Signs in the cemetery to cling to the fence. Folk signs and superstitions associated with funerals

Every person knows that you need to go to a cemetery and follow certain rules. Moreover, there are rules that must be observed both during funerals and when you are simply visiting your family and friends who are no longer in this world. Two worlds come together at the cemetery:

  • world of the living;
  • world of the dead.

Our deceased relatives will never harm us, no matter what we say or what we do. But you still need to follow the rules, if only because those nearby can be punished for ignorance. When it comes to funerals, the signs are read even before you get to the cemetery itself.

Should you believe in superstitions about the cemetery?

At the cemetery before noon, after noon at church. It is believed that signs in the cemetery must be observed, otherwise you can bring on a lot of problems. People say that you can only go to the cemetery in the first half of the day. If you find yourself in a cemetery in the afternoon, the devils will joke about you. I can say from my own experience. If you come to the cemetery with a pure soul, without doing anything bad to anyone, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Moreover, everyone who lies in the cemetery rejoices when people come to them. You need to be afraid of living people, not dead ones. The living can do more harm. And you can even spend the night in a cemetery, and no one can do anything bad to you. This is especially true if you came to one of your relatives. So you shouldn't believe this sign. This superstition about the cemetery those people who feel some kind of guilt.

You just need to be sober at the cemetery. Also a superstition. During a funeral you don’t even think about alcohol, especially if you are burying someone dear. But when you come to visit later, almost no one in Rus' can do without it. If during a person’s life you sat at the same table with him and drank, then how can you not drink now? This sign is a warning only for those who do not know how to control themselves after breastfeeding. You need to behave with dignity at the cemetery. Hence the sign.

Don’t tell the cemetery about the good things in your life - you’ll leave them here. Of course, you shouldn’t do this if you’re sitting near someone else’s grave. All your positive emotions will go to the relatives of the person whose grave you are sitting next to. But it's a completely different matter if you talk about the good events in your life to those you care about. Nothing bad will ever happen. On the contrary, if something doesn’t work out for you, then they will definitely help you, and this is without options.

How to behave correctly in a cemetery

Don’t bring anything into the house from the cemetery - you’ll ruin your life. You really can't bring anything from the cemetery. Moreover, it doesn’t even matter loved one you were there or not. The fact remains a fact. Any thing that you took from the cemetery carries something that can harm a living person. This thing can cause harm not only to the one who brought this thing home from the cemetery, but also to any other person who picks it up.

Don't count money in a cemetery - you'll never see it again. You really can't count money in a cemetery. And if you took it out of your pocket or wallet, then you must leave this money either on the grave of your relative, or on the grave of a person with the same name as yours. This is done in order to buy off poverty and early death.

You can’t swear in a cemetery - all the swearing will remain on you. It's really true. Everything bad that is said in the cemetery falls on the shoulders of the one who spoke out. There can't even be other options here. In a cemetery you need to be especially careful both in statements and in deeds. In general, when staying in a cemetery, you need to be very careful. Attentiveness and politeness are qualities that the deceased greatly value. This is the very case when the idea that life does not end after death has special meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to show respect to those who have already left, otherwise they may punish.

The way you came to the cemetery is the way you need to leave. You never know how things will turn out for anyone. It may be necessary to visit several graves. Therefore, no matter how you go, you visited the people you love. This not a sign, but a superstition those people who have no one to visit.

If there is a dead person in the house, there should be no animals in the house - to the new dead person. If someone died in the house, then pets must be removed from the house. If a pet, no matter a dog or a cat, lies down under the coffin, it means that in the near future there will be a new dead person in the house. For this reason, they try to give it to neighbors or friends.

Signs at the cemetery must be observed. They have their own life there, and they live their own lives in the cemetery. Don’t think that those who are already there don’t feel anything and don’t know anything. If you can behave in such a way that the dead will not be offended by you, then your deceased relatives will help you in everything.

How to visit a cemetery correctly? A question that worries many relatives of deceased people.

It turns out that in the old days there were beliefs that our great-grandmothers adhered to.

Traditionally, many superstitions are associated with cemeteries, which, by the way, are not groundless. Signs in a graveyard can warn of impending danger, so burials should be visited with the utmost caution. And the signs seen at the resting places must be treated carefully.
First of all, you need to remember - under no circumstances should you disturb the dead, this will lead to disaster. You shouldn’t come to them empty-handed either; bring sweets that you will leave at the grave.

In order not to “take” misfortune and misfortune from the cemetery into your home, psychics advise adhering to simple rules of behavior.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: “The very first thing is that you need to enter the cemetery correctly, in order not to leave your luck, happiness there, and most importantly, to “catch on” to various diseases.
You must enter the cemetery with with open hands , if you are carrying a bag, you should not hold it in your palm. It must be hung over the hand so that all fingers and hands are open.
This is done so that you don’t take anything with you, just the good that is in your life today.”

At the same time, we should not forget about what can and cannot be said at the resting places. You can share your experiences with deceased relatives, but not complain, but rather share. However words should not cause envy or excessive pity: in both cases, the dead can “take” you to their place.
Remember to allow yourself you can only be open with a relative you trusted during your lifetime and with whom they were close.

There is such a sign: Whatever good you say on a grave will remain on it. A phrase like: “I feel so bad, I want to die...” can become fatal. The spirits of the cemetery may view this as a call to action.

In addition, we should not forget that not everyone can talk with the dead, or come to the cemetery.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: “I’ll say right away - Pregnant women are not allowed in the cemetery! Not for a funeral, not for parent's day. Generally not possible. According to signs, the following events may occur:

The souls of the dead will take the soul of the unborn baby with them;
. An alien soul can inhabit an unborn child.

This sign has been preserved for a long time and was associated with high infant mortality and the danger of difficult childbirth in pregnant women. Now this sign is not so relevant, so treat it wisely.
If a pregnant woman needs to say goodbye to the deceased, or at the call of her heart to visit the graves of relatives, then she should wear something red, tie her hand with a red thread, or keep a piece of red cloth in her pocket.

And under no circumstances Children under 12 years old cannot be brought to the cemetery. This is very dangerous for the child’s health and his future. You can completely change the fate of a child! From a mystical point of view, the aura of children is very weak, and it is difficult for children to protect themselves from the penetration of negative energy.

It is forbidden coming to a funeral to say goodbye to one person, simultaneously visit the graves of other people buried nearby.

Violation of at least one of the rules may result in attraction large quantity negative information that, like a weight, will pull you to the ground.

Visiting a cemetery for remembrance

Undoubtedly, paying one’s last respects to the deceased and honoring his memory by attending the funeral is an indicator of the moral and ethical standards prescribed by society.

A cemetery is a special place. It “connects” the world of the living and the world of the dead. Therefore, it is necessary to treat him with respect and observe certain signs and rules of behavior so as not to anger the dead and not pay for your disrespect.

❧ You need to carefully prepare for visiting a cemetery, paying special attention to your clothes. Traditional colors are white and black. More than anything Black color is suitable for a cemetery, since it is considered a mourning color, a color symbolizing grief. If your wardrobe does not have items of suitable colors, you should choose clothes in muted tones.

❧ Legs must be covered. It is unacceptable to walk around the cemetery in open sandals or high-heeled shoes. The graveyard is a place where “dead” energy accumulates; the earth is especially heavily saturated with it. There is a saying: the dead attract the living. It can be regarded as a warning - cemetery soil, when it comes into contact with bare skin, has a negative effect on a person. First of all, the negative impact affects his health.

❧ At the cemetery before noon, after noon at church. It is better to visit deceased relatives before lunch, otherwise in the afternoon the spirits may play tricks on the visitors.

❧ You can’t swear in a cemetery - all the swearing will remain on you. It's really, really true. Everything bad that is said in the cemetery falls on the shoulders of the one who spoke out. There can't even be other options here. In a cemetery you need to be especially careful both in statements and in deeds. In general, when staying in a cemetery, you need to be very careful. Attentiveness and politeness are qualities that the deceased greatly value. This is the very case when the idea that life does not end after death has special meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to show respect to those who have already left, otherwise they may punish.

❧ If you bring beautiful bouquet- this is great, just don’t neglect the recommendation to bring an even number of colors.
When throwing away withered flowers, you should replace them with new ones and explain to the deceased why this is being done.

❧ If when planting flowers, digging on a grave some strange things were discovered, foreign objects, we need to take them out of the cemetery and throw them away. Ideally, burn it, trying not to get caught in the smoke.
The things on the graves could have been left by sorcerers, causing damage. By taking such an object, a person takes part of the damage upon himself.

❧ A week after Easter, it is customary to come to the cemetery to remember relatives and friends. Eating in a cemetery, or, as is very common among the Slavs, drinking strong (alcoholic) drinks is also prohibited.
It accumulates in the cemetery negative energy, this place is not conducive to fun, people come here with grief. Food absorbs all this, and after eating you can feel unhealthy.
He also insists that funerals should not be held in the cemetery. Christian church. The funeral feast at the cemetery dates back to pagan times, when funeral rites were performed on the mounds after burial. Christianity does not support pagan traditions. Although debates about this custom are still ongoing among church theorists.
It is better to give alms to the poor and visit a temple, order a memorial service for the deceased - this way of honoring the dead is more acceptable and spiritually useful.

❧ If you still adhere to the tradition of remembering the deceased with a glass of vodka at the grave, then remember only good things about them and drink without clinking glasses, so as not to transfer trouble from one house to another.

Signs at the cemetery

There are many signs about the cemetery. Even people who are deeply indifferent to superstitions try to adhere to them. That's just the way this place is. No one knows what the world of the dead may bring, so it is better to pay close attention to the signs.

❧Grave desecrators, cemetery thieves, face a sad fate, for they are haunted by evil fate.

❧ Stumble in a cemetery- not good. Even worse is to fall. Signs advise you to immediately leave the cemetery, wash yourself with holy water, cross yourself and read the Lord’s Prayer three times.
Believe me, it doesn’t matter to your soul where you remember it - in a cemetery or in a temple, or in a conversation with your family. The main thing is that you are sincere and that these memories have a light, kind shade.

❧ As already mentioned, there is a superstition that in the cemetery You can’t talk about the successes and achievements of your life and so as not to leave everything here.

❧ Also It is not allowed to count money in the cemetery, otherwise you may never see them again. If a bill is taken out of a wallet, or it even falls to the ground, it must be left at the grave of a relative or namesake in order to pay off possible poverty and premature death.

❧ Basically, any item that falls onto the cemetery ground no longer belongs to its living owner. You shouldn't pick it up. If the item is really necessary, you need to leave a donation to the deceased and the owner of the cemetery - a bottle of vodka and sweets.

❧ From the cemetery under no circumstances you can't bring any things home(this does not apply to sweets that children collect, since they remember all the dead with them). This will harm the one who took the things and the people who used them.
Do not take anything from the cemetery or bring it into the house, no matter what it is valuable thing neither was. According to signs, you will take this from the dead, and they will punish you with troubles and illnesses.
This item can cause harm not only to the person who brought this item home from the cemetery, but also to any other person who picks it up.

Important! Handkerchiefs with tears are also thrown away during funerals when burying the grave; they are not taken out of the cemetery!

❧ Don’t take pictures at the cemetery; you will remain surrounded negative energy in the picture, and who knows how it will affect your destiny.
By taking photographs against the backdrop of many graves, you capture the invisible world of spirits of the departed and otherworldly entities, which will later easily find their way to your home.

Sign of a broken tombstone

❧ A monument or cross fell down for no reason, it means that the soul of the deceased has not completed important matters for it, something is bothering it.

There are also forgotten, outdated signs that are believed only in the outback, in villages where modern morals have not yet reached. Thus, a sign about a broken tombstone a priori cannot promise anything pleasant and kind. If the monument deteriorated without human intervention, and did not suffer at the hands of vandals and looters, then in the near future there will be another dead person in the family of the deceased.

It doesn’t matter what kind of damage the burial place received: whether the cross simply broke, the gravestone or the pedestal itself cracked, or the ground subsided and a deep hole formed - every change threatens the relatives of the person lying here with another death. You can figure out who the old woman with the scythe will look at next time by determining which side the earth collapsed from:

  • from the southern side - a man will die;
  • the north side “fell” - a woman will die;
  • the eastern edge subsided - an elderly family member will die;
  • on the western side the earth has gone - death will take a small child.

❧ Suicides can only be remembered when a bird pecks at the grain scattered on their graves. A few grains of wheat are sprinkled on the grave of the suicide and they are watched from afar: if the bird does not peck those grains, then there is no need to remember the deceased, except on Saturdays of St. Demetrius and All Saints.

❧ If you know you will be visiting a cemetery, take water with you and When leaving, be sure to wash your hands and face, to remove negative energy.

❧ You should not drink water that flows from the water supply system located on the territory of the cemetery. It is used only for cleaning graves and monuments. You should stock up on drinking water at home before visiting the cemetery.

❧ Make sure when leaving that you do not forget anything at the cemetery, forgotten things are damaged.

❧ Always leave the cemetery the way you came. But when visiting the deceased, it is better to choose different roads, at least go around your own street and go to the house from the other side.

❧ Leaving the cemetery, You cannot turn back, even if you are called out or called. It is believed that deceased souls wander among the graves and do not realize that they no longer have a place in the world of the living. When a man turns around, departed soul may perceive this as an invitation to follow a living person. As a result, a visitor to the graveyard will bring a deceased person into his home, which can cause a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the house.

❧ Also, signs say that after visiting the cemetery it is important to dry your feet thoroughly, so as not to bring it home cemetery land. This land can cause many health problems, it carries bad energy.

❧ After leaving the cemetery and coming home, it is important to properly warm your hands (even if they are not frozen)- hold in hot water, over the fire.
It is best to light a church candle with matches (only them) and warm your hands over it. Place the palms of your hands as close to the candle fire as you can bear. Move and “burn” the entire area of ​​​​your palms and fingers in this way.
After this, the candle cannot be blown out; carefully extinguish it with your fingers. This is done so that you don’t bring death into the house, don’t drag it on yourself, and don’t get sick.

❧ You cannot visit anyone after the funeral- you will bring death to the house of the person you visited. But it is advisable to stop somewhere in a public place before returning home. It is believed that the tradition of wakes in a dining room or cafe is a consequence of this sign.

Cat in the cemetery

It has long been known that the dead are able to transmit information through various animals: birds, cats, dogs. It is not for nothing that in the old days birds were considered the embodiment of souls that had lost their human bodies. But birds flying over a graveyard or a house where a dead person lies are not as dangerous as a cat, which, remember, was considered a mythical, sacred animal by the ancient Egyptians.

In the home where death occurred, pets were immediately removed and isolated - so that the spirit of the deceased would not move in with his pet.

The appearance of a cat in a cemetery is interpreted as follows:

  • if a cat is lying on a grave or walking nearby, try to leave this place - most likely there is a strong anomalous zone, destroying a person’s aura;
  • if the cat is black, then perhaps the witch went out for a walk, or it is the rushing soul of a sinner;
  • white cat - the soul of a righteous man who has not completed his journey on earth, warns of impending danger or illness;
  • if the cat just slipped past you in the cemetery - rest assured - it’s just someone’s spirit who came to look at a new friend, that is, at the one who is being buried.

In any case, treat the cat with respect - do not hit or drive it away, it is better to distract it from yourself (if it has followed you) with some kind of gift.

❧ A good sign for a person who has passed on to the next world and his relatives is finding an old, earlier burial with intact bones in a grave being prepared. An old belief says that the deceased in the afterlife will find consolation and will not bother his relatives, appearing to them in dreams and hallucinations.

Numerous signs and superstitions for the people present at the cemetery are full of secrets that the souls of the dead want to convey to them. Perhaps you saw, while at the burial ceremony of someone close, how the astral body leaves the bodily shell that has become unnecessary. This happens at the moment when the first handful of earth touches the lid of the coffin. According to the sign, the soul takes off either laughing, or crying, grieving.
based on materials from,,


Cemeteries should be located south of the church; With north side Only suicides and stillborn babies are buried.

The graves are dug in the direction from east to west, and the coffin with the body is laid with its feet facing east - according to legend, in order to make it easier to rise on Judgment Day.

Even if you don’t believe in omens, you shouldn’t violate the ethics of visiting places of grief... All rituals associated with the deceased appeared for a reason and it’s not in vain that people cherish their traditions.

Unfortunately, every person has to visit a cemetery several times in their life: to attend a funeral, restore order, or simply visit deceased relatives. At such moments, it is necessary to follow certain rules and pay attention to signs that will allow you to predict misfortune and prevent it.

The first and most important rule What not to do is no alcohol and staying sober when visiting the grave. If a person is drunk, he can say a lot of unnecessary words and thereby attract bad energy to himself or even anger the spirits. Subsequently, there may be retribution for insulting the deceased, so it is best to leave alcohol for the wake.

When faced with the loss of a loved one, you need to pull yourself together and try to see him off on his last journey with dignity.

Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol, although for many this seems to be the only way to dull the pain.

As mentioned above, drinking alcohol insults the memory of the deceased, and in order for his spirit to successfully leave the earth and not disturb people, the following rules must be observed:

Signs on the grave

As you know, the impossibility of placing a coffin in a hole due to its small size is a bad omen, but that’s not all: if the grave begins to collapse after burial, this may mean the imminent death of one of the deceased’s close relatives.

Some people believe that the appearance of ants on a grave is a bad sign, but it’s not at all like that: firstly, when visiting deceased relatives, people bring food - an excellent bait for ants, which is quite natural, and secondly, such insects do not breed at the burial site of bad people.

In such a situation, there is no need to worry: there is nothing wrong with the appearance of ants on a grave.

Why can't you eat in a cemetery?

When visiting the grave of the deceased, it is customary to bring food with you - cookies, sweets, pies.

This is necessary for the energy supply of the deceased, and he receives it from human food.

According to old beliefs, food brought to the grave should not be consumed, because... they no longer contain positive energy, and they not only will not bring any benefit, but can also harm a living person.

There is another interpretation: it is possible and necessary to eat food brought for commemoration, if only because over time they will disappear and begin to decompose.

However, the church does not approve of this, considering the habit of eating over the grave a relic of the pagan faith, when it was customary to remember the dead directly in the cemetery on the first Sunday after Radunitsa.

Who should not go to the cemetery?

It is not advisable for children and pregnant women to appear at the churchyard, because... they have weak energy protection.

If you neglect this rule, the spirit can move into a child or an unborn baby.

It is also not recommended for girls to visit graves during menstrual periods: it is believed that at this time the fair sex is dirty, and the evil spirits emanating from within can prevent the deceased from moving to the Heavenly Kingdom.

If you step on a grave

When a person accidentally steps on a grave, this can cause the wrath of the deceased buried in it. The ancient peoples believed that in this case it was necessary to immediately jump back and ask for forgiveness, but in any case, trouble would not be avoided.

If a person is drawn to a cemetery

It also happens that people are overcome by an irresistible desire to go to the cemetery. Most often, this desire worries for several months after the death of a loved one.

There is another explanation - strong energy. Some people feel peace and tranquility in the churchyard. There are two options here:

If, even after visiting a church and cemetery, the desire to go there does not disappear, it means that the spirits of loved ones need more frequent communication, and there is nothing wrong.

In order to avoid misfortunes, it is enough to follow a few rules:

Why can't you count money at the cemetery?

Another most common superstition is that you should not count your money over a grave. As you know, what you boast about, you will be left without.

A person who neglects this rule may soon notice a deterioration in his financial situation.

If even a lot of banknotes have fallen on the graveyard, it is best to leave them there and not pick them up, otherwise you can attract diseases and problems to yourself, for the solution of which you will have to spend a much larger amount.

If you fell in a cemetery

Very often at funerals people either lose consciousness or stumble due to their distracted state and fall.

In both cases, falling into a cemetery is a bad sign, foreshadowing illness or the imminent death of the person who has fallen.

To protect him from harm, you need to read the “Our Father” over him three times, sprinkle him with blessed water and cross him with a lit church candle.

If a monument to a close relative falls in a churchyard, this indicates that he is trying to remind himself of himself or talk to the living in order to predict a significant event or protect him from harm. In the latter case, to communicate with the deceased, you will have to turn to a medium.

Animals at funerals

After the death of a person, it is advisable to remove all animals, especially cats, from his home at least for a while: it is believed that they are the ones who maintain contact with spirits, and if necessary, the latter can move into them.

If a cat follows a crowd of people during a funeral procession, you need to carefully remove it to another place. You cannot kick or push with your foot, because... it may contain the soul of a deceased person.

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A friend told me about this; we study with her in parallel classes; what I heard made me feel bad, God forbid I experience this.
On Parentskoye she went with her family to the cemetery to visit her grandparents. They stood near the graves, cried, remembered and went to other relatives, and Lisa went just to see who was buried at the very beginning of the cemetery, further in her words: “I’m going to the very beginning, the devil pulled me to go there, and I really wanted to. I climbed through nettles, dry bushes and trees, and I was so curious that, not paying attention to these inconveniences, I walked and walked forward. The graves were old, abandoned, I don’t know what year, the wooden crosses were all rotten, some graves were falling through, but I was interested in going even further and looking at the tombstones, this curiosity ruined me. I walked and looked around, and did not notice an abandoned old grave overgrown with grass. I stumbled and my foot fell into it. I started to pull my leg out, but it didn’t work, I saw that the clay began to cave in, and I fell down along with the grass and earth. Panic set in, I started screaming at the top of my lungs, people came running and pulled me up. And my eyes are like crazy, I can’t understand what happened, they hold me by the shoulders, shake me, and I look down and see a coffin, and then I realize that I fell right on top of it, and inside there is a dead man! I felt even worse, I was hysterical and in tears, I had a hard time calming down, then we came home. I walked around all day as if shell-shocked. But that was not the worst thing. At night I woke up with the feeling that someone was looking at me. I stood up on the bed and began to look around the room, at first I thought that it was my younger sister who came to see me, because she sometimes sleepwalked, but there was no one, I was alone. But the feeling doesn’t go away, I feel: someone is watching. I was in tears again and desperately wanted to run away from the room, but I was afraid to get out of bed, it seemed to me that she was protecting me. I crawled with my head under the blanket, tried to pull myself together, and I don’t remember how I fell asleep. This feeling happened every night, I felt someone’s presence and could not sleep. I was sure that the soul of the deceased into whose grave I had fallen was looking at me. I walked around sleep-deprived for several weeks, and my patience ran out. I decided to take a risk and do what I was thinking about. I went to the cemetery with flowers and water. I barely tidied up this grave, put flowers, poured water, and that night I slept like the dead, without even dreams. Afterwards I did not feel any presence in my room, and full sleep returned to me.”
Curiosity can lead to bad things!

The cemetery is a place where the world of the living and the dead connects. There are many different negative prejudices and signs associated with it that are common among people. One of bad omens is the one that explains why the man fell in the cemetery. It is important to understand what such a superstition could mean, but if the interpretation is negative, you should not tune in to the worst, as this will only aggravate the situation.

Sign of falling into a cemetery

When coming to a cemetery, you should behave as carefully as possible, because if a person stumbles in such a place, then this is a harbinger of some problems. More serious dangers await if you had to fall into a cemetery. In this case, you need to immediately go home, wash yourself with holy water and cross yourself. After this, you should read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

There is another sign in Orthodoxy - the body of a dead man fell in a cemetery. Such an incident is considered bad sign, indicating that there will be another funeral within the next three months. When you fall out of your wallet or pocket while visiting a cemetery, under no circumstances should you take them back. Place banknotes on the grave a relative or a person with the same name, which will be a kind of ransom. Otherwise there may be financial difficulties. If a monument or cross falls in a cemetery for no reason, it means that the soul is not at rest, and it is tormented by unfinished business on earth.

To cancel the effect of the sign, it is recommended to wash yourself when you come home, and then perform the ritual. Bake pancakes and take them to the cemetery as a ransom. Go with pancakes to three graves with the same name as yours. Be sure to read the Lord's Prayer. After this, pancakes should be distributed near the church to people who ask for alms. It is important to remain quiet throughout and not talk to anyone.

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