Basic ideas in Khrushchev for the living room, photos of options. Living room in Khrushchev - creating a stylish design in a small living room (80 photos) Ideas for renovating a hall in Khrushchev

Living room design in Khrushchev - not simple task, but still doable if you approach the matter wisely and carefully.

The apartments in such houses are small, the rooms are compact, the ceilings are very low, and the layout leaves much to be desired. Lots of minuses!

In order to implement the basic ideas for arranging an apartment, you need to have endurance, good patience, and imagination.

If the apartment is very small, then no matter what new layout is planned, the entire apartment will have to be remodeled.

What is important to pay attention to?

Khrushchev is famous for its layout that the living room is a walk-through type room. Two walls join the bedroom and the kitchen, and another one is external.

Actually because of the poor lighting in the room. Moreover, maintaining a comfortable temperature for living is not easy.

The peculiarity of the Khrushchev building is its walls - the thermal insulation is almost zero. In the summer it’s impossible to breathe in the apartment, because it’s hot and stuffy, and in the winter there’s a constant draft and it’s freezing cold.

Of course, it is possible to stabilize the temperature using special equipment, for example, heaters, air conditioning, but it is clear that this option is an additional waste of money. You can view a large catalog of air conditioners.

When decorating a living room in a Khrushchev-era building, the most difficult thing is to make the correct arrangement of cabinet and upholstered furniture.

It is impossible to carry out standard zoning in such a room, so you have to dodge and do all kinds of cunning.

So, the living room is often combined with a kitchen, and in such a room several functional zones, most often three - the dining area, the kitchen itself and the guest room. If the walls are load-bearing, this option, unfortunately, is not feasible.

Living room design

If the layout allows, then the first step is to widen the window openings so that there is more light in the room.

Of course, the interior of a living room in a Khrushchev-era building should be done in the lightest colors possible in order to significantly expand the room and give it more space.

A minimum of cabinet and upholstered furniture, a very laconic design thought out to the smallest detail - this is best design small living room.

It is best to decorate the room in neutral colors, using only soft shades, so that the end result is warm and cozy.

To correct the shape of the room, all cabinet furniture is placed along the wall. There is a light sofa in the center.

Using contrasting design (different tones of upholstery and furniture) the shape of the room is compensated.

The floor is also made in the lightest colors possible. It doesn’t matter the floor covering - linoleum, parquet - the color matches the upholstery, maybe a little lighter. In Khrushchev, there are always low ceilings, and therefore, to “raise” them, they are used stretch ceiling with gloss.

Wall insulation

It is not always worthwhile to insulate the walls from the outside, but if the house is panel, then the decision is correct and necessary. The thing is that insulating the apartment from the inside will noticeably destroy the outer wall.

To perform external insulation of an apartment, special materials are used that are suitable for performing such work.

Living room zoning

The living room in a Khrushchev building is most often not a separate room, but a place that is combined with a bedroom or a work room.

To zone a room, you need to use special partitions or use furniture for this purpose.

To separate the living room from the “office”, bookshelves are used, which by design fit into the style of the room as a whole.

Are you planning on zoning a room, and have you been visited by super brilliant ideas for a living room in a Khrushchev-era building?

For example, if you perform zoning using furniture, then immediately discard them as far as possible so that the interior does not become overloaded.

The guest room is comfortable and cozy - this is the main rule! To ensure that the integrity of the room is not compromised, simple furniture is used in the design of the “office”, the color matching the color of the wall or sofa.

Should the “bed” be hidden from view? Basically, the sleeping place is a sofa, and it cannot be disguised, because the integrity of the created design will be lost.

In some photos of living rooms in Khrushchev you can see that the sleeping area is sometimes highlighted by podiums.

To give the living room interior a special personality, curtains are used for zoning, which both divide the room into zones and act as decor.

The easiest way to zone is with the help of a special wall design.

So, on walls they are most often used different materials finishing. Imitation of brickwork, panels - using everything, as can be seen in the photo of the living room in the Khrushchev-era building, zoning is carried out.

Photo of living room design in Khrushchev

The big problems of small spaces are hidden in a banal shortage square meters to realize the dream of space, and combined rooms with low ceilings simply “put pressure on the consciousness” and make the top of your head feel the chandelier hanging above your head.

But, despite such unpresentable characteristics of the housing stock left to us as a legacy by the architectural “geniuses” of the last century, by applying some design tricks and tricks, you can create an amazing and unique design hall in Khrushchev.

Design of a hall in Khrushchev 18 sq m - photo

A spatial model with a visual expansion of a cramped space can be designed by resorting to some design techniques:

  • the use of furniture with high legs in the interior as opposed to low armchairs, coffee tables and bedside tables with transparent tabletops will create the illusion of spaciousness;
  • decorating the walls with wallpaper with a vertical pattern will visually raise the ceiling;
  • the presence of mirrors will expand the boundaries of a small room;
  • using the same color for the walls and ceiling will erase the boundaries of their contact;
  • the presence of sliding doors will further expand the space;
  • Cool tones and shades in the interior can give the room perspective.

When we talk about using mirrors to visually enlarge a space, we are not talking about installing an excessive number of mirrors in the walls of the hall. This refers to the use of mirror elements and interior surfaces,

Says the designer-architect of the Moscow interior studio "AvKube" Marina Borovskaya.

According to the specialist, these can be futuristic pendants, lamps with a mirror body, mirror elements included in the design of door and window openings, as well as cabinet furniture equipped with mirrors.

Know that an abundance of mirrors in the interior can look not only original, but also very elegant.

Layout of the hall in Khrushchev

The main activity of an interior artist in a small room is to create a bright and modern image of a small living room, visually expanding the space and giving it as much perspective as possible.

Everyone knows that typical Khrushchev-era projects contain three types of halls, with an area of ​​16, 18 and 20 square meters with low ceilings and high level noise penetration.

Designers recommend decorating the smallest 16-meter halls in classic style, adhering to the principle of minimalism. Furniture is selected with clear shapes, simple and multifunctional. The floors are laid with parquet boards for the effect of lengthening the room, and a large number of mirrors are used in the interior.

For interior 18 meter hall characteristic features are the use of dark furniture in the hi-tech style on a light background of the walls. Optimal minimalism is encouraged. For halls of this layout, the installation of additional lighting becomes a very important factor.

In later versions of Khrushchev-era projects, the hall space has as much as 20 living meters, and, as a rule, a balcony adjoins the hall. In such a “huge” room there is room for artistic thought to develop.

The layout of the hall in the Khrushchev building, as the architects note, is of an incorrect configuration and disproportionate. The best solution for such premises is redevelopment. You can introduce a balcony into the living room area, combine the living room with a kitchen or bedroom, turning half of the apartment into a single space.

With such disturbances, zoning of the room is appropriate. The design is made in English or Scandinavian style. As an accent, you can paste one of the walls with bright wallpaper, put carpet on the floor and hang pictures on the walls.

Zoning is carried out both by the color method, dividing zones by the color of the flooring and different shades of the walls, and by installing all kinds of partitions. In small rooms, colonnades, fireplaces or other complex plasterboard structures are inappropriate. Mirrors, panels, paintings are welcome in the interior only if they are placed correctly.

Choosing furniture

The interior should create comfort. Therefore, the furnishing of a small room must be treated with great attention.

Objects that clutter up the space of a room disappear from it forever. We choose furniture that is compact and multifunctional, not burdened with lush ornate decor. It is better to avoid large patterns on wallpaper and volumetric elements in the interior of a small room.

Bulky cabinets and wall shelves should be replaced with built-in modules. Modular designs do not require the presence of rear walls, which significantly saves space and frees up usable area hall

Interior accessories

To set the mood of the interior, various interior accessories and decorative elements are used. This is a specific area, full of unexpected finds in the search for all kinds of little things. The main aspect of this type of creativity is harmonious combination details and their shades. The main rule for creating an interior in small rooms is the fact that the decorative elements do not look tacky and tasteless.

Decoration of walls and ceilings

When decorating walls, you should be guided by the basic principle of decorating small apartments. Whether the walls will be painted in pastel shades, or whether the owners will prefer a rich color, the main thing is that the chosen color palette combined with general style hall You can complement the decor with interesting photo wallpapers, and you can accentuate your look with paintings or posters.

Ceiling. A lot depends on the design of the top floor. Since the ceilings in Khrushchev buildings are quite low, voluminous multi-level structures of suspended ceilings in a small hall are undesirable, but they perform a certain function.

Everyone knows perfectly well that inter-apartment and floor coverings in Khrushchev-era buildings are practically devoid of sound insulation. You can wish your neighbor good morning or shout “bless you” when he has a cold and sneezes. Plasterboard ceilings can be perfectly used as a sound insulator.

Of course, a ceiling of several levels will eat up space and can create the illusion of an upper ceiling hanging over your head. Option plasterboard construction with a small edge around the perimeter and lamps or LEDs hidden in it, on the contrary, will visually raise the ceiling.

The magnificent effect of the upward perspective of space will create a tension glossy ceiling, equipped with multi-colored spotlights. Glossy suspended ceiling reflects light remarkably, and the lower the floor lamps, the large quantity light reflected from the ceiling.

In small rooms, zone lighting is practiced using small, laconic lamps or candelabra. But the hanging ones are voluminous and immeasurable beautiful designs ceiling chandeliers absorb space. They should only be installed in large rooms.

An old joke about an old-fashioned apartment: in the 60s it was a joy to live, in the 2000s it was a shame. What can you do if they built it that way back then - not for comfort, not for beauty, but for the fastest possible resettlement of people from communal apartments into separate (cramped, uncomfortable, but SEPARATE!) apartments.

Are there any ideas on how to recreate the interior of a living room in Khrushchev so that it meets the requirements of today? What should the owners of “Khrushchev’s” real estate do now so that they are not ashamed to invite friends and acquaintances to visit? Are there ways to correct the mistakes of the builders of that time?

Designers claim that there are options for creating a new interior in old small apartments- weight. And each of them can be implemented independently, without turning to the services of professionals. True, it will take longer.

Most residents of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings are openly afraid of undertaking grandiose renovations due to mistrust own apartments. From the point of view of the average person, something worthwhile can hardly come out of such housing.

All the rooms are so small and the ceilings are so low that the logical conclusion suggests itself: Khrushchev is not a good apartment for quality repairs and converting it into more or less decent housing.

The point of view is not entirely correct, since any housing (even a rural adobe hut) can be sufficiently modernized if desired. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions and do not limit yourself to the usual wallpapering. Deprive your apartment of its former banality. But before you start renovations, study all possible photos of the Khrushchev-era building, consult with professionals and amateurs who managed to transform their standard housing beyond recognition. Choose the best option for yourself and get started. Everything should work out.

Khrushchev is turning... into a modern studio

Redevelopment of uncomfortable and out-of-date housing into a mega-popular studio apartment is one of the most common options for radically changing the interior of a Khrushchev-era building.

Since the apartments built between the 60s and 80s of the last century did not have a variety of layouts, in most of them the kitchen is adjacent to the living room. And to create a studio best option can not imagine.

By combining a living room with a kitchen, you can not only achieve an ultra-modern interior, but also significantly save useful space. And for cramped Khrushchev buildings this is still relevant. The apartments are small, but at the same time it is quite difficult to call them compact - nothing always fits in them, some objects always get tangled underfoot, it is difficult for them to determine a specific permanent place.

When remodeling into a studio, this problem can be solved by wisely distributing zones and equipping the home with transformable furniture or functional partitions.

Combined with the living room, in a Khrushchev house it is advisable not only to modernize it, but also to give each of its parts some useful load: if you want to somewhat isolate the kitchen area from the living room, then place a plasma TV on the partition, or separate the kitchen and living room with a bar counter, or organize a green fence from indoor plants. Plan the space in such a way that the place does not “walk around”, so that every decorative element is also functional - this is very important for small apartments.

Pros and cons: what is the result?

In order to maximize the comfort of the Khrushchev-era apartment and obtain modern and comfortable housing as a result, before starting work it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of redevelopment into a studio apartment.

Photos of the interior of a small living room in a Khrushchev-era building testify to the enormous amount of work done, design courage and investment of material resources. Unfortunately, few of them demonstrate the features of “Khrushchev” apartments, which need to be paid close attention to before starting work and which can negatively affect the comfort of housing after renovation.

Let's start with the cons:

  • when combining a kitchen with a living room, one should take into account the fact that the room for preparing food cannot be perfectly clean: a pile of used dishes that were not washed, food that was not put away will give the appearance of sloppiness and untidiness to the entire space, including living area, so there will be a need for more frequent cleaning or the risk of leaving the apartment unsightly;
  • women often look for privacy and find it, oddly enough, in the kitchen, provided that it is a separate room, and after “reunification” with the living room, it will lose this feature and cease to be the personal space of the hostess.

Now about the pros:

  • opportunity to significantly expand usable space and, in addition to the two main ones, create an additional zone: arranging a dining area at the junction of the kitchen and living room is a common way of using freed up square meters;
  • the division of the apartment into zones occurs not due to the walls, but due to proper zoning;
  • the combined kitchen and living room will give the interior modern look– studios remain very popular.

Word to the designers

The eternal problem of Khrushchev apartments is low ceilings. If crowding can be dealt with by eliminating “extra” partitions, then it is impossible to raise the ceilings. But this case is not hopeless, as clearly and convincingly demonstrated by photos of the interior design of living rooms in Khrushchev-era buildings.

Have you noticed how light, cozy they are and don’t give off the feeling of a hanging ceiling at all? Let's reveal a few secrets from professional designers on how to achieve the effect of high ceilings and spacious rooms.

  1. When painting, leave the ceiling a few shades lighter than the walls, creating the visual illusion of its height.
  2. Give up the idea of ​​equipping your living room with a suspended ceiling - it will “eat up” a few centimeters, but it will be a significant loss for the room.
  3. If you are tempted to acquire modern suspended structures It’s still big, decorate the perimeter with them, and to enhance the effect of height and space, don’t forget to equip it with small light bulbs.
  4. Use mirrored or glossy stretch ceilings in Khrushchev-era buildings.
  5. Light colors are in any case perceived as open space, a lot of space, so use them not only when painting walls, they should be present in furniture and textiles.
  6. Refuse heavy curtains, use light, airy, almost invisible tulle, organza, and laconic Roman blinds.

To the interior of the living room in Khrushchev panel house or brick (it doesn’t matter) it sparkles with new colors that were completely uncharacteristic of it before, just a few details are enough.

Curtains, lighting, a bright accent in the form of a living plant can give the room space, originality, and comfort.

Walk-through living room

For the inhabitants of the house, make a living room a walk-through room - great option. A separate room(s) can be arranged as a bedroom, nursery or office.

Very important element design (one might say the key) in this case are the doors. In the photo of the interior of a walk-through living room in Khrushchev, take a look at “your” version: if the style of your living room is classic, then make the doors hinged, decorating them with somewhat ornate handles.

Wide ones will look great in fusion, modern, and minimalist styles. sliding doors, they will save enough space.

Combine a living room with a room

The modern interior of the living room (photo in the body of the article) is equipped by demolishing the partition between the living room and the room. That is, instead of 2 small ones, they get one spacious room, which looks unusual and is much more comfortable to live in.

To successfully zone such a room, you can use various interesting options: lamps, podium, screens, shelving, sliding partitions, pieces of furniture.

Even small apartment Due to proper division of space, you can visually increase it. To modernize an old Khrushchev building, it is necessary to discard all stereotypes and use every meter of space, every piece of furniture for the benefit of a non-standard interior.

I like

Making a living room in a Khrushchev apartment comfortable, beautiful and functional at the same time is a difficult task. But with an integrated approach, it is quite possible to implement it.

Making an action plan

You need to think through the design of the hall in Khrushchev in advance down to the smallest detail. so as not to end up with an overly dark room cluttered with furniture or small parts:

  1. We decide what purpose the room will have - living room, bedroom, working space, possibly a combination of them.
  2. We evaluate the need for redevelopment, consolidation or partitioning of individual premises, if this is required to ensure the convenience of all family members.
  3. We select furniture options without which it is impossible to provide the necessary functionality of the living room.
  4. We measure the space, door and window openings, draw exact plan in compliance with the dimensions and expected changes in the location of walls and partitions.
  5. We distribute the selected furniture on the diagram, taking into account its dimensions.
  6. Based on the results, we adjust the list of necessary things so that the loss of space as a result of arrangement is minimized. You don’t have to give up furnishings; you can reconsider your choice in favor of smaller or more versatile folding structures.
  7. We determine the interior of the hall in the Khrushchev-era building, taking into account all the features of the room and special techniques that allow it to be visually and actually expanded.

Since we are talking about old housing stock, it is desirable that the renovation involves replacing window frames and doors with new, high-quality ones that suit the future style of the room.

Secrets of designing a small living room in Khrushchev

The distinctive features of Khrushchev buildings are small area, low ceilings, walk-through room , sometimes the only one in the apartment. This creates restrictions in interior planning, but also poses interesting challenges for its designer - original design small hall and knowledge of the rules of ergonomics can neutralize all its shortcomings.

Two-level ceilings will visually enlarge the living room

The ceiling visually raises two-tier system, suggesting a stepwise transition from a vertical to a horizontal surface. It turns out not sharp, invisible, does not cut into space. If the entire ceiling or step is the same color as the wall, it visually continues upward.

Large and long chandeliers with a low ceiling are not suitable for the design of a living room in a Khrushchev-era building. Spot lighting will increase the free space.

The glossy reflective surface of suspended or suspended ceilings, as well as some coatings, creates the effect of transparency, lightness and greater height than in reality.

Combining a living room in Khrushchev with a kitchen and a balcony

The best way to increase the size of a room is combine it with the kitchen, balcony or corridor . This design of a living room in a Khrushchev-era building will radically solve the problem of expanding space.

In this case, you can separate several zones, delimiting them using racks, columns, arches or furniture arrangement. If the walk-through living room is in the way, a design that involves combining it with other rooms also solves the issue.

When it is necessary to isolate a certain area, partitions are demolished and built in another place. This way you can fence off a small but separate room. The use of screens and curtains will become interesting option fencing for sleeping or working places. If unification is impossible, through openings are made in the walls. They create the impression of a more open space and serve as decorative shelves.

Stylistic tricks for a hall in Khrushchev

When decorating small rooms, the design is developed using not only constructive, but also stylistic tricks that help make it feel larger:

  • monochromatic design of walls and ceiling, use of light pastel colors;
  • mirror surfaces of cabinets, other reflective inserts;
  • low furniture or objects with thin lattice rather than solid backs, legs, armrests, etc.;
  • use of a minimum number of cabinets;
  • when choosing wallpaper with a pattern, preference is given to vertical stripes and small, discreet images.

Recommendations: doors with a sliding or folding accordion design will help save and effectively use the space that is required to open conventional swing doors. Another option is to remove the doors and decorate the openings beautifully..

Choosing a style solution for the living room

A large number of decorative elements will clutter small room, in which, in addition to placing furnishings, you need to leave some free space. Therefore, it is recommended to create a minimalist living room interior in a Khrushchev-era building. Several trends in interior design have this property, as well as simplicity and elegance.

Modern style

It implies functional, technologically advanced furniture of simple design, mostly monochromatic covering materials, several lighting sources of different intensities. It contains clear geometric shapes and monochrome.

Uncovered smooth floor or natural eco-friendly rugs, light curtains or blinds, a minimum of accessories. Objects of modern art will serve as suitable decoration.

High-tech style

High tech It is distinguished by the presence of metal and glass elements, and even more strict lines than the modern one. Straight, square and rectangular shapes. For balance, add 1-2 objects with rounded outlines. Primary colors – black, white, gray, cream, without pattern.

It is permissible to make a maximum of one color accent. For example, a sofa or chairs in a radical bright shade. They can also dilute the monochrome houseplants. Mirror or translucent surfaces, which are well suited for the design of a small living room, as well as technical-looking lamps and decorations, will fit perfectly.

Classic style

in Khrushchev is a combination of expensive finishing with moderation and elegance. It is characterized by carved wooden elements, gilded, silver-plated or bronze fittings, decoration of surfaces with ornaments, bas-reliefs, stained glass.

The furniture and decorations resemble antiques. But the decoration is minimal, the main objects and coverings are of calm, restrained colors, without rich patterns or even monochromatic. Against this background, the decor looks especially elegant. Maintaining symmetry in the arrangement of things adds rigor and balance.

The design options for the hall in Khrushchev, photos of which are presented below, may lead to other interesting design ideas.

Which curtains to choose for a small living room

The most important point in developing a design for a specific and small living space is the selection of furnishings and decor. They must support the desire for minimalism and preservation of free space and correspond to the chosen style.

Curtains for the hall in Khrushchev It is preferable to purchase from light translucent fabrics. The tulle should not be dense, poorly transmitting light. Dark color visually reduces area, therefore suitable for large rooms. Gas light material will not overwhelm, on the contrary, it will give the interior airiness and romance.

If you still want to use heavy fabric, then it is better to choose a plain one or with a small, discreet pattern. A large drawing on anything in a small room is too conspicuous, looks defiant and clumsy.

Structurally it will be beneficial to use blinds or roller blinds with mounting above the glass. Then the window sill can become a functional surface, used to place decorative items, books, or even serve as a desktop if it is made wider than the standard. This design frees up significant space.

Short curtain to the windowsill– another original way to use space effectively. You can move furniture under it, directly to the wall, saving 10 - 15 cm.

What furniture to choose for a living room in Khrushchev

Furniture necessary for family holidays and receiving guests , are soft sofa, which should be large enough and comfortable, coffee table– can also be used as a buffet table, cabinet with closed and open compartments. The latter can be replaced with multi-level shelves or racks.

Function dining table will perform if necessary table-book or folding tabletop. When not in use, they are easily removed, occupying minimal space. Sofa bed convenient design will provide a sleeping place.

If you need to organize storage large quantity things in the living room, a wall of shelves and drawers can be replaced with one built-in wardrobe, making it invisible using mirrored doors. This is the most spacious option. I recommend ordering sliding wardrobes from the Labyrinth factory.

The correct way to choose furniture for a Khrushchev building would be to focus not on solid closed structures, but compact, with thin fittings, transparent, translucent doors or open. How more gaps, the lighter and freer the space seems.

Modern modular furniture, consisting of separate blocks and having many variations in assembly and placement, will allow you to ergonomically furnish the room - turn the corner of the sofa in the desired direction, optimally arrange the wall in length and height, etc. In addition, it is easily assembled and disassembled, and rearranged into a new composition.

Recommendations: for the design of a living room in Khrushchev, transformable items, furniture of non-standard size and design are well suited - sofas with a table instead of an armrest or storage compartment, pull-out tabletops, narrow cabinets and shelves, corner options.

Lighting design in the hall in Khrushchev

Multifunctional room lighting should be just as diverse. It is advisable to use several illumination sources at different levels in the interior.

Spotlights, which provide soft, uniform illumination, free up space, save electricity and can be used in additional lighting, are a current and versatile form of lighting design.

If you don’t want to lose height by installing a suspended ceiling, you can purchase a chandelier with flat closed shades to create a techno style. A larger chandelier with open, downward-facing shades, which are located close to the ceiling and flat in a horizontal vector, gives a more elegant look and bright light.

Usage sconce above the sofa will give you the opportunity to spend time in cozy atmosphere, as overhead lighting can be tiring. Tall floor lamps are suitable for more modern style. Interior use mirror And glossy surfaces not only visually expands the room, but also additionally illuminates it with reflected light.

The living room in Khrushchev is a difficult object to decorate. But competent design can create a space that meets the target requirements, and at the same time make the room beautiful and convenient place for meeting friends and spending time with family.

High-rise buildings being built these days often have fairly spacious halls of about 18 m2. However, this cannot be said about those five-story buildings that were built en masse during the so-called “Khrushchev times.” A room such as the hall of a Khrushchev apartment is almost always very modest in size, and in order to make a successful renovation here, you need to try hard and apply original ideas.

The main disadvantage of the hall of a two-room apartment in Khrushchev is its small size (not the standard 18 meters, but only 12). When considering the design of such an interior, remember several important rules:

  • the interior of the hall should be cozy and comfortable for all family members without exception;
  • the atmosphere in the room should be focused on the interests of all family members;
  • the amount of free space and space occupied by furniture in the hall should be in a ratio of 50:50.

You can also use tricks to visual expansion spaces:

  • build two-level suspended ceilings with glossy surfaces;
  • choose furniture with mirrors;
  • decorate the walls with light shades or apply a vertical pattern to them;
  • use translucent textiles on windows.

Repair using these techniques will achieve the effect visual magnification hall space 12 sq m in two room apartment, and it will look like a hall of 18 squares.

Lighting options

Proper lighting of the hall in Khrushchev allows you to compensate for the insufficient amount of natural light in evening time. But this is far from the only purpose of lighting devices. With their help, you can successfully zoning the space of the hall, make an accent, or, conversely, veil some flaws in the room’s layout, and create an original room design. For a 12 sq. m hall of a two-room apartment in Khrushchev, ideas regarding lighting are relevant, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Nature of lighting Advantages Flaws
Central A chandelier suspended in the center of the ceiling of a 12 sq. m room provides quite bright light, provided that a transparent curtain is used Many designers refuse this type of lighting in the hall, since with such lighting not the entire room is illuminated evenly
Spot Built into a suspended ceiling Spotlights evenly illuminate the hall space Requires organization of hanging ceiling structures, which provides for an increase in material costs for the renovation of the hall
LED Lighting of this kind is characterized by low energy consumption, which means you will need to pay less for light. We also note that with the help of such lighting devices you can implement unique ideas on ceiling surface: create unimaginable patterns, lighting effects Like the previous option, LED lighting must be built into suspended ceilings


Successful zoning of the hall space in a small apartment in Khrushchev allows you to endow this modest space with high functionality, aesthetic appeal and comfort. Apply original ideas for the interior of a hall of twelve square meters, so that it looks like a standard hall of 18 meters in area. Here we can distinguish the following zones:

  • rest, as in the photo. It will include a comfortable sofa and armchairs, a small table with magazines, where you can also put a cup of coffee. In order to delineate the boundaries of the relaxation space, you can use finishing materials that differ in color from the finishing of the rest of the room;
  • for working by the window, including desk(it is better to place it in a corner and prefer a corner design with shelves and drawers), an armchair chair and so on. In this case, you need to hang transparent curtains on the window so that as much natural light falls on the desk as possible. To prevent your eyes from getting tired, it is better to put an extra one on the table lighting fixture. And if the hall is a passageway, this zone can be separated from the rest of the space by means of a screen or partition shelf. Then nothing will interfere with concentrating on work;
  • will complete the image of the interior and give the entire space a single design idea - the unity of textiles on the window openings, floor and sofa. You can choose a rug, curtains and bedspreads for the sofa in the same color and pattern so that in the living room small size It was incredibly comfortable to relax and work.


Since a room of 12 sq m in a two-room city apartment in a five-story Khrushchev building is no different large sizes, it will not be possible to fit a lot of furniture here. Also, bulky curtains are not needed here.

For a hall in a city apartment in a five-story Khrushchev building, you should choose:

  • slides and walls are relevant in a hall with either 12 or 18 meters of living space. It is better to choose models with glass or plastic doors with a glossy surface if your hall is small in size. Both ideas work to expand the space. In the first case, the design looks neat and light and does not overload the space of a small room. In the second option, the gloss reflects light, which visually expands the narrow space;
  • wardrobe with a compartment design, as in the interior in the photo. Such models are compact even in open form, because their doors do not swing open, concealing the area of ​​the room, but move apart. But the functionality of the compartment is very high, because inside such a cabinet you can fit a convenient, practical, durable storage system for things and shoes, and allocate space for storing an ironing board and other aesthetically unattractive, but needed by a person accessories. It’s good if the color of the door matches the color of the furniture in the room;
  • upholstered furniture - it is advisable to choose such models of sofa and armchairs that have the ability to fold out to organize additional sleeping place. If the room has a corner free from furniture, adopt successful design solutions. You can choose a corner sofa design, as in the photo below. Such a piece of furniture will be very compact, comfortable and at the same time highly functional;
  • shelves - let them be open hanging products, without bulky doors or thick walls. Open hanging shelves are hung on the wall. They look light, do not overload the space, but they can fit quite a lot of decorative accessories, books and other items. They are hung on the wall in a cascade, one above the other, chaotically. Then the design of a 12 sq. m room is not overloaded with unnecessary details and looks simple and concise.

Floor finishing

Taking into account the fact that the living room of an apartment in a Khrushchev-era building is modest in size, you should not try to use several materials at once to decorate the floor. For example, ceramic tiles

and parquet. It is better to opt for one material. The most popular options today are parquet, laminate, and linoleum. Parquet is distinguished by high aesthetics, durability and practicality. But its organization will require a considerable investment, since parquet today is not cheap. Although 12 squares are not 18. And the volume parquet board

, relevant here, is not so great. No less interesting appearance

laminate, which costs slightly less than parquet. This is a practical option for the hall, however, it is susceptible to large amounts of liquid, so special protective compounds are used to protect the seams from the risk of swelling. In addition, the hall is not a children's room, where children can spill water on the floor while playing. For those who are hesitant to finish the floor with parquet or laminate, you can offer linoleum. This is the most practical finishing material

for a hall that, despite all its advantages, is inexpensive. A design with a similar floor decor can be seen in the photo below.

Ceiling decoration To finish the ceiling surface of a 12 sq. m hall in a two-room Khrushchev apartment, you can use the technology of creating suspended plasterboard ceilings . Drywall allows you to quickly make the ceiling surface smooth, organize different types

To decorate the ceiling of a small hall, you can use suspended stretch ceilings with a glossy film. This option for finishing the ceiling surface is capable of reflecting light, which visually creates the effect of expanding the living room space. Due to this technique, the room looks much more spacious.

I would especially like to note the renovation of a small hall (12 sq m), where the ceilings were decorated using a combined method. The ideas are as follows: a plasterboard layer is combined with sections of stretch film. And the original lighting only adds charm to the surface. This interior is shown in the following photo.

Wall finishing options

To decorate the walls in a small room, standard ideas are used, namely wallpaper. However, more and more often you can find adherents of plaster on the walls of a city apartment. Wallpaper is truly affordable, offers wide possibilities regarding the choice of color, texture, and serves long time, But design possibilities in terms of application plaster solutions decorative types are much broader, more exciting and interesting.

Plaster allows you to show your imagination, quickly decorate the walls, and create an individual design that is unlike any other Khrushchev-era hall project. Such materials are safe for human and animal health and can be easily used in practice even without the help of a professional construction team.

A fairly new material for the hall is decorative stone. In previous years it was used exclusively for finishing the facades of buildings, but modern design offers many interesting ideas for decorating a small hall using it. However, you should not decorate all the walls in a room of this nature with decorative stone. Experienced designers advise limiting yourself to one wall, corner or area that you want to separate from the rest of the space.

Color solutions

The photo below shows Beautiful design a small hall with a good color scheme. As you can see, light shades should prevail in a narrow space, because they are able to visually expand it, giving a person the feeling that he is inside a spacious, well-lit room of 18 square meters.

This also applies to curtains on the windows in the living room. They should be light translucent. But the door and furniture in the hall can be medium-dark, but must be in harmony with each other.

When choosing the main color of the design, it is important to consider the side on which the windows face. If we are talking about north side, then cold daylight can be softened with yellow, beige, orange tones. For sunny side Cool tones such as blue, gray, and purple are acceptable.

Decor and accessories

Be sure to think about how to furnish the interior of a small hall in a Khrushchev-era building. You need to carefully arrange not only large pieces of furniture (wardrobe, shelves, tables, sofas), but also small decor in the form of accessories. The design of a space with many books, figurines, and photo frames will be filled with warmth and comfort. They can be placed on hanging shelves, hung on the wall of the hall in a cascade or one above the other.

Don't forget about the corners, which are often left empty. The following would be appropriate here:

  • a small floor lamp or oblong floor lamp;
  • painting;
  • large vase.

You can decorate the door in the hall. If it is not there, but instead there is an arch, then the beauty of the arch can be emphasized by hanging string curtains in the opening. This version of the curtain, as in the photo, looks very interesting.

Soft accessories and crafts are important for decorating an apartment. self made, light curtains. Handmade soft toys with all kinds of decor in the form of ribbons, beads, weaving, leather straps look so incredibly interesting in the apartment. They can be “sat” on a sofa or armchairs, complemented with small pillows sewn in the same style, color scheme. Curtains are also an element that should be given attention, because if chosen correctly, they can become a real decoration of the room.

The Khrushchev Hall is not a children's room; games are not appropriate here. However, various interior accessories are now at the height of fashion. Modern design The premises of the hall in a city apartment fully allow the use of such extraordinary decorative solutions.

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