Nomenclature minutes of the general meeting of employees. Sample minutes of a labor collective meeting

Section: Document samples

Document type: Protocol

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The first issue on the agenda was addressed by the chairman of the meeting A.A. Petrova. which reported that the team of workers and the administration of the company had developed a project collective agreement, and suggested


conclude a collective agreement in the proposed wording.


Minutes of the general meeting of the organization’s employees on concluding a collective agreement (example)

Home / Information and reference documents / Minutes / Minutes of the general meeting of employees of the organization on the conclusion of a collective agreement (example)

The total number of team members is 9 people.

There were 9 people present.

There is a quorum, the meeting is competent to make decisions.

A.A. Petrova was elected chairman of the meeting. Secretary of the meeting V.V. Sidorov


1. Participation in collective bargaining.

2. Conclusion of a collective agreement.

3. Election of a representative on behalf of workers to sign a collective agreement.


conclude a collective agreement in the proposed wording.

Chairman of the meeting A.A. Petrova spoke on the second item on the agenda. who proposed to elect Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kashina as a representative on behalf of the workers and entrust her with signing a collective agreement on behalf of the workers.


elect Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kashina as a representative on behalf of the workers and entrust her with signing the collective agreement on behalf of the workers.

The agenda is exhausted and the meeting is considered closed.

Chairman of the meeting ___________________ /Petrova A.A./

Secretary of the meeting _____________________ /Sidorova V.V./

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on the issue of conducting collective negotiations for the conclusion of a collective agreement (sample filling) ("HR Officer. Personnel records management", 2010, n 8)

The form was prepared using legal acts as of July 20, 2010.

Approximate sample

Number of employees - 318 people

Present - 298 people


1. Election of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting.

2. Election of representatives of the labor collective for collective bargaining.

3. List of issues to be included in the collective agreement.

4. Approval of the text of the proposal to begin collective bargaining.

1. Speaker:

Head of the transport department Sergeev D.N. - proposed to elect T.D. Markova, head of the human resources department, as chairman of the general meeting. Secretary - Clerk Pereverzev V.V.


elect T.D. Markova, head of the human resources department, as chairman of the general meeting. Secretary - Clerk Pereverzev V.V.

for - 290 people (97% of those present)

against - 3 people (1%)

abstained - 5 people (1.7%).

2. Speakers:

Head of HR Department Markova T.D. - invited employees to nominate employee representatives for collective bargaining.

Accountant of the settlement department Uvarova N.G. - proposed the candidacy of S.A. Grigorieva. occupational safety engineer.

Software engineer Sinitsyn G.V. - proposed the candidacy of E.N. Fedorov. leading specialist.

Mechanic Karpov E.F. - proposed the candidacy of G.V. Leonova. picker

Driver Rogov A.V. - proposed the candidacy of E.I. Ivanova. storekeeper

Head of HR Department Markova T.D. - proposed to elect the proposed candidates as representatives of the labor collective for negotiations.


elect these workers as representatives of the labor collective for collective bargaining.

for - 292 people (98% of those present)

against - 6 people (2%)

no abstentions.

3. Speaker:

HR inspector Ilyina N.G. - proposed a list of questions for collective bargaining regarding:

1) additional payments and allowances

2) introduction of quarterly bonuses

3) guarantees for pensioners upon dismissal

4) financial assistance upon marriage, upon the birth of children

5) additional workwear

6) additional insurance of employees against accidents.

approve the proposed list of issues.

Sample internal labor regulations

An employee who, for health reasons in accordance with a medical report, needs to be provided with easier work, the employer must transfer, with the employee’s consent, to such work for the period specified in the medical report, and, if necessary, establish a shortened working day. Persons under the age of 18 are employed only after preliminary medical examination(Art. The purpose of the rules is a clear organization of labor and strengthening labor discipline creating safe working conditions increasing productivity and efficiency rational use working hours.

The listed responsibilities can be assigned to one of the founders (read below on how to do this). The positions of director of the enterprise and executive director are accepted after the candidates are approved by the meeting of founders (documented in the minutes of the meeting). In this case, you need a document confirming such an appointment (for example, minutes of the general meeting of ooo).

The monetary part of the bonus is awarded to medical workers in the manner prescribed by current legislation and regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Award of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to medical workers of public health institutions and those created on the basis of property belonging to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea 1. Law of Ukraine on remuneration for severe cases financial situation it is possible for businesses to downsize tariff rates(and therefore official salaries) for a period of up to 6 months.

If necessary, the enterprise may establish individual working hours for individual employees with their consent. The presentation of the award to medical workers coincides with the day medical worker. Some experts express the opinion that the management of an enterprise by the founder (owner) without registration labor relations for some organizational and legal forms of business it is not entirely legal (for example, for economic societies). The employee is compensated for work on weekends in the manner prescribed by law (Article Founder-Director, how to correctly formalize modern economic realities are such that often at the enterprise, including due to the suspension of activities, there is not a single hired employee left and the functions of the manager are performed by one of The founders’ application is accompanied by data on the team’s labor achievements in the field of healthcare, information on the specific personal merits of the team’s representatives, copies of their passports and identification numbers, copies of educational diplomas, copies of certificates of availability. qualification category in the specialty, an extract from the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective.

Minutes of the general meeting of employees sample

Who's online

Extracts from the minutes of general meetings of the labor collective 2013-2014

dated January 15, 2013

Attended: 24 person(s)

Absent: 8 person(s)

Chairman: Mirzaeva N.V. (Chairman of the primary trade union organization)

Secretary: Goroshkova E.P.

1. On the selection of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting of the labor collective for 2013

2. On the tariffication of employees. Changes in wages.

3. On the adoption of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012, Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”

4. On amendments to the charter of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten general developmental type No. 72"

1. Elect as chairman: educator, chairman of the primary trade union organization - N.V. Mirzaev

Secretary - E.P. Goroshkova Deputy Head of VMR

2. Take note of the tariffs as of 01/01/2013

3. Take note and become more familiar with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012, Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”

4. Adopt changes to the charter of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General developmental kindergarten No. 72”. Authorize E.V. Sukhareva register changes to the institution’s charter with the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 12 for the Vologda Region.

Chairman: Mirzaeva N.V.



1. Adopt changes and additions to the provisions: “Regulations on the procedure for providing additional leave to employees engaged in work with hazardous working conditions”, “Regulations on the BLOCK-RATING SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF EMPLOYEES’ ACTIVITIES”, “REGULATIONS ON INCENTIVE PAYMENTS, INCLUDING FOR THE QUALITY OF WORK PERFORMED, INTENSITY AND HIGH WORK RESULTS, BONUS PAYMENTS,” “INTERNAL LABOR RULES,” “REGULATIONS ON WAGES”


1. On the adoption of amendments and additions to the collective agreement on municipal budget preschool educational institution“General developmental kindergarten No. 72” between the administration and the workforce for 2012-2015

2. On the right of employees to sign a collective agreement

1. A proposal was received to accept changes and additions to the collective agreement for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General Developmental Kindergarten No. 72” between the administration and the workforce for 2012-2015

2. The right of signature on the part of workers should be entrusted to the chairman of the primary trade union organization, Natalya Vladimirovna Mirzaeva.

3. Familiarize employees with the changes against signature

Extract from protocol No. 4

Absent: 5 person(s)

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective recognized as one of main organizational and administrative documents of the meeting. How and for what purpose is it compiled? In this article we will answer these and some other questions in detail.

What is a general meeting of the labor collective?

A general meeting of the workforce is convened to resolve the most important issues in the life of the organization.

According to Russian legislation, there are two types of such meetings.

They are differentiated depending on the number of workers present c, necessary to recognize the meeting as competent:

  • general a meeting of employees has legal force if more than 1/2 of the organization’s employees are present at it;
  • An employee conference has legal force if it is attended by at least 2/3 of the delegates, elected by employees.

Labor legislation establishes issues the resolution of which is the exclusive authority of the general meeting (conference) of workers. These include:

  • election of a representative for collective bargaining;
  • election of employee representatives to the commission on labor disputes;
  • making a decision on the formation of a labor dispute commission V structural unit organizations;
  • statement, presenting the requirements in proper form and sending them to the employer workers;
  • making a decision to go on strike.

However a general meeting of the labor collective may be convened to resolve other issues at its discretion, if these problems are not attributed by law to the exclusive competence of another body or official.

A meeting of the workforce allows you to solve many problems. If the question was about violation of the charter or abuse of authority, then it may be necessary which you will find at the link.

Voting at the meeting is open. The remaining issues related to the procedure for convening and activities of the meeting are not regulated by law, which means their resolution falls within the competence of the general meeting itself.

What is the protocol for?

The minutes of the general meeting of employees reflect the sequence of discussion of issues discussed at a particular meeting, records decisions made and sets deadlines for their implementation.

This document is legally binding. In other words, if any decision taken at the general meeting is not recorded in the minutes, this decision is recognized as non-existent and is not binding.

Procedure for drawing up a protocol

It is advisable to consider the procedure for maintaining the protocol in relation to three stages:

  1. Preparatory actions;
  2. Drawing up a protocol;
  3. Familiarization with the protocol of interested parties.

Preparatory actions

The person whose responsibilities include drawing up the protocol general meeting of the labor collective, is the secretary.

In practice, the secretary (along with the chairman) is usually elected by employees before the meeting or during the meeting as part of one of the agenda items.

Before drawing up the protocol must be carried out by the secretary preparatory work , consisting of several stages:

  1. The secretary must clarify the issues to be discussed, and coordinate them with management. In addition, it is necessary determine regulations for consideration of each issue individually and the meeting as a whole;
  2. The second stage produces notification of the labor collective about a collective meeting;
  3. Further the secretary establishes the sequence of consideration of issues taking into account the approved regulations, making the most important questions to the begining;
  4. The next step is familiarization with the agenda of all meeting participants, as well as persons invited as observers;
  5. Then the secretary prepares the registration sheet(document required to record the number of participants in the general meeting in the minutes);
  6. Further it is necessary to distribute the abstracts of the speakers' reports among the participants and other necessary materials;
  7. Finally, directly before the meeting, the secretary copies documents related to the general meeting, and distributes them to everyone present.

Drawing up a protocol

During the meeting the secretary keeps a full and detailed record of the discussions, after which he is obliged to draw up a protocol as soon as possible and submit it to the chairman for review and approval.

In addition to the secretary and chairman, the protocol must be signed by all participants.

To make this process easier, you can prepare a “sign-in sheet” of sorts before the meeting.

Each participant, upon entering the meeting room (or leaving it), will enter his surname, initials and signature into this document. Such registration the sheet is subsequently attached to the protocol.

When preparing the protocol it may be necessary logbook work records, you can view the sample and download it.

It is important to note that the protocol is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead in A4 format, in which each page is numbered. The document must be bound and stored throughout the organization’s activities.

Familiarization with the protocol of interested parties

After signing All employees of the organization, as well as other interested parties, must be familiarized with the protocol. Such familiarization can be carried out in two forms:

  1. Sending a copy of the protocol. In this case, the secretary makes copies of the protocol and sends them to all interested parties by post, fax, Email or delivers the protocol in person.
  2. Placing an extract from the protocol on the information stand organizations. An extract from the protocol is a copy of a fragment of the text of the original document relevant to the issue that needs to be communicated to interested parties.

The essential elements of the extract are the mandatory details of the minutes of the meeting, the introductory part, one of the issues on the agenda, the process of its discussion and the decision made. To give the extract legal significance, the signature of the secretary of the meeting is sufficient.

Protocol structure and plan

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective, includes introductory and main parts. A component of the protocol can also be special opinion individual participant.

In contrast to this opinion, the mandatory details of the protocol are parts of the document, without which it has no legal force.

Required details

Mandatory details of any protocol general meeting of the labor collective are:

  • full name of the organization;
  • type of document (in our case it is protocol);
  • date of the meeting ( if the meeting took place over several days, the start and end dates are indicated with a dash);
  • registration number;
  • place of compilation;
  • title to the text ( details of a document that briefly outlines its contents);
  • signatures of the secretary and chairman meetings.

Introductory part

The elements of the introductory part of the protocol are:

  • Full name of the secretary and chairman;
  • Full name of meeting participants. Provided that their number is more than 15 people, only their number is recorded, A full list participants, indicating their last names and initials, is attached to the protocol. Besides, the total number of employees of the organization is noted;
  • Full name of invited persons, if any, along with the position and place of work;
  • Agenda. Agenda items are arranged in descending order of importance. In addition to the questions it is necessary to note the speakers for each of them.

Complete information about each employee is available in employment contract. How to lead , sample - see the link.

Main part and extract

The main part of the protocol consists of sections. The content of each section must correspond to the issues on the agenda ( the first section is devoted to the first item on the agenda, etc.). The section plan includes the following elements:

  • the first structural element begins with the word “Listen:...”. IN it indicates the name of the speaker and, as a rule, the title of the report. Himself the report is attached to the protocol. However, the text of the report can be directly placed in this part of the protocol;
  • the second element is introduced with the word “Spoken by:...”. The names of persons who asked questions to the speaker or otherwise participated in the discussion on the issue are reflected here. In addition, the essence of these questions and speeches is formulated;
  • the last part is introduced with the word “We decided:...”. It sets out the decision made. Under him the number of those who voted “for”, “against”, and also abstained from voting is indicated.

In addition, a list of persons who did not take part in the vote must be attached. A decision on one issue may consist of more than one paragraph.

In this case they are placed depending on decreasing significance.The dissenting opinion of an individual participant is noted in the minutes after the decision to which it relates.

Many issues are resolved by the organization's accounting policies. Read about what it is.

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective regarding the conclusion of a collective agreement (sample)

One of the common reasons for holding a general meeting of employees of an organization is the conclusion or amendment of a collective agreement. It should be noted that in this case the minutes of the general meeting have its own characteristics.

So, in the introductory part, in addition to the details already indicated, you should representatives of employees and the employer should be noted.

If you decide to open own business and can’t decide, then the article at the link will help you figure it out.

Most often, the representative of the employees is the primary trade union organization (a trade union that unites more than half of the employer’s employees). But in the absence of such an organization, employee representatives are elected by a general meeting (conference) of employees.

The agenda in such a protocol must necessarily include the issue, which can be formulated as follows: “On the conclusion of a collective agreement.”

The decision specifies the period for which the collective agreement is concluded.. The text of the agreement itself is attached to the protocol.

You can download a sample minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective.

If representatives of employees and the employer do not come to an agreement on certain aspects of the collective agreement, then the agreement is concluded on the terms that were agreed upon, and Both the concluded agreement and the protocol of disagreements are attached to the protocol.

The protocol of disagreements may subsequently be submitted to a labor dispute commission or court for resolution.

A separate paragraph in the decision may contain a provision on granting the right to representatives of employees and the employer to sign the contract.

Thus, as we found out, the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective (general meeting of workers or conference of workers) is a document that gives legally binding force to the decision of the meeting.

For that in order to properly document the protocol, the secretary must do a tremendous amount of work both at the preparation stage and during the meeting, as well as after the meeting.

A positive reference from a place of work can dramatically change your future career, detailed information -.

The protocol is a strictly formal document, having a fixed structure: introductory and main parts. Generally appointment of this document is to ensure timely and strict execution decisions of the general meeting labor collective.

Sometimes it is necessary to hold a meeting not only of the workforce, but also of the LLC participants; see how to do this correctly here:

After the decision to create a company with limited liability(LLC) requires its documentation and confirmation by all founders. For this purpose, a general meeting of founders is convened, at which all organizational issues of creation are discussed and put to a vote. The decisions made and voting results are summarized in the minutes of the general meeting of the founders of the LLC. The drawing up, approval and execution of such a protocol in 2019 is carried out according to certain rules.

What is it needed for

The establishment of an LLC in accordance with Article 11 of Law No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies” is carried out by a meeting of founders, if there are two or more of them. The meeting of founders is intended to determine the starting positions of the LLC being created, choose directions for development and establish the further procedure for carrying out the work of both the company and the participation of each of the founders in it.

After registration and registration of the formed LLC, decision-making and discussion current work will also be discussed at general meetings, but they will be called general meetings of participants. Thus, the general founding meeting can only be held once when organizing an LLC; accordingly, the minutes of such a meeting of founders become not only the first document of the new company, but also the only one of its kind.

The importance of this document cannot be overstated. It will reflect all the fundamental decisions that will confirm the formation of the LLC and the beginning of its work. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up such a document with full responsibility, taking into account that the decisions reflected in it may subsequently affect the resolution of emerging conflicts, and sometimes lead to the recognition of decisions as invalid or void.

General meeting of LLC participants

After the creation and registration of the LLC, general meetings will be convened to resolve a number of issues related to the activities of the company. They can be regular and convened to resolve urgent issues on an extraordinary basis. Regular meetings are usually associated with the discussion of reports on the activities of the company, therefore Law No. 14-FZ on LLCs establishes that such a meeting must be convened at least once a year within a period of 2 to 4 months after the end of the reporting period. At regular meetings, the main issue is approval accounting reports, discussion of the results of the company’s activities and directions for further development.

The convening of an extraordinary general meeting of participants occurs when issues arise, the resolution of which is within the exclusive competence of this collegial body. These questions include:

  1. Amendments to the existing charter.
  2. Decision on the size of the authorized capital, the possibility of increasing or decreasing it.
  3. Cases of changes in the composition of governing bodies upon expiration of the term of office or structural reorganizations.
  4. Issues of the amount of remuneration to the executive bodies of the company.
  5. Participation of the company in associations or other types of commercial organizations.
  6. Decisions on opening branches and representative offices of the company.
  7. Organization audits with the choice of auditor and determination of the amount of remuneration.
  8. Issues of distribution of net profit between participants.
  9. Discussion and resolution of issues of reorganization and liquidation of the company.

An extraordinary meeting may also be convened to resolve other issues provided for by law or included in the charter. The convening of regular and extraordinary meetings is carried out by executive bodies LLC, they also draw up the protocol properly.

How to compose

The basic requirements for the minutes of the general meeting of founders, as well as other types of meetings, are regulated by Article 181 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, the protocol must contain the following information:

  • about the time and place of the meeting;
  • information about meeting participants (registration data about individuals and legal entities);
  • voting results for each decision;
  • data of those who carried out the vote count;
  • information about those who voted “against” and insist on having their decision included in the protocol.

Mandatory questions

After the meeting votes to elect a chairman and secretary, the agenda is discussed. constituent Assembly It is mandatory to consider and put to a vote, and then reflect in the minutes the main organizational issues:

  1. The decision to establish an LLC.
  2. Name.
  3. Place of registration.
  4. Approval of the adopted or approval of the use of the model charter.
  5. Accepted size information authorized capital and the order of its formation. Determine the size of the share of each founder and the procedure for contributing shares.
  6. Decision on the election of company management bodies.
  7. If necessary, the issue of forming an audit commission and selecting an auditor is considered.

Additionally, other issues may be considered, including the appointment of those responsible for the registration procedure of the company, approval of the seal design, determination of the procedure for holding general meetings, etc.

Voting registration

A chairman and secretary are elected to conduct the meeting and draw up minutes. One of the founders is elected as the chairman, and the secretary may not be one of them. The minutes contain the results of voting on each issue discussed by the meeting. If, during voting, opinions differ from the majority, they are reflected in the protocol, if desired by the participant who expressed them. In this case, documents substantiating such an opinion may be attached to the protocol.

Detailed keeping of minutes and information about voting can be useful if disagreements arise and an appeal to the court to declare the decisions of the meeting invalid or void. The reasons for invalidation may be the following:

  • failure to comply with the procedure for convening and conducting a meeting, if this could affect decision-making;
  • violations related to the performance of unauthorized persons;
  • manifestations of inequality among participants during the meeting;
  • errors when drawing up the protocol.

The invalidity of decisions is contestable, in contrast to the recognition of decisions as void. To recognize the decisions of the meeting as void, more compelling reasons are needed, which include:

  • if a decision is made on an issue not on the agenda;
  • the meeting was held without a quorum;
  • the issue under discussion was not within the competence of the meeting;
  • the decision made violates the laws of morality.

Every meeting participant who voted against the decision or abstained has the right to challenge the decisions of the minutes.


The finished protocol must be signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary as a sign of confirmation of the accuracy of the information provided. does not require certification with a seal, especially since this moment the seal does not yet exist. If the protocol consists of several pages, it can be stitched and numbered. This is not a mandatory requirement, but having the firmware and signatures on the last page will increase the credibility of the document.

Additionally, the signatures of all founders can be entered into the protocol as a sign of confirmation of their participation in voting and agreement with the results presented. So that each participant can familiarize himself with the protocol, he is provided with a copy within 10 days.

Another way to confirm decisions made and the voting results may require notarization of the protocol, but this is not included in the mandatory requirements for registration and is carried out only at the request of the founders themselves. The completed meeting minutes are stored in a special minutes folder and should be available to all meeting participants.

In contact with

The minutes of a meeting of the labor collective, a sample of which will be discussed in this article, is an organizational and administrative document that records the process of discussing all issues on the agenda. How to draw up a protocol correctly and without errors?

Who compiles and when

The minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective (a sample of it is presented below) are kept during the meeting itself. If the entire process is recorded on a voice recorder, then a protocol can be drawn up after the meeting.

The minutes are kept by a specially appointed person or secretary of the organization. The correctness of document preparation and the quality of the entries made depend on his qualifications. For registration, use the organization's letterhead.

Why is the meeting needed?

A team meeting is necessary in order to resolve important issues that have arisen in the organization. This concerns existing problems, resolving disagreements in the team, forcing the manager to comply with the instructions of internal local documents, etc. The number of employees who must be present at the meeting varies from 50% to 70% of the total number. The required number of people present depends on the issue on the agenda. The final decision is made by an overwhelming majority of half of the voters. Such meetings are relevant not only in production, but also, for example, in educational institutions.

Let's look at the minutes of a school staff meeting (sample document).


When drawing up a protocol, the authorized person must ensure that the document contains the required information:

  1. Date, place, time of the meeting.
  2. The main issue on the agenda (for example, the minutes of a meeting of the work collective on awards - sample below).
  3. The total number of all employees of the organization and the number of participants in the meeting. In addition, it is necessary to have a general list of meeting participants, which is drawn up in a separate document.
  4. Information about the chairman and clerk of the meeting, the topic on the agenda, the workers who spoke, and the orders issued.
  5. The result of the meeting, which is established by counting votes.

The minutes must be certified by the signatures of the chairman and secretary. It is also necessary to indicate the details of all employees involved, indicating the position of each. If there are several issues on the agenda, then each of them is discussed separately. At the end of the meeting, the minutes must reflect all issues and decisions on them.


The minutes of the meeting of the labor collective, a sample of which is presented in the article, is the main administrative document of collective management and is drawn up as a document indicating the main details of the organization.

The standard form of the protocol should contain the following information:

  • full name of the enterprise;
  • document's name;
  • formation date;
  • if the protocol is of an administrative nature, an index is indicated;
  • place of formation;
  • issues on the agenda;
  • signatures of the chairman and secretary.

The protocol may also contain additional information:

  • approval mark;
  • department name;
  • application note;
  • type of voting (open or secret).

The main features of the preparation of such documents, compliance with the filling rules, indication of additional information, wording are established labor legislation, existing management situations and business dynamics.

Office work

Throughout the meeting, the clerk keeps general minutes of the meeting, which must be numbered and bound. The document must also bear the signature of the manager and the stamp of the organization.

Such documents are maintained throughout the year and are signed by the chairman and secretary of the meetings. At the same time, minutes of meetings are compiled systematically, transferred for storage on the basis of the relevant act and included in general nomenclature business Minutes of meetings must be kept throughout the existence of the organization.

Let's take a closer look at a sample extract from the minutes of a meeting of the labor collective.


Any collective action labor disputes, an agreement or disagreement adopted in connection with the consideration of a dispute must be formalized through the minutes of a meeting of the labor collective. A sample document is considered valid if it was drawn up at a meeting at which more than half of the total number of all employees of the organization or at least 30% of the number of elected delegates were present.

The work team may have its own representatives at such meetings:

  • unions;
  • union associations;
  • other associations that are provided for by the charters of interregional trade unions;
  • other associations that are elected by employees of enterprises and do not contradict the law.

The interests of employees are represented by the primary trade union organization or elected representatives. If the agenda includes issues of concluding, authorizing or amending a collective agreement, as well as monitoring its implementation, the interests of employees can be represented by a trade union.

Those employees who avoid participating in a meeting, as well as representatives who refuse to provide premises for a meeting, may be subject to disciplinary sanctions or administrative liability.

Above is the protocol of the labor collective meeting (sample document), which complies with labor law standards.

Minutes of the general meeting of the team

Some production issues at an enterprise can only be resolved by bringing together the entire team. Workforce meetings are an effective measure for identifying problems that already exist and that may soon appear.

The process of discussing production issues, disputes and disagreements, proposed ideas and decisions made must be recorded. This is necessary not only for composing, but also for improving productivity. A good protocol reflects personal and collective opinions and helps formulate a strategy for further action.

As such, there is no general opinion on how it should be compiled. If you do not know exactly how to create and formalize the minutes of a general meeting of the work collective, you can find it in. The network offers a large number of options. You need to take into account those that meet the following requirements:

  • Have a clear structure;
  • Concise and to the point;
  • Summarize the meeting;
  • Reflect the results of voting or voting;
  • They allow you to understand within a minute the essence of the meeting and the goals it achieved.

The protocols are filed in a separate folder. With their help, you can draw conclusions about how the team is configured and what is needed to create high-quality conditions and a favorable psychological atmosphere at the enterprise.

Collective meetings are held when problems arise; they are often associated with internal disagreements and discontent, therefore it is very important that the protocol is not a formality, but a document that 100% reflects the situation in the team. According to , meetings are considered legitimate when they are attended by from one second to two thirds of the team. Decisions are made by voting and counted when half of those present have voted, plus one more vote.

The minutes of the team meeting should clearly reflect the essence of the issues being resolved.

How should the document be drawn up?

The very name “protocol” suggests that it must comply general requirements and have all the standard characteristics of any , that is, it must indicate:

  • The date of the,
  • Time,
  • Place,
  • The number of people present and its comparison with the total number of team members,
  • Information about those who chair the meeting and take minutes of it,
  • The essence of the issues discussed and decisions made,
  • Counting of voters, etc.

There is a rule common to all enterprises and companies, according to which all protocols must be drawn up on company letterhead.

Minutes of the meeting

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