Treatment facilities at the dacha. Toilet in a country house: choosing local treatment facilities

Our company produces autonomous sewers for private homes. With BIO-S products you organize productive cleaning Wastewater for further use of liquids for technical needs. We sell gravity-fed, forced-flow systems on a turn-key basis – with further installation and maintenance. You can also purchase autonomous sewerage with the required level of performance, salvo discharge. We will deliver your order to the desired address in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Construction of structures

Domestic sewers "BIO-S" are made of several parts. The body is polypropylene. The material does not corrode and withstands exposure to aggressive substances. There are compartments inside the case. When wastewater passes through it, it removes contaminants through aerobic bacteria. The output is pure liquid. It goes directly into the ground, reservoir or reservoirs. In the latter case, it is possible to use purified water for irrigation and other household needs.

Advantages of our products

Local sewer systems are effective method drainage of drains of different levels of pollution. Installation of structures without pumping is in demand among owners of country houses because they:

  1. purify wastewater by 98%;
  2. made of high-strength, moisture-resistant material;
  3. do not allow unpleasant odors to escape;
  4. have compact dimensions allowing the installation of structures in small areas;
  5. non-volatile - the system will work even if there is a power outage;
  6. easy to install due to low weight;
  7. do not require frequent maintenance - once a year is enough.

With all the advantages, the cost of treatment facilities is favorable. You buy an autonomous sewer system from the manufacturer. This not only determines an attractive price, but also guarantees the quality of the products. In addition, we additionally provide systems installation and maintenance services. As a result of cooperation, you receive reliable sewerage and high-quality service from BIO-S professionals.

Call at a convenient time and ask questions. We will advise you on the choice of an autonomous sewer system, the production of custom-made structures, and discuss the nuances of providing services. Do not doubt that cooperation with BIO-S will be fruitful and enjoyable.

Country life can be not only useful and procuring, but also enjoyable. To ensure that nothing mars your stay in your favorite area, it is necessary to solve all everyday problems. Often in holiday villages there is no centralized sewerage system, so water drainage and purification must be carried out locally. The same problems can arise with the supply of electricity and water. The owners of the site are faced with the question of how to install septic tanks for their dachas, which one is better and more efficient.

Finding a system for local sewerage is quite easy, since manufacturers different countries developed various options for every taste. However, you need to navigate a variety of models, materials and prices in order to find the ideal septic tank for your site that will satisfy all the parameters.

The systems differ in several ways:

  • operating principle.
  • materials used.
  • weight and volume.
  • performance and device.

How to choose a septic tank for a summer house and country house

Before purchasing and installing, or maybe making a septic tank on your own personal plot, it is necessary to consider several basic small but important issues that owners must determine:

  • type of residence - seasonal or permanent.
  • how much resources are you willing to spend on wastewater treatment?
  • how high to the surface the groundwater is located and the type of soil on the site.
  • what are the dimensions of the plot.
  • how many people will live in the house and how many plumbing fixtures create drains.

Features of choosing septic tanks by materials and types

Manufacturers offer a large number of various models of septic tanks to their consumers. It is difficult to immediately make a choice, especially when the problem arose for the first time and there is no proper experience in installing such equipment. Septic tanks for homes and cottages can be inexpensive and have a minimum of components, and, on the contrary, they can be complex and expensive.

Types of wastewater treatment plants

According to the principle of operation, it is customary to divide equipment into two main types:

  • cumulative.
  • cleansing.

The simplest model is a regular storage tank. In simple terms, a storage tank is a cesspool (not a septic tank, since wastewater is not purified), which requires constant cleaning. It is extremely difficult to carry out such a procedure on your own, so you cannot do it without the services of a sewer truck.

In the case where a small family intends to spend only the summer at the dacha, it is not advisable for them to install, for example, a biorefinery station. The bacteria necessary for processing waste cannot survive the rest of the time without food, so the best solution for seasonal living may be a simple storage container.

Treatment facilities have a more complex design and corresponding price. They can be distinguished by the following parameters:

  • principle of operation.
  • final cleaning level.
  • capacity volume.
  • availability of additional functions.

If a family plans to live in a country house permanently, then the option of installing a septic tank or a full-scale bio-treatment station will be simply necessary. A cesspool (storage tank) is not suitable, since it will no longer be financially profitable.

For example, if 3 people live, the daily drainage will be about 600 liters (200 liters per person), and per week already 4200 liters (4 cubic meters). With an average capacity of a sewer truck of 4 cubic meters, it turns out that you will have to order a machine 4 times a month. Then you can calculate for yourself, based on the prices for these services in your region, how much you will spend per month and year. What will be more profitable for you?

In terms of the degree of cleaning, a septic tank for a private home can be very effective. To achieve 50-75% purification, it is enough to purchase (install yourself) a 1-3 chamber settling tank (depending on the amount of wastewater). After which the water is sent for soil purification (filtration fields or drainage well).

A septic tank without pumping will cost much more, but money can be saved by constantly calling out a specialized machine. In fact, you will have to call a sewer truck in any case, the only question is how often. If you use a three-chamber septic tank, then about once a year you need to pump out the resulting sludge, and if you add special bacteria, then even less often than once every 5 years.

Now let's talk a little about deep cleaning stations (not quite a septic tank and require electricity to operate).

As the manufacturers of such installations claim, the degree of wastewater purification reaches 98%, but there are points of view that this is simply marketing ploy and in fact the degree of purification is less. The water from such a station can be used to water your site, but it is not recommended, since it may still contain dangerous bacteria due to the disadvantages described below. To use water after the station, additional filtration facilities are needed.

The main advantages of aeration units:

  • The biorefinery station has small sizes and does not take up much space (convenient to place in a small area).
  • Unlike the same cesspool(single-chamber storage tank), in installation biological treatment It is not the accumulation of sewage that occurs, but its biochemical decomposition into simple and practically safe compounds - process water and stabilized activated sludge, and even no odors remain.
  • This installation is convenient because its installation is the easiest to do and the excavation work is small.
  • Manufacturers, as a rule, have their own teams that can install equipment within a short time and then provide service.
  • All equipment is manufactured at the factory, so reliability will be higher than that of a self-made design.
  • Can be used at high levels groundwater.

Disadvantages of deep cleaning stations:

  • More accurate performance calculations are required. There is a risk of an unstable degree of purification if there are more or fewer residents than the installation is designed for.
  • Energy dependence. When there is a power outage, the degree of purification tends to zero.
  • Complexity of design. Periodic maintenance and repair of equipment is required.
  • A long break in use is not allowed.
  • Due to its small volume, it does not cope well with large household waste and with volley discharge (a large volume of wastewater in a short period of time, for example, draining a bathtub).
  • Requires periodic maintenance by specialists (every 3-6 months).

Preferred material for septic tank

When wondering what a septic tank should be like, you also need to decide on the material. Most often, containers are made of metal and plastic, as well as brick and concrete. It is worth considering that septic tanks made of brick or concrete rings must be waterproofed.

Brick and concrete rings

This type of treatment facility is most often built independently, since it is the most inexpensive type of septic tank, but requires much more labor.

A number of features of this type of septic tank should be taken into account:

  • Wastewater treatment in this type of septic tank occurs by overflowing wastewater from one chamber to another chamber. Therefore, they usually install 2-chamber septic tanks made of concrete rings (brick will require more effort and time). Both chambers are made with a sealed bottom (special rings with a bottom are sold), and after the septic tank a drainage chamber is built without a solid bottom; instead of a bottom, an embankment of sand and crushed stone is made.
  • You need to pay attention to the diameter of the concrete rings. The volume of the final septic tank depends on them. By the way, it is best to take the rings with a lock so that they are not displaced by frost heaving of the soil and the joints are more airtight. You should also take into account the number of people living; the larger the family, the larger the volume of the septic tank is needed.
  • If your site has a high groundwater level, then in order to avoid contaminated sewer water seeping into the soil and flooding the septic tank, very good waterproofing is required.
  • For better cleaning wastewater, you can use special bacteria, and to further purify the wastewater, it is recommended to arrange a filtration field, but you can get by with a simple drainage well (chamber).
  • If the soil at the site where the septic tank is installed is clayey, then you should not make a drainage chamber; the water in it will still not drain well. To dispose of wastewater, it will be necessary to install filtration fields (soil tertiary treatment).

The disadvantages of this type of septic tank include:

  • The complexity of self-installation and quite large volume earthworks;
  • Unlike plastic or metal septic tanks, complete tightness of the joints of the rings is not ensured;
  • Difficulty of provision proper operation at high groundwater levels (there is no point in a filter well and waterproofing is required).

If a brick or concrete septic tank is not waterproofed, untreated wastewater from the receiving well will escape, contaminating your soil and groundwater, such as drinking water from a well or well. Do not forget that draining untreated water violates sanitary standards and faces a fine ( The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation even has Art. 250) . Among other things, in the spring, melt water can get into the septic tank and flood it, disrupting the operation of the entire sewer system.

Ready-made septic tanks made of metal and plastic

The main advantage of metal and plastic septic tanks over concrete ones is that there is no need for expensive waterproofing and the groundwater level is not dangerous.

Features of using septic tanks made of metal or plastic:

  • The groundwater level is not critical, it can be used at high groundwater levels, but it may require the installation of filtration fields and a drainage pump (this results in an energy-dependent system)
  • You need to choose septic tanks without seams. Almost all modern local treatment facilities are already made without seams, which provides protection against leaks.
  • Plastic, being in the ground, is not subject to corrosion and delamination, therefore it can last more than 50 years.

Disadvantages of such systems:

  • The metal has a short service life, as it is susceptible to corrosion (service life is 10-20 years), and if the septic tank has not yet been treated with an anti-corrosion coating, then even less.
  • Metal and plastic treatment facilities will cost more than installing a concrete septic tank.
  • Septic tanks made of plastic or metal can be squeezed out of the ground when the groundwater level is high when pumping, so they are most often attached to a concrete slab.
  • To protect plastic septic tanks from damage (squeezing by soil), especially if the soil on the site is heaving, they additionally make a box (concrete) or sprinkle a cement-sand mixture around the septic tank.

We make the necessary calculations before choosing a treatment plant.

  • Calculation of septic tank volume.

    A simple but effective formula for determining the minimum volume (working or useful volume) in liters

    Q(volume in liters) ≥ N*200*3

    N— the number of people staying (guests coming for several days are not counted).
    200 — recommended daily water consumption per person.
    3 - the number of days during which the wastewater is in the septic tank.

Important Note: The volume of the septic tank is calculated for all chambers, so it is important to take this into account when constructing a treatment plant yourself. The volume of the chambers is calculated according to the scheme 2:1 for a two-chamber and 2:1:1 for a three-chamber.

  • Ground water level- very important requirements when choosing a septic tank. You can find out the GV, for example, if you did geological survey site, in the well passport or in the administration of your settlement. You can find out the ground level yourself; a garden drill is suitable for this. Drill 2-3 wells with a drill in the proposed area for installing the septic tank and check at what distance from the surface the water will flow. It is best to measure the groundwater level after the melt water has disappeared and is absorbed into the soil for +1-2 weeks. If the water is close to the surface, 1 meter or less, then there is no point in making a drainage well (without a bottom) and it will be expensive to make good waterproofing for a concrete or brick septic tank. The distance from the bottom of the drainage well to the groundwater table must be at least one meter.

At very high groundwater levels, for post-treatment of wastewater after a sealed septic tank, an embankment (slide) is made in which infiltrators and filter cassettes are placed. Or they use deep cleaning stations (aeration units).

  • Soil composition. You can find out in the same way as the UGV. A system for discharging wastewater into the ground can only be used in sandy, sandy loam and light loamy soils with a filtration coefficient of at least 0.1 m/day and a groundwater level of at least 1 m from the ground level. In simple words, if there is clay at the site where the soil tertiary treatment is installed, then the discharged water will not flow away. Filtering fields need to be set up.

The most popular septic tanks

Choosing best septic tank For country house and cottages, it is necessary to decide whether volatile or non-volatile models should be considered. Large investments in a site are required if it is planned to be used frequently and in full. For seasonal growing of vegetables and rare stays, a small septic tank that does not require serious expenses is quite suitable. An excellent option for such cases would be a storage tank or sump. Their installation does not require special material costs and the capacity is sufficient for the needs of the residents of the house. The non-volatile option is also suitable in case of constant power outages.

The second option of a septic tank will cost a little more, but will be durable. The volatile system does not require a lot of electricity, but its supply must be continuous, otherwise the operation of, for example, a deep cleaning station will be disrupted. These models include aerators and pumps for wastewater treatment.

To choose the right septic tank, you need to navigate the most famous brands. All of them have positive reviews from users. The most commonly purchased septic tanks:

  • Tank and Triton.
  • Tver and Astra.
  • Topas and Topol.
  • Leader and Eurobion.

Among these models, the Tank, which is non-volatile, is more popular. Also Astra and Topas have very good characteristics. All three models are different:

  • simplicity installation work.
  • reasonable price.
  • compactness and lightness of structures.
  • high quality cleaning.
  • possibility of self-service.

Tank and Triton do not depend on power supply. Each modification has volume options and a different number of cleaning chambers. A septic tank from Unilos can be designed for a small village; smaller sizes are also available.

  1. Choose better system, which does not require complex maintenance with the involvement of third-party companies.
  2. Water from a septic tank, as the most economical and environmentally friendly way, should be discharged into the ground.
  3. Choose a place for the septic tank so that a sewer truck can drive up to it.
  4. It is advisable to choose non-volatile system.
  5. It is better to choose a system whose service life will be at least 50 years.
  6. When choosing a model, you need to get acquainted with user reviews.

All these simple rules will help you make a choice and install a septic tank on long years. Correct installation and calculations are the key to long-term use of cleaning systems.

User selection 4 The best aerator 5

One of the most important issues when purchasing a plot, cottage or country house is the availability of communications. And if, as a rule, there are no problems with water or electricity, then central sewerage in the private sector, especially far from the city, is a rarity. And the fastest and practical solution This problem is the purchase of a septic tank.

The two most common types of individual treatment facilities are a non-volatile (autonomous) septic tank and a volatile station. Both types of devices for waste disposal use several stages of purification: mechanical sedimentation of suspended matter, filtration and biological treatment. Autonomous septic tanks use anaerobic bacteria to process waste, which do not require oxygen but act slowly. In volatile devices biological filtration occurs with the help of more active aerobic microorganisms that require the use of aerators. But the level of purification in such septic tanks reaches 98%.

The choice of the optimal model of cleaning device depends on several factors:

  1. Required performance. For one person, a volume of wastewater is usually equal to 150 - 200 liters per day.
  2. Availability of electricity supply on site.
  3. Plot size. Autonomous septic tanks require a larger area, as they are equipped with additional ground filtration fields.
  4. Ground water level. High groundwater level may require the use of additional engineering solutions.
  5. Soil composition. For areas with hard rocks, it is better to use horizontal septic tanks, since they require a pit of shallower depth.

Our review contains models of septic tanks with the best technical and operational characteristics. When compiling the rating, the following were taken into account:

  • recommendations from civil engineers;
  • reviews from users who have installed specific models of treatment devices on their site;
  • ratio of price and quality of septic tanks.

Useful video - how to choose the right septic tank

The best budget septic tanks for a summer residence

Septic tanks for installation on summer cottage They are small in size and relatively cheap. As a rule, these are simple standalone models that perform the function of a sump and are connected to an additional filtration system. They have an extremely simple one-piece design, a low level of performance, and are also unpretentious in maintenance.

4 TANK-1

Excellent price/performance ratio
Country Russia
Average price: 19,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Tank-1 is the youngest model in the Triton Plastic line of non-volatile septic tanks. Its design is simplified to the extreme: there are only two chambers: coarse primary purification and secondary biological purification. But, nevertheless, this small septic tank, capable of purifying up to 600 liters of wastewater per day, has all the advantages inherent in the company’s more expensive models: it has a horizontal layout and a durable one-piece body with special stiffening ribs, which increases service life and eliminates the penetration of soil water into the internal volume of the structure.

This compact model is ideal for installation in a country house and is designed for use by two to three people. The level of wastewater treatment for this septic tank is 75 - 80%, so it is recommended to use a special infiltrator in which additional treatment takes place. Buyers note the compact dimensions of the septic tank, easy installation and trouble-free operation. However, you will still have to clean the chambers from sediment every few years.

3 Termite Pro 1.2

The most durable container
Country Russia
Average price: 23,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This miniature vertical septic tank can serve no more than two people. The degree of wastewater treatment reaches 85%. Thanks to its low weight - only 80 kg, Termit Profi 1.2 is easy to transport and install. This great option for small country house or a separate bathhouse. An additional advantage is that the wall thickness of the Termit Pro 1.2 container reaches 20 mm, and the shape of the body is specially designed for optimal performance under load.

According to user reviews, this septic tank is easy to install and maintain. Experienced summer residents recommend that the container be sprinkled with sand cement to increase the service life of the structure. Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of using this septic tank at high groundwater levels on the site.

2 MICROB 450

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 12,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For a dacha visited by 1-2 people, a guest house or a cabin during the construction of a house, the best option would be the budget septic tank Microbe 450. Its capacity is 150 liters per day, and its weight is only 35 kg. Of course, to install it you will need to make a sand cushion and apply a layer of insulation on top, since its walls are thin. But this septic tank can be installed in areas with any groundwater level - of course, with the implementation constructive recommendations manufacturer.

Buyers especially like the device’s reasonable price and easy installation. Of course, for a country house you will need a septic tank with a higher capacity, but for periodic trips to the country and on a limited budget, Microbe 450 is ideal.

As mentioned above, septic tanks are divided into autonomous and energy-dependent. What are their features, what are their strengths and weaknesses - we learn from the detailed comparison table:

Septic tank type




Low cost compared to a volatile septic tank

Generally higher reliability

Does not depend on power supply

Does not create additional energy costs

– The need for ground filtration of wastewater

– In some cases, it does not isolate the surrounding area from foul odor

– Gradual accumulation of sediment requires periodic pumping

– The need to equip access roads for sewage disposal vehicles


No sediment accumulation

Possibility to move the septic tank to a third-party location, there is no need to equip an access road

Complete isolation from unpleasant odors

No installation of filtration fields required (for ground wastewater treatment)

– Compared to stand-alone models, higher price

– Dependence on electricity and, as a result, significant additional expenses

- Availability more constituent elements reduce theoretical reliability

1 Rostok Mini

Stable operation in any conditions
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 24,120.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Inexpensive autonomous septic tank for a small country house. According to user reviews, due to the small volume (1000 liters) and light design (total weight is 65 kilograms), installation does not cause much difficulty. The filtration capacity is 200 liters per day - this is not much, but the septic tank is designed for one or two users. Rostok Mini copes well with the assigned functions; it requires pumping once or twice a year (provided that all connections and the system are in good order). Very a good option for equipping a cottage or house that won’t put a big dent in the pockets of potential consumers.


  • seamless, durable and lightweight (65 kilograms) plastic body;
  • the presence of additional stiffening ribs to add strength to the structure;
  • completely blocks unpleasant odors;
  • low but stable performance;
  • does not require frequent maintenance;
  • attractive price.


  • for its price category - it does not.

The best volatile septic tanks

Treatment stations whose biological filters are populated with aerobic microorganisms are the most technically advanced version of septic tanks. They output water that is 98% purified - it can be used for irrigation, other technical needs, or discharged directly into the ground. Cleaning the tanks of sludge is necessary once every couple of years, and the organic sediment itself is an excellent fertilizer for plants on the site. Since the wastewater does not require additional ground filtration, the structure takes up minimal space.

The main disadvantage of such systems is the need for electricity. The aerobic system always includes an aerator-compressor, which saturates the liquid with oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. It is this fact that explains the higher cost of volatile stations - both during purchase and installation, and during operation.


Optimal price-quality ratio
Country Russia
Average price: 60,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The body of this treatment station is manufactured using rotational molding technology, which guarantees the absence of seams and uniform thickness of the material. The septic tank uses Japanese compressors and German pumps to ensure uninterrupted operation of the entire system. If there is a loss of power, the station can operate normally for two days, after which it switches to the mode of an autonomous septic tank with an anaerobic filter.

Users note, first of all, the excellent price-quality ratio of this model. With a capacity of 800 liters, it consumes only 1.5 kW per day and provides a volume of water removal sufficient for permanent residence 4 people. You can choose either a gravity-flow version of the installation or an option with forced release of wastewater for areas with high groundwater levels.

4 Tver-0.5P

The best aerator
Country Russia
Average price: 75,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The service life of this septic tank declared by the manufacturer is 50 years. This becomes possible due to the fact that special structural plastic is used to cast the housing, and the compressor equipment is made in Japan. The degree of water purification in this line of treatment facilities reaches 98%, which makes it possible to eliminate the need for additional ground filters.

The maximum productivity of the equipment is 500 liters per day, so Tver-0.5P can be recommended for a summer house or country house with permanent residence of 2 - 3 people. Customer reviews are almost the same: the device copes with its functions perfectly, there are no smells or noise, and periodic maintenance is required only once a year. The only drawback is the high price with relatively low performance.

3 Unilos Astra 5

User selection
Country Russia
Average price: 76,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most famous septic tank models on the domestic market, which does not have a single visible weak point. If you do not take into account the price level, then the fifth Astra fully meets the requirements of a premium class product (if this is acceptable in this case). The system is based on a very fine filtering effect on incoming wastewater - thanks to aerobic and anaerobic filters, it is possible to achieve almost 100% purification rates. In this way, up to one cubic meter of wastewater is processed per day, which is a normal average value. The drain pipe entry can be arranged at heights from 0.6 to 1.2 meters relative to ground level, which greatly simplifies the installation of the tank.


  • high degree of aerobic and anaerobic purification (98%);
  • reliable container body;
  • good throughput(filtration of up to one cubic meter of wastewater per day).

2 Eco-Grand 15 (Topol)

Better processing ability
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 148,230.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A large, energy-dependent septic tank, ideal for equipping large country houses. Except for the fact that the container weighs 380 kilograms, there are no problems with installation. And in terms of operational indicators, everything is very good: the entire volume of the septic tank is divided into four compartments, two of which are equipped with aerators. After the wastewater enters the receiving chamber (a salvo discharge can reach 450 liters), thanks to aeration, solid fractions begin to decompose.

In a separate compartment under the controls there is a compressor for pumping waste water through the system. By the way, the latter consumes a total of up to 2.8 kilowatts of energy per day - not much, but over a long period of operation a decent amount accumulates.


  • active filtration and aeration of incoming wastewater;
  • good productivity (1.8-2.0 cubic meters of wastewater per day);
  • capacity equal to six cubic meters.


  • high price;
  • increased energy consumption.


The most economical model
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 99,875.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most economical energy-dependent septic tanks available to a wide range of consumers. It is not entirely justified to install such a tank in a country house - it would be much better suited to a small country house. Convenience of manual installation (as in stand-alone models) can no longer be ensured here - the entire structure weighs almost 350 kilograms. Thanks to the installed filters, it does not require cleaning, effectively limits unpleasant odors, and also filters up to 1.5 cubic meters of wastewater per day. According to users, the cost of power supply is noticeable, but much less than that of competitors and older models of this series - the septic tank consumes only 1.5 kilowatts per day.


  • popularity among users;
  • low power consumption;
  • highly efficient filtration;
  • reliable case;
  • ease of operation and low maintenance requirements.


  • not detected.

The best autonomous septic tanks

Autonomous septic tanks that do not require connection to the electrical network are the best option for a summer cottage or a country house in a remote area where there are problems with electricity. Their design does not contain moving mechanical parts, so they are simple, reliable and will perform their functions in any case.

Of course, there are also disadvantages - lower productivity, worse level of wastewater clarification. The best models provide no more than 85% purification, and, therefore, the water requires additional filtration. There are several methods - drainage fields, infiltrators, filtration wells - and all of them mean additional monetary costs and reduce the usable area of ​​the site. However, for houses with periodic residence, such structures may be more preferable, since they do not consume electricity and can be easily mothballed if necessary.

3 Uponor Sako

Good quality plastic
A country: Sweden/Finland (made in Russia)
Average price: 67,575 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Scandinavian concern for the production of serious household equipment quite successfully came to Russian market. The domestic branch has launched the production of autonomous Uponor Sako septic tanks, suitable for installation both in a private house and in a summer cottage. In general, the system is not bad: it reliably retains unpleasant odors, filters wastewater without problems (but not perfectly), and does not impose high maintenance requirements. The problem area, judging by user reviews, is extreme intolerance to the drainage of rainwater and drainage water to the local cleaning system. Why this happens is a matter of heated debate. But the fact that this is an obvious disadvantage is supported by everyone unanimously.


  • good standard filtration efficiency;
  • high-quality case materials.


  • entry into the rain or drainage water treatment system leads to a deterioration in filtering ability.

2 Termite Pro 3.0

Maximum cleaning degree in the classroom
Country Russia
Average price: 49,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The productivity of this model, which uses the principle of anaerobic clarification of wastewater, is 1200 liters per day. At the same time, the purification level reaches 85%, which allows minimizing the area of ​​final ground filtration. Such a septic tank with a sufficient supply provides permanent residence for six people. The tank is washed only once a year, and the structure is completely autonomous.

According to user reviews, the septic tank fully complies with the characteristics declared by the manufacturers, is reliable and practical. It is especially convenient to use it for seasonal living: mothballing it for the winter and then putting it into operation again is not a problem. The disadvantages include a rather complicated installation procedure.

1 Triton-ED-3500 Horizontal

Profitable price
Country Russia
Average price: 43,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This one is relatively inexpensive option purification system for a dacha or country house where there are significant problems with the power supply. The model's capacity is 700 liters per day, which meets the needs of 4 - 6 people. At the same time, the septic tank does not require an electrical connection, and sludge can be pumped out once a year. Of course, in order for the water discharged into the ground to be sufficiently purified, it will be necessary to additionally use a drainage field or infiltrator.

Buyers especially like the horizontal layout of the septic tank, which allows you to limit the depth of the pit, as well as its independence from the electrical network. The disadvantages of the device are that it must be placed away from residential premises, since it is not possible to completely get rid of odors. This treatment plant is especially suitable for a country house in which a family of 2-3 people lives, but guests periodically come.

Correct selection of treatment facilities is a very important indicator in the work of the company and the formation of positive customer reviews about this company.

Discussion of details with the client is necessary for the most the right choice type of treatment plant, as well as the choice of the most suitable technology cleaning. There are a number of questions, the answers to which will provide a complete picture of what kind of autonomous or modern local sewerage necessary.

These questions are divided into groups:

1. Calculation of the volume of a local or autonomous type treatment plant

  • you need to know the total volume of runoff per day
  • runoff characteristics (grey water, black water)
  • periods of residence
  • peak periods (depending on the number of people living in the house at the same time)

2. water disposal.

  • presence of slope in the area
  • the presence of elevation marks on the site in relation to the general state of the relief
  • groundwater level at the site, mandatory recording of snow melting in autumn
  • height of groundwater underground at the highest and lowest points of the relief
  • availability on site drainage system(ditches, ditches, etc.)
  • Availability stormwater collection structures and its cleaning
  • it is necessary to determine the composition of the soil, its ability to filter

3. Sources of potable water and their sanitary areas

  • it is necessary to clarify the presence of a drinking water well or water intake well on the site
  • situational characteristics (being near the site of neighboring residential buildings)
  • presence of wells with drinking water on neighbors' property
  • location of the site close to the water protection zone of a special-purpose reservoir
  • it is necessary to clarify the spillway point

4. Technical characteristics of the object

  • depth at which the exit from the house is located sewer pipe
  • the presence of a riser with ventilation, the presence of an internal sewer system
  • distance from the wall of the room to the approximate installation location of the cleaning equipment
  • availability of constant power supply
  • the possibility of approaching the sewage disposal truck to the distance required for pumping.

Autonomous sewerage of a private house or Autonomous sewerage system with your own hands.

To make a decision regarding the manufacturer of the cleaning equipment, the client needs to have knowledge that could help him navigate the market.

5. Manufacturer and brand

  • productive potential of the manufacturer and reviews of it on the market
  • presence of distributors in different locations
  • availability of areas allocated for warehouses
  • installation and maintenance services
  • transportation services
  • Availability of stocks in warehouses and delivery times of equipment

6. Technical characteristics of the equipment

  • material
  • design features
  • strength characteristics
  • modular design
  • universal equipment

7. Price

  • value for money
  • ratio of market prices to manufacturer prices

8. Warranties

  • product warranty period
  • warranty period for installation work

9. Maintenance and other services

  • availability of services providing services in your area
  • availability of contract groups involved in equipment installation
  • the possibility of consultation and implementation of the process of drawing up the binding of treatment equipment directly in one of the company’s offices

10. Differences from similar products on the market

  • ease of use
  • reliable operation
  • the ability to carry out maintenance independently
  • absence complex technologies in equipment
  • high quality cleaning
  • Possibility of different configurations depending on the characteristics of the object

1) Calculation of the volume and productivity of a modern sewerage system

1.1 Applicable as autonomous sewers or local sewer , treatment facilities must be installed only after an accurate calculation of data regarding the number of people simultaneously living in the house, as well as the number and volume of plumbing fixtures. The following factors must be taken into account: the average number of people living in daily period, a possible increase in runoff volumes due to the arrival of guests to calculate the reserve.
1.2 The volume of flow sometimes changes when the characteristics of the wastewater composition change. To do this, you need to understand the issues regarding separate drainage. Wastewater is divided into gray water and black water. Black waters suggest the presence of fecal waste, which makes up approximately 5 percent of the general composition wastewater during joint drainage. Gray water is the collection of wastewater from all types of plumbing fixtures, such as a bathtub, shower stall or sink.
1.3 Seasonality of residence is an important factor that must be taken into account due to the fact that the full operation of the treatment plant depends on the continuous flow of wastewater. Runoff water contains organic substances necessary for the implementation of the biological treatment process due to the work of microorganisms. Uneven flow can disrupt the functioning of such organisms, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the treatment process.
1.4 The size of the third chamber of the septic tank must be determined in advance so that peak loads do not disrupt the complete purification process and do not wash out incompletely purified water along with some beneficial microorganisms.

Calculation of daily flow volumes and the required volumes of treatment equipment for local or autonomous sewerage.
The volume of wastewater in one day dictates the volume of treatment equipment. The calculation must be made on the basis regulatory documents, in this case it is SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
Calculation of water consumption volumes per inhabitant is made on the basis of SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings (Appendix 3 of water consumption standards for consumers)
Calculation of water consumption volumes per inhabitant is made based on the data given in SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. The average rate of 200 liters per person is taken as a statistical average and used in the calculation. This standard includes all plumbing fixtures that a person can use.
The calculation of the required volumes of treatment equipment is carried out in strict accordance with the standards of SNiP 2.04.01-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
The daily influx of wastewater determines the required volume of a septic tank for a country house: if the volume of wastewater does not exceed 5 cubic meters per day, then the volume of the septic tank should be 15 cubic meters (that is, three times more). When the volume of wastewater exceeds 5 cubic meters per day, the volume of the septic tank should be two and a half times greater than the volume of drainage. Such calculations are valid for at least one use of cleaning equipment.
The volume of the septic tank can be reduced by 15-20 percent only if the average wastewater temperature in winter exceeds 10 degrees, and the norm per person is more than 150 liters per day.

For example: five people live in a country house at the same time, therefore 5 people. * 200 l = 1000 l/day. Therefore, the volume of treatment equipment should be 3000 liters (1000*3=3000). This tripling is necessary for the cleaning process, since the work of beneficial microorganisms is carried out over 3 days.
Calculations of volumes of treatment facilities at industrial enterprises, in campsites, hotels, hostels are carried out on the basis of the standards specified in SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2) Water drainage

During planning systems local sewer or modern autonomous sewer Very important points should be clarified regarding the place where the purified water will go. These factors can seriously affect the packaging of cleaning equipment.

2.1 Availability natural slope on the site allows you to use it when building systems water drainage
2.2 The general topography of the site in which the site is located may indicate what will occur as a result of the increased volume of wastewater discharge, taking into account the groundwater level and the infiltration capacity of the soil.
2.3 It is strictly forbidden to neglect knowledge of information regarding the groundwater level, since this factor is extremely important when constructing treatment equipment. The water level can be determined by test drilling. After such an operation, a special document is issued that reflects the most important characteristics of the soil and a description of the soil layers.
Lack of groundwater information can be filled with site data by checking the following:
- depth of the laid foundation of the house
— the presence of ditches, ravines, standing water at the base
— determine the direction of water movement in ditches (if any)

Failure to periodically change wastewater can lead to unpleasant odors. The three points above can provide information about groundwater levels, taking into account seasonal changes (snowfall and rainfall in spring). The level of water under the ground can radically change the drainage system and transform it from gravity to pressure, the discharge of water when used is carried out using a pump. In cases where the groundwater level exceeds the depth at which the outlet pipe of the treatment plant is laid, a sealed water intake well should be used to install a sewage pump with a float switch.

2.4 If the site is located at lower points of the relief, then the likelihood of seasonal and permanent flooding, as well as periodic complete or partial swamping of the site, should be taken into account.

2.5 Artificial or natural systems drainage are pluses when considering sewer equipment options. In this case, we can talk about ditches on the site, as well as other drainage systems at a larger scale. Such systems make it possible to reduce the groundwater level and thus facilitate the installation of equipment for the disposal of treated wastewater.

2.6 An equipped drainage collection and treatment system allows it to be used for the disposal of wastewater that has been treated.

2.7 The composition of the soil and its ability to filter are very important indicators when selecting treatment equipment. Everything that was described in paragraph 2.3, as well as test drilling of wells and geological data must be strictly taken into account.
The components of the soil and its ability to filter greatly influence the water drainage system, and therefore the required length pipes sewer and the number of wells providing filtration.
There is a need to consider different options water drainage:
— dependence of the design of water treatment equipment on climate conditions, soil type, groundwater level, conditions for water discharge after treatment, terrain, conditions for discharge of runoff water (with sufficient level cleaning)
The project for the construction of a treatment facility is developed taking into account a special connection to the facility; At the same time, a detailed study of the hydrogeological situation in the area of ​​possible location, the presence of karst rocks, the level of protection of the underground aquifer, the height of groundwater, and the ability of the soil to filter is required.
Where drainage of wastewater after being in a septic tank is impossible according to sanitary standards, a filtration field should be installed, which is a system of drainage pipes laid in crushed stone on a sandy base. Water will pass through it and enter the layers of crushed stone to undergo filtration, and then be absorbed into the soil. It is recommended to use filter trench, filtration well, activated materials filter, ultraviolet lamps for disinfection.

Equipment for soil purification:

  • soaking trench
  • filtration well
  • filtration trench or gravel-sand filter
  • underground filtration field

Their installation is carried out on soils for filtration - sandy loam, sandy soils, and on soils that are not capable of filtering runoff, provided that the groundwater level is more than 1 meter from the base of the well, drainage pipe tray or irrigation pipe tray. The equipment is equipped with risers for ventilation with a diameter of 10 cm, and their height should be greater than the probable level of snow cover (usually 0.7 m). Vents should be installed at the end of each irrigation line and at the beginning of each drain pipe. Determining the length of the irrigation system and the size of the well is based on the calculation of water consumption per 1 square meter of surface for filtration (walls and bottom of the well) or per 1 square meter of irrigation pipe length.

The method of water disposal should be chosen depending on the ability of the water in the area to filter.

The filter well is installed on soils for filtration (sandy loam, sand) with a filter area of ​​1.5 square meters sand or 3 square meters of sandy loam (per resident of a country house). The larger the filter area, the longer the service life of the well. The groundwater level should be 50 centimeters below the crushed stone layer and 1 meter below the base of the well. The filtration well is made of brick, precast or monolithic reinforced concrete.

Absorption trench (platform)

Where drainage after treatment with a septic tank is not recommended according to sanitation standards, you can install an additional absorption platform or make an absorption trench, which is a pipeline route made of porous material. Water enters the soil and passes through a layer of soil that is ideal for beneficial bacteria to live. Trenches and sites for absorption are used where sandy loam or sandy soils predominate - in this case these systems They are a pipeline or system of pipes for irrigation installed at a depth of 0.6-0.9 meters, and 1 meter higher than the groundwater level. Systems Irrigation pipes are perforated pipes installed with a slope of 1 to 3 percent, which is 1-3 cm per 1 m of pipe. The pipes rest on a bedding made of broken bricks, fine gravel, slag or crushed stone. The ventilation riser must be located at the end of each pipe, its height must be at least 0.7 m. Almost one hundred percent cleaning efficiency is achieved through the use of such additional systems cleaning.

Filtration trench
A filtration trench is installed where the soil has low filtration capacity. It is a depression with drainage and irrigation pipe networks. Typically these trenches are located near swamps, ditches or bodies of water. Water that has been purified in a filtration trench enters there by gravity. The space between the drainage and irrigation networks should be filled with crushed stone and sand.

The sand and gravel filter resembles a filtration trench, with drainage and irrigation pipes arranged in parallel.

An underground filtration field or filtration trench is usually located along a natural slope in the terrain. 12 meters is the recommended limit for the length of one drainage or irrigation network. The slope in the direction of water movement should be 1 percent (that is, 10 millimeters per 1 meter of pipe). When choosing the configuration of an underground filtration field (linear, parallel, radial), one should take into account the general layout, size of the site, topography, plans for further landscaping or landscaping.
Uniform distribution of wastewater when using several irrigation or drainage pipes is carried out through a distribution well.

Parallel pipes are usually made either in separate trenches, or in one wide trench in which 2 or 3 lines of irrigation pipes are installed (it is important to maintain the distance between the axles). 1 or 2 drainage pipes are installed at a distance below the irrigation pipes. The water that has gone through the filtration process will subsequently be collected in drainage pipes and discharged into a ditch or ravine, etc.

A post-treatment filter is a device that is used when there are increased requirements for the quality of waste water purification. The material used as a filter can be granite crushed stone, sand, granulated blast furnace slag, gravel, anthracite, polymers or activated carbon.

Calculation of the length of pipes for irrigation (Extract. Sewerage. External networks and structures) SNiP

6.190. total length pipes for irrigation should be determined depending on the loads presented in Table 49. The length of each sprinkler should not exceed 20 meters


  • load indicators are presented for those areas in which the average annual precipitation is up to 500 millimeters.
  • with average annual precipitation ranging from 500 to 600 millimeters, the load values ​​should be reduced by 10-20 percent, but if the annual average exceeds 600 millimeters, then it is recommended to reduce the load value by 20-30 percent. For climatic region I and subregion IIIA, the value decreases by 15 percent. The percentage reduction is greater when considering sandy loam soils, and less when the terrain consists primarily of sandy soils.
  • coarse bedding with a thickness of 20 to 50 centimeters requires the use of coefficients of 1.2-1.5 when considering the load value.
  • with a specific water disposal of more than 150 liters per person, the load values ​​increase by 20 percent. The same applies to areas with seasonal residence.
  • Calculation of the approximate length of pipes for irrigation in underground fields for filtration in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External structures" taking into account the increase in the coefficient of coarse bedding and the increase in load if the drainage rate exceeds 150 liters per person.
  • area with 70 millimeters of precipitation
  • use of coarse bedding in a layer of 20 to 50 centimeters (1.5 - coefficient)
  • specific water disposal per person is 200 liters (the load increases by 20 percent).

3) Water sources of drinking water and sanitary areas

3.1 Consideration of the issue regarding the installation of sewerage systems on the site involves taking into account such factors as the presence of a water well or drinking well. In this case is necessary definition depth of water in the well and depth of the well. Such information will allow you to approximately determine the depth of the level drinking water in this area.

3.2 When considering the option for water drainage, one should take into account the presence of devices for water intake not only directly on the site, but also in the territories adjacent to it (neighbors, water protection zones). It is necessary to take into account the location of the site on the general scale of the area, and also determine the area of ​​adjacent sites.

3.3 If the neighbors’ plots are located close to the water drainage point, then the sanitary zones of the neighbors’ plots should be taken into account, and also determine whether they have devices for collecting drinking water.

3.4 If the site is located in the water protection zone of a fishery reservoir, then this implies additional restrictions regarding the use of wastewater treatment facilities, as well as their additional disinfection using special equipment. Chlorine cartridges, ultraviolet lamps, ozonation, etc. are used to carry out the disinfection process. At the design stage, all this is agreed upon by the supervisory authorities in accordance with the existing scheme within the framework of regulatory documents.

3.5 When carrying out work on the project, the supervisory authorities agree on the type of treatment facility, its necessary indicators and quality characteristics of wastewater treatment. All the above factors are carefully taken into account, sanitary zones are also determined, and the final point of wastewater discharge is agreed upon. The most important thing when agreeing on the water discharge point is to take into account the level of protection of the aquifer for drinking water.

4) Technical characteristics of the object.

4.1 Pre-design binding during development autonomous sewerage and installation of treatment facilities, as well as site planning and installation diagrams are the first step. When choosing the type of structure for treatment, you should understand that the structure itself is not at all a complete complex for water purification and that it requires the installation of utility networks.
Connecting the pipeline to the outlet of the waste pipe from the house is the beginning of calculating the required depths. The pipeline should be laid on a sand bed with a slope of 2 to 3 percent per meter of pipeline. This slope is responsible for ensuring uniform movement of dense inclusions, for example fecal discharge, in the general flow liquid substances and also prevents the formation of any blockages.
Depth at which it is laid fan pipe, is determined building codes taking into account the freezing depth characteristic of the area. You can use additional heating elements or insulation materials that can maintain temperatures from +2 to +5 degrees. The use of moisture-saturated materials is necessary when installing insulation that can withstand soil loads. Such insulation materials include energyflex, thermoflex, extruded foam when insulating foundation structures. The thickness of such insulation depends on the depth of the pipeline.

4.2 Sanitary zones of 5 meters are required for septic tanks, which should be taken into account when planning the site before installing a treatment facility. If the distance increases, then the volume of work also increases, and the point of connection of the sewer pipe to the entrance of the treatment structure and the exit point from the treatment structure when using a gravity scheme are deepened. This factor is very important, because a slight increase in the depth of the exit from the structure for cleaning leads to additional difficulties in the arrangement drainage systems . If it is not possible to remove purified runoff water from a significant depth, then you should convert the circuit from gravity (gravity) to pressure, and, as a result, order a sewer pump and a well for receiving water as a set. This factor is of serious importance in the presence of high groundwater levels, since high levels can lead to flooding of the treatment facility, making it impossible to use.
If the exit from the cleaning structure is deeply buried, the existing slope to the point of lowering the relief should be taken into account.

4.4 When installing a pressure circuit using a sewage pump, the mandatory availability of a constant supply of electricity should be taken into account. The float switch on the pumping equipment carries out the process of periodically turning on the pump as a certain volume of wastewater accumulates and drains the wastewater into drainage systems .
Treatment facilities are not 100 percent power dependent because the treatment process itself uses technologies that do not require power. The use of electrically dependent devices is inevitable only when a pressure circuit is used. If there are interruptions in the power supply, the treatment facility has a reserve part for storage (a well for receiving water and a biological filter chamber in the corresponding systems). The volumes of the reserve part of the well and the biological filter are 0.62 m/cub.-1.5 m/cub., which allows residents to use plumbing in the house for quite a long time.

4.5 The dimensions of the site, taking into account sanitary zones, must be considered when drawing up the installation diagram.

4.6 Periodic maintenance is necessary for the correct operation of any type of treatment facility. Systems When using a septic tank, it must be serviced once a year. When using additional bioenzyme additives, it increases the percentage of wastewater treatment, and also extends the period between maintenance of facilities for cleaning with a sewage disposal machine to three years.
Due to the fact that the length of the hose of a sewage disposal machine is 7 meters, when planning the installation of a cleaning structure, it is necessary to ensure that the machine can reach a distance of no more than 4-5 meters.
As a last resort, you can use a sump pump or sewer pump to pump out the accumulated sediment. In this case, pumping is carried out into a machine container or onto a heap for rotting and subsequent use as fertilizer.
The use of the resulting humus without preliminary heat treatment is unacceptable due to the fact that it may contain pathogenic bacteria or helminth eggs.

5) Manufacturer

5.1 Due to the fact that the production of this type of product is technologically and production process, this fact should be taken into account when assessing the cost of such equipment and the durability of its operation. Therefore, it is worth excluding consideration of the option of purchasing complex structures produced by handicraft.
Additional financial costs always result from purchasing equipment from companies that are not specialists in a particular field.

6) Technical characteristics of the equipment

6.1 Some of our cleaning structures are made from fiberglass.
The scope of application of products made from composite materials based on fiberglass when using different types of resins is maximally expanded due to the strength of this material. The strength characteristics of fiberglass are comparable even to metal, and sometimes even exceed it in some indicators, such as corrosion and chemical resistance, specific gravity, etc. Thus, cleaning structures made of fiberglass are much more convenient to use than equipment made of polyethylene or reinforced concrete.
In fact, septic tanks made of polyethylene are cheaper than those made of fiberglass, but they require special installation due to their low strength. Such a process requires the installation of a special reinforced concrete box, which will significantly increase the cost of the equipment and its installation in total. Reinforced concrete has a number of significant disadvantages - it is very heavy, requires the mandatory use of special equipment for transportation and installation, is also leaky and can allow water to pass through. Aggressive environments can destroy reinforced concrete structures.

Therefore, fiberglass is one of the most optimal options, since it meets all the requirements for treatment facilities. It is light, strong, durable, and these are the qualities that must be taken into account when choosing sewerage system for a country house.

7) Cost

7.1 The price of our company’s products is in the middle compared to other manufacturers of cleaning equipment. It is safe to say that almost all systems Russian-made, made of polyethylene, cheaper than imported products. We have already explained what the advantages and disadvantages of polyethylene and fiberglass are.

8) Warranties

8.1 Trademarks Graf and Traidenis are provided by warranty obligations for treatment facilities - 10 for the underground part and 3 years for the blower, compressor.

8.2 The work carried out to install cleaning equipment by any organization is guaranteed directly by this organization.

9) Maintenance

9.1 The necessary consultations of our specialists are free of charge. The company provides the necessary support in selecting the type of treatment facility, which happens right in the company’s office, where they also provide all the necessary information regarding the treatment facility.

9.2 Our company also informs you about the existence of related organizations engaged in dealer activities, and also provides information about the location of an authorized representative of the company in your area, performing the entire range of services from the purchase of equipment to its installation.

You should be guided by the Product Data Sheet, as well as the installation and operating instructions when considering a possible arrangement in a country house autonomous sewerage .

Activated sludge is sludge located in a biological treatment structure (aeration tank), which is formed from solid particles suspended in domestic wastewater. A variety of microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) serve as the basis for activated sludge. The process involves the decomposition of organic pollutants by bacteria, which in turn are eaten by protozoan single-celled organisms. Activated sludge is an accelerator of the process of wastewater purification and oxidation.

Anaerobic bacteria are microorganisms that can exist in an environment without oxygen.

Aeration - This is the artificial saturation of the medium in water with air for oxidation organic matter, located in it. Aeration is the basis of the process of biological wastewater treatment in aeration tanks and biofilters, as well as in other treatment facilities.

Aerobic bacteria are microorganisms that require oxygen to function. Aerobic bacteria are divided into conditional and unconditional (the former can live on a small amount of oxygen, while the latter live without it at all - in this case they receive oxygen from sulfates, nitrates, etc.). Denitrifying bacteria, for example, are a type of conditional bacteria.

Aerotank (aero - air, tank - container) - This is a container for purifying wastewater from organic contaminants due to their oxidation by various kinds of microorganisms that are found in activated sludge. Using a pneumatic or mechanical aerator, air is introduced into the aeration tank, mixing the waste water with activated sludge and saturating it with the oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. The continuous supply of oxygen and the strong saturation of wastewater with activated sludge provide a high degree of intensity of the oxidation process of organic substances and make it possible to achieve high degree cleaning.

Aerofilter - This is a device for biological wastewater treatment, which differs from a biofilter in that it has a larger filtration layer area, and also in that it contains an air supply device to guarantee a high degree of oxidation intensity.

Biological wastewater treatment - This is one of the methods for removing unfavorable substances and microorganisms from industrial wastewater, based on the ability inherent in microorganisms to use pollutants of organic origin as food.

Biofilter - This is a device for artificial biological wastewater treatment, which is made in the form of a container with a double bottom and coarse-grained material for filtration inside (crushed stone, slag, expanded clay, gravel, etc.). Accumulations of microorganisms form a biological film as a result of wastewater passing through the filter material. Microorganisms mineralize and oxidize organic substances.

Biological oxygen demand (BOD) - This is the amount of oxygen that is necessary for the final decomposition of organic matter contained in runoff waters. An indicator of the degree of water pollution, which is characterized by the amount of oxygen spent over a set time on the oxidation of pollutants (5 days - BOD 5) contained in one unit volume of water.

Nitrification - This is the purification of wastewater from ammonia nitrogen.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) This is the amount of oxygen required for the final oxidation of wastewater.

10) Differences from analogues on the market

10.1 No difficulty to use. The installation and operation of cleaning facilities for the Traidenis and GRAF brands does not require special skills or technical knowledge.

10.2 The reliability of our cleaning systems is also ensured by the fact that cleaning is carried out through the use of natural biological processes, and this is an indisputable advantage over systems that use complex technological solutions in their operation.

10.3 Sewage disposal vehicles service treatment systems. Using a sewer pump or transfer pump, pumping is possible if it is impossible for a vehicle to travel to the site where the treatment facility is installed.

10.4 There is no need for complex technological solutions due to the fact that the operation does not involve the use of complex instruments in the operation of the facility for cleaning and drainage systems treated wastewater during water disposal.

10.5 Quality of wastewater treatment:

Water drainage:

A septic tank that does not use bioenzymes (up to 50 percent). Maintenance periods after 1 year. Mandatory soil purification.
A septic tank that uses bioenzymes (up to 70 percent).

When considering water discharge into drainage system closed type or storm drainage system, it should be taken into account that systems , which are analogous to our company’s systems, do not have water seals or blockers in their design, without which only 35 percent of wastewater treatment is achieved. The lack of a stable water surface does not allow such systems to use bioenzymes.

Discharge of treated standing water onto the terrain is prohibited for all types of treatment facilities.

Systems tertiary treatment is a mandatory addition to any water treatment scheme when considering the option of water discharge in a fishery area. For this, sand filters, physical and chemical devices, reagents such as coagulants or flocculants, disinfection with UV lamps, ozonation, and a chlorine cartridge are used.

Qualified employees of our company will help you make the right choice of system autonomous sewerage and will answer all your questions.

Modern autonomous private sewer for a country house, cottage or cottage. Selection, description, advice.

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