Problems and prospects for the development of the oil industry. Prospects for the development of the Russian oil industry in conditions of turbulence in the global oil market

Accommodation oil industry subordinated general patterns placement productive forces.

The location of the oil industry is influenced by the size of industrial oil reserves and the geographical distribution of reserves, natural deposit developments, the quality of oil, the level of development of technology and technology and the determined or possible development of certain deposits, the geography of consumption, and the transportability of oil.

The oil industry can exist and develop where there are oil reserves. Therefore, its placement is related to the geography of oil fields.

With the increasing geological knowledge of the country, new deposits are being discovered and the size of explored reserves is increasing. The geographic distribution of reserves is changing, and material prerequisites are being created for rationalizing the location of industry.

Oil fields differ in the size of the deposit, geological development conditions, oil quality, and their geographical location. Their introduction into development is associated with various investments in capital construction. Oil fields are not equal in their role in meeting needs National economy, in terms of economic efficiency, therefore the problem of locating the oil industry comes down to the question of the order in which individual fields are put into development and the pace of their development.

The size of the oil deposit and the oil reserves contained in it primarily determine which of the open oil bases will be put into development in the near future and at what pace they will develop. The development and development of large deposits require less specific capital investments. Such deposits are usually highly productive, and the cost of production is significantly lower than in small deposits. All this indicates the need for priority use of resources contained in large deposits.

Of great importance when choosing the order of use of certain deposits are natural conditions occurrence and production of reserves of these deposits:

  • - geological and physical conditions of oil development (rock drillability, well depth, oil reservoir regime, number of productive horizons, target pressure, etc.);
  • - natural geographical conditions of the deposit location.

These conditions mainly determine the choice technical means drilling and operating wells, the system of deposit development, affect the timing of putting fields into operation, the size of the associated capital investments, and the economic indicators of development.

One of the most important natural factors field development - well depth. As well depth increases, penetration speed usually decreases, and well construction time, drilling costs, and operating costs increase. In the Samara region, as the depth of wells increases from 1500 to 3000 m, the commercial drilling speed decreases by 1.9 times, and the time for constructing wells increases from 26 days to 3 months.

An important natural condition for oil development is the multilayer nature of the field. If there are several productive horizons in the reserve of the field, under certain conditions, the possibility of drilling multi-row wells opens up (the cost of which is 20-35% less than usual).

Significant features and additional types Costs differ for the development of offshore oil fields. Capital investments and the cost of production in offshore fields increase due to the use of special hydraulic structures - offshore platforms or separate foundations due to the special conditions for transporting people and goods.

The quality of oil is of great importance. The content of light paraffins, sulfur, and resins in oil determines the technology of oil refining, the yield of certain types of products, and, consequently, the economic indicators of production.

The development of science and technology increases the effectiveness of active influence on the natural conditions of oil development in order to make full use of oil reserves and the most rational placement of industry.

The development and improvement of oil technology introduces major changes in the content of workers' labor. The functions of the worker are increasingly reduced to monitoring compliance with the regime technological processes, monitoring the serviceability of instruments, equipment, equipment. Requirements for industrial qualifications of personnel and cultural and technical training are increasing. Geological exploration in Tyumen // Oil of Russia.- 2004.- 7.- p.66

An important factor in the development of the oil and gas complex is infrastructure. IN economic literature infrastructure is understood as an intersectoral complex that serves the entire range of productive forces of the region. As part of the infrastructure, most researchers include objects that support the production process, but do not themselves directly create products in material form. In addition, this also includes objects that ensure reproduction labor resources in the area, creating material, cultural and living conditions for normal human life. The first group of objects is usually called production infrastructure, and the second - social infrastructure.

One of current problems oil relations gas industry region with related sectors of the national economy in the areas of its development is the creation of infrastructure at a rapid pace.

Until now, infrastructure has not received enough attention. Economic practice has given rise to the idea of ​​infrastructure industries as something less important compared to basic production. IN last years Many works have appeared that convincingly show the need for synchronous input of infrastructure facilities and main production facilities of the region, covering them with comprehensive long-term plans development of the area. However, when planning both groups and individual enterprises, the main attention is still paid to the development of the main production, and issues of creating infrastructure facilities are resolved without taking into account the prospects for the development of the main production.

Independent cost items must be taken into account, including for regional infrastructure, for the development of the regional transport service system, the costs of housing construction, electricity supply, etc. increase. So, if for the regions of the Middle Volga region specific gravity capital investments in the development of industrial infrastructure is 17-30%, and in the country as a whole - 30%, then in the Tyumen region it reaches 50-70%. Geological exploration in Tyumen // Oil of Russia. - 2004. - 7. - p. 67 The lagging development of service and auxiliary facilities is also evidenced by the fact that the share of capital investments in these facilities according to the estimate is higher than the actual one. For example, estimated cost production infrastructure facilities under the project for the Medvezhye field accounted for 64.0% of the total investments in the development of the field, and in fact the share of costs for them was equal to 30.7. Right there. With. 67

The practice of field development shows that the construction of infrastructure without substantiating the prospects for their development leads to the organization of a large number of enterprises with insignificant capacity and, accordingly, to a decrease in the efficiency of their production. Despite big number power plants, enterprises are experiencing an acute shortage of electricity, which hinders the introduction of mechanization and automation production processes. If the energy supply to the fields is maintained in the future in accordance with established practice, the number of power plants and the number of service personnel will grow in proportion to the increase in gas production in the area.

Thus, the factors determining the location of the oil industry in Russia are: the quantity and territorial location of reserves, high-quality composition, transportation conditions, volume and structure of consumption, costs of production and processing, level of development of scientific and technological progress for production and processing, environmental factor, labor resources.

The sequence and pace of field development are largely determined by the geography of oil consumption and transport conditions.

Transport costs influence the formation of the cost of oil; the proximity of producing enterprises to areas of oil consumption eliminates long-distance travel for oil cargo and allows for a significant reduction in production and transport costs.

The size of the area of ​​consumption of oil produced in individual fields and the maximum range of its transportation, all other things being equal, depend on the size of the total costs of oil production and transportation. The higher the production costs, the closer to the production area the border of their consumer distribution should be. With relatively low production costs, oil can be transported to long distances. The area of ​​consumption of oil produced from fields with the lowest costs is increasing. It becomes economically justifiable to develop such deposits at a faster pace.

Progress of transport in the 60s. provided a sharp reduction in the cost of transporting fuel, primarily oil, through main pipelines of larger diameter. But in connection with the development of oil fields in Western Siberia, capital investments in the construction of ultra-long-distance oil pipelines have increased.

An oil pipeline is the most economical and progressive type of main oil transport. Its use ensures uninterrupted supply of raw materials to oil refineries, reduces losses in transit, eliminates labor-intensive loading and unloading operations, and opens up opportunities for widespread mechanization and automation of the transport process.

The lower the costs of transporting oil produced at a particular field, the greater the permissible distance for transporting oil from this field, the wider the area of ​​its consumption, and the greater the concentration of production at this field should be compared to identical fields.

The intensive development of oil pipelines is associated with an increase in oil production (especially in new hard-to-reach areas of the country with underdeveloped transport network), the need to deliver powerful oil cargo flows over long distances, and the export of a significant portion of oil via oil pipelines from production areas directly to places of consumption abroad.

The development of the oil industry causes an increase in the transportation of oil cargo. Specialized and economical oil pipeline transport is increasingly taking part in these transportations. There are two types of oil pipelines; field and main. Field workers use it directly in oil fields. Main oil pipelines include pipelines with a diameter of at least 530 mm and a length of at least 50 km, intended for transporting oil from production areas to oil processing enterprises, to railway, river, and sea loading points, as well as to main pumping stations located outside the territory of a given oil field. fishing, oil fields, and for export. Kuzmina. N.M. Fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation. Samara, 2000. p. 22

Development prospects oil and gas industry Russia include constant and economically effective compensation of internal and external demand for hydrocarbon raw materials, compiling the financial demand of spheres of the domestic economy.

In addition to the above factors, this also includes balanced taxes in the financial treasury of the state, provision of security in the energy complex, and the formation of political interests.

Resolving issues regarding the development prospects of the Russian oil and gas industry

Based on energy policy Russian Federation, further prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry need to resolve the following issues:

  • Ensuring the restoration of the resource base of the oil and gas industry;

  • Proper use of gas and oil reserves;

  • Security of the energy complex;

  • Reducing costs and losses at all stages of processes;

  • Expanding the number of domestic oil and gas enterprises on foreign market platforms;

  • High-quality processing of minerals;

  • Development and modernization of new fields.

Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in Russia will be based on international prices, tax payments, quantities of domestic use, promotion of the transport sector, technological solutions in the exploration of new deposits. The global cost of hydrocarbon resources will depend on the degree of development of the international economy and the activity of introducing other energy sources.

Promoting the oil and gas industry in the near future includes solving two problems - increasing the long-term stability and efficiency of activities in this industry. This also includes providing the required investment in the oil and gas sector, which will provide the opportunity to create new ways for economic development. These tasks are completely interconnected.

The oil and gas segment has great importance in solving domestic problems and significantly depends on the development and size of the economy.

Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry in the near future include solving the following problems of Russian energy policy:

  • Promotion of domestic oil and gas trade;

  • Regulation by the Federal Resource Fund;

  • Creating stability in this area;

  • Innovative, scientific, technical and social politics in the oil and gas field.

The solution to these problems depends on the stable and long-term advancement of the oil and gas industry. This significantly increases the likelihood of failure to complete the assigned tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to attract the oil and gas industry itself domestic authorities And government bodies government. Only in this way can the promotion of the oil and gas segment achieve maximum effectiveness and all mineral reserves will be effectively used.

Prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry at the exhibition

All existing problems in the oil and gas industry will be discussed in detail at the Neftegaz exposition, which is organized at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. The event also provides an opportunity to obtain information about the prospects for the development of the oil and gas industry.

"Neftegaz" is great chance for advanced global manufacturing enterprises to demonstrate their own mining and processing equipment, as well as form direct market contracts and solve other marketing issues. This is an ideal way for foreign and domestic specialists in the oil and gas industry to perform business meeting, start new projects, obtain information about global prospects and promotion trends.

Expocentre holds more and more exhibition events every year. The exhibition center organizes exhibitions of any scale, so over the course of the year, more than 800 lectures, conferences, seminars, business projects and exhibitions are held as part of the company’s activities. All this attracts a huge number of interested parties. It is estimated that approximately 2 million people visit the complex annually.

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of problems in the oil industry, but they still require consideration and solutions. All problems can be divided into three groups: economic, social, environmental.

TO economic problems include: the inability of the oil industry to independently provide sufficient quantities of petroleum products to meet the country's needs, depletion of deposits, insufficient financing of the industry, dependence on oil suppliers, low competitiveness of Ukrainian oil industry products on the world market and much more. To solve many of these problems, it is necessary to make every effort to increase the production of the Ukrainian oil industry; this can be done, first of all, through a thorough geoexploration of the subsoil of Ukraine. The objectives of this program should include:

Revealing the most important features the geological structure of the subsoil of Ukraine, the main patterns of the distribution of oil deposits, predictive assessment of resources and the identification on this basis of promising zones, areas and complexes for searching for oil fields;

Study of the oil and gas potential of deep-seated complexes (in connection with the increase in subsoil development to depths of 5-6 km), study of oil and gas accumulation zones, study of the history of geological development and identification of zones of distribution of highly productive reservoirs;

Providing seismic exploration with geological and geophysical information for processing and more reliable integration of materials;

Justification and development of proposals for the further development of prospecting work

In the context of a decline in oil production and, as a result, a decrease in the oil recovery factor of deposits, special meaning problems of maximizing the use of existing reserves arise. Thanks to the efforts of petroleum science and accumulated experience, the Ukrainian oil industry can apply new technologies to enhance oil recovery. High technological efficiency of oil recovery as a result of the use of thermal methods to significantly increase oil recovery from deposits with complex geological structure containing low-viscosity oil.

Due to oil imports, social problems : an increase in fuel prices, which leads to an increase in prices for public transport, food prices, public utilities. In general, there is a tendency for prices to rise in the country, this is due to an increase in the price of oil on the world market. And since the Ukrainian economy depends on imported oil, it can be argued that prices in the country for almost everything are directly dependent on the world price of oil. Every year the financial situation of the ordinary Ukrainian worsens, prices rise, and salaries no, there is almost no middle class left - there are either poor or rich. To solve this problem, it is enough to solve the economic problems above. Then Ukraine’s dependence on importing countries will decrease and prices for petroleum products will go down.

The third group of problems are environmental problems. Many organizations carry out many actions, drawing our attention to global scale pollution environment products of the oil industry. As an example, here is an excerpt from an article published on an environmental website on the Internet:

« 4.1.4. Field exploitation

From something new, it is necessary to mention this characteristic feature oil production, such as flaring of associated gases. This is a valuable raw material for chemical processing, fuel, and an agent for enhancing oil recovery (when injected under high pressure into layers) burns in huge quantities, polluting the atmosphere. The reason is the lack of incentives, primarily economic, for development modern technologies and more efficient use of extracted raw materials. However, despite its spectacular nature, in general this problem is of a rather local nature.

As equipment ages, the likelihood of oil leaks increases, especially in on- and off-field pipelines. The mining companies that own them are not interested in making such facts public and have every opportunity to hide them. Such accidents become publicized mainly in cases of particularly severe pollution, usually associated with oil entering surface waters, when it becomes simply difficult not to notice the problem.

Among the problems that are typical for this stage are the liquidation of depleted wells (if they are simply abandoned, the residual release of oil can lead to contamination of both the earth’s surface and soils and groundwater), cleaning up garbage dumps and abandoned equipment, eliminating oil spills, and land reclamation , bringing ecosystems to anything close to their original state.

After oil is extracted, it must be delivered to consumers. For this purpose, first of all, a pipeline system is used that is capable of most efficiently transporting such huge volumes.

When constructing new main pipelines, problems may arise related to the choice of their route. Again, the economic interests of making it as convenient and short as possible conflict with the inadmissibility of laying the pipe through territories that are particularly valuable in natural, historical or cultural terms. A serious, although technically quite solvable problem is the environmental safety of the route used. The matter again comes down to additional costs.

Once the pipeline is created, the environmental problem associated with its operation is oil leaks, the size of which, according to official data, can reach several hundred tons. They generally attract significant public attention when they result in serious contamination of surface waters. This happens almost every year. A significant part of Russian pipelines were created more than 20 years ago and are approaching the end of their design life, after which the risk of accidents will increase sharply. At the same time, modern diagnostics and repairs, at least for a certain time, make it possible to solve this problem. The most important strategic direction for reducing this type of accident rate is the choice of terminal location. On the one hand, it should reduce the risk of accidents, and on the other, minimize the severity of possible consequences.”

I believe that the article sufficiently describes the environmental problems caused by the oil industry. These problems can be solved by a more attentive attitude to compliance with safety precautions when transporting oil, as well as by replacing outdated equipment with new ones. It is necessary to reconsider the methods of disposal of waste and depleted deposits.

The total number of problems makes us think that we can no longer let everything take its course, because the results can have a detrimental effect on both the economy and the daily life population and ecological state Ukraine.

At this time, the economic situation of states is determined by the following important factors: the country’s internal resources and the degree of its integration into the world economic system. The European market is one of the most important export destinations for Russian oil.

Competition with CIS countries has intensified. New players have appeared in the market such as Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, who have created alternative routes for transporting oil to international markets. In this regard, the priorities and capacity of Russian oil flows going to the near and far abroad will change.

The oil complex plays a critical role in the development Russian economy, ensuring the vital activity of the country's manufacturing and utility sectors, and at the same time brings most export income.

That is why consideration of the prospects for the development of the Russian oil and gas complex on the world market is a priority for the further development of the country, maintaining its economic stability in the world market and a stable position in the leading position in the export and use of oil resources.

Currently, there is a gradual depletion of oil reserves in the world, which is an uneven process. According to available data, the US oil industry has already entered a period of depletion of existing resources.

Prospects for the development of the oil and gas complex.

The development of prepared reserves, including in unique fields, is difficult due to a number of problems: difficult geological and economic conditions, low reservoir properties, remoteness from infrastructure, high environmental risks in remote regions, lack of extraction technologies high-viscosity oils, the unprofitability of putting new sites into development in modern system taxation.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of the average depletion of active oil reserves in Russia in 1971-2011, %

Rice. 2 Dynamics of the average depletion of hard-to-recover oil reserves in Russia in 1971-2011, %

The priority direction of policy in the development of the oil industry is to create incentives for the development of new large oil fields in Russia and the development of a hydrocarbon transportation system.

It is worth emphasizing that in the General Scheme for the Development of the Oil Industry, the target indicators of the oil production industry of the Energy Development Strategy have been revised downward: as of November 2010, oil production in 2020 is projected at 96.2% of the 2009 forecast.

According to Oil News, an independent online publication, oil production in the Russian Federation will stabilize at the 2011 level over the next 20 years, and therefore the possibilities for further growth of the Russian economy by increasing oil production have been exhausted. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina.

General scheme for the development of the oil and gas industries.

To better support the oil and gas industry, master plans for the development of the oil and gas industry were created in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The purpose of these documents is to ensure maximization of the economic effect of the industry in the long term without reducing the current level of annual tax revenues (as mentioned earlier).

The general scheme determines the promising indicators for the development of the industry:

  • Ø level of oil and gas production that ensures maximum economic effect and budget revenues;
  • Ø volume of oil and gas processing;
  • Ø development of transport infrastructure necessary to ensure domestic and export delivery of target volumes of oil, petroleum products as well as gas and gas condensate.
Main conclusions from the General Scheme for the development of the oil industry:
  • Ø The target profile of oil production most optimally ensures the distribution of the burden between the state and the investor, and assumes the stabilization of annual oil production in the period until 2020 at the level of 505 million tons.
  • Ø It is necessary to determine the optimal tax regime in oil production, ensuring maximum tax revenues and maximum industry value for the country with acceptable complexity of administering the regime. (Such work is being carried out by the Russian Ministry of Energy with interested federal executive authorities and NK).
  • Ø Maintaining oil refining volumes at the current level of 230-240 million tons while increasing the refining depth to 85% in 2020 will ensure the maximum contribution of oil refining to the country’s economy.
  • Ø Equalization of duties on light and dark petroleum products, together with competent management of the differential between the duty on oil and petroleum products, are the key levers for achieving the set goals.
The completion of current diversification projects and the implementation of projects to connect new production centers will provide an infrastructure that is flexible and resistant to market changes, hedging country transit risks.

Rice. 3. Data on the General Scheme for the Development of the Oil Industry.

Also this document provides for the following change: the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Finance, together with Rosnedra, have prepared a project to stimulate the development of hard-to-extract oil fields, which involves significant tax discounts for oil workers. All such deposits, depending on the complexity of their operation, are proposed to be divided into two groups, which will be given different discounts on the mineral extraction tax. Benefits are planned to be assigned to fields for seven years for projects of the first group and for ten years for the second. In addition, a reserve will be created for well abandonment.
Oil workers can receive discounts only if the fields are not currently being developed due to unprofitability, and their level of production as of January 1, 2013 should not exceed 1%. It is expected that the development of problematic deposits will bring the budget up to $2 billion in taxes by 2015, and more than $62 billion by 2032.

In September, the Russian Ministry of Finance agreed to slow down the planned growth rate of the mineral extraction tax (MET), as domestic gas producers requested. This means that for independent gas producers, the mineral extraction tax will grow by 17% per year - slightly faster than regulated gas prices (15% per year). For Gazprom, the rate increase will be 12.5% ​​per year.

Rice. 4. Resource base of the Russian gas industry.

Out of 47.8 trillion. m 3 of proven reserves 21.0 trillion. m 3 are in the Nadym-Pur-Taz region (NPTR), 10.4 trillion. m 3 – Yamal Peninsula, 5.9 trillion. m 3 – shelf (including 3.6 trillion m 3 * – Shtokman field in the Barents Sea), 4.6 trillion. m 3 – land of the European part of the Russian Federation, 4.0 trillion. m 3 – Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 1.9 trillion. m 3 – other regions.

At the same time, the expected volume of exploration drilling in Russia as a whole will be 13,140 thousand m.

Forecast of the main indicators of geological exploration for the period 2008-2030. is presented in Table 4. Depending on the results of the work carried out and clarification of geological and geophysical information, the given indicators may require adjustments.

Table 4. Forecast of geological exploration indicators for the period from 2008-2030. across the territory of Russia.

The need for new drilling rigs and the metal necessary for the construction of exploration wells (Table 5) has been assessed preliminary and may change depending on the introduction of new technologies and clarification of geological and geophysical information in the process of exploration.

Table 5. The need for material and technical resources for geological exploration in Russia

In addition, more than half of the projected increase in gas reserves is expected in areas characterized by a complete absence of any infrastructure.

Analysis current state and the forecast for the development of the raw material base of the Russian gas industry shows that if the above volume of geological exploration work is carried out and the corresponding production infrastructure is created in new gas-producing regions, the industry will in the future provide the necessary volumes of gas production.

New gas producing regions

Promising strategic gas producing regions in terms of potential resources and gas reserves are the Yamal Peninsula, the Barents Sea shelf, the water area and adjacent land of the Ob and Taz Bays, as well as Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Fields in new regions (except for fields in the waters of the Ob and Taz Bays) are characterized by a significant distance from the existing production infrastructure, including the existing system of gas pipelines, multicomponent compositions of the reservoir mixture, complex mining and geological conditions of occurrence and low filtration properties of productive formations. For their effective operation in difficult natural and climatic conditions, it is necessary to ensure the solution of a number of complex scientific and technical problems in the field of construction of wells, gas production facilities and gas pipelines in the zone of permafrost soils and offshore fields, and the introduction of new technical and technological solutions that ensure the preservation of the environment. All this will require attracting significant amounts of investment.

Table 6. Forecast of gas production by regions of Russia, billion m 3

Forecast for the development of condensate production

In 2007, condensate production in Russia amounted to 15.1 million tons, including in the Nadym-Pur-Taz region - 9.9 million tons (65.5%), in the European part - 4.9 million tons ( 32.5%), in the Tomsk region - 0.3 million tons (2%), in Eastern Siberia and in the Far East - 0.1 million tons (0.7%).

In the future, condensate production volumes will increase to 26-32 million tons in 2020 and to 31-37 million tons in 2025.

The increase in condensate production volumes is associated with the commissioning of new deep-lying condensate-containing deposits into development.

These, in particular, are almost all new fields of the Nadym-Pur-Taz region, where condensate production volumes will increase from 10.0 million tons in 2008 to 15-18 million tons in 2020 and to 18-23 million tons in 2025.

After 2025, a decrease in condensate production in Russia is predicted to 30-35 million tons in 2030, mainly in the Nadym-Pur-Taz region due to the onset of a period of declining production at gas condensate fields.

Significant volumes of condensate production are predicted in new gas producing regions. It is assumed that on the Yamal Peninsula, condensate production volumes will amount to 5.3-5.5 million tons by 2030, on the Barents Sea shelf - 0.7-0.8 million tons, in Eastern Siberia and the Far East - 4, 8-5.4 million tons


This paper examined the prospects for the development of the oil and gas complex relative to the world market, and emphasized future changes in both the oil and gas complexes separately. As a result, we can conclude that the oil and gas complex will develop all the time and new deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials will be found, all this will happen with good investments in this industry and the development of new technologies. My personal opinion is that the oil and gas complex is the only thing on which our economy rests, due to which we get a lot of money, but the thing is that although it is an inexhaustible resource, which has been proven by scientists, at the same time they stated , that it will take a lot of time for us to be able to use this type of raw material again after it is completely removed from the Earth. And based on this, despite the fact that the prospects are positive regarding the future development of this industry, I believe that either our country will soon change the object on which it fundamentally bases the entire future development of the country, or our country will suffer a crisis, but all this will happen over a long period of time. I would also like to say about new technologies and investments. Their role is such that good investments help develop our technologies, which is understandable, which in turn make the extraction and processing of hydrocarbons more efficient, that is, the rate of extraction increases, which leads to a faster “complete impoverishment” of the Earth, but within race among other countries, we must occupy one of the leading places. What's the end result? We are leaders, but our fields are increasingly becoming unprofitable, everything more money goes to repair the well. That is why this industry, although it has some weight on this moment, after a certain period of time, oil and gas will still dry out, and in this case we will have to look for new ways to obtain energy until oil is revived again.

Characteristics of the oil industry

Today, the oil industry in the world is one of the most important components of the world economy, and also has a great influence on the development of other industries. For many countries, oil production and refining is the main source of income and an industry that determines the stability of the country's currency and domestic economy.

Definition 1

Extraction, processing, transportation, storage and sale of minerals, i.e. oil and petroleum products belong to a branch of the economy, which is defined as the oil industry.

Oil is the only natural resource, during the processing of which you can obtain a wide variety of important products, such as: fuel, synthetic fabrics, all kinds of coverings, detergents, fuel oil The composition of the oil industry is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Components of the petroleum industry. Author24 - online exchange of student works

The main regions where oil is produced include: Russia, the United States of America, Saudi Arabia.

Problems of the oil industry

The main problems facing the oil industry include:

  1. Insufficient provision of a number largest countries world oil reserves (USA, UK, Norway, etc.). This problem necessitates the need to increase geological exploration, use alternative fuels, implement policies aimed at resource conservation in all areas of activity, and purchase oil from other countries.
  2. Increasing oil production in developing countries of the world. The oil authority of countries such as Iran, Venezuela, Mexico, and Indonesia is growing. The national companies of the listed countries are developing quite dynamically, which in the long term means increasing their importance in the oil complex of the world.
  3. Creation of independent oil refining companies in the USA and Western Europe. Competition between Western and Eastern companies in the petrochemical production industry will give impetus not only to improving production technology and increasing the yield of petroleum products, but also to increasing the production of petrochemical synthesis products.
  4. Oil shortage in the countries of the Far East, namely Japan and China.
  5. Fluctuations in world oil prices in recent years.
  6. Social problems. The main one is the increase in fuel prices. This leads to an increase in public transport fares, food prices, etc.
  7. Ecological problems. They represent one of the main problems of the oil industry. Often occur emergency situations When extracting or transporting oil, this causes enormous harm to the environment. It should also be noted that oil is a non-renewable source of raw materials, and its production leads to additional increase surface temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, development greenhouse effect, reduction of the ozone layer. By decision environmental problem First of all, there will be an intensification of oil refining, which will affect the rationality of its use and the state of the natural environment.

The importance of the oil industry in the global economy

In terms of economic and political significance, in terms of its scale, oil trade is one of the essential elements world economic relations. Oil production and refining require large investments, but, on the other hand, significantly replenish the budget of the country, which supplies oil to less industrialized countries.

The world population's need for petroleum products is so great that this type of mineral is constantly being mined and used. Further development of energy in the world will lead to the fact that the share of oil in the world fuel balance will be reduced, and oil will increasingly be a source for obtaining all kinds of industrial products. Research by geologists around the world shows that all oil reserves available today will run out by 2034 if the rate of production remains at the same level.

Two main functions of oil can be distinguished: energy carrier and chemical raw material. The energy function of oil is extremely important: in road, sea, and aviation transport, fuels that were obtained from oil are used. It is impossible not to note the importance of oil as a chemical raw material, since it produces more products than any other mineral. At the same time, the development of new industries for the use of petroleum products does not stop.

Oil can be characterized as the most important strategic raw material, serving as the basis for the production of fuels and lubricants. Consequently, oil prices affect a wide range of sectors of the global economy. Movements in stock markets depend on oil prices. This especially affects emerging markets that are focused on oil exports.

Note 1

The largest oil producing companies in the world: Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom Neft, Saudi Aramco, National Iranian Oil Company, ExxonMobil and PetroChina.

The development of the modern oil industry is influenced by three negative fundamental factors:

  1. Decrease in global demand for petroleum products by several million barrels per day;
  2. Increasing global production of alternative liquid hydrocarbons that do not require processing;
  3. High profitability and full utilization of oil refineries before the crisis gave impetus to the initiation of new projects to expand capacity.

Thus, in developed countries Factories will close and new projects will be curtailed. In turn, new modern oil refineries will be created in developing countries in Asia. The cancellation of projects will especially affect the USA and countries European Union, whose policies are aimed at increasing the use of biofuels in the transport sector and the use of alternative types of engines. The development of global oil refining in the future will be influenced by the following factors:

  • Increasing demand for petroleum products in developing countries
  • Increasing the growth rate of commissioning of new capacities in the oil refining process in low-cost countries;
  • Processes of mergers and acquisitions of oil refining companies
  • Concentration on the production of innovative products.
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Representatives of the arachnid class are creatures that have lived next to humans for many centuries. But this time it turned out...
Why do you dream of wedding shoes? Why do you dream of wedding shoes with heels?