Spicy kimchi: traditional recipes for Chinese cabbage in Korean. Kimchi is a spicy Korean dish

Every connoisseur of Korean cuisine knows what kimchi is. This a traditional dish based on Chinese cabbage. It is fermented in a special way using spices. Ready kimchi is combined with other vegetables, roots, herbs and spices. Prepare according to the following proportion: for 4 servings of cabbage, 1 serving of other ingredients. In this publication I will tell you how to make Korean kimchi at home.

Kimchi in Korea is valued not only for its taste, but also for the beneficial properties of this national dish. Koreans are sure that it is well absorbed. Kimchi also helps maintain normal weight and slows down aging. In addition, fermentation occurs during the preparation of this dish. Cabbage, already rich in microelements and vitamins, becomes even more beneficial.

Koreans eat this spicy dish with a special taste all the time. There are many kimchi recipes that differ in the preparation method and ingredients. Various vegetables and spices are used for this dish. However, the most popular kimchi is made from Chinese cabbage. The collection of the Seoul Museum includes 187 varieties of this dish.

Chinese cabbage kimchi recipe

So, first, let's prepare a spicy kimchi sauce, which is used both as a marinade and as a separate dish.

  1. Combine garlic with chili pepper, add salt and sugar.
  2. Pour the mixture with water and mix well.
  3. Place the sauce in a clean, dry jar with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator.

Now let's start preparing the cabbage. The entire process will take three to four days, so be patient.

  1. Dissolve half the salt in water.
  2. Cut the cabbage lengthwise into 4 pieces, rub all the leaves with the remaining salt and place in a saucepan.
  3. Pour salted water over the cabbage and leave for 4-6 hours. Turn over periodically. Salted cabbage should be elastic, the leaf should not break with a crunch.
  4. Remove the cabbage from the pan and rinse well clean water and place in a colander.
  5. Cut off the hard part of the head of cabbage and coat the leaves well with the sauce. Turn the cabbage inside away from you and lubricate the backs of the leaves.
  6. Fold each coated quarter in half and then wrap with the largest outer leaf.
  7. Place all the cabbage in a saucepan under pressure. Leave it in the refrigerator for three or four days.

Having once tried the favorite Korean delicacy, many become its connoisseurs. It’s not for nothing that kimchi is considered not only delicious, but also healthy dish. Making kimchi the Korean way is easy. But if you have more than just the ingredients mentioned on hand, experiment! You can also safely use apples and pears. Daikon, herbs, ginger, as well as fish sauce and seafood are perfect. This dish encourages creativity!

Kimchi is a national dish of Korean cuisine, considered by locals to be an elixir of good health and longevity. Since every cook brings his own ideas to the classic recipe, quite a few variations of Korean cabbage kimchi have arisen, the most interesting of which are presented below.

Korean-style Chinese cabbage kimchi - a real recipe

The spicy cabbage-based snack that Koreans proudly eat at every meal is made from:

  • 2 heads of cabbage;
  • 2 redek Daikon;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 2 bunches of parsley;
  • 100 g ground red pepper;
  • 50 g starch;
  • 1 kg salt;
  • 2 garlic heads;
  • 5 liters of cool and 400 ml of hot water;

The method for executing the recipe is as follows:

  1. The top 2 leaves are removed from each head of cabbage, and then the vegetables are divided in half lengthwise.
  2. Salt is diluted in 5 liters of water.
  3. Peking cabbage is filled with brine and placed under pressure for 48 hours.
  4. After the specified period of time, the cabbage is washed running water and does push-ups.
  5. The starch is diluted with cool water, then poured with boiling water and left to cool.
  6. The radish is cut into bars, salted and infused until liquid appears, which is drained.
  7. Small cubes are prepared from the pepper.
  8. The greens are chopped and the garlic is crushed.
  9. At the end, all prepared ingredients, including ground pepper, are mixed.
  10. The thoroughly mixed appetizer is ready to serve.

The easiest way to prepare a dish

Despite the simplicity of preparing traditional food, the execution classic recipe take a lot of time. Therefore, more often the snack is prepared according to a more simplified recipe.

For its implementation you need:

  • 1.5 kg of Beijing;
  • large head of garlic;
  • 60 g hot ground pepper;
  • 150 g salt;
  • 2 liters of boiling water;
  • 20 g sugar.

To implement a simple recipe, follow these steps:

  1. Salt is diluted in the boiling liquid to obtain brine.
  2. The top leaves of the main vegetable are removed, after which it is divided into 6 parts.
  3. Cabbage is poured with cooled brine.
  4. After 10 hours, during which parts of the vegetable are turned several times to ensure even salting, a spicy paste is prepared from pepper, garlic mass, granulated sugar and 50 ml of water.
  5. Each leaf is smeared with dressing, after which the cabbage is returned to the brine under pressure.
  6. After 2 days, kimchi can be tasted.

With added Daikon radish

An original variation of a spicy snack, which is prepared from:

  • 2 pcs. Beijing;
  • 2 redek Daikon;
  • carrots;
  • 5 – 6 garlic cloves;
  • ginger root;
  • onion heads;
  • green onion shooter;
  • 30 ml fish sauce;
  • 35 g rice flour;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • salt and chili pod.

Preparation stages:

  1. The heads of cabbage are cut into segments and evenly sprinkled with salt, after which they are kept under pressure for about ¼ day.
  2. Kissel is prepared from flour by boiling it in water with granulated sugar until thickened.
  3. A spicy dressing of garlic, ginger root and pepper is prepared in a blender.
  4. Using a Korean carrot grater, root vegetables are grated.
  5. Next, all the vegetables, jelly, pasta and fish sauce are combined.
  6. The salted cabbage is washed, thoroughly lubricated with the prepared dressing, and then returned under pressure for 48 hours.

With bell pepper

You can make kimchi from Chinese cabbage with original flavor notes in your own kitchen with the addition of pear.

For this we will use:

  • 2 heads of pekinka;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • onion;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 5 g seasoning for fish;
  • 1 pear;
  • 700 ml water;
  • 50 g rice;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • salt and ground red pepper.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Peking is disassembled into leaves, which are divided into segments and sprinkled with salt.
  2. The cabbage is left in a cool room under pressure for 24 hours and then washed.
  3. The onion and pepper are cut into half rings, the green onion is cut into strips, and the root vegetable and peeled pear are rubbed.
  4. A paste is prepared from garlic.
  5. The rice is boiled until cooked, then left in water until completely cooled.
  6. Pepper, sugar, fish seasoning, all chopped vegetables, as well as pear are added to the rice mass.
  7. Finally, the cabbage leaves are mixed with the dressing and kept on the table for 24 hours to develop the spicy flavor that is characteristic of Korean dishes.

Chinese cabbage kimchi soup

In Japan, kimchi soup is very popular. It is very easy to prepare at home.

For preparation you need:

  • 700 g pork pulp;
  • ½ glass of sake;
  • 100 g kimchi paste;
  • 50 g mushrooms;
  • 20 g each of onions and green onions;
  • 200 g tofu;
  • 40 g ground chili pepper;
  • 15 ml each of soy sauce and chili paste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ liter of water;
  • a stack of sunflower oil;
  • a few pinches of ground black pepper.

During the cooking process, the following steps are performed:

  1. Small strips are prepared from onions, tofu and mushrooms.
  2. Kimchi paste, sake and vegetable oil.
  3. After 5 minutes, add garlic paste, chili paste, soy sauce, spices, onion and mushroom strips and meat cut into pieces.
  4. All ingredients are filled with water.
  5. After the meat is ready, tofu and chili pepper are added to the soup.
  6. Traditionally, the soup is served with rice.

No added fish sauce

The national Korean dish can be easily adapted to the taste preferences of the Slavs by using per kilo of Beijing:

  • 30 g salt;
  • onion;
  • ½ head of garlic;
  • ground chili pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cabbage leaves are cut into strips, sprinkled with salt and aged for about a quarter of a day.
  2. After the specified time has passed, onion half rings, garlic gruel and pepper are sent to the cabbage.
  3. The appetizer is left to stand under oppression for 2 days.

Spicy recipe

To perform a particularly spicy variation of the discussed snack, you will need:

  • 3 kg of Chinese cabbage;
  • ½ glass of sunflower oil;
  • 100 g garlic;
  • the same amount of salt and hot pepper;
  • 6 liters of water.

Cooking step by step:

  1. The cabbage is divided into parts, which are filled with brine and kept under pressure on the table.
  2. After two days, when the cabbage is washed, the dressing is prepared.
  3. The pepper is poured with 200 ml of water, and after swelling, mixed with crushed garlic and sunflower oil.
  4. The vegetable leaves are smeared with dressing and left to room temperature under yoke for the same amount of time.

Thus, thanks to the many recipes, every housewife will be able to choose the most suitable way to prepare the national Korean dish of Chinese cabbage. And you can be sure that the male half of your family will especially like this snack.

This country's drinks are very spicy and piquant, stimulating the appetite. Korean chefs use familiar products for cooking, only supplemented with incredible fiery spices and fiery seasonings. This richness of food gives the dishes an unusual aroma and pleasant qualities.

One of the favorite and revered dishes in Korean cuisine is kimchi, or chimcha, the recipe for which you will learn from today’s article. Once you try it at least once, you will become a fan of this dish forever. In fact, it is pickled or salted, popular even among the Uzbek peoples. In Russia, instead of Peking cabbage, regular white cabbage is often used - the taste remains virtually unchanged.

Cabbage kimchi: recipe one

It is not difficult to prepare the national chimcha at home. The recipe requires the following ingredients:

Head of Chinese cabbage,

A whole head of garlic

Soy sauce (one hundred grams),

One red and one green chili pepper each,

Ground paprika (30 grams),

Onions (three heads),

9% vinegar (three spoons),

Grated ginger (two spoons),

Four tablespoons of salt per two liters of water.

Cooking process

We wash the forks, cut them into two parts and place them in a pan with salted water. Place a heavy weight on top so that the cabbage is completely under water. Leave for five days at room temperature.

A day before the expiration date, grind all the above spices and vegetables in a blender and let it brew for 24 hours. The cabbage should be rinsed under water. We put on gloves and generously coat each leaf with the spicy mixture. Fill with warm, slightly salted water and leave for a day. The next day, place the pickled vegetables in sterilized containers. This is such a spicy cabbage.

The chimcha recipe, which was described above, has not only amazing taste, but also beneficial properties. Korean chefs claim that the dish helps break down fat deposits due to the presence of chili pepper. In addition, the substances it contains help normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract and fight free radicals.

Korean snack chimcha: recipe two

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, bell pepper, head of garlic, cilantro pod, black pepper and salt to taste.

Pour the vegetable cut into several pieces with a brine solution, which consists of a liter of water and two tablespoons of salt. The marinade must be boiled and poured over the cabbage - leave for three days under pressure. After the specified amount of time, wash off the salt from the vegetable.

Prepare adjika: grind all components in a blender or meat grinder. Wearing rubber gloves, carefully lubricate the leaves with the prepared mixture and put them in the refrigerator. When serving, garnish with a sprig of dill and cilantro. Delicious kimchi (chimcha) goes perfectly with any side dish.

Recipe three - with pork meat

You will need ready-made chimcha, about three hundred grams, as well as fatty pork - at least 400 g, onion- several heads, black pepper and salt.

Saute the onion for olive oil. Then add finely chopped meat to it. When it is well browned, place small pieces in the pan. Korean cabbage, season with spices, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Uncooked boiled rice is ideal as a side dish for this delicious dish.

Now you know what chimcha is. The recipe is quite simple. In addition, such cabbage helps improve health and give strength, and not every dish can boast of these qualities. Enjoy the taste and recharge your batteries.

Do you not know what kimchi is and how it is prepared? To answer in a nutshell, these are pickled vegetables, namely pickled Chinese cabbage. The varieties of this dish and the peculiarities of its preparation will be the topic of today’s article.

  • Classic kimchi recipe
  • Cabbage kimchi
  • Chinese cabbage kimchi
  • White cabbage kimchi
  • Kimchi soup
  • Kimchi sauce
  • Video recipe

Kimchi (Gimchi) is a spicy Korean dish made from Chinese cabbage, which is fermented in a special way. There are other names in Russian: kimchi, kim-chi, chimchi, chimchha, chim-cha. It is usually seasoned with onions, peppers, ginger, garlic and radish slices. Loba leaves, kohlrabi, radishes, as well as eggplants, cucumbers and other vegetables are sometimes used. However, the content of vegetables in percentage with cabbage, it should be 4–5 times less.

In Korea, kimchi is a staple national dish. Because the local residents It is believed that it promotes resorption subcutaneous fat and fat deposits. Kimchi has been scientifically proven to restore normal work intestines, slows down the aging process, increases appetite and helps digest food. It is also very useful, because... contains fermented vegetables that contain a large number of microelements, vitamins, fiber and beneficial substances of vegetables. The snack is also considered an effective hangover cure, and spicy homemade kimchi is an excellent cold remedy. Thanks to such excellent properties, kimchi is becoming increasingly popular in many countries around the world. We present to your attention 6 recipes.

How to make kimchi: classic recipe

Kimchi is a spicy dish with a special taste, persistent smell and structure. Koreans eat it at every meal and are infinitely proud of their national dish. For original recipe preparations you will need simple and affordable products.

  • Calorie content of kimchi per 100 g - 87 kcal
  • Number of servings: approximately 5–5.5 liters. pot
  • Preparation time: 30 minutes for shredding cabbage, 2–3 days for infusing brine, 30 minutes for preparing chimchi

Ingredients for Korean kimchi:

  • Beijing cabbage - 2 pcs. (fresh large heads of cabbage)
  • Daikon - 2 pcs. (medium size)
  • Large red bell pepper - 3 pcs. (red pepper looks prettier in the finished dish)
  • Green onions - 1 large bunch (the feather should be approximately 5 cm in diameter)
  • Parsley - 2-3 bunches
  • Ground red pepper - 100 g (but the spiciness of the product depends on the taste)
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Starch - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 kg for brine and to taste for the dish
  • Water - 10 l
  • Starch - 3 tbsp.
  • Boiling water - 400 ml

Making kimchi:

  1. Remove the top 2 green leaves from the cabbage and cut the head in half lengthwise.
  2. Prepare brine - dissolve 1 kg of salt in 10 liters of water.
  3. Place the half heads of cabbage in a large pan for salting and pour in brine until it completely covers the leaves. To prevent the cabbage from floating, place a not too heavy weight on top. Leave the cabbage to salt for 2-3 days. An indicator of salinity is the stalk leaves, which should not break with a crunch, but bend freely.
  4. After this time, rinse the cabbage well and lightly squeeze the moisture out of the leaves.
  5. Now start making kimchi. To do this, make a starch putty by diluting the starch cold water. Then pour boiling water over it to form a thick paste and leave to cool.
  6. Peel the daikon, chop into pieces 4 cm by 2 mm thick, sprinkle with salt and stir. Leave to infuse, and when liquid forms, about 100 g, then drain it.
  7. Cut the bell pepper into slices, just like the daikon.
  8. Cut the onion feathers into 4 cm lengths.
  9. Chop the parsley into 2 mm pieces.
  10. Combine all the vegetables, squeeze out the garlic, pour in the starch putty, season with ground red pepper and mix everything thoroughly.

Cabbage kimchi

Traditional Korean kimchi is a rarity in our country. But local Russified Koreans have long since simplified his recipe. You won’t even notice how two days will pass after salting, and a very tasty snack will appear on your table.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1.5 kg
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Ground hot pepper - 4 tbsp.
  • Table salt - 150 g
  • Drinking filtered water - 2 l
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Remove the top spoiled leaves from the cabbage. Divide the head of cabbage into 4 parts and place it in a suitable container.
  • Make brine. Pour boiling water over salt, stir and cool. Then fill the cabbage with brine to the top and leave for 10 hours, stirring it 1-2 times so that all the leaves are evenly salted.
  • When the cabbage is ready, make the pepper mixture. Combine hot pepper with sugar and squeezed garlic. Pour 3 tbsp. water to form a thick paste consistency.
  • Coat each with the resulting slurry. cabbage leaf and put them back into the pickling container. Pour in a little brine and apply pressure to release the juice. Keep the cabbage in a cool place: refrigerator, cellar, balcony. After 2 days, homemade kimchi is ready. Store it in brine all winter.
  • Chinese cabbage kimchi

    Koreans call kimchi the elixir of eternal youth, because... Chinese cabbage, the main ingredient of the dish. It has not only a juicy and rich taste, but also contains a special useful substance, like lysine, which cleanses the blood, improves immunity and fights tumor cells. We offer a popular recipe for a spicy oriental snack made from Chinese cabbage, which is adapted to suit our taste buds.

    Ingredients for kimchi:

    • Beijing cabbage - 1 kg
    • Salt - 30 g
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Ground red pepper - to taste

    Step-by-step preparation of Chinese cabbage kimchi:

    1. Cut the cabbage into strips, sprinkle with salt and leave for 6 hours.
  • After this time, add chopped onion, squeezed garlic and red pepper to the cabbage. Place a flat plate on top, on which you place pressure, for example, a jar of water.
  • In 2 days, homemade Korean kimchi will be ready.
  • White cabbage kimchi

    Traditionally, kimchi is made from Chinese cabbage, which is practically not grown here. However, the beauty of Korean cuisine is that it can be easily adapted to existing products. And Russian chefs have already learned how to make a popular Korean appetizer at home, from one common Russian vegetable - white cabbage.


    • White cabbage - 1 large large head
    • Salt - 150 g
    • Korean seasoning - 1 pack
    • Garlic - 1 head
    • Sugar - 1 tsp.
    • Ground red pepper - 0.5 tsp.
    • Drinking water - 2 l


    1. Cut the cabbage into 4 parts. If the head of cabbage is small, then divide it into 2 parts. Place the cabbage in a container.
  • Make a salt solution - dissolve salt in water and pour it over the cabbage. Leave it for 15 hours, turning it over every 5 hours so that the top leaves are on the bottom.
  • After this time, wash the cabbage under the tap.
  • Prepare the seasoning - squeeze out the garlic, add sugar, pepper and pour in the salt solution in which the cabbage was located so that the consistency of the mass is like thick sour cream.
  • Place the cabbage in a saucepan or glass jar and add seasoning. Compact, cover and keep in a cool place.
  • Kimchi soup

    Kimchi soup is another popular Korean dish that is most common in the regions of Japan. Cooking it at home is much easier than many housewives think.


    • Pork loin - 700 g
    • Rice wine - 1 tbsp. (sake)
    • Kimchi paste –100 g
    • Shiitake mushrooms - 50 g
    • Onion - #188; PC.
    • Green onions - 2-3 feathers
    • Tofu - 200 g
    • Chili pepper - 2 tbsp.
    • Water - 500 ml
    • Vegetable oil - for frying
    • Garlic sauce - 0.5 tsp. (can be replaced with 2 cloves of crushed garlic)
    • Chili paste - 2 tsp.
    • Soy sauce - 3 tsp.
    • Black pepper - 3 pinches


    1. Cut mushrooms, onions, tofu and meat into strips.
  • Pour kimchi paste, rice wine, vegetable oil into the pan and simmer for 5 minutes. Then add garlic sauce, chili paste, soy sauce, black pepper, vegetables, meat and fill the food with water.
  • When the meat is ready, add tofu, chili pepper and stir. Serve the soup with boiled rice.
  • Kimchi sauce with chili

    Hot, fiery-spicy kimchi sauce is the secret sauce of Korean chefs. It has a pleasant aroma of fresh fruit. It is used as a marinade, served as a separate dish, and has also been introduced as a mandatory component for rolls and sushi.

    Preparing kimchi sauce:

    1. Squeeze the garlic through a press.
  • Combine the garlic mass with pepper, salt and sugar.
  • Fill everything with water and mix well.
  • Place the sauce in a jar, screw on the lid and keep in the refrigerator.
  • Experiment, and you will always find a recipe for delicious homemade kimchi that suits your taste and soul.

    This is a traditional snack that is popular in Korea. The dish is a fermentation (pickling) of vegetables. They are hotly seasoned and not cooked. Not a single meal in this country is complete without Korean kimchi. Write down the recipe quickly if you like spicy food. So, here are some cooking options.

    kimchi recipes

    Classic option

    Main Ingredients:

    Method one

    It is best to buy all the ingredients in a Korean store. First, let's prepare the brine. Add salt to the water. Mix thoroughly. Cut the cabbage into squares. Peel the onion and radish and chop into strips. Place the prepared vegetables in the brine. Mix thoroughly. Cover with a lid and press down with a weight. Leave for five hours. After the time has passed, drain the brine. Let's start preparing the pasta. Take and mix sugar, grated ginger, crushed garlic, fish sauce, shrimp paste, chopped onion, boiled rice flour in water and add a little brine where the cabbage was infused. Grind everything using a blender. Pour the paste over the cabbage. We put on gloves and start kneading the kimchi. Let's taste it. If we like it spicier, then add more pepper. Now the mass must be compacted tightly into liter jar. Close tightly and leave for a week. Keep refrigerated. Then you can try.

    Second Korean way of making kimchi

    There is another recipe where the cabbage is cut lengthwise into two parts. The ingredients are the same. So, cut out the stalks. Dip the halves in water. Sprinkle salt evenly (coarse salt is best). Fill them with water and press down. Leave to salt for eight hours. When the cabbage is salted, rinse it and set it aside. Let's prepare the dressing. Dissolve rice flour in cold water. Then we boil it. You should get a paste. Cut the radish and onion into strips. Chop garlic and ginger. Add all this and fish sauce, paste, granulated sugar to the cabbage. After putting it on, mix everything thoroughly and compact it into a jar. Let it be stored in a cool place. You can serve Korean kimchi with soups and meat dishes. There is more than one recipe, as you can see. Let's consider another option.

    Korean kimchi: recipe with cauliflower

    Main Ingredients:

    • salt (two tsp);
    • ground pepper (pinch);
    • cauliflower (one head);
    • garlic (two heads);
    • a bunch of greenery;
    • one carrot;
    • sugar (one tbsp);
    • green onions;
    • coriander (one tsp);
    • apple cider vinegar;
    • vegetable oil.

    Cooking process

    Break the cabbage into florets. We wash them thoroughly. Salt the water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and throw in the inflorescences. Cook for three minutes. Then transfer to a bowl. Wash the carrots thoroughly and peel them. We chop. Mix vegetables, salt, add sugar, coriander, pepper, vinegar. Mix thoroughly. Then heat half a glass of vegetable oil in a deep saucepan. Pour it into a bowl. Peel the garlic. Finely chop. Next, wash the greens and chop them coarsely. Add all prepared ingredients to the cabbage. Stir and place in the refrigerator overnight to infuse. The next day you can serve kimchi, for example, with boiled rice.

    Treat yourself and your loved ones using any Korean cabbage (kimchi) recipe. Don't be lazy. Bon appetit!

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