Online services for creating mental maps. Happy map: review of online services for mind mapping

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The modern world is a continuous flow of information. And often, it is very difficult to identify a rational grain in this information.

How nice it would be if all the information was sorted out in a simple and visual form.

This article is devoted to mind (intelligence) maps - a tool that allows you to quickly and easily structure any flow of information - today in the modern information world no one doubts the importance of this skill.

Now there are many translation options for the term MindMaps.
Below is a list of the most common options:

  • mental maps
  • mind maps
  • mind maps
  • thought maps
  • brain maps
  • concept maps
  • knowledge cards
  • memory cards
  • association cards

MindMaps is best tool today for structuring and processing information.

They allow you to speed up the learning process educational materials, increase the amount and speed of memorized information, speed up the development of projects, plan correctly and teach the child to learn.

How to use and draw cards correctly and in what cases are they especially needed?

The concept of the cards is based on the theory of David Ausubel. Its main idea is the presentation of new ideas, theories and concepts through existing ideas, experiences and concepts.

  • In the 60s, the theory was developed by Professor Joseph Novak. He developed rules for creating concept maps (a tool for developing new concepts)
  • The theory was further developed thanks to Tony Buzan. In 1974, he published the book “Use Your Head,” where he described the MindMaps method of mental maps. Based on his work, dozens of computer programs, and the concept of mapping gradually began to spread.

At the moment, the creation of mind maps as the most effective way training is provided only by... state educational structures (schools, colleges, institutes)

There is no information about this instrument in any school textbook and not a single subject within educational programs does not involve explanation and elaboration using mind maps.

Mind maps are stubbornly ignored when teaching children and students at school and college and are actively used in institutions that train certain categories of specialists: intelligence officers, intelligence officers, and the military.

Only a few teachers, having independently mastered this tool and convinced of its usefulness and relevance, use it.

The theory of maps is based on an idea of ​​the principles of the human brain: associative or nonlinear thinking, visualization of mental images and holistic perception.

Areas of application of cards

1- Training

  • creating clear and understandable notes
  • getting the most out of reading books/textbooks
  • writing essays, course projects, diplomas
  • preparation of an essay, presentation
  • structuring any material, which allows you to understand the essence, the author’s thought, and sort difficult material into shelves
  • analysis of the textbook text (below is a map of Biology, grade 7)

2 - Memorization

  • preparation for exams/USE/tests
  • remembering lists: what to do/who to call/…
  • remember the meaning of the article, paragraph. Mind maps are remembered many times easier than any text material
  • memorization of speech, speech text
  • storing large amounts of data

3 - Planning

  • Making a plan for the day, week, month, year, life... Setting priorities for things to do. Understanding how balanced the plan is.
  • Development of complex projects: new business, new direction, new position, new job, new place of residence.
  • Breaking down the project into main stages and substages. Representation of these stages on a map. You can plan projects from celebrating your birthday or going to the store, ending with the project of starting your own company.
  • Budget planning. When the budget is drawn in the form of a map, the whole picture is visible. It's easy to prioritize the importance of costs.

5 – Presentations and brainstorming

  • carrying out business meetings and negotiations effectively (you give more information in less time, while you are better understood and remembered
  • brainstorming (generation of new ideas, creativity)
  • collective decision complex tasks.

6 - Decision Making

  • a clear vision of all the pros and cons;
  • a more balanced and thoughtful decision (Mind maps allow you to collect all the information related to a task on one sheet and look at it at a glance. Keep in sight all the pros and cons of a particular solution.)

How to create cards?

1. Get creative!

  • Always use a visual image, pictograms.
  • For the centerpiece, use three or more colors.
  • Give the image volume more often, and also use raised letters
  • Vary letter sizes, line thickness, and graphics scale.
  • Strive for optimal placement of elements on mind maps.

2. Associate

  • Use arrows when you need to show connections between elements of a mind map.
  • Use colors.
  • Use information coding.

3. Strive for clarity in your expression

  • Stick to the principle: one keyword per line.
  • Use block letters.
  • Post keywords above the corresponding lines.
  • Make the main lines smoother and bolder.
  • Make sure your drawings (images) are as clear as possible.

4. Develop your own style.

How to quickly learn to create “correct mind maps” and master the most powerful educational tool?

As a bonus, all participants will also receive a set of mind cards school subjects 1-9 grades.

This price is traditionally valid before the start of the training and will be increased to full on the start day

Join now while the price is minimal

An intelligence map, or mental maps (mind-maps) is a display of an effective way to think, memorize, remember, solve creative problems, as well as the ability to present and visually express your internal information processing processes, make changes to them, and improve them.

Mind maps are a tool that allows you to:

  • It’s easier to work with information: remember, understand, restore logic.
  • convenient to use for presenting material and visually explaining your position to interlocutors
  • makes it easier to make decisions, create plans, develop projects.

We offer a fresh selection of 8 excellent programs for creating mind maps. We are confident that these programs will help you use mind-mapping technology 100%. In the selection you will find many free applications and you can easily choose the best option for yourself.

1. Google -

Coggle is a free online application that supports working together on projects. In this program you can develop convenient, beautiful mental maps. The program's interface is simple, but at the same time it has many functions that make the process of creating a mind map incredibly simple. The program supports the use of images, custom color schemes and the ability to view document history. Keeping a history of changes allows you to revert to earlier versions of the map you created if you get stuck in the current version. Mind-maps created in Coggle can be exported in PNG or PDF format.

2. Xmind -

XMind is a popular cross-platform mind mapping program that runs on Windows/Mac/Linux platforms. The program has several versions: free with reduced capabilities and paid with expanded functionality. One of the main advantages of the program is its support and compatibility with the Microsoft Office suite. And a nice addition is the program’s ability to work with Gantt charts.


The program is open free application, which runs on any platform that supports Java. In general, the program has all the necessary set of functions to create high-quality mind maps. The only drawback of the program is the outdated design of intelligence cards.

4. MindNode -

MindNode is a paid application for creating mind maps on Mac / IOS. The program has a modern minimalistic design and is very easy to use. It supports integration with all Apple devices, works well on both iPad and mobile version. The application allows you to export created mind maps in the following formats: JPG, PDF, TIFF, text formats, and also supports exporting mind maps to the format of the competing program Freemind.

For users unfamiliar with the program, a trial version of the program with a limited set of MindNode Lite functions is available.

5. BubblUs - is a free web application for online mind mapping. The application allows you to create simple mind-maps and export them in image format. Program functionality compared to simple solutions MindNode and Coggle seem a little sophisticated, but still the program solves the problem and creates good mind maps. The program runs on flash and will not work on smartphones.

6. MindMeister -

MindMeister is a paid online mind mapping application. Provides several options for subscription fees, and also provides the opportunity to use the program for free. For free, you can build 3 mind maps with limited export capabilities. The application has a user-friendly interface and the entire necessary set of functions, which allows you to understand the simplicity and convenience of smart card technology. The disadvantage of the program is that it can only be fully used if you pay regularly, so it is more suitable for those who use mind maps regularly. The program is Russified.

7. Mapul -

Mapul is a paid online application for creating mind maps. Like MindMeister, Mapul operates on a monthly subscription basis. The program stands out among all other applications with its fancy mind map design.

8. WiseMapping -

WiseMapping is a free online mind mapping application running on HTML5 open source code. The program can be used directly on the developers’ website, or you can download the open source code of the program and install it on your own web server. The application has the full range of functions for working with smart card technology.

Mind maps or mind maps are one of the most popular planning and analysis tools. Lawyers use mind maps in preparing a position on a case and daily planning of tasks, coaches and physiotherapists in developing sports training courses, software developers in calculating the structure and content of website and program interfaces, journalists and writers in writing structured texts.

According to Wikipedia, building mind maps (mand mapping) -a way of depicting the process of general systems thinking using diagrams. Can also be considered a convenient alternative recording technique.

We tested 5 of the most interesting online services building intelligence maps (mind mapping), below their rating and the resulting maps.

Quantity free cards: unlimited

Stingy. There is no free movement of elements. Element styles cannot be edited. No color schemes and templates.

Design: There is a huge Google Adwords advertising block in the working area of ​​the program. The design is primitive, formalist. Looks like desktop programs from the mid-00s.

Collaboration: export to PDF, PNG, JPG

Cross-platform: there is a version for Android

Cost of the paid version: 1$/month (includes disabling advertising)

Main plus: infinite number of cards, simplicity.

Main disadvantage: poor functionality.

Number of free cards: 3

Free account functionality: you can create multiple elements top level(which goes against the rules of mind mapping), change the colors and sizes of elements. The engine is not the most convenient, in particular this concerns the formatting pop-up window, which is not always displayed when hovering over an element, and the inability to drag a finished map while maintaining the relative position of elements.

Design: not serious enough for business presentations; in particular, the rounded edges of the elements and the gradient are confusing.

Collaboration: uploading in PNG, JPG, sending access by email or via a link without the ability to edit.

Cross-platform: There is a version for iOS.

Cost of the paid version: 6$/month

Main plus: the function of adding elements isolated from the general structure, atypical for such services

Main disadvantage: frivolous design

Number of free cards: unlimited

Free account functionality: Colors and sizes of elements can be changed. It is not immediately clear that you can drag elements only by headings, and not by links, the same applies to editing via the right mouse button, but you can get used to these small spaces.

Design: at first glance perfect. There is no shame in including such a map in a presentation of even the highest level.

Collaboration: export to PDF, PNG. The most important disadvantage of the free version of is that all maps are made publicly available and indexed, i.e. There is no need to talk about any privacy.

Cross-platform: WEB only

Cost of the paid version: 5$/month (possibility of creating private cards)

Main plus: chic design

Main disadvantage: lack of private mode in the free version

Number of free cards: 3

Free account functionality: The first thing that catches your attention is the terrible localization, but you can always switch the Russian language at the bottom of the page. The similar icons for scaling and adding new elements are confusing; there is no adding a subordinate element via right click on the parent element. It is possible to attach icons to map elements and highlight individual branches of the map with their own special color.

Design: Overall the design is modern, there is a choice of color schemes and they are quite nice and stylish.

Collaboration: There is uploading in PNG, JPG and PDF, sending access by email with the possibility of joint editing.


Cost of the paid version: 6$/month

Main plus: stylish card templates

Main disadvantage: confusing workspace navigation

Number of free cards: 3

Free account functionality: There are several map templates available in the service. When building, you can drag and drop elements, changing their levels without additional clicks, the default arrangement of blocks is compact and intelligible, the original color scheme is pleasing to the eye and has sufficient rigor for business needs. It is possible to select color schemes/templates for the entire map in one click. It is possible to attach pictures (in the free version only via link), icons, tasks, comments to map elements.

Design: a little outdated, but extremely functional.

Collaboration: uploading to PNG, TXT, sending access by email with the ability to jointly edit and control changes.

Cross-platform: There are versions for Android and iOS.

Cost of the paid version: 6$/month

Main plus: powerful and clear functionality

Main disadvantage: outdated design

That's all. If you have examples of mind mapping services that can compete with those presented here, or even get all 5 stars, send links to them to us by email, we will definitely add to the review!

To get a quality result, you need to think through everything possible ways to achieve it.

The XMind mind mapping program will help you effectively create an action plan when solving complex problems, drawing up projects, making presentations, organizing data during brainstorming sessions, active self-analysis, memorizing a large amount of information, learning, as well as your own self-development and in many other situations.

It is thanks to maps that you will be able to clearly, compactly and in an accessible form display the course of your thoughts and/or further actions.

Programs have been creating mind maps for quite a long time, and during this time the functionality of many of them has advanced so far that they have made maps an ideal, interactive tool for planning and learning. However, not all of them are accessible, in terms of understanding, to the average user.

We will look at the work of the most popular, convenient, free and easy-to-learn XMind program in Russian, which is rightfully considered one of the most functional.

The xmind program in Russian can be found here download(there are two versions of the program in the archive) or in English in developer website. The program works the same under Linux.

We will not consider installing the program, since this is not necessary. It’s better to look at the creation of mind maps in detail using the example given in this manual. After installing the utility, launch it from a shortcut on your PC desktop.

When you first start, you will be prompted to log into your account on the website, but you don’t have to have it. Click on “Don’t show these messages when you start” (all screenshots are clickable)

after which you can start working.

In the picture above there is the inscription “ Central section" It will be our starting point, that is, starting from it we will build an intellectual map.

To make it easier for you to learn the material, we will begin to create a map with which we will properly prepare for everyone’s favorite holiday, the New Year.

To change the name “Central Section” to your own, double-click on it with the mouse button. You can also right-click (right mouse button) and select “Edit”.

Write your section name (in this example it is “ New Year") and press "Enter" on your keyboard.

Now it’s time to make a plan for what exactly is needed in order to spend the holiday the way we planned for ourselves.

Well, how can you start the year without gifts for your loved ones? First of all, we will plan to buy gifts. To do this, right-click on the main partition and select “Insert” - “Partition”.

As you can see in the picture below, “New Section 1” has appeared.

Let's give it a name by renaming it in the way we talked about above. Let's call it "Gifts to the Family." Also, let’s add a few more important components of this holiday.

It is difficult to imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree, a festive table, and for children without Santa Claus and various fireworks or sparklers. Therefore, let's add these components in the way we just looked at.

It’s already better, but it’s not clear where to start preparing first. Therefore, for ease of perception, we will number the assigned tasks, setting priorities.

To do this, go to “Markers” and drag the desired number to the required section. In this example, we will start preparing by purchasing gifts for family members, and therefore we will drag the number “1” to the “Gifts for Family” section.

Do the same with the other points on your mind map, prioritizing them according to your goals.

As you can see in the illustration above, the map created looks more like a general plan of action. To create a mind map with full-fledged subsections, you should right-click on any section you created, then click “Insert” - “Subsection”. After that, rename it, coming up with an appropriate name.

For clarity, in the section “ Festive table", using the method described above, several subsections will be created that will help plan the holiday.

You can create more subsections for the created subsections, and so on ad infinitum. They are created in a similar way, that is, right-click, “Insert” - “Subsection”. To speed up the process, use the “Tab” hotkey.

The screenshot above shows how two subsections were created with their own subsections. Just as in the case of arranging numbers (priorities), you can set various emoticons and icons to be more informative. Select the icon you like and drag it to any point on the mind map.

Now you know how to make a mind map simple type. Thanks to the knowledge gained, you will definitely be able to create a more complex, informative and thoughtful map.

Be sure to take the opportunity to download the XMind program for free, with its help you can insert links, pictures, notes, tables into your map, change styles and appearance, create an unlimited number of links, joins, sheets and even nest!

We have reviewed the basic functionality of the program, so once you master it, be sure to experiment with other, more complex, but no less interesting and useful tools.

Another advantage of the program is the fact that it is cross-platform, that is, it can work not only under Windows, but also on MacOS and Linux.
In conclusion, I suggest you watch the video created by the authors of the Russified version of the xmind program:

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