The correct declension of the numeral is one and a half. Collective numbers

This article will become a cheat sheet for those who want to learn how to inflect numerals by case.

When inflecting numerals into cases, many people make mistakes. Wrong endings can be seen all over the place. And if in oral speech This is not so obvious, but in writing you can immediately see errors. The difficulty of correct declension of this part of speech lies in the fact that there is no single rule. To correctly decline numerals, you should know several rules.

Important: Numerals are not declined according to a pattern or a single pattern. There are several types of declinations.

Types of quantitative declinations

Types of ordinal declinations

Let's look at it in more detail using examples in sentences, as well as in summary tables.

How to correctly decline cardinal numerals from 0 to 10 billion: rule, table, examples with nouns

Important: Quantitatives are one of the categories of numeral names, have a gender and answer the question “how many?”

Above we have already considered the general rules for declension of numerals. Now let's look at how to correctly decline cardinal numerals using the example of a table.

If you need, for example, to decline the number 300 or 900, just look at the table to understand the principle.

Table 1

Case 300 (three hundred) 900 (nine hundred)
AND. three hundred nine hundred
R. three hundred nine hundred
D. three hundred nine hundred
IN. three hundred nine hundred
T. three hundred nine hundred
P. (about) three hundred (about) nine hundred

Let's look at examples with nouns:

1. Roman didn’t have enough one thousand two hundred rubles to buy a bicycle.
2. Masha wanted to manage the hundred rubles she had donated on her own.

How to correctly decline ordinal numerals: rule, table, examples with nouns

Important: The digit of ordinal numbers indicates the number of an object when counting. They answer the question “which”, “which”, “which”, “which”. For example: fifth ball, thirty-first mile.

table 2

Case Third Thirtieth
AND. third thirtieth
R. third thirtieth
D. third thirtieth
IN. third thirtieth, thirtieth
T. third thirtieth
P. (about) the third (o) thirtieth

Examples with nouns:

  1. The second participant of the competition showed the best results.
  2. Vanya is now ten years old.
  3. The fourth friend was not at home.

comparison table cardinal and ordinal numbers

How to correctly decline collective numerals: rule, table, examples with nouns

Important: Collective numbers are a narrower category than cardinal numbers. Used with nouns, they serve to generalize several objects to one whole. For example, three friends, seven kids.

Table 3

Case Six Two
AND. six two
R. six two
D. six two
IN. six two
T. six two (two)
P. (o) six (o) two

Example sentences:

  1. Five students took part in the annual Mathematics Olympiad.
  2. Dinner for two at a restaurant will be the best gift on Valentine's Day.
  3. Our cat brought six kittens.

How to correctly decline numeral compounds: rule, table, examples with nouns

Important: Numeral names are divided according to their composition into: simple, complex, compound. Compounds are made up of two or more words. For example: forty-two, three hundred twenty-five, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight.

When declining compound numerals by case, do not forget to change all words, see table. 4.

Table 4

Case Twenty seven Three hundred forty five
AND. twenty seven three hundred forty five
R. twenty seven three hundred forty five
D. twenty seven three hundred forty five
IN. twenty seven three hundred forty five
T. twenty seven three hundred forty five
P. (o) twenty seven (o) three hundred forty five

Examples of sentences with compound numerals:

  1. Victory in the Great Patriotic War occurred in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five.
  2. Twenty-two houses underwent major renovations.
  3. The meeting was held with two hundred and forty-three employees of the company.

Important: B colloquial speech Declension of compound numerals is simplified. It is permissible to incline only the first and the last word or just the latter.

Declension of compound numerals

How to correctly decline complex numerals: rule, table, examples with nouns

Examples of complex numerals: eighty, two hundred thousandth, four hundred. Complex numerals combine two roots in one word: five + hundred.

Table “Declination of complex numerals”

Examples of sentences with complex numbers:

  1. More than two hundred children of different ages attend the kindergarten.
  2. Sixty schoolchildren were given vouchers to the sanatorium.
  3. More than three hundred applications were submitted to the competition.

How to correctly decline the numerals of ordinary fractions by case: rule, table, examples with nouns

Fractions consist of cardinal (numerator) and ordinal (denominator) numbers. For example, 1⁄2 is one half; 4⁄5 - four fifths.

To correctly decline a fractional number, you need to decline all its parts.

Table 5

Examples with nouns:

  1. Add one third spoon of salt to the dough.
  2. To two point three sixths add two point one eighth.

How to correctly decline the numerals of decimal fractions by case: rule, table, examples with nouns

Let us separately consider the declination of decimal fractions in Table 6.

Table 6

Case 1/10 1/100 1/1000
AND. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
R. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
D. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
IN. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
T. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
P. (o) one tenth (o) one hundredth (about) one thousandth

Examples with nouns:

  1. One tenth of a kilometer has already been passed.
  2. Work has already been completed on one hundredth of the site.

Fractional numbers

How to correctly decline numerals of mixed numbers by case: rules, examples

Important: If the fraction contains a whole zero, for example 0.5, then the word “whole” is not declined.

Table 7

Examples of sentences with fractional numbers:

  1. Multiply four point five by three point seven.
  2. Subtract one tenth from three point two hundredths.

Declension of the numeral one and a half, one and a half hundred by cases: features of declension

The peculiarity of the declension of these numerals is that for the nominative and accusative cases there is one form, for other cases - another. This can be seen in the table below.

Table “Declination one and a half, one and a half hundred”

Declension of the numeral one, one by case: features of declension

The numeral one is declined in exactly the same way as the pronoun "this".

Table "Declination of the number one"

Declension of the numeral two, two in cases: features of declension

Table “Declination of the numeral two, two”

Declension of the numeral both, both in cases: features of declension

The words both, both are collective numerals. The table in the figure below shows how these words should be declined.

Table “Declination of numerals both, both”

Now you know how to decline numerals. And if you forgot, you can read this article again.

Video: Rules for declension of numerals

Numerals are used in the language to lexically designate the number, quantity or order of counted objects. They can be simple (with one stem - two, five), complex (with two stems - twelve, sixty) and compound (represented by several words - one hundred forty-seven, four thousand three hundred twenty-nine). Depending on their grammatical meaning and lexical use, numerals are divided into cardinal, ordinal, collective and fractional.

Compound cardinal numbers answer the question “how many?” and consist of several words written separately, corresponding to the number significant figures, excluding zeros, but with the addition of “thousands”, “millions” and other words denoting numbers. Cardinal numbers change according to cases. Change by number and gender is available only for ordinal (seventh, twentieth, thirty-first) numerals.

When declension of compound cardinal numerals by case, all parts change:

I.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

R.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

D.p. four thousand three hundred twenty-five

V.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

Tv.p. four thousand three hundred twenty five

Pr.p. (about) four thousand three hundred twenty-five

For the correct declension of compound cardinal numerals, you need to know how their constituent numerals (both simple and complex) change by case.

The declension of cardinal numerals does not have a common pattern for all. The numerals “two”, “three”, “four” are declined according to the type of mixed declension of adjectives:

I.p. two three four

R.p. two, three, four

D.p. two, three, four

V.p. two three four

Tv.p. two, three, four

Pr.p. (0) two, three, four

Numerals from “five” to “ten” and all ending in “-twenty” and “-ten” are declined in the same way as third declension nouns.

I.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

R.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

D.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

V.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

Tv.p. seven, seventeen, seventy

Pr.p. (o) seven, seventeen, seventy

Complex cardinal numerals ending in “-ten” change according to cases at the level of both stems (seventy).

When the numeral “eight” is declined in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases, it loses the fluent vowel “e” (it changes to soft sign– eight).

The numerals “eight” and all ending in “-ten” can have two forms of declension: literary (see above) and colloquial (colloquial) - “eight”, “fifty”, “eighty”.

Numerals indicating hundreds (“two hundred”, “three hundred”, “four hundred” and all ending in “-hundred”) change according to case in the same way as first declension nouns plural:

I.p. two hundred, six hundred

R.p. two hundred, six hundred

D.p. two hundred, six hundred

V.p. two hundred, six hundred

Tv.p. two hundred, six hundred

Pr.p. (o) two hundred, six hundred

Complex cardinal numbers ending in “-hundred” change by case at the level of both stems (six hundred). In colloquial speech they can be used in a more simplified form - six hundred.

Compound cardinal numerals in colloquial speech tend to have a simplified case change. One often hears how their internal foundations cease to change (“three thousand three hundred and twenty-five” - instead of the prescribed “three thousand three hundred and twenty-five”). It also happens that only the last element of a compound cardinal number is declined: (c) “three thousand three hundred twenty-five” instead of (c) “three thousand three hundred twenty-five.”

In colloquial speech, simplified declension of numerals is considered acceptable, but in written speech it is not. In order not to make mistakes, it is best to immediately correctly change each component of a compound numeral by case. This is difficult, it requires some language practice, but there is nothing impossible about it. Practice on the proposed tables, and you will be able to use compound cardinal numerals in the desired declension without any problems.

Difficulties in the formation of numeral forms and their use in speech are mainly associated with their change in cases and combination with nouns.

1. The norm of literary language is the declension of each word and each part in compound and complex cardinal numerals. In oral speech, there is a regular loss of declension in all parts except the last.

Wed: the norm is the form: with five hundred sixty three rubles, in oral speech typically - with five hundred and sixty-three rubles.

Note, that the loss of declension of each part, except the last, is not allowed by literary norm!

    In addition, it should be remembered that the majority of numerals are declined according to the third declension.

    The numeral thousand changes like a noun of the first declension (in common parlance its illegal declension of the third type is often found: with a thousand instead of normative with a thousand).

    The numerals forty and one hundred have only one form in oblique cases - forty, one hundred, but as part of complex numerals one hundred Declined according to the archaic declension: about three hundred, with three hundred.

2. When declension compound ordinal numbers only their last part changes. It is this part that has the form of an ordinal number, which coincides with the form of full adjectives. The remaining parts have the form of cardinal numbers, but do not change!

Wed: one thousand nine hundred and forty-one - in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five; two thousand and three - until two thousand and three.

3. Collective numbers ( two, three etc.) can only be used with masculine nouns, nouns denoting young animals or having only a plural form:

two men, two guys, two kittens, two scissors.

    In other cases, the use of collective numerals in literary language unacceptable.

    Also, remember that collective numbers only express numbers from two to ten! Therefore, when indicating a number of more than ten males or young animals, quantitative numerals should be used:

    twelve friends, forty-five cubs.

Particular attention should be paid to indicate a quantity of more than ten for those nouns that do not have a singular form.

Combinations of compound numerals ending in two three four, with nouns that do not have a singular form ( 22 days - twenty two days), are not allowed in literary speech. Only combinations of type twenty-one days, twenty-five days. If it is necessary to indicate the corresponding number, a noun that does not have a singular form must be replaced with a synonymous one that has both number forms ( twenty two days). With nouns scissors, forceps etc. you can use words like thing and etc. ( twenty three pieces of scissors).

4. The numeral pronoun both has two gender forms: both(Not wallpaper!) - masculine and neuter, both- feminine gender: in both states, in both countries. The same applies to the numeral one and a half ( one and a half rubles, one and a half thousand). In addition, in indirect cases this numeral has the form one and a half(about one and a half thousand rubles). The numeral one and a half hundred has a similar form in indirect cases ( about one and a half hundred rubles).

5. Collocations "numeral plus noun" behave differently in the nominative and oblique cases.

    In the nominative case, the numeral controls the genitive case of the noun (to give fifty-five rubles).

    In oblique cases, the main word becomes the noun, and the numeral agrees with it ( about fifty-five rubles). In common parlance, a common mistake is when in indirect cases the noun is placed in the genitive case ( about fifty-five rubles). Such control is unacceptable in a literary language!

    Numerals thousand, million, billion in all cases they retain control of the dependent noun in the genitive case: a million rubles, about a million rubles.

6. The use of singular or plural forms of a noun depends on the following conditions.

    With numerals one two three four the singular form is used ( two days, four apples), with numerals from five onwards, the noun is put in the plural form ( five days).

    The numeral one and a half in the nominative and accusative cases governs the singular noun, and in the remaining cases the noun is in the plural form ( one and a half hours - about one and a half hours). The same applies to the numeral one and a half hundred.

Name: Declension of numerals.

Numeral- an independent part of speech denoting the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: How much? Which? Which?

Numerals are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories:
1. Collective (both, two, five)
2. Quantitative (two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty-one)
3. Ordinal (first, second, hundredth).

At the same time, cardinal numerals include definite and indefinite quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units (two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second ones - an indefinite number of units; These include the words few, many, many, few, as well as the pronominal numerals several, how many, how many, some, so many.

Cardinal numbers denote the actual quantity, and collective- quantity as a set: there are four boys in the room, three have dark hair.

Declension of numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine follows the pattern of third declension nouns (night, shadow)

But: instrumental case: eight and eight.

-twenty, such as eleven, twelve, thirty and others are declined as follows:

Numerals ending in -ten, such as fifty, sixty, etc., are declined as follows:

But: instrumental case - eighty And eighty

In complex numerals from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts of the word are declined.

Declension of numerals 40, 90, 100.

Declension of collective numerals both, both

Declension of cardinal numbers

In compound cardinal numerals, all words forming them are declined, and nouns denoting countable objects in all cases, except for the nominative and accusative, agree with the numeral in the case.
For example: a series of manuals with three hundred and sixty-seven drawings.
But: there are three hundred and sixty-seven drawings in the manual (sixty-three drawings).

The word thousand is declined as a feminine noun in -a; the words million and billion are declined like masculine nouns with a consonant as the stem.


The numerals forty, ninety and one hundred have only two forms: forty, ninety, hundred (i.p., v.p.) and forty, ninety, hundred (in all other cases). Therefore, it is correct: with ninety rubles, about forty students, with a hundred problems, and NOT *with ninety rubles, about forty students, with a hundred problems.

The numeral one and a half has two forms of the nominative case - one and a half (m.r. and s.r.) and one and a half (f.r.): one and a half liters, one and a half logs, one and a half lives. The form of all indirect cases (except the accusative) is one and a half. That's right: about one and a half days, and NOT *about one and a half days, *one and a half days.

CORRECT: Until what time is the library open? She works until so-and-so, NOT *until what, until so-and-so.

CORRECT: one thousand employees, one million employees, three thousand employees (etc.), one thousand employees, one million employees, three thousand employees, one thousand employees and one thousand employees (etc.).
CORRECT: address twenty-five thousand students, but address twenty-five thousand one hundred students.

The category of simple numbers includes those numbers that have only one root, for example: “five”, “seven”, “ten”. They are like singular, feminine nouns (“night”, “help”). That is, in the nominative and accusative cases the ending is “-ь”, in the instrumental “-yu”, in the rest “-i”. This is what “five” looks like:
- Nominative case: five.
- Genitive case: five.
- Dative: five.
- Accusative: five.
- Instrumental case: five.
- Prepositional (about) five.

Declension of complex cardinal numerals

Complex numerals are numerals that consist of two roots (“eleven”, “fifty”, “”). The declension of these numerals has the following features: numerals ending in “-twenty” have only endings, while those ending in “-ten”, “-hundred” (the latter include “”, “three hundred”, “”) are declined in a series cases both roots. Details:
- Nominative case: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.
- Genitive case: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred
- Dative case: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.
- Accusative: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.
- Instrumental case: fifteen; ; seven hundred.
- Prepositional (about) fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.

Features of the declension of some numerals

Numerals such as “forty”, “ ” and “hundred” have only two forms of declension: “forty”, “ninety”, “hundred” (i.p., v.p.); "", "ninety", "hundred" (in other cases).

Declensions of the collective numerals “both”, “both”, “four” (and others), as well as the words “two”, “three”, “four” look like this:
- Nominative case: both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Genitive case: two; three; four; both; both; four; two; three; four
- Dative case: to both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Accusative: (whom?) both; both; four; two; three; four; (what?) both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Instrumental case: by both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Prepositional (about, about) both; both; four; two; three; four.

Also keep in mind that in compound numerals consisting of several words (for example: “one hundred thirty-one”), all words must be declined.

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