Relationship with Alistair. FAQ Dragon Age: Origins - Companions

Race: Human.

Floor: male.

Ranks and titles: Gray Warden, King of Ferelden (according to BioWare canon).

Family: King Maric Theirin (father), King Cailan Theirin (half-brother), Goldanna (half-sister).

Class: warrior.

Specialization: Templar.


- So, you say, Earl Eamon raised you?
- When did I say that? I was raised by dogs.
A pack of huge slobbering dogs from Anderfels.
- Really? It must have been hard for them.
- Well, you see, they were flying dogs.
In addition, surprisingly strict parents
and, in addition, fanatical followers of Andraste.
Alistair and the Guardian.

Very little is known about Alistair’s mother: she was a maid at Redcliffe Castle and died when the future Gray Warden was still very young, leaving him only a small amulet as a keepsake. After her death, Alistair was taken in by Earl Eamon Guerrin, who, according to rumors, was the father of the little bastard.

A few years later, the earl married a young Orlesian, Lady Isolde, who did not like the rumors surrounding her husband. The suspicions of the new Erlessa were unfounded: Alistair was indeed the son of a very famous and influential person, but it was not Eamon, but King Maric Theirin himself. Earl of Redcliffe only sheltered the boy on the advice of Teirn Loghain MacTeer in order to protect the honor of Queen Rowan, Maric's wife. Nevertheless, at the insistence of Isolde, Alistair, at the age of ten, was sent to a nearby monastery, where the boy was to be raised as a faithful servant of the Church. For almost ten years, Alistair trained there, preparing to become a full member of the Order of the Templars. And although he quickly realized that a life entirely devoted to religion was ill-suited to him, it was during his training as a templar that Alistair acquired almost all of his skills.

During the knightly tournament held in honor of Gray Wardens, Alistair was noticed by an old friend of his real father, King Maric, and also the commander of the Ferelden Guardians, Duncan. Although the young warrior did not have outstanding combat skills and was easily defeated by such famous templars as Lady Irene, Sir Talray and Sir Calvin, Duncan was struck by his character, tenacity, kind and loyal heart, which distinguished Alistair from among the rest of the templars. Using the Right of Summoning, the Gray Guardian recruited him into his order.

Participation in the plot

Dragon Age: Origins

- You know, even Mora has one good trait.
He brings people together so much!..

Having recently been recruited into the Ferldan Gray Wardens himself, Alistair is the first to join the player's team during preparations for the Initiation Ritual in Ostagar. And when Loghain betrays King Cailan and dooms both him and Duncan and the rest of the Guardians to death, Alistair, without hesitation, passes the flag of leadership into the hands of the newly created Guardian player and intends to accompany him on all his journeys. Taking his duty to end the Fifth Blight seriously, Alistair will not leave, even if the decisions made by the hero go against his personal beliefs.

However, even understanding the difficulty of the path of a fighter against the Blight, Alistair has a hard time experiencing the death of his mentor Duncan and the rest of the order members who died at Ostagar. But although the Gray Guardians were a real family for him, and Alistair is very proud of his belonging to the order, he honestly talks about the sacrifices that the Guardians have to make to follow the chosen path, and about the unenviable fate that awaits all those who have gone through Initiation.

Deprived of parental warmth, Alistair is surprisingly sensitive to family values. Despite the fact that Lady Isolde made every effort to ensure that Earl Eamon’s castle ceased to be his home, Alistair sincerely wants to save both the earl’s wife and her son Connor. And if you take him with you to the chaos-ridden Circle Tower, then the trap of the demon of idleness for Alistair will be a dream world in which he lives happily with the family of his half-sister Goldanna, plays with her children and dines with his relatives.

A meeting with Goldanna may happen in reality, but it will be far from the expectations of Alistair, who dreamed of finding his sister: she considers her brother guilty of her mother’s death, blames him for her own poverty and is not particularly eager for a “family reunion.” Upon completion of the personal quest, during which the meeting with the sister takes place, you can toughen Alistair’s character. To do this, you need to leave Goldanna’s house and tell him: “Everyone thinks only about themselves. It’s time to know that.” Later at camp, Alistair will return to this conversation, and if the player confirms his words, he will become much more confident in himself and will stop putting the needs of others before his own.

One of the key events in Alistair's life will be the Assembly of the Lands. As the only known surviving child of King Maric, he has the right to take the throne and rule Ferelden, or may remain a simple Gray Warden. But, despite his willingness to put up with other controversial decisions of the protagonist, Alistair will leave the player's squad forever if he decides to save Loghain's life and accept him into the Gray Wardens. Having toughened his character earlier, the player can still persuade Alistair to become king, otherwise the would-be heir to the throne will run away to the Free Marches and drink himself to death. In addition, it is worth noting that if Alistair kills Loghain with his own hands, without previously accepting the offer to marry Anora, the daughter of Teyrn will urge the aristocrats to execute Alistair in order to take the throne herself. In this case, the player can intervene and save Alistair, or allow him to die.

Note: If Alistair is executed, a chest containing all of his equipment will appear in Earl Eamon's estate. If he just leaves the team, there will be no chest.

If Alistair remains on the team and the player agrees to perform Morrigan's ritual, he can be persuaded to sleep with the witch (this will not affect the relationship with the female Guardian). In this case, the Guardian player himself will automatically deal the final blow to the Archdemon. If Morrigan's offer is refused, at the end of the final battle the player will be given a choice: kill the Archdemon himself or have Alistair deal the final blow. But be careful: if you refuse to perform the dark ritual, Alistair, who is in love with the female protagonist, will sacrifice himself and kill the Archdemon, even if the relationship between him and the player ended after the Landsmeet. It is impossible to convince him, and the only way to save Alistair in this situation is to leave him to defend the city gates along with the rest of his companions.

Depending on the player's choices, after completing the main campaign, Alistair may become the ruler of Ferelden. It doesn't matter whether he rules with Anora, alone, or with the Cousland Warden, the people will under any circumstances respect Alistair for his fight against the darkspawn, although in the latter two cases, some people will argue that the story of his origin is a lie. Because of this, complications will arise both in the internal affairs of Ferelden and in relations with Orlais. In addition, if his character has been hardened, Alistair will maintain a relationship with a Guardian who is not from a noble family, and will surprise many by starting to learn the art of governing a country.

Without becoming king, Alistair will either go to the Free Marches and drink himself to death (assuming that Loghain was left alive), or remain in the ranks of the Gray Wardens and help restore the order. If he had a relationship with the Warden who sacrificed herself to kill the Archdemon, then after spending some time with the Gray Wardens, he will go to Duncan's homeland to honor his memory... after which he will disappear without a trace.

Do not forget that Alistair may not survive the Fifth Blight, sacrificing himself in the last battle or being executed on the orders of Anora.

Dragon Age: Awakening

You can meet Alistair in this add-on only if he was elected king during the Assembly of the Lands. The newly crowned monarch will arrive at the Vigil Tower immediately after the first attack of the creatures of darkness, accompanied by a detachment of bodyguards and templar Rylok. The purpose of his visit is to obtain information about the situation in the Tower and decide what the Guardians should do about it.

Note: If the player did not transfer a save from Origins, Alistair will be the King of Ferelden by default. When transferring saves, relationships with the player (if any) are taken into account.

The Darkspawn Chronicles

- What? Command? I? No, no, no! No command.
When I become a commander, everything goes wrong.
We lose our way, people die, and in the end...
I find myself broke somewhere and without pants.

In the alternate history of The Darkspawn Chronicles, Alistair was forced to gather allies to fight the Blight on his own after the player Guardian died during the Initiation ritual. He will appear on top of Fort Drakkon as the final boss of the campaign, along with Morrigan, Leliana, and a dog named "Pestilence". Although the player sees him only at the end of the DLC, based on the composition of the troops opposing the creatures of darkness and the entries in the codex, one can get a general picture of his journey:

  • Alistair accepted Morrigan's help, took her to his team, despite their mutual hostility, and, judging by the presence of the witch on the battlefield, agreed to carry out the dark ritual. He also rescued a dog from Ostagar (giving him the nickname "Morovoy") and allowed Leliana to join the squad. With the latter, as the code says, Alistair had an affair.
  • Neither Sten, nor Zevran, nor Ogren, nor Wynn were accepted into the team by Alistair, but they all survived to the final battle and fought against the creatures of darkness in Denerim.
  • Alistair visited the Vault and, with the help of a pinch of Andraste's Ashes, cured Earl Eamon.
  • In a dispute between the Dalish and werewolves, Alistair took the side of the latter and convinced them to destroy the elven clan.
  • Alistair saved the Circle of Mages, and also convinced the Order of the Templars to enter into battle with the creatures of darkness.
  • It is unclear who Alistair chose as king of Orzamar, but dwarven forces (including the Legion of the Dead) joined his forces. He also allowed Branka to use the Anvil of the Void, thanks to which he gained golems into the ranks of his army.
  • During the unrest in the elvenage, Alistair did not agree to Caladrius's proposal and rescued all the captive elves.
  • Alistair managed to recruit several Qunari into his troops.
  • At the Assembly of the Lands, Alistair, along with Anora, were elected as the new king and queen, and Loghain was executed. Alistair also released Vaughan from prison in exchange for his support at the Assembly of the Lands.
  • Alistair convinced Cauthren and Earl Howe to come over to his side and fight the Blight.
  • Alistair appointed Bann Tegan as leader of the Redcliffe Knights.

Dragon Age II

- Oh, exactly! I am Alistair... er... King of Ferelden.
King Alistair

If Alistair became king in Dragon Age: Origins, he makes a brief appearance in Dragon Age II during the King Alistair quest, accompanied by Bann Tegan. He will have a tense conversation with Meredith, the topic of which will be several magicians who have fled to Ferelden or freedom granted to the local Circle at the request of the Hero of Ferelden. Depending on the decisions made in Dragon Age: Origins and the composition of the party, the player's conversation with Alistair will be slightly different. And if you ask the king about the relationship between his country and Orlais, Alistair will repeat one of his most famous phrases from the first part of the game: "Yes. It's not good to lash out..."

If Alistair remained with the Gray Wardens, he will appear during the battle with the Qunari, accompanied by Bethany or Carver - depending on which of them survived to the expedition to Deep Paths and survived it - or simply with several unknown members of the order. He will express regret that he cannot help the player in battle, since the Gray Wardens must maintain neutrality. In addition, his squad is now performing a special task, which is much more more important than events in Kirkwall. Alistair will also give the player an amulet that previously belonged to a “friend” or “love of his life” (when importing saves in which he had a relationship with the Guardian and an unofficial fix), that is, the Hero of Ferelden from Dragon Age: Origins.

If, after the Assembly of the Lands, Alistair left the team, he will appear as a regular of the Hangman in the first act. Hawk can try to talk to him, and Isabella, who is in the party during the conversation, will additionally comment on the behavior of the former Guardian. In the second act, Alistair's constant presence in the Gallows attracts the attention of Bann Tegan, who takes him back to Ferelden.

Note: The plot of the works below follows BioWare's own canon, in which Alistair became King of Ferelden in Dragon Age: Origins.

Dragon Age: The Silent Grove

- My name is Alistair Therin. I am the King of Ferelden...
Son of Maric the Savior?.. You... are not very convinced, are you?


Alistair arrives in the city of Antiva, where he, along with Varric Tetras and the pirate Isabella, breaks into the archives of the Antivan Ravens to verify some information he received from Claudio Valisti, one of the high-ranking members of this order of assassins. Soon, the informant of the King of Ferelden himself arrives when the alarm goes off. He exchanges a couple of short phrases with Alistair and casually mentions the Raven prison called Velabanchel, after which he sends the unlucky burglars on their way.

A little later, Alistair and his companions raid Velabanchel and fight their way to one of the cells. It turns out that this whole adventure was started with the goal of saving King Maric, who disappeared years ago, from captivity by the Ravens. But instead of his father, Alistair finds only an emaciated old man who tells the monarch that he has come too late.

Having escaped from prison and rescued former cellmate Maric, the squad returns to Isabella's ship and sails from Antiva. On the ship, the old man they found says that King Maric was saved by Yavana, another Witch of the Wild Lands from the Tellari swamps. Alistair goes to the swamps with the firm intention of saving his father, still accompanied by Varrick and Isabella. There they are attacked by a high dragon, shortly after whose appearance Yavana herself appears.

At first, the witch behaves intractably, but in the end she decides to tell them why she saved Maric. Yavana leads the trio to the Silent Grove, a special place created after the fall of the Tevinter Empire to protect the surviving dragons. The witch tells Alistair that many years ago, Flemeth - her mother - saved King Maric and made a deal with him, according to which he would go to Silent Grove after his children grew up. She did not want to say anything more and clearly hinted to the heroes that they would not learn anything more from her, and it was time for them to leave here. But on the way to the ship, the trio is ambushed by Claudio Valisti and his subordinates. It turns out that the Antivan prince had been watching Alistair and his companions from the very beginning, knowing that they would lead him to the Quiet Grove that his master was looking for, and was preparing to capture them after that. In the ensuing battle, Valisti's henchmen begin to gain the upper hand, and, seeing that they cannot win, Alistair voluntarily surrenders on the condition that Claudio releases Isabella and Varrick.

Having reached the Antivan camp, Alistair tries to talk to Claudio and get from him at least some information about the fate of Maric or at least find out the name of Valisti’s owner. The conversation is interrupted by Varrick and Isabella, who attacked the Ravens' camp in order to recapture Alistair from them. But having dealt with the prince’s henchmen, Isabella also kills Claudio himself, and along with his life, the only thread that could lead Alistair to Marik is cut off.

- I'm tired of being a pawn, Varric.

Fortunately, Yavana, who appeared in the camp, says that there is a way to get the information Alistair wants - Claudio’s spirit is still in the Shadow, so she can “revive” him, turning him into an obedient undead. From Valisti they learn the name of the man who ordered the capture of Alistair - Aurelian Titus. After this, Yavana takes Alistair to the Hall of Sleepers - a huge cave under the Silent Grove, in which dragons who fell asleep centuries ago are waiting to awaken. Yavana was supposed to protect the sleeping ones and awaken them when the time came, but she did not have enough strength to bring the high dragons back to life. For this, the witch needed the help of Marik - thanks to the blood of Calenhad the Great, which flowed in his veins, he would be able to do what Yavana did not have the strength to do. But before Maric awakened all the sleeping dragons, he was kidnapped by Aurelian Titus. Therefore, Yavana asks Alistair to finish what his father started, thus fulfilling the oath he once took, and in return promises to help the current king of Ferelden in finding Maric. But instead of agreeing to the witch's proposal, Alistair kills her and returns back to his companions. After telling Varric and Isabella what happened in the Hall of Sleepers, he vows to kill Aurelian Titus, find his father, and then return to his royal duties in Ferelden.

Dragon Age: Those Who Speak

- Sometimes you have to lure a rabbit out of its hole to catch it.
- What if he runs back into the hole to collect a hundred other rabbits who will come for you?
“Then we’ll gorge ourselves on stewed rabbit meat for months.”
Alistair and Varric

In Dragon Age: Those Who Speak, Alistair arrives in Tevinter in order to find Mister Claudio, Master of Aurelian Titus, and, along with his companions, goes to a ball where Titus is expected to attend. There he also meets Varric's old friend, Master Mavaris Tilani, as well as Lord Devon, who once dated Isabella.

As soon as Titus arrives at the ball, Alistair demands that he immediately tell him where King Maric is being held. A brawl ensues, during which Alistair uses one of the Templars’ techniques to confront Titus, who has used blood magic. Realizing who he will have to fight, the master orders his men to detain the king of Ferelden and his friends while he himself tries to escape. At the end of the battle, Isabella managed to capture one of Titus’s henchmen and bring him to her ship. Varric, who interrogated the prisoner, managed to extract information from him about the location of the master's fortress on the island of Segeron. However, before they could get there, Isabella's ship was attacked by two Qunari dreadnoughts. After a short fight, the entire team, along with Alistair and Varrick, are captured and escorted to a military camp called Akaaz.

After three weeks of being “guests” with the Qunari, Alistair and Varrick are summoned by Arishok. The King of Ferelden recognizes him as his old comrade, whom he knew as Stan. The Arishok tells Alistair that the reason Aurelian wants to capture him is because of the blood of the monarch, and that it is complete stupidity to go straight to the master's lair. Therefore, the king of Ferelden will remain in Akaaz until the Arishok deals with the threat on his own. Alistair realizes that his old friend knows much more than he is saying, so he demands answers to his questions from Arishok. But the Qunari rather rudely ends the conversation, finally advising Alistair not to bother him anymore.

Meanwhile, Isabella manages to escape from captivity. Having reached the room where Alistair and Varrick are being held, she frees her companions, and then goes on to save her team. The dwarf and the king fight their way to the ships, but at the end of the path the Arishok is already waiting for them, who attacks his former comrade-in-arms without talking. Alistair defeats the Qunari leader in a duel, but instead of finishing off the defeated enemy, he again invites the Arishok to unite against a common enemy - Titus, to which he finally agrees. Accompanied by two Qunari dreadnoughts, Alistair sails from Akaaz to Titus' fortress - At Velanim. The Arishok, sailing with him on board Isabella's pirate ship, says that the Tevinter master wants to capture Alistair because the blood of dragons flows in his veins and promises to explain a little later why he thinks so.

Dragon Age: Until We Sleep

- King of Ferelden, templar, Gray Warden, and now dragon blood?
Your Majesty, you are one of a kind among us.

The Arishok tells Alistair the Qunari version of the legend of King Calenhad. It says that Calenhad made a deal with a mysterious witch, who told him that in order to gain great power it is necessary to drink the blood of a high dragon. Having done as the witch said, the ancient king became invincible. Arishok believes that it is because of the particle of dragon blood that still flows in the veins of people from the royal dynasty that Titus wants to get Alistair in addition to the already captured Maric.

Soon after this, the allies begin an attack on the fortress of Aurelian Titus. Alistair and Isabella storm At Velanim along with the Arishok's main forces. The Qunari troops press back the followers of Titus, but are powerless when the master himself enters the battlefield. At this moment, Varrick, who alone penetrated the fortress, finds Aurelian's laboratory and King Maric, connected to a strange magical device. Unable to think of anything better, the dwarf shoots the device with his crossbow to free the captive king.

Varric's attempt results in everyone in At Velanim being pulled into the Shadow. After some time, Varric, Isabella and Master Mayvaris, captured by Titus earlier, found Alistair in a fictional world, where he was the recognized son of Maric, his brother and the rightful heir to the throne of Ferelden, Kaylan, remained alive, and the king himself did not disappear anywhere. There they also meet King Maric himself, who, although he knew that all this was not real, thought that Alistair was just another illusion. With Maric's support, Varric managed to convince Alistair to abandon his pipe dreams and face harsh reality. After this, all five go to Titus, intending to end him once and for all. In a fierce battle, Maric kills Aurelian's master Titus.

Despite the victory, Maric wants to remain in the Shadow, saying that everyone who was dear to him has long existed only in this world of dreams. And although Alistair convinces him that he must return back to Ferelden, upon returning to reality, the heroes discover that Maric still remains connected to the source of Titus's power - Magrallen, an ancient Tevinter artifact. Realizing that only this device keeps the old king alive, and that he will not be able to save his father, Alistair destroys Magrallen, thereby ending Maric’s life. After this, Alistair travels back to Ferelden, intending to become a worthy heir to his father and a fitting king.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

If Alistair became king:

((PICTURE-RIGHT))Alistair allows the rebel mages to take refuge in Redcliffe. However, then the Tevinter Master Alexius seizes power over them and forces them to displace ordinary residents. Not wanting to hear any more of the mages' antics, Alistair (along with Queen Anora, if they rule together) personally arrives at the castle with a detachment of soldiers shortly after the Inquisitor defeats Alexius. The king informs the magicians that they are no longer welcome in Redcliffe, and advises them to agree to any proposal from the Inquisitor. This scenario only plays out if the Inquisitor decides to turn to the mages for help rather than the templars. In addition, a little later two missions related to Alistair will be available at the command headquarters.

If Alistair remains a Gray Warden:

Hawk turned to Alistair for help in researching red lyrium. It turned out, however, that he preferred to go into hiding, concerned that something strange was happening within the ranks of the Gray Wardens. A little later, Hawke and the Inquisitor met him at his hideout in Crestwood.

Alistair explains that he was trying to find out if Corypheus could survive critical wounds in the same way that the Archdemon can. However, in the midst of his research, every Gray Warden in Orlais began to hear the Call, which he believed could come from Corypheus. Thinking their end was near, Guardian Commander Clarel decided to use a blood magic ritual to end the Blight forever. Alistair was branded a traitor for openly protesting the plan, and he has been forced into hiding ever since. After the conversation, he, Hawke and the Inquisitor go to the ancient Tevinter ritual tower in the Western Reach, where something like a meeting of the Guardians was supposed to take place.

Upon arrival, the party witnessed Guardian mages sacrificing their fellows to summon demons. And their leader was Lord Livius Erimond, Master of the Venatori, who was able to convince the Guardians to use blood magic techniques to create an army of demons, go with it to the Deep Roads and kill the remaining Old Gods before they woke up. It turns out, however, that the rituals that Erimond taught the magicians, among other things, create a connection between them and Corypheus, allowing him to use them and the summoned demons as he pleases. Erimond manages to escape to the Adamant fortress while the Inquisitor's squad fights the enslaved Guardians in the tower.

Hawke and Alistair joined the Inquisitor in the siege of the Adamant Fortress. They appeared before Clarel and Erimond and told the truth about the ritual of summoning demons, trying to turn the Guardians against the master. When Erimond summons a dragon to deal with the Inquisition, Clarel makes up her mind and betrays the master. A large-scale battle begins. Having broken through the crowds of enemies, the Inquisition rushes towards Clarel. She unleashes all her anger on Erimond, but dies in the claws of the dragon. Her last spell turns out to be critical for the dragon, and it falls, but part of the fortifications underneath it collapses, and the entire squad that arrived in time falls down. The Inquisitor uses the mark and opens a portal to the Shadow, where he falls along with his companions.

In the Shadow, the Inquisitor encounters a spirit (or perhaps something else) who appears in the form High Priestess Justinia V. The spirit explains that the squad fell into the domain of the Nightmare, who took the Inquisitor's memories. Moving deeper into the territory, he regains these memories, and it turns out that the Priestess was captured by the Gray Guardians and sacrificed to increase the power of the sphere. This is where the Inquisitor intervened, touching the sphere, which left a mark on his hand. The party also learns that it was Justinia who brought the Inquisitor out of the Shadow after the Breach occurred. Following this discovery, Hawke states that the Gray Wardens have become uncontrollable and must be watched. Alistair defends himself and replies that their minds were most likely under the control of Corypheus and that, in addition, Hawk himself brought a lot of chaos, provoking the uprising of the magicians.

The spirit leads the party to the gap, but Nightmare blocks their path. The spirit then sacrifices itself to weaken the enemy, and the Inquisition defeats the demon standing in the way. However, at this moment the Nightmare returns, and either Hawk or Alistair must stay and distract him so that the party can break through to the exit. Hawke does this to atone for the release of Corypheus, while Alistair does this as atonement for the actions of the Guardians.

If Alistair survives, he becomes the leader of the remaining Guardians. Allowing the Inquisitor to decide their fate, Alistair then travels to Weishaupt to inform the Gray Wardens of what has happened.


As with other companions, the player can increase Alistair's attitude through conversations, decisions he approves of, and through gifts. In conversations with Alistair, the main thing is to be understanding of his feelings and not to respond harshly to his habit of laughing it off. He will also appreciate the player’s sincere desire to learn more about his past. When communication turns to personal topics, it is better not to blame Alistair’s shyness, gentleness and inexperience - all this will lead to a deterioration in the relationship.

As for gifts, despite the fact that he was trained to become a templar (or perhaps precisely because of this), Alistair shows an interest in magical and occult objects - for example, various figurines and rune stones. Alistair will also be very happy if the player finds his mother’s amulet during the liberation of Earl Eamon’s castle or gets Duncan’s shield from the Gray Wardens’ vault in Denerim.

BUG! Sometimes, when choosing Alistair to be part of the active party, he may respond as if he received a gift from you, increasing your influence on him by one point.


- Here I am, crushing enemies with all the power of flower garlands!
Spawns of darkness, know the sharpness of my thorns!
I will put you to flight with a wave of the scent of roses!
And, you know, it could just be a rose. A much more boring option.
Alistair gives a rose to his beloved

During dialogue, the female protagonist will have multiple opportunities to romance Alistair. The most important thing for this is not to make fun of him, but otherwise do as usual: give compliments, say that you like him... When Alistair is interested in the player enough, he will give you a rose - a sure sign that the relationship is developing in the right direction. Just remember that relationships for Alistair are a serious thing, in which he is, moreover, completely inexperienced. Therefore, try not to rush things too much, otherwise your relationship with Alistair may deteriorate due to your pressure.

Note: Before Alistair agrees to spend the night with you, you must complete at least one story quest. And after completing the personal quest, Alistair himself will invite you to spend the night in his tent.

If Alistair becomes king, and the Guardian does not come from a noble family or does not want to marry him, then the relationship between them can only be continued if Alistair was previously tightened. But even in this case, the romance may end if, after the Assembly of the Lands, during a conversation with Alistair, you did not choose the line “No one can force a king to do what he does not want to do.”

Note: A Cousland guardian must use the Persuasion skill to marry Alistair during the Landsmeet. To do this, you don’t have to have a romantic or just a good relationship with him; the most important thing is not to accept Riordan’s offer to let Loghain live.

  • Creating the image of Alistair,

Alistair is a young Gray Warden recruited by Duncan six months before the Blight began. Alistair lost his mother in early childhood and that is why he grew up in Redcliffe Castle. There he received a religious education and became a warrior of the sacred order, which controls the activities of the Circle of Magicians and hunts for apostates and heretics.

But... Alistair clearly did not feel much desire for religion and divine service. His irreverence and rather "unusual" sense of humor often created awkward situations with teachers and mentors. When Duncan found him, Alistair had already renounced his knightly vows and was generally in an extremely poor state. Feeling that the boy had a kind and generous heart, Duncan used the Right of Initiation and took the novice from the holy order. Alistair became a Gray Warden - since then his life has changed a lot.

“One day Duncan, the Gray Warden, came to choose from among the novices of the Order of the Templars one who would follow him in the fight against the Blight. The competition for such a high honor was dedicated to the name and glory of the prophetess Andraste, and Knight Commander Glavin of Denerim himself watched it .

And a tournament was held in honor of the Gray Wardens so that the best warriors could show themselves. Templars from all over Ferelden filled the courtyard with shining armor and righteous light, and the will of the Creator was felt in everything that day. Duncan sat next to the Knight Commander, as if wolfishly looking out for who would become his recruit.

As the battles progressed, three templars stood out among the others. It was Sir Calvin from Denerim. Even the duelists of Antiva could not boast of more talented swordsmanship. And there was Sir Erin, a woman from Highever, who wielded blade and shield with unrivaled grace. And also Sir Talru of Lothering, whose skill brought victory in many campaigns against the Chasinds in the lands of Korcari. These three warriors impressed the Gray Warden, but he nevertheless seemed puzzled. This did not escape the Knight Commander’s gaze, and he asked:

My friend Guardian, why are you so gloomy?

To which Duncan replied:

Today I saw many beautiful warriors with brave hearts, but there, at the other end of the arena, I see one templar who was not called to battle.

The Knight Commander looked there and, seeing the young novice Alistair, sighed:

He's the troublemaker around here. With his conversations and attitude, he betrays our beliefs, which only harms his fellow men. He doesn't deserve to fight for such an honor today.

“I came to find the best of you,” replied the Gray Warden, “and not the most well-bred.” Let him fight.

And the Knight Commander nodded reluctantly to young Alistair, who in turn seemed surprised. He looked from the Commander to the Gray Warden and, as if in confirmation, saw a satisfied smile on Duncan's face.

And so, young Alistair, armored and armed, entered the battle. People could be heard shouting in anger that the newcomer had joined too late, and their desire to exclude him from the competition was obvious. But Alistair's reaction was very peculiar: to those whom he was superior in battle, he extended his hand to help them rise, and there was a mischievous grin on his face. If he was refused, this gesture was immediately accompanied by giggling from the crowd. Often his opponent would leave the battlefield in a rage, and Alistair would simply turn to Duncan and shrug, smiling even wider.

But Alistair was far from the most experienced warrior in the arena. He was surpassed by Sir Calvin's swift blade. He was outwitted by Sir Erin's skills. He was defeated by Sir Telru's endurance. But even so, when the tournament was over, Duncan turned to the Knight Commander and said: I choose Alistair. The commander was offended by this decision, but could not resist, since the Gray Guardians possess the Right of Summoning. Complying, he announced Duncan's choice, and they entered the arena to meet the young winner as a sullen, indignant crowd looked on. However, no one was more surprised than Alistair himself.

But I didn't even win the tournament! - he exclaimed.

“I didn’t ask to win the tournament,” Duncan replied. - Just like he didn’t offer to become my recruit as a prize. I came here looking for a man with the character of a warrior, and I believe I have found him.

Alistair seemed quite pleasantly puzzled by this answer. He stood surprised until Duncan, with a faint smile, suggested young man go gather their gear as they set out immediately. Alistair ran away with such speed that the crowd saw him off with knowing glances.

There was no news from Alistair after that evening, which is quite unusual when it comes to the Gray Wardens. What is certain, however, is that the Templar barracks are much, much quieter without him."

excerpt from the journal of Brother Tevius, minister of the Order of the Templars at Redcliffe"

Alistair joins you in Ostagar before his Initiation into the Gray Wardens.

Alistair fights with a sword and shield and can be a great tank for your group. His Templar specialization can also serve you well if you start leveling it up.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to his unusual sense of humor: “Well, shall we engage in ritual dismemberment? Oh, wait, today is not Tuesday!” - and a very vulnerable soul: “Yes, I was raised by a flock of slobbering flying mabari!”

Alistair is a romantic interest for female characters. Romancing him unlocks the "First Knight" achievement.

This mod adds a short cutscene after Riordan tells Alistair and the Guardian about killing the archdemon. Alistair puts on a brave face during the conversation, and afterwards, if you talk to him in his room, he tries to be cheerful. Tinimaus created this cutscene to show Alistair's panic at a certain moment.

If Alistair and a female Guardian of any race have the “love” status, then a candlestick will appear in the corridor opposite the Guardian’s room. Clicking on the candlestick will trigger the scene. You can watch this scene both before and after talking to Morrigan, as many times as you like. However, it is possible that such an opportunity disappears if Morrigan is rudely rejected with her proposal.

Also, only load saves before talking to Riordan. If you load a save after the conversation, the candlestick will not appear.


Despite the fact that the video shows English speech, everything in the game will be in Russian. Guaranteed! Low bow Tinimaus for editing the Russian voice acting!!!

Download the archive, extract it using WinRar. Install the file .dazip by using daupdater.exe(at: Program Files\Dragon Age\bin_ship). Just drag and drop DAzip in the program window, click on the line with the mod and the “ Set selected».

1) Manually delete the folder "ali_rom_fear" at: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns.
2) Delete the file " ali_rom_fear_package.erf"at the address: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data.

The author had to use a script in his mod clipt_main.nss, adding the line CLI_MAIN_RIORDAN_FINISHED_TALKING_IN_REDCLIFFE there. If you have any mods installed that use scripts clip_main, then they will conflict. For example, Improved Atmosphere uses a similar script. If you know how to remove this binding, please let the author of the mod know!

Known Issues
Some users may encounter the Guardian's eyes open during Alistair's nightmare thoughts. The author is working on a solution to this problem.

Original Mod's Page
My cutscene skills, such as they are, have grown under the nurturing wing of Kajana, who has also been the chief supplier of fodder for my Alistair obsession. Kajana, you are my sister in kink, and I hope this scene will work nicely with your Last Night/Dark Ritual scenes!
A big thank you to my lovely guinea pigs rosvitacousland, Nightwishmaria, Deadfang1, Cullenite and Kajana.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this mod to the memory of nancyferg. I deeply regret not telling her straight away how much I cherish her Gray Warden Weddings mod.

Tinimaus for creating the mod and providing permission. Thank you so much for the help you offered! Without you, I had no chance to translate this wonderful mod!
Sites website And for what they are!

Alistair is the illegitimate son of King Maric and a maid. He was not a contender for the throne, and his existence, on the advice of his trusted friend, Loghain, was hidden. Earl Eamon hid him. The earl's wife was sent to church. Before Duncan arrived, he did not have time to take his vows and was in despair about life in the church. At the tournament in honor of the gray guards he showed himself mediocre, but his spirit amazed Duncan. He used the right of conscription to call the boy into the ranks of the gray guards, but the Lady of the Church did not want to give him up, but could not resist the right of conscription.


Dialogue, gifts and plot decisions can increase Alistair's approval. Alistair doesn't mind talking about himself, although he often answers jokingly or clearly lies. Neither approach will affect his approval. Most often, Alistair talks about Duncan and the Gray Wardens. Speaking well of Duncan and sharing Alistair's loss can earn him favor.

In conversations about the consequences of initiation, Alistair approves of an opinion similar to his. By acknowledging the nightmares, increased appetite and other things, little by little his approval will increase. When the hero talks to Alistair about personal matters (such as sex), Alistair admires the answers, which offer both strength and experience. You should not mock him for his softness and inexperience in relationships - he perceives all this negatively, and his approval decreases.


Despite training as a templar in the Church, Alistair has a deep interest in magical and occult things, especially figurines and runestones. His story items are his mother's amulet, which can be found in Eamon's desk in Redcliffe Castle, and Duncan's shield, which is found in the market warehouse in the Denerim trading district.


Alistair is a romantic interest for a female Guardian. He doesn't take relationships as something easy. There are many ways to romance him through dialogue. Give him compliments, tell him that you like him, in general, everything except ridicule of him will help to win him over. If you offer him a relationship before sufficient level approval, he may reject them due to his inexperience, saying that he cannot take such things so lightly. Continuing to offer beyond this point will result in loss of approval. If you continue to earn friendship points, he will invite the heroine to his tent. He likes to be loved and desired, and sometimes responds with a hint of thriftiness, but he does not like to be laughed at over intimacy.

If Alistair is interested in the Guardian as a woman, he will give her a gift - a rose. You can accept it or not. If Alistair has high approval and high approval from Zevran or Leliana (adoration or love), the next time he talks to him, Alistair will force him to choose between them.

If Alistair becomes king, the relationship will end unless the Guardian is of noble birth or Alistair is toughened up. Even if it is tightened, the relationship will end if the Guardian chooses the wrong dialogue lines after the Landsmeet. Select the line "No one can force a king to do anything he doesn't want to do" to convince Alistair to continue the relationship. However, even if Alistair broke up with the Guardian, he retains tender feelings for her, although he tries to avoid talking about it in dialogues with the Guardian and other party members.

Note: A noble girl must use persuasion to marry Alistair when he chooses between her and Anora at the Landsmeet, although she does not need to be in a relationship with him or even have high approval. With Alistair hardened, this option becomes available if the Warden refused Riordan's offer to make Loghain a Gray Warden; If the Guardian supported the idea of ​​a hardened Alistair becoming king and executing Loghain, this would cancel the dialogue where he would have to choose between Alistair and Anora and give the opportunity to choose to rule with him.

If the Guardian did not agree to Morrigan’s proposal and took Alistair to battle with the Archdemon, then he will sacrifice himself even if he broke up with the Guardian on his own initiative.

In order to receive the quest of any of your comrades, in addition to other individual conditions, you definitely need an approval level of more than 25, that is, “warm”. In order for your teammate’s attitude to jump to the “friendship” (or “love” in the case of a romance) mark, in addition to a high approval scale, you must definitely complete his/her personal quest.

Almost all of your comrades have so-called “moments of crisis” - depending on their disposition towards you and your decisions in certain matters, they can either leave the group forever, or even attack you if you don’t please them at all. Almost all of them will decide to leave you if their attitude drops to -100. You can also kick most of them out of the group yourself at any time if you wish.

In almost every important location there is a place, upon crossing which dialogues between teammates always (or almost always) begin. This is the bridge in Orzammar leading to the Arena, the bridge in Redcliffe (the one on which you met Thomas), the bridge in Lothering, the northern street in the Trade District in Denerim, the corridor on the first floor of the Wizards' Tower (after clearing it of demons), the border of the camp Dalish (when you go to this location from the world map, you only need to take a few steps for your comrades to initiate a dialogue). You need to leave the location and return to it if you want to listen to more conversations.

Talk to your teammates more often - this will help you gain their respect (or lower it), and sometimes they really give useful tips. They have the most conversation options in the camp, but in other locations it is quite possible to talk to them.

For most comrades, there are special gifts that, when presented, initiate a dialogue of gratitude. They can be given to only one companion - the rest will refuse them. In addition to special gifts, everyone has their own type of preferred gifts that raise the attitude of a particular follower higher than others, although they can be given to others too. You can find out what kind of gifts this or that companion prefers from conversations with them and by reading the Code, which is updated every time your relationship moves to a new level.

If, out of principle, you decide to bring the attitude of all your associates to +100, I recommend buying gifts from all merchants, but not giving them right away, but wait and see how high the attitude of your associates towards you rises in the course of natural events. (For example, your romantic interest could go up to 100 pretty quickly with no gifts at all). If you have the Guardian's Fortress expansion, store gifts in the chest so that they do not take up space in your inventory. Of course, you can give special gifts whenever you want, because they are suitable only for one comrade-in-arms and are useless for others, and besides, they are often the subject of a personal quest.

In this case, in the second half of the game you should have enough gifts that you can manipulate, improving the relations of those who have lagged behind the rest. Don't forget that with the exception of special gifts that initiate dialogue, the rest can be given to anyone - if you save enough of them, that will be enough. For example, if Alistair's attitude towards you is already at around one hundred, there is no reason not to give something from his assortment of gifts to someone else whose attitude towards you has not yet reached its maximum.

And, of course, it makes sense to keep one or two gifts for each ally in case you suddenly do something that they really don’t like and decide to make up for the unfavorable impression. By the middle of the game, you should know your companions well enough to determine which of them will agree with your style of problem-solving and which will not, and, accordingly, whose gifts you should save just in case.

There are “general” gifts that are not intended for anyone in particular. Their highest value will be 5 points for any companion, as opposed to preferred gifts, whose primary value for the one who prefers them is 10.

Each gift reduces the value of the next one by 1 point. (That is, if when you receive the first gift, your attitude rises by 10 points, then when you receive the second, it increases by 9, etc.) Any gift must bring you at least 1 influence point.

If your colleague’s attitude towards you is negative, then the value of any gift is halved (with the exception of those that raise the attitude by just one).

If a follower's attitude towards you rises above neutral, then under your inspiring leadership one of his characteristics will increase. As their positive attitude grows, this stat can rise to +4 - for example, Alistair's Constitution, Stan's Strength, etc.

Attitude scale:

100 - crisis (a ally will leave or attack, in some cases he can be dissuaded from this with high Conviction).

99 - 26 – hostile.

25 - 25 – neutral.


26 – 75 – warm (they can teach specializations, start talking about themselves and, if other conditions are met, they will give a personal quest, if any).

76 – 100 – friendship (they will express gratitude for your company and moral support).


26 – 50 – interest (they can teach specializations, start talking about themselves and, if other conditions are met, they will give a personal quest, if there is one, they will start flirting with you)

51- 70 – care

71 – 90 – admiration

91-100 – love

Although it is quite possible to have affairs with three associates at the same time, sooner or later you will be given an ultimatum and asked to make a choice. This always happens if you reach Love with more than one companion, but it can happen earlier.

Alistair joins you shortly after your arrival in Ostagar. Of all the NPCs, he is the only one who plays almost as important a role in the events taking place as the GG, and therefore, unlike the rest of your comrades, he will not leave you even if his attitude towards you is -100. You also will not have the opportunity to kick him out of the group yourself until the moment of his personal crisis.

Special gifts for Alistair: Alistair's mother's amulet (in the table in Earl Eamon's office at Redcliffe Castle) and Duncan's shield (in the Guardian's cache in the warehouse that Riordan tells you about if you talk to him in Eamon's palace after rescuing him from Howe's dungeon, provided that you took the Gray Warden documents from there). Alistair also collects various figurines, figurines and rune stones.

Alistair will teach you the Templar specialization if his attitude towards you is high enough.

Quest – Alistair's Family

After you visit Redcliffe Village for the first time, Alistair will tell you about his origins. If his attitude towards you is high enough, then in the next conversation he will mention his sister and ask if you can visit her in Denerim with him. The sister's house will not be marked on the map - it is the building next to Wade's shop (to the left of it). All you have to do is approach him with Alistair in a group and he will initiate a dialogue in which he will point out the house as his sister's place of residence. Go inside.

Listen to the conversation with Goldanna and answer as you wish. When you find yourself on the street, you will have the chance to “toughen up” Alistair’s character. This won't really affect his behavior except for some key moments late in the game. Female GGs who are having an affair with Alistair and want a happy ending with him are highly recommended to tighten it up (unless you are playing a GG of noble birth - in which case it doesn't really matter).

In order to toughen Alistair, after a conversation with Goldanna, select the option “Every man for himself... you should understand this” in the conversation, and after a conversation in the camp, where he will say that you are right and he must make his own decisions , rather than relying on others, confirm that this is what you meant. (If you tell him that's not what you meant and ask him not to change, then "tightening up" won't happen.)

Moment of crisis

Alistair can leave your group only under one condition - if you spare Loghain after the Landsmeet. Depending on whether you brutalize him during his personal quest will determine whether he becomes king or disappears from your horizon forever. It also depends on your behavior whether Anora will execute him or let him go home, but in any case, Alistair will leave your group forever.

Alistair as romantic interest

Alistair is a romantic interest for a female character. In conversations, you will have many opportunities to start a romance with him, the very first of which is your question, “Has anyone told you that you are good-looking?” If you are high enough, Alistair will give you a rose as a sign of his affection (and a signal to you that the romance is developing in the right direction).

Alistair can be invited to the tent by the GG herself, and depending on his disposition towards you, he may refuse or not, but it is best to wait until he does it himself. His location should be at the Love mark - then upon returning to the camp, he will initiate a dialogue in which he will invite you to spend the night with him.

Of all the novels, only the novel with Alistair has several variations of endings.

Provided that neither Alistair nor GG died during the events and Alistair remained in the group:

If you play as a human character of noble birth and Alistair becomes the king of Ferelden, you can marry him and become queen. (To do this, you need to have pumped up Persuasion.) If you play a GG of any origin other than a noble person and you did NOT toughen up Alistair during his personal quest, he will break off relations with the GG after the Assembly of the Lands, since the interests of state oblige him to marry a woman capable of prolongation of the family. If you are playing a GG of any background and you toughened up Alistair during his personal quest, then with a high enough Persuasion he will agree to the option where he marries for reasons of state, but you remain his beloved. If Alistair did not become king, but remained a Gray Warden, then he always remains with the GG.

Note for GG of noble origin:

If you don't want to be queen and are content to remain just a lover, then it doesn't matter whether Alistair marries Anora or not. If you persuade them to rule together, then, of course, you will not have the option to marry him.

Morrigan joins the party at the request of Flemeth after the Battle of Ostagar. You can kick her out of the group if you want, but if she stays with you until the end, it will give you additional options for the game's endings.

A special gift for Morrigan, in addition to the Black Grimoire and Flemeth's Grimoire involved in her personal quest, is the Golden Mirror (sold in Orzammar in the Unknown Region). Morrigan is also very fond of jewelry.

Morrigan can teach you the Werewolf specialization.

Morrigan adheres to the rules of “every man for himself” and “survival of the fittest,” and therefore your altruistic impulses will not meet with her support. It is possible to soften her character somewhat when presenting her with the Golden Mirror - when she asks what she owes you for it, ask her to be kinder. After this, your kind deeds will cause her less irritation.

Quest - Grimoire of Flemeth

To receive this quest you need to visit the Tower of Mages. In this case, Morrigan will mention that a certain templar in the distant past stole a black grimoire from her mother, which she treasured very much. According to Morrigan's assumptions, the grimoire should most likely be kept somewhere in the Tower of Mages. You can find it in a chest in Irving's office.

After receiving the grimoire as a gift, in the subsequent conversation (you need to leave the camp and return to activate it), Morrigan will tell you what she learned from the grimoire and ask you to help her kill Flemeth and get her real grimoire.

Go to Flemeth and talk to her without Morrigan in the group. She will offer to simply give you the grimoire and tell Morrigan that you killed her. Whether you agree or not is up to you; it will not affect anything at all. If you decide to fight Flemeth, she will turn into a dragon with the appropriate health and skills. After defeating her, take the key from her body and take the grimoire (and at the same time a great outfit for Morrigan) from the chest in the hut. If you decide to avoid the battle (after all, whatever her motives, Flemeth saved your life), Flemeth herself will give you the key.

Either way, give the grimoire to Morrigan as a gift and her quest will be over.

Morrigan as romantic interest

Morrigan is a romantic interest for a male character. You will have a lot of opportunities to start a romance with her - in almost any of the dialogues, especially at the beginning of the game. Morrigan will invite you to the tent even with a relatively low disposition (it is enough to have it above 30), but she will refuse to spend nights with you if her disposition reaches the Love mark (yes, she is such an unusual girl). As a sign of her sympathy, she can give you a ring.

There is no happy ending with Morrigan. If you refuse her offer at the end of the game, she will immediately leave your party. If you accept her offer, she will leave you after the final battle. The maximum that the GG can do is to go in search of her after the final battle, but no one will know whether they will be successful or not (at least until the official continuation or addition).

Leliana can be found in a tavern in Lothering. She herself will ask you to take her into the group immediately after the battle, which will begin automatically after your meeting.

Special gifts for Leliana are Andraste's Grace flowers, which grow in the Brecilian Forest, at the mill in Redcliffe and in Elvenage in Denerim, and the naga, which the Idle Dwarf can catch for you in Dusty Town. (To do this, talk to the naga catcher Boernor in the Unknown Region with Leliana in the group, and then talk to her again - otherwise the option to ask the Idle Dwarf to catch a naga will not appear for you.) Of the rest, she will gladly accept religious symbols related to to Andraste, and beautiful shoes.

Leliana can teach you the Bard specialization.

Quest - Leliana's Past

If you've already talked to Leliana about her past, you know that she was a bard in Orlais and that her mother was from Ferelden. You must leave the camp and return to it again so that Leliana will tell you about Marjolein, her former friend and mentor. After this conversation, when you are traveling around the world map with Leliana in the group, you will be attacked by a squad of robbers. It will be very narrow passage, and the group of attackers will include an elite archer and a mage (ordinary), so be careful. Of course, it all depends on the composition of your group, your level and your favorite tactics, but if you suddenly have problems with this encounter, I recommend taking out the mage first and at least immobilizing the archer leader while you deal with the rest. (As an option, immediately throw all your strength at the leader, since when you take away almost all his lives, the battle will end.) The bridge there, by the way, is protected by a fireball trap.

After you have dealt with the attackers and are almost done with the leader, Leliana will ask you not to kill him in order to interrogate him. From him you will learn that the robbers were hired specifically to kill Leliana, and you will receive an address where you can find the one who ordered the murder. After that, you can kill the mercenary or release him on all four sides - that’s your business.

Leliana will suggest that Marjolein is behind all this and will offer to find her in Denerim. If you agree, you will earn Leliana's approval. In Denerim the right house will be marked on the map. It is located in the Shopping District. You'll have to fight two guards when you enter it, but they're unlikely to pose a problem to you. After the fight, go into the room - and Marjolein will meet you.

The conversation with Marjolein can end peacefully or not, depending on your desire. If you tell Leliana, "You know she'll haunt you as long as she lives," you'll have to fight her. Marjolein will summon two mages and two warriors to help her, but if you quickly retreat to the door to the street, she will follow you, and the rest may be left behind. Mages almost always remain in their rooms, but warriors can stay or follow Marjolein.

Marjolein is a very powerful bard. I recommend not crowding around her with the whole group - sometimes she uses a bard’s skill, which paralyzes everyone nearby (but also the bard himself), in this case she is quite easy to kill by that ally who did not fall into her sphere of influence.

Be careful - there is a trap in front of both rooms with magicians.

When you kill everyone (or let Marjolein go in peace), Leliana will state that she needs to think and that she will talk to you later. (Don't forget to check the chest in one of the rooms - there is one of the best bows in the game, which only Leliana can use. You will receive the bow regardless of whether Marjolein remains alive or not.)

Talk to Leliana at the camp. In this conversation, you will have a chance to “toughen up” her character. This won't have much impact on the game - except that in the "Pearl" in Denerim you will have a chance to persuade her to "triangle" with you and Isabella, and in very rare cases - to "quadrangle" with you, Isabella and Zevran. This may also have a slight impact on her ending. If you decide to toughen her character, then when she tells you about her doubts, insist that when she takes pleasure in dealing with opponents, this is part of her character and should not be fought against.

Moment of crisis

Like many other companions, Leliana has her own “moment of crisis” in the game. If she is in your party during the Sacred Ashes quest and you desecrate Andraste's ashes, she will attack you. If she is not in your party, she will leave you after you return to camp (but with high Persuasion you can persuade her to stay).

If you toughened up Leliana during her personal quest, she will not leave your party if the ashes are desecrated.

Leliana as romantic interest

Leliana is a romantic interest for both male and female characters. Of all four romantic partners, the easiest one to make a mistake in is her affair, since you will only have two opportunities to start it - and if you choose the wrong answers in both cases, you will not have another chance.

If you are playing as a man, then when you talk to Leliana about Lothering, ask "What was such a girl doing in the Church in Lothering" and then note that the other novices could not be more attractive than her. This will mark the beginning of a romance (you can see this from Alistair's comments if you run with him and Leliana in a group at the same time).

If you're playing as a woman, you'll have to wait a little longer. A man doesn't even need to reach 25 on the approval scale, but a woman needs at least 50. In this case, Leliana will start one of the conversations with the phrase "Did I tell you that I like your hair?" Develop the topic and you will have the option to ask if she has always enjoyed the company of other women, after which you will immediately be asked that if so, how would you react to this. Answer that you would giggle in response - and this will be the beginning of a romance.

If for some reason you missed the first opportunity, another one will appear after completing the quest with Marjolein. Ask her how she feels after everything she's been through, agree that you know what she means after her answer, and in the subsequent conversation tell her that people change over time. If Leliana eventually notices that you remind her of Marjolein, you are on the right track.

If you have already started and for some reason ended your romance with Leliana, then by following the above dialogue, you can resume it again.

In order for Leliana to invite you to her tent, her attitude towards you must be 100 - Love. Unlike other romantic partners, you won't have the opportunity to initiate it yourself.

Zevran and a group of mercenaries will ambush you on the world map after completing the first of four main quests - Earl of Redcliffe, Perfection Itself, Essence of the Beast or Broken Circle. The ambush will consist of Zevran (the assassin), a mage, several warriors and archers, located on the hills on both sides of the road. I would recommend taking out the mage first, Zevran right after her, and then it shouldn’t be difficult for you to deal with the rest.

After the battle, you have to make a choice - to kill Zevran or not. If you decide not to kill him, he will ask to join your group. If you agree, Alistair (with good influence and Persuasion can reduce the loss of influence to just 3 points) and Morrigan will not approve, but Leliana will like it, since she firmly believes in the possibility of redemption.

Special gifts for Zevran are Dalish Gloves (found in a chest in the Western Brecilian Forest, which appears after dealing with the Shadow in an abandoned camp) and Antivian Boots, which can be found in a chest in the trading post of the village of Vault. Zevran also loves precious metal ingots.

Zevran can teach you the Assassin specialization.

Moment of crisis

Zevran does not have a personal quest, but towards the end of the game, when you are already in Denerim on the main storyline, when moving between locations on the map of Denerim (usually this happens when going to the palace of the Earl of Denerim (appears upon receiving the quest “Save the Queen”) or the Earl of the Western Hills (appears upon receiving one of the quests of Coldrey the Weasel), you will meet his old friend from the Ravens - Talisen (If you are in a relationship with Zevran, then he may have already mentioned this name earlier, telling you about his previous mission.) It is not necessary to have Zevran in the group - he will automatically join you after starting a conversation with Talisen.

Talisen will invite Zevran to return to the Ravens - and his answer depends entirely on his attitude towards you. If you have not made friends with Zevran and his attitude towards you is negative, then he will not hesitate and will accept Talisen’s offer - in this case he will leave your group and you will have to fight him. If his attitude towards you is quite neutral, he will remain on the sidelines, leaving you to deal with Talisen without his participation. And finally, if his attitude towards you is positive enough (above 33 or "interest" in the case of romance), he will refuse to join Talisen and will fight him on your side.

After the fight, Zevran will ask if you would let him leave the group. You can use Persuasion and invite him to stay for the treasures you acquire along your travels, or - if his attitude towards you is really high - ask him to stay just as a friend without any persuasion. (If you are having an affair with Zevran, then there will be no attempts on his part to leave.)

Zevran as romantic interest

Zevran is a romantic interest for both female and male characters. It is very easy to invite him into the tent (yes, even easier than Morrigan), but if you decide to wait until he makes the first move, then he will take the matter unexpectedly seriously and will make you wait until his attitude towards you rises above 75. Since Zevran does not have a personal quest, the catalyst for the relationship is instead a meeting with Talisen - after this, if you have a high enough influence (above 90), it will shift to the Love mark. After this, Zevran will offer you an earring as a gift as a sign of his affection. (If you refuse it, he will try again during the next conversation - and this time he will offer a gift not just as a sign of sympathy, but also as a veiled marriage proposal).

If you had a romance with Zevran that reached the Love level and you decide to break up with him, Zevran will leave your group.

When Zevran's attitude towards you reaches the level of Love, he will refuse another trip to the tent in order to think about the situation and sort out his very unexpected feelings, but, unlike Morrigan, after thinking about it and having a rather serious conversation, he will continue his relationship with GG .

If you play as a nobleman/noblewoman and decide to marry Anora or Alistair, Zevran will quite easily agree to stay with you as a lover.

The mabari dog can be obtained at the very beginning of the game if you play as a nobleman, but if not, then he joins you after the Battle of Ostagar when moving from Flemeth's hut to Lothering and provided that you have completed the quest of the kennel manager in Ostagar.

The dog is 100% friendly to you from the very beginning, so it’s worth feeding him his favorite bones just to please the dog. You can ask him if he found anything interesting in various locations - then he will bring you all sorts of things, from a half-eaten pie to part of a set of armor (happens on the Deep Paths).

Almost every area has a special landmark that the dog can mark, which will increase its combat abilities in that particular location.

Despite the fact that the dog is not able to talk, the other members of the squad often conduct very funny dialogues with him, in which he answers them to the best of his canine capabilities.

Stan is caged in Lothering without water or food as punishment for murdering a family of local peasants. If you free him, he will join your group in an attempt to atone for his sins. You can free him by talking to the Reverend Mother in the Church. If you make a large donation, you can convince her to let Stan go. You can also threaten her. If Leliana is in your group, then the Reverend Mother will agree to let Stan go without any convincing.

Alternatively, you can simply pick the lock on the cage if you have the appropriate skill.

A special gift for Stan is the item of his personal quest - his sword. Stan is also a big fan of paintings of all kinds.

Quest – Sword of Beresad

When Stan trusts you enough to tell you what prompted him to commit bloody murders in Lothering, you will learn that after the battle with the Fiends of Darkness, he lost his sword - the personification of honor and duty of the Qunari. Without the sword, Stan cannot return back to his homeland.

Head to Lake Calenhad where you will find the Marauder. From him you will learn that the sword is most likely in the possession of a certain person named Farin, who in at the moment is on the way to Orzammar. Follow him to Frosty Mountains. Farin stands near the entrance to Orzammar next to the trading stalls. He does not have the sword, since he has already sold it to a gnome collector named Dvin. If you've been to Redcliffe before, this name should be familiar to you.

Go to Dvin's house in Redcliffe and demand the sword back (this is much easier to do if Stan is in your party). If you do not want to threaten the dwarf on principle, you can simply buy the sword from him.

If Dvin died in the defense of Redcliffe before you received the sword from him, do not worry - you will find it in a chest in Dvin's house.

Note - as a result of a bug, sometimes you can demand a sword from Dvin immediately after talking with the marauder, without even seeing Farin.

Moment of crisis

If Stan is in your group in the village of Haven while completing the quest “Sacred Ashes,” he will be somewhat annoyed that you are doing extraneous things, in his opinion, instead of going to chop off the heads of the Fiends of Darkness in general and the Archdemon in particular. If you cannot prove that you are right, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will decide to leave your group. If you win, he stays.

If Stan's affection for you is very high, then even if you agree to the duel, he may decide that you are already worthy of his loyalty and will remain, refusing the duel.

Winn joins your party if you side with the mages in the Broken Circle story quest.

If you want to have Winn in the group, but at the same time want to attract the templars to your side, then do not tell either her or Cullen that you agree with the templars - go and save Irving, and after that, in a conversation with Gregor, offer to isolate those remaining in living magicians just in case. Irving will agree with your proposal - and as a result, Wynn will remain with you, and the templars will come to your aid in the final battle.

Wynn loves books, ancient scrolls and wine, although gifts that initiate a special dialogue do not exist for her.

Quest – Regret Wynn

As you travel across the world map with Wynn in your group, you will be ambushed by the Fiends of Darkness. After the battle, Wynn will faint, and when she comes to, she will note that she thought for a moment that "it was all over." If you ask her what she meant, she will promise to tell you at the next stop.

The next time you visit the camp, Wynn will initiate a dialogue in which she will explain what exactly happened to her in the recent past in the Mage Tower. After that, in subsequent conversations you will have the option to ask if she is afraid of death, and after that, if she regrets anything in her past. Wynn admits that he regrets only one thing and will tell you the story of his first student - an elf named Aneirin.

Go to the Dalish camp and talk to Saren, who will tell you that Aneirin is their healer and basically spends all her time in the Brecilian Forest. You can find Aneurin in the Eastern part of the forest near the crazy hermit. Wynn will talk to him and this will end her personal quest.

Note: After the first ambush of the Spawn of Darkness, on your next journey across the world map with Winn in the group, a second ambush will await you - this time led by Harlock Omega, the “orange” boss. Concentrate all your efforts on him, because he is capable of quickly incapacitating the entire group with his spells mass destruction, and without him the rest of the Fiends should not present any problems for you.

After this battle ends, Winn will gain a new ability that instantly restores most of her life and mana and increases their regeneration both for Wynn herself and for the rest of the group. The downside to this ability is that when it ends, Wynne will be temporarily stunned.

Moment of crisis

Winn will attack you if you agree with Cullen that the magicians must be destroyed during the quest "Broken Circle". She will also attack if she suspects that you are a Blood Mage and you cannot convince her otherwise, but this usually only happens at the very beginning, that is, in the Tower of Mages. After this, you can not only demonstrate the abilities of the Blood Mage in the group in the presence of Wynn as much as you like, but also give the Blood Mage specialization to her herself (no matter how illogical it may sound).

Wynn will attack you if she is in the group during the Sacred Ashes quest and you desecrate Andraste's ashes. If she is not in the group at this moment, she will leave you after you return to camp.

Ogren will decide to join you on the way out of Orzammar when you go looking for Branka on the instructions of Harrowmont or Belen in the story quest “Perfection Itself”.

Ogren loves alcohol. He does not have any special gifts that initiate dialogue.

Oghren can teach you the Berserker specialization.

Quest – Ogren's Old Sweetheart

When Ogren trusts you enough to tell you about his former lover named Felzi, go to Lake Calenhad to the Spoiled Princess tavern.

You can go there without Ogren and talk to Felzi yourself first. If you want to get the maximum possible number of approval points from this quest, talk to Felzi without Ogren, and then tell him about it, assuring him that you conducted preliminary reconnaissance solely for his benefit and that you will certainly take him to Felzi next time.

When you go there with Ogren, he will start a conversation and ask you to help him win back Felzi's favor. You can help him or not, and as a result, Ogren and Felzi will either make peace, or Felzi will refuse Ogren's reciprocity. In the latter case, as one would expect, Ogren's disposition towards you will decrease significantly.

Depending on exactly how this quest ends, it may affect Oghren's epilogue at the end of the game.

To get a powerful golem as your ally, you need to have the “Stone Prisoner” add-on and complete the quest “Golem of Honnlith Village”.

Sheila loves gems. There are no specific dialogue-initiating gifts for her, but when you first equip her with one of the crystals you found or bought, she will be very pleased and ask you to get more.

Quest – Memory of the Stone

You can receive this quest only after talking with Karidin during the “Perfection Itself” storyline. If Sheila is in the group when talking to Caridin, he will tell her a little about her past and after that she will express a desire to know more. If you did not take Sheila with you to the Forge of the Void, then she will complain that she was unable to talk to Caridin and will decide to try to find out about her past herself. In the first case, a new location will immediately appear on your map of the Deep Paths; in the second, go to the Deep Paths in any teig with Sheila in the group, and she will remember the location of the teig she needs, which will then appear on your map.

Go to teig Kadash. There you will meet the Fiends of Darkness and the Deep Pursuers (who, as usual, attack you from ambush in large quantities), and at the end an ogre - an orange boss - will be waiting for you. I recommend luring him to your bridge, because when crossing the bridge, if you move away from him a little, several Screamers will attack you in addition to the ogre.

After you deal with the enemy, read the inscriptions on one of the columns - and this will complete Sheila's personal quest.

Moment of crisis

Sheila will leave your party and attack you if you choose to side with Branca against Caridin in the "Perfection Itself" story quest. If you completed this quest without Sheila in the party, she may decide to leave when you return to camp, but with high Persuasion you can persuade her to stay.

Loghain only joins you if you decide to spare him after the Landsmeet. (As a replacement for Alistair, since Loghain also specializes in shield and sword).

Loghain loves different things geographical maps. Gifts that initiate a special dialogue do not exist for him.

Since Loghain only joins your party towards the end of the game, he does not have a personal quest. Also, his attitude cannot be raised to the “Friendship” mark, even if you bring it to 100%.

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