A dishwasher is a necessity or a luxury. Built-in dishwasher - luxury or necessity? Dishwasher

Life of a housewife or housewife in modern world although difficult, it is certainly not without progress. Scientific and technological achievements have made it possible to boil water in an electric kettle, cook on electric burners, and store food in refrigerators.

From the same series are dishwashers that allow you to get rid of the tedious and everyday work of washing dishes. What else do you need for the kitchen? Everything is automated and thought out; manual labor is becoming a thing of the past.

How a dishwasher works

Dirty pots, plates and cutlery are placed in specially designated compartments in the machine. For each type of dishware, as a rule, a special tray is provided.

Now you need to add detergent and set the required mode. We turned on the dishwasher - and it works. As a rule, this is not fast - it varies for different machines: for example, in short mode it takes 30 minutes, and in full mode it takes 2 hours.

There are quite economical dishwashers that spend less than 1 liter of water on one set of dishes. And now - the dishes are already washed, voila! Yes, it takes a long time, but very high quality and economical. There is no way you can wash it with your hands so sterile.

Dishwasher adds water, heats it, adds detergent, which is sprayed with to varying degrees intensity, dishes are washed and rinsed repeatedly. The cycle also includes drying it (although not all machines have it).

Energy consumption for washing is minimal. Typically, washing 10 sets of dishes in terms of energy costs per money is less than 1 ruble. This is truly pennies, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Why is a dishwasher necessary in everyday life?

It is needed to save your time. If you have a lot of it and you think that washing dishes by hand is easier and better, you are obviously mistaken.

Firstly, a machine like this will do it much better than you. The sterility and hygiene of the dishes will be at the highest level. Microorganisms that may be harmful to humans and that may remain on plates and spoons after hand washing are killed under machine processing conditions. At a temperature of about 70 degrees Celsius and with active use of detergent.

Secondly, such a machine saves your water. You will spend at least several times washing the same dishes more water. Typically, if you don't wash dishes that many times a day, you don't think it's worth using a dishwasher. But you don’t have to wash it every time, but collect the dishes for the whole day and load them into the car. Water consumption is minimal. Electricity consumption is the same.

Look video « How to choose a dishwasher?»


Some housewives still consider the dishwasher an optional gadget in their kitchen. However, this assistant not only saves your time and eliminates disputes with your husband about who will wash the dishes today. She is able to take care of your family budget and the health of all family members. Clear infographics show you how to free you from your daily routine.

You can choose a dishwasher based on the size of your kitchen, the number of people in your family, how often you cook and how many dishes you use. In this case, you can build a dishwasher under work surface and hide it from view. Or you can install a freestanding dishwasher in place of one of the kitchen cabinets.

A dishwasher saves up to 4 hours of your time per week, which is more than 200 hours per year*! Are dirty dishes really worth your time?
*Dishwashing study conducted by Intertek, UK, 2010. (Intertek UK Washing up Study).

A dishwasher uses three times less water to wash one set of dishes than if you washed it by hand*. It's time to think about saving!
*Dishwashing study conducted by Intertek, UK, 2010. (Intertek UK Washing up Study).

The water temperature used in dishwashers is much higher than what you use when washing by hand. It's unlikely that your hands can withstand temperatures of 70°C, and there are no limits for the dishwasher*. It sanitizes your dishes, ridding them of germs and bacteria, providing a more hygienic way to wash your dishes. Be careful: within 10-15 minutes after the end of the cycle, the dishes will be quite hot. Take care of your hands!

*Maximum temperature varies depending on dishwasher model.

The dishwasher preserves your manicure and hand skin.
All you have to do is load the dirty dishes and take them out after washing.

No more arguing about who will wash the dishes! Your little ones and great helpers can load and remove dishes themselves.

It is important to know!

What stains can be washed in the dishwasher?

  • Burnt and dried food;
  • Fatty food residues on dishes;
  • Drink stains.

All this and more can be washed off with Finish “Shine and Protection” tablets!

Washing dishes is a routine household chore that rarely brings pleasure to anyone. The ideal solution The problem would be buying a dishwasher. But often this step is associated with many doubts, myths and prejudices. What is true and what is false, and what does having a dishwasher in the house actually do?

Is a dishwasher no longer a luxury?

Did you know that the first electric dishwashers (EMDs) appeared back in 1929 in Germany, from where they spread throughout Europe, becoming almost the most popular household appliances?! Against this background, the 2-3% of Russians who use PMMs in everyday life look quite pathetic. And there are several reasons.

Firstly, household dishwashers were simply not produced in the Soviet Union, nor were detergents for them. Secondly, access imported goods the domestic market was limited, and, as a result, few people had heard of, let alone seen, automatic “dishwashers”!

In the late 90s, when the first dishwashers just began to appear on the shelves of Russian stores, their prices were sky-high, and talk about “uneconomical, bulky and ineffective” spoiled the reputation of household PMMs.

Myths about dishwashers

Myth 1: Ineffectiveness

Opponents of household PMMs often complain about the inefficiency of dishwashers. Allegedly, the machine will not be able to thoroughly wash the dishes, and if it can, it will not rinse, and if it rinses, it will not be done well enough. In fact, such statements can only be made by those who are not familiar with the operating principle of such a machine.

Firstly, hard tap water, when washed by hand, removes dirt worse than a dishwasher. The thing is that the PMM has a built-in ion exchanger, which removes salt impurities from the water and softens the water, thereby improving the purification process.

Secondly, special detergents for PMM do an excellent job of removing any dirt and do not leave soapy streaks on the surface of the dishes.

Thirdly, in summer time Often there are problems with the centralized supply of hot water, which complicates the process of washing dishes by hand. The PMM has a built-in water heater, which makes the machine operate independent of the hot water supply.

Fourthly, PMMs are multi-tasking: for each type and quantity of dishes, and the degree of their contamination, you can set up an individual washing and rinsing mode. In addition, the dish drying function not only speeds up the process of getting clean plates, but is also a more hygienic procedure compared to rubbing kitchen utensils with the same towel.

Myth 2: uneconomical

There is a belief that PMM uses too much water and electricity, which in light of tariffs public utilities can be considered wasteful. Regarding the first statement, everything is simple here - in fact, dishwashers are very economical. On full cycle work (and this is several stacks dirty dishes) no more than 16 liters of water are consumed. The thing is that the PMM purification filter system allows you to use the same water several times. In addition, some dishwasher models independently determine the amount of loaded dishes, their degree of contamination, and select the optimal washing mode. As for the second statement, the PMM consumes no more electricity than washing machine, but we don’t give up on it in everyday life?!

Myth 3: bulky and expensive

Long gone are the days when a dishwasher was only available in one original size, from one manufacturer, and with a standard set of features. Modern market household goods are offered by a huge number of both manufacturers and PMM models, which will fit perfectly into both the “royal mansions” and small-sized “Khrushchev” buildings. Moreover, the PMM can be full-format, narrow, built-in, compact, desktop, etc.

Regarding pricing for PMM, here too the consumer has options to choose from: the cost of dishwashers varies depending on their class, manufacturer, dimensions, functionality and other characteristics. In general, you can buy an economy class dishwasher for $300-500, a business class dishwasher for $550-750, and an elite series starts at $800.

When and who should buy a dishwasher?

To answer such a question, you should briefly go through the main advantages that the use of PMM will provide in everyday life:

  • heating the water to 75°C disinfects the water and the dishes being processed, which is more hygienic and safe than washing by hand;
  • in the long term, it allows you to save money: on water consumption, on electricity consumption (if there is a delayed washing mode configured for a period with reduced tariffs for electricity consumption), on the consumption of detergents;
  • significant savings in personal free time;
  • high-quality cleaning of dishes, including “oversized” ones (pallets, pots, pans, trays, vases, bottles, etc.);
  • care for the beauty and health of hand skin;
  • convenience: the presence of a water heater in the PMM system allows it to operate autonomously regardless of the centralized supply of hot water;
  • comfort: the need to wash mountains of dishes after festive feasts is becoming a thing of the past.

The list of advantages proves that a dishwasher is, rather, the norm for every family where they value personal time, care about the health and beauty of loved ones and understand the value of investment today for undoubtedly greater returns in the future.

“The Queen of Detectives” Agatha Christie, when asked where she gets the plots for her novels, always answered: “The most best ideas come to me when I start washing the dishes. This is such a boring and thankless task that thoughts of murder arise on their own.”

Really, it’s hard to find a housewife who would declare with a twinkle in her eye that she loves washing dishes. But if ten or fifteen years ago there was simply no escape from this annoying necessity, now the market household appliances presents several series of excellent dishwashers (economy class - from 300 to 500 dollars; business class from 550 to 750 dollars and elite class from 800 dollars and above). And yet they somehow did not take root in our country. The share of sales in Russia is only 2-3%. Why?

Well, Firstly, it is believed that such a machine is very “gluttonous”, that is, it consumes too much water and electricity. Secondly, small-sized kitchens of a standard apartment are not always ready to accept this unit: there is simply nowhere to put it. Well third, women are still accustomed to washing their plates with their own hands, and such a device as a dishwasher seems to them an unacceptable luxury.

However, if desired, each of these arguments can have a worthy objection. In fact Dishwashers are very economical: they spend the same amount of energy as, but, on the contrary, save water: only 16 liters will be consumed for a full cycle of operation of the machine, including washing several stacks of dirty dishes. This happens due to a well-thought-out system of using the same water in the dishwashing process by purifying it through a filter system. Moreover, today there are models that can determine the amount of loaded dishes, the degree of contamination and independently select the most optimal operating mode.

Manufacturers of dishwashers today offer models that can fit even into the narrow kitchenette of our “Khrushchev” apartments. As for the fact that “we washed it ourselves and will wash it,” that’s just ridiculous: you can easily go around Earth around the circumference and never meet a person who would love to scrub dirty plates. Not to mention the fact that constant contact of hands with soapy water and chemicals

It really spoils the skin!

And finally, time: while the dishes are being washed in a soulless unit, you can easily afford to sit in front of the TV without any remorse. After all, dishwashers clean dishes in a way that no one, even a very conscientious one, can do: the process takes at least half an hour at a temperature of +60-65°C using special detergents. After such a wash, there is no residue or microorganisms left on the plates and pots - after all, tap water is passed through an ion exchanger, which softens the water and increases its cleaning ability. The machine will wash everything without a wince, even what you sometimes don’t have the strength or the mood to do.

: baking trays, racks, trays, removable parts and grills, baking dishes, in some cases even crystal vases and chandelier pendants. Although, of course, you shouldn’t get carried away. It is not recommended to load items made of wood, mother-of-pearl, bone, tin, copper, silver-plated, or fusible plastic into the dishwasher. Of course, you should not buy a dishwasher if you live alone or if your loved ones are hypersensitive to household chemicals

. In all other cases, a “dishwasher” is much preferable to washing dishes by hand! Each housewife has her own answer to this question, since they are divided in their opinions into opponents and supporters of the new type of household appliances. The first ones think that washing dishes is not like that, it can also be done the old fashioned way - by hand. Representatives of the opposite camp (they are in the minority) absolutely disagree with this point of view and quite reasonably think that a 45 cm built-in dishwasher (compact version) is the most necessary thing in the kitchen.

You can also get a large electronic assistant - sixty centimeters, or a very tiny tabletop one, but this one is designed for washing a small amount of dishes; it won’t even fit a large plate, not to mention a saucepan or frying pan.

So how expedient would it be to purchase a “dishwasher” and how not to make a mistake in choosing.

During its entire existence on the market, the dishwasher never managed to become a product of mass demand - the share of its sales out of the total number of household appliances is only a modest 3%. This is due to the fact that most consumers consider the “dishwasher” to be a luxury, an indulgence and an appliance for the rich. This opinion stems from a simple ignorance of all the advantages of a built-in dishwasher (including those related to cost savings).

But first, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the types of these household appliances. First of all, you should know that dishwashers are intended for industrial (catering establishments) and home (apartment) use.

Industrial ones may not be of much interest to a housewife, but domestic ones need to be sorted out, since they are also divided into types:

To make you feel more comfortable when choosing an unfamiliar and hitherto incomprehensible technique, you should study its pros and cons. As usual, the most complacent consumers see continuous advantages in a dishwasher, while skeptics see only disadvantages.

The objective picture is this: there are many more pros than cons. And to be more specific: both critics and supporters find only one significant disadvantage - washing the dishwasher itself. During operation, grease and dirt accumulate inside the unit, which must be removed periodically, and this becomes a small job for some and a stumbling block for others.

As for the advantages, here they are, a whole list:

  1. Opportunity to save money. Despite the fact that this household appliance is not cheap, it remains an effective way to save:
  2. water saving - during a washing cycle the machine uses 30 liters of water, and when washing by hand you spend about 100 liters;
  3. energy savings - the delay mode allows you to wash dishes at night, during reduced tariffs;
  4. saving money for washing dishes;
  5. saving your precious time (on average, a housewife is busy washing dishes 30-60 minutes a day, this adds up to 10-20 days a year).
  6. The quality of the washed dishes. People with conservative views argue that the cleanliness of dishes washed by hand is in no way inferior to the cleanliness obtained as a result of machine washing. But these are just words - an unsubstantiated defense of one’s point of view. The facts indicate something completely different: the machine provides the highest level of cleanliness for dishes, and it honorably withstands the presence of the most effective agents that can cause allergic reactions on the skin. And the amount of dishes that 60 cm built-in dishwashers can easily handle can dishearten the most hard-working housewife.
  7. Effective cleaning of hard-to-reach and heavily contaminated areas. Bottles, vases with a narrow neck, carbon deposits on the bottom - all this is an insoluble problem for a person with a brush. Well, it can’t be washed off with a brush, no matter how hard you try. And the machine takes care of all such difficulties and manages to clean the dishes to their pristine shine.
  8. Saving energy. The machine does everything for you.
  9. Taking care of your health and the beauty of your hands. The skin deteriorates from contact with water and aggressive detergents, the nail polish peels off, the condition of the nails worsens, and there is no point in doing a manicure. And if you have a dishwasher, you can afford to go to a beauty salon to have your nails polished, and not worry about the health of your skin.
  10. Convenience. Given the strange tradition of our housing offices and water utilities to turn off hot water when summer arrives, the dishwasher becomes a real treasure. Having such an assistant at your disposal, you definitely won’t have to heat water in buckets and pots in order to wash three plates.

The cost of household appliances is an equally important aspect by which one judges how necessary the purchase is. Let’s take, as an example of price-quality ratio, a Bosch built-in 45 cm dishwasher, the price of which starts at 17.5 thousand rubles. These are products from German manufacturers, which in itself gives the buyer a guarantee of its reliability and durability.

What is a cookware set?

If you have never had a kitchen appliance such as a dishwasher, then you may not know how many and what items are included in a standard washing kit.

One set consists of three plates, three spoons, a cup and saucer, a glass and a fork. Knives, crystal glassware, dishes with wooden handles (ladles and frying pans) are not included in the set, since some do not fit in the dishwasher compartments, others are too sharp or fragile.

Based on the number of sets you have to wash daily, choose the size of the machine. For one person who really dirty his plates, a small dishwasher is enough. For families consisting of three or more people, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation that develops in the kitchen after family meals - after all, you can leave behind piles of dirty dishes, or you can approach the issue of serving more restrained. The size of the built-in dishwasher that you are going to “settle” in your kitchen depends on this.

Most likely, the family will choose a 45-60 cm dishwasher. There is one more nuance - the area of ​​the room. A small-sized kitchen should not be overloaded with a wide machine - it will not look good and will get in the way. Everything in the interior should be harmonious, and since the dishwasher becomes an integral part of it, one of the main tasks is to fit it beautifully into the overall picture of a cozy home kitchen.

We have already mentioned crystal and knives. But there is also a whole list of kitchen utensils that it is not only not recommended to put (or put) in the dishwasher - it is absolutely forbidden to do this.

Do not machine wash plastic utensils, utensils marked “for hand wash only,” wooden, aluminum, or copper items—all of these are entirely hands-on work. Plus silver, gold and gilded cutlery, dishes with mother-of-pearl, as well as lead and tin, if available.

Such complex dishes are a problem not so much for the machine, but for you, since the unit can be overworked so much that not a trace will remain of the gilding. And if the equipment is a hundred times reliable, like a built-in Bosch dishwasher, then it can wash expensive holiday dishes so thoroughly that you simply won’t recognize them. Therefore, be careful. The machine doesn’t care what to wash, but you don’t care what appearance the cutlery served on the table will have.

It is not necessary, but it is highly advisable that, on the eve of purchasing and installing a dishwasher, you equip your kitchen with a sink with two compartments. It is necessary in order to use one of them to wash dishes that cannot be put in the dishwasher, or to pre-rinse and soak dishes with dried food residues on the walls. It is worth noting that no machine, no matter how good, will be able to wash off stuck residues, even if you use the pre-soak function.

Next we'll talk about the prerequisites for placing a dishwasher. The kitchen must be equipped with a cold water supply, a grounded socket and a sewer drain. In principle, such requirements are familiar to anyone who has installed an automatic washing machine at home.

Since you are going to buy a 45 cm built-in dishwasher (or some other parameters), you are going to provide yourself with a “night worker”. How is it usually? The dishes are collected all day and, having laid the last batch after dinner, they start the car and go to bed. Therefore, pay close attention to the noise level of the unit - the most optimal indicator is 42-56 dB.

Water consumption is one of the main criteria that the buyer takes into account when choosing a machine. Look at the sticker - everything should be indicated there, and please remember these numbers:

Energy consumption and quality of washing and drying dishes - all this is indicated in Latin letters on the sticker. A is the highest level in all respects. Therefore, it is more logical to choose a device with three A.

Number of programs. Here, focus on your needs, taking into account the fact that the more functions, the more expensive the machine. If you absolutely need a separate program for washing beer mugs or baby bottles, choose a more complex and more expensive unit.

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