First place in alcohol consumption. Rating of the most drinking countries in the world

The World Health Organization regularly prepares a report that reflects the real situation of alcohol consumption in various regions. The order of states on this list changes from time to time, but traditionally the leaders are: the developed countries and the republics of the former Soviet Union. The least amount of alcohol is consumed in Muslim countries, which is natural, given that religion prohibits drunkenness.

World statistics

Over the past two years, studies have been conducted regarding alcohol consumption in almost all countries of the world. On this moment These data are the most reliable; such detailed studies have never been carried out in the world. The reports provide figures for alcohol consumption in terms of pure alcohol per capita. All citizens over 15 years of age are counted. WHO reports provide official data and unrecorded ( Home wine, moonshine).

No. A country Total consumption, liter/person
1 Belarus 17,5
2 Ukrina 17,4
3 Estonia 17,2
4 Czech 16,4
5 Russia 15,1
6 Germany 11,7
7 Ireland 11,6
8 Portugal and Spain 11,4
9 Hungary 10,8
10 Denmark and Slovenia 10,7

In almost all countries, men are far ahead of women in terms of the amount they drink.

Leading countries


Belarus took first place in the ranking. There are more than 17 liters per person in the country, and this amount does not include “home production.” As you know, moonshine brewing is widespread not only in Belarus, but also in other post-Soviet countries.


Almost the same amount, namely 17.4 liters per year, falls on every resident of Ukraine. Such high figures for alcohol consumption are explained by weak government policy regulation. Alcohol is available and prices are quite low. Youth with early age gets used to drinking. Vodka comes first in popularity, followed by beer and wine.


Top three drinking countries Estonia opens the world 2016-2017. The national drink is “Old Tallinn”. Despite the fact that the country's capital has received the title "City of Culture" many times, Estonians drink even more than Russians: 17.2 liters. per person in year. Beer is the preferred alcoholic drink here.


The national drink is Becherovka. A resident of the Czech Republic drinks on average 16.4 liters per year. strong drink. There is almost 160 liters of beer. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture; it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world-famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classic beer varieties.


Alcohol consumption in Russia is often greatly exaggerated, but nevertheless remains a serious problem. It is one of the main causes of mortality and low life expectancy among men. The most popular drink is vodka, the culture of its consumption is quite low. Vodka causes rapid intoxication due to the tradition of drinking without a snack, in one gulp, without a break.

The state is taking measures to solve the alcohol problem:

  • advertising of alcoholic beverages is prohibited;
  • excise taxes on alcohol have been increased;
  • increased minimum price;
  • increased penalties for drunk driving;
  • limited time and place of sales.

These measures have a positive result, but not enough.


The national drink is schnapps. On average, Germans consume 11.7 liters. alcohol products. Beer, which is cheap by local standards, is especially held in high esteem here. The country is deservedly included in the top ten most drinking countries in the world, since alcohol is sold everywhere: in shops, gas stations, and newspaper kiosks.


According to official statistics, the average Irishman drinks 11.6 liters. alcoholic drinks per year. This is not enough to get into the top five drinking countries in the world in 2016-2017. Ireland is famous for its whiskey and the national beer brand Guinness, which almost everyone drinks because it is considered low-calorie (198 kcal).

Portugal and Spain

The eighth stage is occupied by two sunny and hot countries. The Portuguese and Spaniards drink approximately the same: 11.4 liters. alcohol for 1 person in year. The national drink of the Portuguese is port, but more often they drink wine and beer. Portuguese winemakers are proud of their vineyards. These two most drinking countries in the world prefer wine, followed by beer, which is much cheaper: for a large glass of beer in a supermarket you will have to pay almost $3.50.

Hungary, Denmark and Slovenia

In these countries, alcohol consumption per year is less than 11 liters. Residents of these countries prefer beer and wine, with the exception of Slovakia, where the share of strong drinks is high.

Such European countries, as Austria, Poland, France, Italy and others are leaders in drinking low-alcohol drinks.

According to the World Health Organization, Russia ranks only 24th in Europe in terms of the amount of alcohol consumed per capita. In 2017, the average Russian consumed only 8.1 liters of pure alcohol per year, falling behind the Austrians, French, Germans and British, not to mention the leaders of the anti-rating - Estonians, Lithuanians and Czechs.

Also noteworthy is the positive dynamics over several recent years. If we compare WHO readings for 2015-2017 with data from six years ago, it turns out that Russians began to drink a quarter less. Apart from Russia, only 15 countries from the top 25 most drinking countries in Europe can boast of a decrease in alcohol consumption.

Thus, Russians do not drink nearly as much as is commonly believed in Russophobic myths: in the top 25 WHO rankings, Russia ranks second to last (see table below). And the trend to reduce alcohol consumption in our country is strengthening.

Federal News Agency appealed to experts and politicians with a request to evaluate the list of countries of the Old World in terms of alcohol consumption per capita and the measures taken in Russia to reduce alcoholism among citizens.

You shouldn't slander yourself

As noted by a narcologist, head of a branch of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology Sergey Polyatykin, the opinion that Russia is the most drinking country in the world is often reinforced, alas, by the Russians themselves.

“For some reason, we love to expose ulcers all the time,” the doctor points out. “On the contrary, we must show ourselves from the best side!”

In fact, historically, drunkenness came to Rus' quite late, the expert notes.

“The Russian peasant was one of the most sober in the world. We didn’t grow grapes, and there wasn’t much to make moonshine from,” notes Polyatykin.

According to the doctor, drunkenness in Russia was associated with the development of capitalist relations.

“A drunken proletarian was beneficial to the capitalists: he was less inclined to economic and political protests,” Polyatykin explained.

A special image of an alcoholic was also created in culture, FAN’s interlocutor points out.

“In literature this is “Moscow-Petushki” Venedikta Erofeeva. It is interesting to read, but this is not the achievement of Russian literature, but the depth of its failure. In the cinema, these are funny films about alcoholics: here are “Barbos the Dog and the Extraordinary Cross”, and “Gentlemen of Fortune”, and Doctor Lukashin, who flew drunk to Leningrad,” the narcologist lists.

In our popular culture, a drunkard is always cheerful, kind, charming, funny stories happen to him, and no harm comes to him from drunkenness, Polyatykin adds.

Ministry of Health warns!

However, despite the image of a “good” drunkard created in Russia, our country is currently on the right path in solving the alcohol problem.

« Vladimir Putin“, while still the head of government, he signed the anti-alcohol concept that is currently in force in our country,” the doctor recalls. - All measures are spelled out quite clearly there. Fighters for sobriety, and this is, first of all, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, staunchly defend Putin’s concept, despite the powerful alcohol lobby.”

According to the doctor, it is still necessary to introduce an age limit for drinking alcohol from 21 years old. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that Russian citizens spend money on education, sports and tourism, and not on alcohol.

“We have been noticing a drop in the number of new cases of alcoholism for ten years now,” the doctor shares data for the Russian Federation. - There is a very good indicator of this: there is a serious decline in the number of alcoholic psychoses. We expect alcohol consumption in Russia to fall. But we need to put more and more effort into this.”

Drinking culture

In turn, the committee representative State Duma on health protection Alexey Kurinny draws attention to the fact that WHO figures may not correspond to reality.

“The huge amount of illegal alcohol in Russia today is simply not taken into account,” states the deputy. - I'm not even talking about the various tinctures, solutions and similar liquids that our citizens also consume. I think if you add it all up, our place will be higher towards the top.”

In addition, there are differences in the culture of drinking alcohol and preferences for certain types of drinks that are drunk in different countries.

“Large volumes of alcohol per capita in Germany are due to the consumption of mainly low-alcohol drinks such as beer,” says the deputy. - The same applies to Spain: people there drink mostly wine. These drinks do not lead to those adverse consequences consequences caused by alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation.”

We need to lower the temperature

It is precisely due to the nature of alcohol consumption that causes injuries sustained while drunk, as well as the development and exacerbation of various diseases, Kurinny believes.

“I think about twenty percent of our healthcare resources are spent on treating diseases associated with alcohol consumption,” suggests FAN’s interlocutor. “This is a national problem.”

Here, according to the deputy, the prohibitive measures on which the government has relied are not enough.

“We need a whole range of measures that cannot be implemented in one or two years,” the parliamentarian is convinced. - These include educational programs, coverage of the problem of alcoholism in the media, and restructuring of the consumption system to alcoholic drinks of a different quality and degree.”

However, the consumption of strong alcohol in Russia is already declining, the deputy notes. Nevertheless, it is necessary to work to improve the standard of living of Russian citizens, Kurinny believes.

“Today many people drink because in this way they are trying to escape reality,” admits FAN’s interlocutor.

The path to sobriety

The State Duma deputy also agrees with his colleague Fedot Tumusov. In his opinion, restrictive measures are not a panacea for the “alcohol issue.”

“We really are not the most drinking country in the world. But drinking traditions, of course, are strong here in Russia,” notes the deputy.

Promoting sobriety can help the country, he emphasizes.

“How do we get off this list? This is a long and painstaking work associated with the gradual instilling in the population of a healthy, sober lifestyle,” says Tumusov.

As for the ban on the sale of alcohol, one should be careful here, the deputy is sure.

“Yes, it works, prohibition measures - all other things being equal - reduce alcohol consumption. But they must have maximum boundaries,” the parliamentarian is convinced.

The history of mankind proves that with a complete ban on alcohol, under the conditions of prohibition, shadow business begins to flourish in the country, states Fedot Tumusov, and this leads to the development of crime.

Despite the high development of civilization, among the most drinking countries in the world in 2018, states with a low standard of living were not far behind. From this we can conclude that financial well-being does not play a decisive role in this issue. Every year the number of people with a morbid addiction to alcoholic beverages around the world is only growing.

The TOP 10 countries for strong drink lovers include developed European countries, but Russia, contrary to the stereotype, has noticeably moved away from the “prize” places. It’s sad that the age of people who tried alcohol for the first time barely reaches 15 years, and after 16 average drinking alcoholic beverages by a young person per year is 6.2 liters. After analyzing research from the World Health Organization, we have compiled a list of the most drinking countries in the world 2018.

10. Ukraine

On Ukraine There are 12.8 liters of alcohol per person per year. The country's alcohol market is very poorly regulated, so the number of young people addicted to alcohol is increasing. The national drink is gorilka, whose history begins
from the 12th century. Gorilka (vodka) and beer are the most popular alcohols, with wine in third place. Ukrainians prefer to drink wines from domestic producers, mainly because of the affordable price compared to European brands. The global brand of Ukrainian alcoholic products is “Nemirov” and “Khortitsa”.


The country is famous for its beer. Some varieties date back more than IV centuries. It is not surprising that the country was included in the ranking of the most drinking countries. The share of income that citizens spend on alcohol is 2.9%. For example, the average for the European Union is 1.6%. Alcohol consumption per person in Belgium is 13.2 liters.


The eighth place in the ranking is taken by a country that is very popular among tourists. In Bulgaria, beaches occupy a significant area of ​​the country. The country has one of the lowest prices for alcohol and one of the lowest excise taxes. Perhaps if a country counted all the alcohol produced by its citizens, the country would rank higher. Alcohol consumption in Bulgaria is 13.6 liters per person.


Back in 2016, the country occupied 4 places in the ranking, with a value of 12.8 liters. In 2018, the figure increased by more than 5% and amounted to 13.6 liters. Liqueur is one of the country's national drinks. Wine is very popular in the country; the share of consumption of this drink is 44.8%.

List of countries with the largest share of alcohol costs from average wages.

6. Czech Republic

The national drink is Becherovka. Inhabitant Czech Republic on average drinks 13.7 liters per year. strong drink. There is almost 160 liters of beer. per person Beer in this country is part of the culture; it has been brewed here for many centuries. The world-famous Czech brands Velkopopovicky Kozel, Radegast and Pilsner are classic beer varieties. There are many pubs here that sell draft beer, and in Prague there is a restaurant that is more than five centuries old! Here you will try Czech cuisine, various types of beer (dark, light, coffee, banana) and feel the atmosphere of the old Czech Republic. The state is actively investing in the wine industry. Czech wines are called Moravian because most of the vineyards grow in Moravia.


Famous for its beer and wine. The country has such factories as Murfatlar, Cotnari, Dragasani. The country is one of the largest wine exporters. The total alcohol consumption in the country is 13.7 liters. Beer in the country accounts for 50% of consumption, wine 28.9%.

4. Russia

At the end of 2018, alcohol consumption by the population decreased slightly, but the country still entered the top five most drinkers in the world. The average Russian drinks 13.9 liters per year. alcohol. Women consume half as much – 6.8 liters. The national drink is vodka. IN Russia greater preference is given to vodka and beer; the purely Russian habit of choosing “white” has spread to other post-Soviet states, such as Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. It is in these countries that a person is more inclined, when drinking alcohol, to reach a state of extreme intoxication, like as quickly as possible. Russia's inclusion in the ranking of the most drinking countries is largely due to the relatively low cost of alcohol, compared to Europe - $4 per half liter, and the low standard of living. IN Lately The number of Russians who prefer wine to other alcoholic beverages has increased.

3. Moldova

The country is dominated by the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages; their share is 64.5%, which is one of the highest rates in the world. For example, in Russia the share of strong alcohol accounts for 51%. 15.9 liters is the average alcohol consumption in Moldova.

2. Belarus

Belarus- the most drinking country in the world in 2016-2017. In 2018, it lost its “leadership” to Lithuania. Here, each resident drinks on average 16.4 liters. alcohol per year. The indicator decreased by 1 liter compared to 2016-2017 data. Moreover, 47% of people prefer strong drinks, only 17% prefer beer, 32% prefer other alcohol, and very little wine – 4%. Women also like to drink, on average 7 liters. in year. These figures are official, but the real ones are presumably much higher, since data on moonshine brewing in conservative Belarus could not be obtained.


Lithuania was named the most drinking country in 2018. At the end of 2018, alcohol consumption in Lithuania amounted to 18.2 liters per person. The share of costs for alcohol is 4.2%. According to this parameter, the country is among the top three “leaders”

In the country, beer and strong alcohol are predominantly consumed, 46.5% and 34.1%, respectively. Against the backdrop of a significant increase in alcohol consumption, the country's authorities are taking measures aimed at reducing the sale of alcoholic beverages. Excise taxes on alcohol were sharply increased, and temporary restrictions on sales were introduced.

The table shows per capita alcohol consumption in the 10 countries with the highest levels.

How much alcohol do you drink compared to people in other countries around the world? Here you can find out whether you are more like a giving Belarusian or a teetotal Kuwaiti.

What are "other drinks"?

Alcoholic drinks made from barley malt are classified as beer, those made from fermented grapes are classified as wine, and distilled drinks are classified as spirits.

However, many alcoholic beverages do not fall into any of these categories. For example, cider, which is made from apples or pears, or sake, which is based on rice. The World Health Organization, whose data is presented on this page, has classified these drinks in the "other" category.

Beer made from sorghum ( cereal), also falls into the "other" category, which is why this category dominates much of sub-Saharan Africa. This cereal can withstand heat well and is not afraid of drought.

Fortified wines such as port, produced through a hybrid fermentation process that includes distillation, are also classified by WHO as "other drinks", separating them from regular wines.

How does the calculator work?

The most suitable country for you is selected by comparing your data with the average amount of alcohol consumed in a particular country in general - beer, wine, spirits and “other” drinks based on the entire population of the country, according to WHO data: all men, women, drinkers and non-drinking residents - over 15 years of age.

The calculator follows the same principle as the WHO: the average pint of beer or cider contains 5% alcohol, wine typically contains 12%, spirits contain 40%, fortified wines contain 17.5%, and sake contains 9%.


The World Health Organization collects and publishes data by country, calculating alcohol consumption per capita, broken down by type of drink, based on tax reporting and export-import data.

In addition, WHO is trying to determine the amount of “unregistered” alcohol consumed. These are home-made drinks, smuggled goods, or alcohol-containing liquids not intended for internal consumption.

This second category, according to WHO, is even larger in volume in some countries than the official category. The leader here is Moldova. In this case, calculations are made based on the results of surveys, and, as a last resort, on the opinions of experts. Therefore, the statistics presented here are not completely accurate.

More detailed information about the methods used and confidence intervals contained on the WHO website.

Approximately how many units of alcohol are in each drink?

  • One glass (25 ml) of alcoholic drink: 1 unit
  • Standard (175 ml) glass of wine: 2.1 units
  • Large (250 ml) glass of wine: 3 units
  • Pint of 4% beer: 2.3 units
  • Pint of 5% beer: 2.8 units
  • Pint of hard cider (8%): ​​4.5 units

If you drink more, it's best to spread your alcohol consumption evenly over three or more days.

The more a person drinks on a regular basis, the higher the risk of developing various diseases, including some types of cancer.

The WHO classifies a person as a "heavy drinker" if he (or she) consumes more than 7.5 units of alcohol on one occasion, for example in one evening.

According to experts from the World Health Organization, consuming this amount of alcohol at least once a month “causes Negative consequences, even if the average person consumes relatively little alcohol."

Prepared by: Ed Lowther, Lilly Huynh, Mark Brysonand Stephen Connor.

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