and sociable Kolya also has his own shortcomings, among which the main ones are self-will, selfishness and pride, which his parents unsuccessfully struggle with.

For a teenager

Young Nikolai is inquisitive and active, the spirit of adventurism is alive in him, so you should not be surprised that he will often get into various kinds of trouble, which will be facilitated by his quality of excessive self-will.

This young man is used to leadership, but he absolutely does not know how to appreciate what he has, so he has few real friends, and he does not particularly value those. Moreover, being a friend of the honest, straightforward and sharp Nikolai is not at all easy.

It is interesting that Nikolai combines such qualities as authority and simplicity, an analytical mind and primitiveness of judgment. This practical and pragmatic young man there is not enough care and affection, which he seeks in communication with the opposite sex.

In his youth, Nikolai gives the impression of a secretive and callous person, surrounded by a veil of mystery that one does not always want to unravel. He does not accept generally accepted norms and does as he sees fit, and not as is customary in society. Therefore, you should not expect ordinary decisions from him.

For a man

The adult Nikolai is a diplomat who has an excellent understanding of people, but at the same time does not show his true thoughts to anyone. He has an agile mind and wit, which helps him both make the necessary contacts and defend himself from ill-wishers and evil tongues. However, the owner of this name should remember that he can achieve success in life only if he can soften his pride and learn to respect the opinions of others.

Demanding of himself and those around him, Nikolai reacts sharply to any injustice or deception, because he feels like “Robin Hood”, ready to help everyone in need. Moreover, he does not demand anything in response, believing that any good deed should come from the heart, but should in no way be motivated by the fact that someone owes something to someone.

It must be said that the practical and reasonable Nikolai always relies only on himself, while nothing can force this fighter to turn away from his intended goal.

Among negative qualities Nikolai can be described as aggressive, sarcastic and excessively domineering.

Description of the name Nikolai


Nikolay is a strict and demanding person. He is decent and honest, therefore he expects the same attitude towards himself from others. But this man can be cunning towards those he does not respect.


Nikolai is used to working day after day, his schedule is tense and lacks a routine, which can cause him to suffer nervous system. In addition, you should pay attention to the bones and liver.


Nikolai can be called an easily addicted person: for example, on the first date he can fall in love with his chosen one, and on the third he can propose marriage to her. His ideal woman beautiful, smart, charming, feminine and definitely patient, because day after day she will have to deal with attacks of jealousy from her companion, and this is not an easy task.

Kolya is a gallant, attentive and helpful seducer who knows how to care for a woman. He is well versed in female psychology, so winning a woman’s heart is not difficult for him. He himself truly falls in love extremely rarely, although he considers each of his passions the main love of his life.


Nikolai marries early, often mistakenly believing that his marriage is in heaven, and therefore will be eternal, strong and cloudless. In reality, everything is somewhat different: the stamp in the passport is not able to calm down the loving Kolya, and therefore his wife will have to be patient and learn to forgive if she wants to save the family.

At the same time, Nikolai has an extremely negative attitude towards divorce, so he will never take the first step towards a breakup. It is easier for him to make amends with gentle persuasion, admonitions and vows that this will not happen again.

Family relationships

Care, attention and tenderness are the components that are most important for Nikolai in family life. This man is hard to name ideal family man, but he treats his wife and children warmly and lovingly. He will always help his wife with the housework or take a walk with the children, but he must also have his own personal space, into which Nikolai does not allow anyone.

He will never forgive his wife for cheating, although he himself is capable of such a step, but on the condition that his wife does not satisfy him in his intimate life.

In everyday life, Nikolai is not very demanding; the main thing for him is the weather in the house.


The youth, beauty and charm of the fair sex have a bewitching effect on Nikolai, turning him into a passionate lover, ready to lift his partner to the heights of sensual pleasure. Nikolai prefers experienced partners, while rudeness and lack of femininity irritate him.

Mind (intelligence)

Nikolai is distinguished by his erudition, intelligence, ability to generalize and analyze the situation. However, he does not expose his mental abilities for show, so many consider him to be a rather ordinary person.


Most often, Nikolai are universal workers who will find application in any field of activity, because they have such qualities as decency, hard work, and diligence.

But let’s immediately make a reservation that the owner of this name does not belong to the category of careerists who, for the sake of career growth ready to lack sleep and malnourish. On the contrary, he clearly separates such concepts as work and leisure, and therefore will not overload himself in order to build a career. But if the profession really interests him, then he will definitely develop himself in order to achieve maximum heights in it.


Having organized his business, Nikolai feels a real charge of energy. His ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit help him develop his business, and quite successfully.

The only thing Nikolai will not tolerate is instructions, so he always runs the business himself, without involving partners, especially since, if he wants, he can cope with absolutely any difficulties without any outside help.


Nikolai’s main hobby is productive leisure time, no matter in nature, at home or at some resort. This man loves to eat delicious food and have good fun, especially in the company of friends.

Character type


Nikolai always moves forward; no obstacle can stop him. The main thing is to clearly set a goal and decide on ways to achieve it.

This man rarely makes mistakes, therefore he does not forgive others for mistakes, much less weaknesses (a man, according to his ideas, should be able to restrain his emotions, especially in front of strangers, although Nikolai himself does not always succeed in this).

He loves himself most of all, so don’t expect self-sacrifice and unreasonable altruism from Nikolai. Although he cannot be called cruel, because he tries to help people to the best of his ability, considering it his human duty.

Please note that it is simply impossible to fully understand Nikolai’s contradictory nature, so it is better not to waste your time on this and test his nerves for strength.


Nikolai has a fairly well-developed intuition, but he gets along just fine without it.

Horoscope named after Nikolai

Nikolay - Aries

This is a lively, spontaneous and sincere man who knows how to look at things positively and enjoy all manifestations of life. Nikolai-Aries is always open to communication, there is not a drop of selfishness or selfishness in him, so it is quite natural that he is surrounded by the same bright and energetic people. This man has no secrets from his beloved, but at the same time his feelings, like his character, can be fickle.

Nikolay - Taurus

This strong, courageous, but at the same time trusting and vulnerable man experiences disappointments hard, especially if they are provoked by his frankness and good attitude to people.

At the same time, Nikolai-Taurus does not remember insults and evil, preferring a bad peace to a good quarrel. This is a devoted and faithful man who will never offend his chosen one, who is the whole universe for him.

Nikolay - Gemini

Nikolai-Gemini's character is very changeable, which prevents him from feeling harmonious in society. His impulsiveness, which becomes the cause of many troubles, does not make this man attractive either. Nikolai-Gemini falls in love at first sight, and his chosen one is crazy about him from the very first date (this man knows how to charm any woman with his sweet speeches).

Nikolay - Cancer

A lively imagination, a sharp mind and curiosity make Nikolai-Cancer not only pleasant, but also an interesting conversationalist. He needs constant changes, so he cannot imagine his life without adventures and travel. Nikolai-Cancer, endowed with charm and charm, tends to have short affairs, because he treats relationships very frivolously, which can ultimately turn against him.

Nikolay - Leo

The emotionality, temperament and energy of Nikolai-Leo do not go unnoticed. He is open, sociable and honest, but he cannot stand lies, flattery and duplicity, so it will not be possible to win his favor in this way, but it is easy to turn him against himself. In a relationship with a woman, Nikolai-Lev values ​​​​trust and warmth, while pretentiousness and flashy beauty do not appeal to him at all.

Nikolay - Virgo

Balanced, calm and friendly, Nikolai-Virgo is often unsure of himself, so it is difficult for him to decide on any serious and responsible step without much thought. He tries to avoid responsibility and obligations, which negatively affects his career. With women, this man is sincere and good-natured, but still it is very difficult to look into his thoughts, because in his inner world he doesn't let anyone in.

Nikolay - Libra

This romance combines such qualities as impressionability and selfishness, sensitivity and coldness. Nikolai-Libra loves to dream, and all his dreams are quite sky-high and unrealistic. This attitude towards life leads to great disappointment and depression. In family life, Nikolai-Libra also seeks ideality and harmony, but does nothing for this. Therefore, the chosen one often returns him from heaven to earth.

Nikolay - Scorpio

This is a freedom-loving and independent person who does not accept intrusion into her personal life. Thus, an encroachment on his personal space is fraught with a complete break in the relationship. It is not surprising that it is difficult for this man to start a family and trust the only one who will go through fire and water with him. Selective and demanding Nikolai-Scorpio may end up remaining a bachelor.

Nikolay - Sagittarius

Sensual, cheerful, good-natured, but at the same time frivolous, Nikolai-Sagittarius craves recognition, so he always flaunts all his merits. You can earn his approval and favor through flattery and laudatory odes, but you won’t find real friends this way. As a husband, this man is faithful and devoted, attentive and caring, so his wife tries to support him in every possible way.

Nikolai - Capricorn

Energy, activity and enterprise are in the blood of Nikolai-Capricorn, who cannot sit with his hands folded. But he is not always able to complete all the things he has started, and the reason for this is his inability to properly distribute time and energy. In love, Nikolai-Capricorn is changeable and fickle, therefore for a long time looking for a serious relationship that will later develop into a family.

Nikolay - Aquarius

This is a quick-tempered, hot-tempered and temperamental man who, if necessary, can curb his temper. Such impulsiveness is due to the inconstancy and absent-mindedness of Nikolai-Aquarius, who often feels disharmony with the outside world. It is difficult for him to find his place in society, so he is often lonely. Nikolai-Aquarius falls in love and marries only once in his life.

Nikolay - Pisces

Selflessness and selflessness are inherent in the sensitive Nicholas-Pisces, who thinks more about others than about himself. At the same time, he cannot be called a dreamer, because he always clearly plans his future, which eliminates unpleasant surprises. In love, this man is used to giving and giving in. Family for him is a stronghold of love, warmth, understanding and care.

Compatibility of the name Nikolai with female names

Nikolay and Olga

Nikolai and Tatiana

The passionate love between Nikolai and Tatiana very quickly develops into a deep feeling, on the basis of which a harmonious family with its own special traditions is formed. Common goals and interests also bring these two people closer together.

Nikolai and Ekaterina

This tandem also has an excellent sexual compatibility, and bright emotions, and real Italian passions. Therefore, Nikolai and Ekaterina will have no time to be bored. Such a variety of feelings and sensations cannot separate this couple.

Nikolay and Natalya

This couple is inseparable, as they are united by common goals, interests and aspirations. In addition, mutual understanding, love and complete trust reign between Nikolai and Natalya. Working together, this couple can achieve a lot.

Nikolay and Marina

Active and enterprising Nikolai persistently seeks the affection of the calm Marina, who cannot resist the onslaught of such a determined suitor. Their tandem is strong and durable, since both look in the same direction and go towards the same goal.

Nikolai and Maria

This brilliant couple radiates success and love to people, although real life Their feelings are not always sincere and strong. Material well-being is important to Maria, so if Nikolai cannot provide it, the couple will break up.

Nikolay and Irina

Independence and pride are the obstacles that prevent Nikolai and Irina from building strong family who can overcome any adversity. At the same time, only difficulties can unite these two people.

Nikolay and Svetlana

The relationship in this interesting couple is developing truly rapidly, because the feelings of Nikolai and Svetlana are sincere and passionate. However, completely different life guidelines and views on family life can separate this couple.

Nikolai and Christina

This couple cannot be separated if there is real feeling between them. Although there are many prerequisites for the separation of Nikolai and Christina: different temperaments, opposing views on life and family values.

Nikolay and Victoria

This is that rare union in which partners know how to support each other always and in everything, not only in word, but also in deed.

Nikolai is a reliable fortress, whose owner and rear is rightfully caring Victoria.

Nikolay and Ksenia

For Nikolai, family is, first of all, a calm island of love, where passions give way to stability and an atmosphere of comfort. Ksenia is looking for emotions even in family life, so this union rarely turns out to be strong.

Nikolai and Daria

Nikolai and Daria have a lot of love of freedom and independence, so often such an alliance does not have bright prospects, since both partners are not ready to adapt to each other’s requirements and interests, which negatively affects life together.

Nikolay and Alina

This is truly an ideal couple who have a lot in common: family values, strong friendship, and sincere love. In addition, Nikolai and Alina always have something to talk about, and therefore the couple is not afraid of boredom.

Nikolay and Lyudmila

This difficult union is built primarily on sexual compatibility, so when the passion passes, Nikolai and Lyudmila begin to quarrel over trifles, finding out who is right and who is wrong. Result: painful breakup.

Nikolay and Galina

Nikolay and Evgeniya

The candy-bouquet period for Nikolai and Evgenia is like a real fairy tale, but when it comes to living together, both will be truly disappointed, since they are not created for each other, as evidenced by their constant quarrels.

Nikolai and Nadezhda

Neither excessive impulsiveness, nor passionate temperament, nor loud showdowns are able to separate Nikolai and Nadezhda, who quarrel violently, but also reconcile no less emotionally.

Nikolay and Alena

The family of Alena and Nikolai is a logical continuation of their deep love, which begins with real and sincere friendship. Therefore, it is not surprising that their union is strong and reliable, durable and prosperous.

Nikolai and Alexandra

Alexandra is a worthy passion for the imperious Nicholas, who admires the iron patience of his chosen one. In this couple, conflicts are resolved through closed doors and exclusively through dialogue, which helps strengthen relationships.

Nikolai and Elizabeth

Two strong characters in one family is not an easy test, but if Nikolai and Lisa manage to pass it, then a truly bright future awaits them, full of happiness and prosperity.

Nikolay and Valentina

Valentina is a reserved and balanced person, so the emotional and passionate Nikolai has a hard time with her, which only encourages this man, for whom it is important to achieve his goals.

Nikolai is a man made of contradictions. Laziness and thirst for action, sociability and isolation, optimism and melancholy easily coexist in him. It is difficult for others to understand such a multifaceted character and relationships are difficult to build, although the name Nikolai gives its owner erudition and breadth of views. In addition, this man is stubborn, narcissistic and impulsive.

The origin of the name Nicholas is associated with Nicholas of Myra, one of the most revered Orthodox saints. He is popularly known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. According to legend, he was born to a childless couple, after his birth the mother was cured of her illness, and during the baptismal ceremony the child stood on his feet in the font. The baby even took mother's milk on Wednesday and Friday after evening prayers once a day.

As a child, Nicholas went to church during the day and read holy books at night, so he quickly received the title of priest. According to legend, he helped a bankrupt rich man escape from sin. A man wanted to turn his three daughters into harlots to avoid hunger and poverty. At night, Nikolai threw three bags of gold at his window. That is why it is customary to give gifts and sweets to children on Saint’s Day.

The saint had not only severity, but also kind heart, never refusing to help those in need. He knew how to calm the water with his prayers, which is why he is considered the patron saint of sailors and travelers. Many drivers have icons with the image of the Saint in their cars. He lived to a ripe old age, his relics remained incorruptible and many people come to him in search of help and healing.

Name meaning

Transfer from Greek name Nicholas - “who conquered the peoples.”


The meaning of the name Nikolai for a boy gives him an energetic and lively character from early childhood. Parents should think about sending their child to a sports section or club that he chooses on his own, so that his energy can be used for good, since threats have no effect on Kolya. Wit and ingenuity help the boy at school, although he studies for the sake of gaining authority among his peers. For the sake of the opinions of others, he is capable of taking unexpected actions. Kolya grows up sociable and joyful, but is often narcissistic and selfish.

The meaning of the name Nikolai in adolescence fills the boy with the spirit of adventurism; he is very self-willed, which is why he gets into various troubles. A leader by nature, Kolya does not get too attached to his few friends, and it is not easy to be friends with him: the guy can be harsh and overly direct. Despite the desire to be the best, Kolya is often simple-minded, and his analytical mind could not give him a breadth of views - the guy is primitive in his judgments. He is secretive and mysterious, but often suffers from a lack of love, which he will seek in relationships with girls.

The meaning of the name Nikolai for a man gives him diplomacy and the ability to understand others. Flexible thinking and a sharp mind help him acquire the necessary connections and maintain his reputation, protecting himself from gossip. In order to achieve full success, he must calm his pride and respect the opinions of others. Nikolai demands a lot from himself and those around him, but has a keen sense of justice. He will always help and will not demand anything in return, believing that an action should come from the heart, and not from duty. This man is a fighter who will stop at nothing to achieve what he wants, relying only on his own strength. Nikolai can be aggressive, sarcastic and very domineering.

In love, he gets carried away too quickly and can already discuss joint vacation plans on the second date. His beloved woman must have beauty, intelligence, femininity and patience, because Nikolai is very jealous. But at the same time, he has gallantry, charm and a rare ability to understand female psychology. His love of love prevents him from immersing himself deeply in feeling and he begins to consider each subsequent companion to be the same one. He marries early, but his wife will have to come to terms with infidelity or destroy the family; Nikolai himself rarely decides to divorce and constantly promises that this was the last time.

In the family, he values ​​care, attention and warmth of relationships; he cannot be called an exemplary spouse, but he is a loving father. He can help with household chores or look after the children, but for Nikolai it is important to have a personal space where there will be no strangers. Although he himself may cheat on his woman, he will never forgive the betrayal. Nikolai can be a faithful husband, provided that his wife fully satisfies him in the intimate sphere.


Let's consider the character of Nicholas according to his zodiac sign:

Zodiac sign Description of character
Aries Aries is distinguished by spontaneity and sincerity, the ability to enjoy little things. He is open to communication and does not seek benefits for himself. There are no secrets from the woman you love, but there is inconstancy in feelings
Taurus The combination of strength and masculinity, along with gullibility and vulnerability, is characteristic of Nicholas-Taurus. It is difficult to experience disappointments, but will not go into open conflict, trying to make peace. This is a faithful man who sees the meaning of life in his woman
Twins Changeability and impulsiveness are what characterize Gemini. Such character traits prevent him from building relationships with others. Falls in love at first sight
Cancer Nikolai-Cancer is an inquisitive man with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind. He is a pleasant and interesting conversationalist, loves travel and adventure. He takes relationships too easily
Lion Nikolai-Lev is temperamental, energetic, emotional. He is open, cannot stand lies, values ​​trust and warmth
Virgo Balance, calmness and friendliness are the main qualities of Nikolai-Virgo. Self-doubt prevents him from making important decisions quickly
Scales A romantic man who is narcissistic, vulnerable, sensitive and cold. He is dreamy, but these dreams are far from reality. In marriage, strive for harmony, but make no effort
Scorpion Nikolai-Scorpio loves freedom and does not tolerate encroachments on personal space. This attitude towards life leads him to long-term loneliness
Sagittarius Sensitivity, optimism, good nature are the main qualities of Nicholas the Sagittarius. He often needs recognition of his merits, so he flaunts them. Praise - best way start a relationship with him. In love he becomes a faithful and devoted husband
Capricorn Nicholas-Capricorn is distinguished by energy and a thirst for action. The inability to correctly calculate forces and set priorities prevents him from finishing what he started. Changeability and inconstancy lead him to late marriage
Aquarius Nikolai-Aquarius is quick-tempered, temperamental, fickle and absent-minded. His character prevents him from deciding on his place in life and becomes the reason for his loneliness. By nature a man is monogamous
Fish Nicholas, born under the sign of Pisces, is selfless and lives for the sake of others. He knows how to plan the future, and is used to giving in love. For him, family means care, love, understanding and trust.

Name color

The secret of the name Kolya lies in its talismans. Lucky colors:

  • Red - energy, desire to act, jealousy, emotionality.
  • Brown - impulsiveness, distrust, good character.
  • Blue - the desire to learn new things, loyalty, honesty.
  • Blue - trust, calmness, thirst for knowledge.
  • White - honesty, loyalty, modesty.

Name flower

Nicholas's flower is gladiolus. It symbolizes nobility, loyalty and friendship. Protects the family hearth from the evil eye and troubles. During the Middle Ages, it was believed that the flower protected against early death.

Name day

Nikolai's name day:

  • January 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 24, 31;
  • February 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 26, 28;
  • March 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 26;
  • April 18, 24;
  • May 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 22, 29, 30;
  • :1, 5, 10, 18, 20, 23, 27 June;
  • July 4, 8, 17, 27;
  • August 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 25, 26 and 27;
  • September 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28;
  • October 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 31;
  • November 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29;
  • December 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31.

Church name

Nicholas's church name coincides with his secular name.

Translation of name in different languages

How to spell the name Nikolai different languages world:

  • Ukrainian version - Mikolay, Mikola.
  • Portuguese - Nicolau.
  • Croatian - Nikola, Nikula.
  • There are three designations for the name Nikolai in Czech: Mikuláš, Mikoláš and Nikola.
  • Nikolai in Finnish is Nikolaus.

IN English male name Nicholas has two spellings: Nicholas or Nikolas. But for a foreign passport the name is written in Nikolai transcription.

Full name, shortened, affectionate

Kolya's full name is Nikolai. How the name sounds sweet and short:

  • Ring.
  • Kolenka.
  • Kolyunya.
  • Stroller.
  • Nicolas.
  • Kolyan.
  • Nikolaychik.

Middle names

The middle name for a boy named Nikolai is Nikolaevich. The boy can be called:

  • Andrey.
  • Valery.
  • Gennady.
  • Oleg.
  • Mikhail.
  • Sergei.
  • Anatoly.
  • Matvey.

The middle name for a girl is Nikolaevna. Names for daughter:

  • Anastasia.
  • Olga.
  • Catherine.
  • Antonina.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Alevtina;
  • Natalia.
  • Tatiana.
  • Anna.


Declension of the name Nikolai by case:

  • In nominative and accusative - Nikolai.
  • In the genitive - Nicholas.
  • In the dative - Nikolai.
  • In the creative - Nikolai.
  • In the prepositional form - about Nikolai.


Compatibility of Nikolay with other names:

  1. With Olga there is passion, the departure of which leaves a void that is difficult to fill.
  2. With Anna - a good alliance. She will support him, and he will give him a lot of joy and positive emotions.
  3. Elizabeth has a strong character, like Nikolai, which is not easy for a relationship, but if the two find a compromise, a happy family life awaits them.
  4. It’s difficult for Nikolai with Valentina, she is reserved and calm, but difficulties only force him to achieve her favor.
  5. Alexandra is the ideal woman to match Nikolai. He admires her iron patience. Conflicts are resolved through conversations and are not taken out of the house.
  6. Relationships with Alena begin with friendship, develop into deep love and end with a strong family.
  7. With Nadezhda there are frequent quarrels and stormy showdowns, but the partners will not part with each other.
  8. Nikolai and Evgenia do not stand the test of family life, since they are very different, but the period of courtship is full of mutual understanding.
  9. With Love it will work out great strong union. A man will do everything so that she does not need anything and lives in comfort.
  10. Galina strives for primacy in the family, and Nikolai does not want to give in, the couple breaks up, because over time the partners become strangers.
  11. With Lyudmila, Nikolai is held by passion, but after it fades away, disputes and conflicts begin, leading to a breakup.
  12. You won’t be able to have a strong relationship with Daria because of the love of freedom and independence of each partner.
  13. A strong family is hardly possible with Ksenia. She is looking for emotions, and Nikolai wants peace in the house.
  14. I have a strong relationship with Victoria, where both value each other very much.
  15. Relations with Svetlana develop quickly, but in family life they are very different, which can lead to a break.
  16. With Catherine - a passionate union and excellent sexual compatibility. A flurry of emotions cannot break a couple.
  17. Nikolai and I have common interests and views on life, but there is no mutual understanding. This situation separates them in different directions.


Famous people named Nikolai:

  1. Gogol is a writer.
  2. Rastorguev is a singer.
  3. Gumilev - Writer.
  4. Karachentsov is an actor.
  5. Nicholas II - last emperor Tsarist Russia.
  6. Rubinstein is a virtuoso pianist and conductor.
  7. Roerich is a Russian artist.
  8. Pirogov is the founder of military field surgery.
  9. Karamzin is a historian.

Nikolai is distinguished by rigor, exactingness and honesty; if he begins to be cunning, this is a sure sign of lost trust. He cannot be called a careerist, but the man will do everything to get a higher position, he will simply go towards it calmly and systematically. Diligence and responsibility will help him in any area.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Nikolai

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