Testing for egg spoilage - scientific explanation. Preventing troubles and illnesses: how to check if eggs have spoiled

A person is often exposed to damage or the evil eye. It is not difficult to determine spoilage in an egg yourself. This requires a minimum amount of ingredients. The check will not take much time.

Recognizing negativity with an egg

Damage manifests itself in the fact that a person has problems in his personal life, at work, and all endeavors end in failure. If you notice such symptoms, it is likely that there is the presence of black witchcraft. To detect spoilage using an egg, you must take a fresh chicken egg. Rotten ones cannot be used.

This method helps to identify whether there is damage to an adult or a child. Place an egg and a glass of church water in front of you. Lean forward so that your head is level. Touch your chin to your chest. Place a bowl of water in the area of ​​your crown and break an egg into it. Only protein will go inside. The yolk should remain in the shell. In this position, hold the egg over your head for about 30 minutes, then remove the bowl of water.

Signs of spoilage on an egg

You should look at the color of the water or the consistency of the contents. There are certain drawings that will help you find out whether you have been jinxed or not.

  1. A change in the color of the water and the appearance of vertical lines indicates a slight presence of witchcraft. You may have been jinxed. Small bubbles located in the white will also indicate the presence of the evil eye.
  2. If a large number of white threads appear at the bottom of the glass, it means that the performer of the ritual does not want anyone to know about his involvement.
  3. If the protein has not lost its shape or consistency, and the water remains clean, then there is no black witchcraft on the person.
  4. If the protein splits and rises up, it means that dangerous damage has been caused to you. Its action is aimed at troubles in marital or personal life, loneliness and tears, or sadness and problems. The duration of this spell is 5 years, after which the effect is lost.
  5. Strands of protein that appear in large quantities(resembling a jellyfish) have a different meaning. This means that the sorcerer brought negativity on you. If they appear with bubbles, then the danger to your health increases. It is difficult to get rid of this witchcraft on your own at home in a few rituals.

There are several more decodings of dark witchcraft. Green or gray spots in the protein indicate that you have been spoiled for your death or death loved one. If such signs appear in the boiled yolk, it means that it is pointless to fight against black magic on your own. We'll have to look for the sorcerer. Deciphering the black bubble that appeared on the protein threads will tell about damage to the disease.

A yolk that has acquired the consistency of boiled will help diagnose a negative death. If the protein has taken on a look similar to a church building, this means that the negative has just begun to work and can be easily removed at home.

From photo and egg

There is fortune telling with an egg and a photo. It is better if the photo shows you in full height and without foreign objects or people. On the night of the waning moon, place a fresh chicken egg and a photo in front of you. Concentrate on your eyes, start rolling the egg on your head, during which you need to read strong words of prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), was exposed to black magic. I want to find out who brought this negativity to me and understand what I should do next. Unable to endure internal torment. Only with the help of magic will I be able to resist all the troubles that have befallen me. I hope that rolling the egg now will help me and I will soon destroy the curse inside me. We check the effect of magic in order to quickly protect ourselves from it. We humans remove negativity only with the help of higher powers that protect us from consequences. And this case is no exception. Amen".

After this, take the egg outside and give it to the dog. Damage or the evil eye is determined by her behavior. If she eats it, then there was no witchcraft. If he refuses, you will be damaged and will have to get rid of it urgently.

With egg and candle

To determine damage by eggs, you must go to church and buy a large candle there. You will need clean spring water. If you don't have one, use holy water. On the night of the waning moon, a candle is lit. After this, take an egg, which you will have to roll out the negative throughout the body. Read the prayer:

“A raw egg contains enormous power. Let all troubles and troubles leave my life. I want my soul to be cleansed and for me to find inner harmony with myself. Higher powers, I beg you for help. Let me understand whether I have black witchcraft or not. I want to cleanse and heal my soul until I completely get rid of negativity. I pin my strong hopes for a calm future only on you. I want to look beautiful and free from witchcraft. The reduced damage will help me find inner peace, and my child will no longer have to see me nervous and tired. Amen".

Now the whole body should be rolled in with the help of an egg. Start rolling it from your heels and move towards the top of your head. When finished, crack the egg and beat it into the water. After this, look for signs of the absence or presence of negativity - checking the smallest details is important. The candle will have to be extinguished and used for the following rituals.


This verification method requires nothing more than chicken egg. Using eggs it is easy not only to detect the presence of spoilage, but also to get rid of it. Take a fresh egg and roll it all over your body.

Move from bottom to top (from heels to head). You must read the words of the Lord's Prayer 7 times. At the end of the ritual, the egg is broken and thrown away at an empty intersection, through left shoulder. When you go home, don't look back. We check the result in the morning, after waking up. If your soul feels lighter, then the ritual worked. For maximum effectiveness and prevention, perform the ritual to identify evil 3 more times.

With water and egg

Eliminating and identifying the presence of black witchcraft in the eggs is a simple but effective ritual. To identify and neutralize, fill a glass with holy water and place it in front of you. Prepare a fresh, still warm, chicken egg. First, take 3 sips of water and begin to roll out the negative with a round object, moving from your feet to your head. You need to read the following words of prayer:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary, I turn to you so that you can help me get rid of the negative effects of black magic, which is destroying my inner energy. The lining that I found near my house began to ruin my whole life. Now I am rolling away all the evil that has accumulated inside me. I want not only to eliminate its presence, but also to protect myself so that no one will ever harm me again. I want to look better tomorrow. Removing damage is my main desire. I dream of pouring out all the bad things and I am not responsible for the consequences. The one who removed it from my energy, I will forever idolize. I hope that my request will be heard and I will find happiness and peace. Amen".

The words of the prayer are read 9 times. Take 3 sips of water, wash your face, and then pour the egg into the water. We remove all the attributes from the head of the bed at night, and in the morning they carry out diagnostics on it. The above signs of spoilage on an egg will help interpret the negative. As a result, you will get rid of black magic and

Using icons

Rolling out black witchcraft is often carried out near icons Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Light 3 next to them church candles. After that fresh egg start moving all over your body, reading the following words:

“I, the servant of God (name), pray higher powers so that they would expel the signs of black magic from me. I want my children and I to be protected from negative influences. Let the one who brought this negativity on me and my children will suffer from it himself. I will now have a powerful defense that even the most powerful sorcerers cannot penetrate. Magical creatures will not be able to control me. Amen".

Even in ancient times, our ancestors used eggs not only for food, but also for preparing medicinal products. The egg helped women rejuvenate their skin, make beautiful hair. But this is not all the properties of this unique product. The eggs were used to determine negativity on oneself, loved ones and one’s home. Today we will tell you how to determine egg spoilage at home.

How does an egg recognize negativity?

If you notice that you have had a series of failures, failures both in the family and at work, you should think about whether you were perhaps subject to a magical attack? An ordinary chicken egg will help you recognize the effects of black magic. How to determine spoilage using an egg? Read on.

This very simple manipulation will help you determine not only damage, but also the evil eye on a person. Both adults and children can perform this ritual to identify negativity at home. Take homemade chicken product and a glass of water. Bend your chin to your chest, thus lowering your head forward, place a container on your head in the crown area and gently drive the testicle into a glass of water. It is very important that the yolk remains intact. To carry out this procedure, you will need someone's help.

You need to hold the egg over your head for about five minutes. Then you should carefully place the glass on the table and immediately evaluate the diagnostic results.

Signs of spoilage on an egg

You can determine the presence of damage or the evil eye by the condition of the egg. So what can you see when you look at the big picture? Since the pictures may be different, the transcript below will help you understand them both for yourself and the person being tested. Let's look at each value in detail:

  1. The presence of a slight evil eye will be indicated by a thin white thread on a raw egg, rising to the top, as well as a slight cloudiness of the water. If you see several such threads, and there are bubbles at their ends, this is sure sign that you are under the influence of black magic.
  2. Numerous protein threads settling to the bottom of the container “indicate” that bad person, who has damaged you, wants to remain unnoticed.
  3. The absence of the evil eye and damage will be indicated by a smooth, clear-shaped yolk, streamlined by the white, which also remains unchanged.
  4. The yolk in a glass of water remains the same, while the white rises in columns to the top. These are signs that there is damage, and very strong and dangerous. This is the effect of black magic on an unhappy married life, loneliness, tears and constant sadness. Such damage has a long shelf life - about 6-7 years. After this time, her magical power will neutralize on its own.
  5. Spoilage is considered easy if you notice thin columns of protein in a container of water. Often such rituals are performed by those who do not have and the slightest idea about magic. Such people often just want to annoy not only their enemies, but also their friends, and sometimes even close people.
  6. Protein threads or candles, as magicians also call them, with bubbles in a glass of water are signs of very dangerous and severe damage. Such fortune-telling reveals difficult-to-deduce magical influence, since this damage could be caused by an experienced magician or sorcerer. It is fast-acting and no one has yet been able to remove it in one go.
  7. If you notice the yolk in a glass of water looks like it’s boiled, while the white remains unchanged, this means there are negative consequences, and very strong ones at that. Magic powers in this case, they are aimed at making the victim unhappy and constantly dependent on something. Such a person always has a feeling of isolation, as if he is under lock and key.
  8. A yolk with green or gray splashes, a white with long threads and black bubbles at the ends - this interpretation indicates the presence of the most terrible damage, which may have been caused through the lining. By appearance These eggs look like rotten eggs. Such magic leads to the death of a person, which is long-lasting and painful. You can also tell by the boiled yolk in eggs that a person has been cursed to death.
  9. Numerous white veins rising to the surface are clear signs of strong witchcraft.
  10. A black large bubble emanating from the protein and small bubbles around it is a sign that the person has a very severe damage for illness.
  11. What kind of damage is there to the quick and terrible death of a person? When a person dies, the yolk will look boiled and torn.
  12. You can find out that you have a spell of poverty, poverty and failure in everything by the sharp growths on the egg.
  13. A protein that resembles the silhouette of a church in appearance is a clear sign that the victim has been subjected to fresh damage that is just beginning to take effect.
  14. You can identify signs that someone has jinxed you by looking at the foamy egg that rises to the surface. It will look like soap suds.
  15. The standard color and shape of the chicken product without any changes will “tell you” that there is no negative.

After diagnosis, we remove the damage from the person, the rules of which we will tell you further. Having carried out fortune telling on a chicken egg for yourself, and having identified an old and very dangerous damage, you need to immediately seek help from a professional magician who will quickly help you get rid of this terrible negativity.

Determining spoilage using photos and eggs

How to check damage in this way yourself? To carry out such diagnostics yourself, you will need several attributes:

  • photo of the person being checked;
  • egg;
  • a glass of clean water.

To get accurate results for the presence of damage or other negative effects, it is recommended to use holy water. If you don't have it, you can use spring water. Before performing the ritual, take the chicken product in your hands, lightly squeeze it in your palms and warm it a little. This way you will charge it with your energy. Then put it on the photograph. Rolling the egg on it will help collect all the energy contained in the photo. To carry out such manipulation, it is advisable to use a fresh image.

After a few minutes of rolling, the egg must be beaten into a container of water very carefully so that the yolk remains intact. In a few minutes, the whole picture of the condition of the person being tested will appear in front of you. Using it, you determine the negative impact using the signs described above.

We check if the white in a chicken egg is divided and resembles the shape of a jellyfish, and the yolk has a torn shape, contains threads (candles) with bubbles and black, then 100% there is the influence of black magic. To ensure the reliability of the established fact, the procedure can be repeated. The second time you need to do everything as described above, only place a container with water and an egg at the head of the bed of the person being tested. If in the morning the diagnostic results remained unchanged, or even worsened, then there is no doubt that this person has damage. Once you have identified damage to the egg, you need to get rid of it urgently. How can you treat a sick person? Read more about this in our article.

Checking spoilage using an egg and a candle

You can use this ritual yourself if you are going to check for damage to one of your family members. To do this ritual at home yourself, you will need several attributes:

  • a glass of holy water;
  • egg from a domestic chicken;
  • church candles.

Damage is determined after the sun sets below the horizon. Light the candles and pour water into a glass. Take in right hand egg and read the plot before starting the ceremony:

“You roll a fresh, clean egg from one side of the world to the other, from right to left, from the Guardian Angel to the devil. Tell me the whole truth about the servant of God (name of the victim).”

Next, the egg is used to roll over the entire body, starting from the very top of the head to the feet. Moreover, rolling the egg on a person is carried out clockwise. Remember, haste is not welcome in this matter. Rolling the egg from top to bottom is carried out smoothly, carefully, to capture all the energy throughout the body.

The person being rolled in at this time must hold a glass of water in his hands. After the procedure is completed, the inspector cracks the egg into a glass of water. Within a couple of minutes you can determine whether you have been jinxed or have been damaged. Light foam and cloudiness of the egg “indicate” the presence of the evil eye. Numerous protein threads with bubbles, torn yolk and cloudy water in the glass are signs of severe and very dangerous spoilage.

The worst damage is considered to be when protein threads with black bubbles are visible on the surface, and the yolk is covered with gray or green spots. You will have to remove such negativity with eggs more than once.

Ritual with the prayer “Our Father”

If you are damaged or have an evil eye, you can use more effective ritual, the interpretation of which is carried out according to a similar scheme described at the beginning of our article.

So, take a glass of water and give it to the victim to hold. Roll the egg over the entire body of the person being tested. And before you break up a chicken product, read Orthodox prayer"Our Father". You need to read the holy words twelve times. Next, the egg is broken in a glass of water and diagnostics are carried out.

A distinctive feature of this ritual is that rolling out eggs is carried out from top to bottom from the head along the spine to the legs.

If the white and yolk remain even and clean, it means there is no negativity on the person. Torn protein with numerous threads, bubbles and black dots indicates the presence of the influence of black magic, and it must be urgently traced to chicken eggs.

Determination and elimination of spoilage by water and egg

A chicken egg is used not only to determine spoilage, but also to eliminate it. We bring to your attention a universal and fast-acting ritual to eliminate any negativity that you can do yourself. It is carried out using a chicken egg and a glass of clean water.

The aura, soul and body of a person are cleansed from damage and the evil eye in the same way as their determination is carried out. Capacity with clean water you need to place it first above the person’s head for five minutes, then at the head of the bed of the victim being tested at night. A chicken egg is driven into it. In the morning, a check is carried out and you can already see if there is any negativity. This procedure should be done daily before bed. We remove the negative until the water and egg are clean and unharmed. In this case, the water is poured out immediately after each cleaning.

The person who has removed such damage, just like the victim, may experience unpleasant symptoms - nausea, darkening of the eyes, dizziness. It is from them that you can know that the ritual is working.

After checking a person for damage, all ritual paraphernalia must be disposed of as soon as possible - poured on the street away from the house. If you do not have such an opportunity and you live in an apartment, you can pour the water into the toilet and then flush the water several times. The used container should be disposed of in an empty area or in a trash bin. Then read the following text:

“Jesus Christ save the servant of God, drive away all evil spirits and Satan from him. Amen".

Ritual to identify and remove damage to icons

To remove the negative you need to do the following. Sit the victim on a chair and give her a glass of water. Then place icons of all the saints in the corners. Take an egg in your hand and roll it over the patient’s entire body. You need to roll from head to feet. At the same time, you must turn to the Holy Places with a request for the healing of the servant of God.

Diagnostics (Part 2) what damage looks like

How to detect spoilage using an egg

Having finished rolling out, you need to break the egg in a glass of water, then read the following words:

“Almighty, I ask you to hear me! Let what is in my hands contain only your truth, integrity and strength. Amen".

Those who have done such a ritual on eggs claim that there is a result and it is achieved quite quickly.


These are proven and effective rituals By identifying any negativity with the help of an egg they very quickly help to expel all the bad things. And this is confirmed by the reviews of those who have done them before. After the test is completed and you find a negative result for yourself, then you need to take the necessary measures as soon as possible. And the strong and effective rituals from our article will help you with this.

The fortune telling with chicken products presented above to identify spoilage will help you protect yourself, your loved ones and prevent the development of negative consequences for your health, family happiness and life. Since such rituals are not dangerous, but very effective, they can be performed even by children.

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If in your life for a long time problems, failures, discord in work and family, then it is worth thinking about foreign influences and finding out how to determine spoilage by looking at an egg in water. Compared to modern equipment, still unable to determine the magical effect - this ancient technique has been used since ancient times by our healers and still allows us to judge your health quite accurately. The method is accessible, easy to implement, and also gives a clear answer to the question of whether there is damage or not.

You will need:

  • fresh chicken egg, laid up to 3 days ago
  • glass of cold water
  • comfortable chair or armchair

To determine spoilage, place a glass of water on flat surface and carefully, without damaging the yolk, break and pour your egg into it. Now immediately press your chin to your chest and place the glass on your crown. This will allow the egg to absorb the flow of your head chakra and show results. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes - this is quite enough. Below is a transcript of your diagnosis.

1. If the water in the glass is clear, there are no strings and the yolk itself is intact and smoothly flows around the white, congratulations - there is no spoilage.
2. If the yolk remains intact, but thin cobweb-like columns emerge from the white (called candles in magic), then this is slight damage, most likely caused by a layman out of envy or resentment.
3. If the yolk is also intact, but the columns are quite thick and especially if they go up, then this is a serious damage done by the master. Usually such damage is caused by loneliness, failure in family life and finance.
4. If the egg in the water is shrouded in bubbles, and there are also columns, this damage is caused by illness. Quite strong and also done by a professional. A person begins to be haunted by failures and illnesses, minor ailments inexplicably grow into big problems. Surely you have already noticed the first signs of this trouble.
5. If there are bubbles on the columns, and the yolk of the egg seems cooked around the edges, then the spoilage is made for suffering through life. Everything starts to be difficult.
6. If there are bubbles on the columns, and the yolk of the egg seems to be completely cooked, then this is a sign of melancholy in life and lack of happiness. You are unhappy and this is the fault of the damage caused.
7. If there are reddish streaks coming from the white or yolk, beware, a lot of work has been done strong ritual on blood! If it is not removed, it can quickly destroy your entire life. Urgent intervention is needed.
8. If there are black dots on the posts, as well as bubbles, then this is already a very serious damage to death! In general, blackness in the egg is a sign of cemetery work on you.
9. Finally, the most severe damage. If columns, black dots or blotches are present at the same time and the yolk seems to be completely cooked - this is damage to a cruel death in agony! This damage can only be removed by a master familiar with necromancy and cemetery work. This and the previous damage begins to take effect after 21 days and, as a rule, a person dies within one year.

Once neglected, even a small damage develops over time into a stronger one, it becomes more and more difficult to remove, and there will be more and more troubles in your life. Therefore, if you find damage to yourself, especially severe, do not wait and immediately contact me for help:

I will help you avoid all negative consequences, improve your finances and strengthen your family. The protection provided will help you no longer worry about envious people and ill-wishers; if you wish, you can also punish the guilty.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to introduce you to rituals that allow you to independently determine the evil eye on yourself using a chicken egg. These are quite old, successfully tested and proven ways to conduct a preliminary diagnosis of the presence of an induced strong magical negative. The egg should not be taken from the store, but homemade, from under a chicken that is trampled by a rooster. In other words, the egg must be fertilized.

Self-checking the evil eye with a fresh egg is quite accurate, but it is important to have contact with this material (egg) and be able to correctly interpret what the diagnostics show.

At home, check with a fresh egg to see if there is an evil eye

The home method will help identify not only negative energy evil eye, but also more serious harm caused by the sorcerer - damage. How can you determine the presence of negativity, how find out with the help of an egg whether there is damage to a person? It’s worth thinking about this if you start to notice that something has gone wrong, that some changes have strangely appeared that are not at all good for you. Dark force witchcraft is harmful if the sorcerer wants it. Black magic is something to be afraid of. And those who try to stay away from this world, if they do not want to enter it, are much more reasonable than those who are always ready for all sorts of experiments.

Just recently, it would seem successful man, suddenly began to drink alcohol to excess, began to get sick often and seriously, problems appeared at work, in business, in personal relationships. It is possible to stop a bad streak of failures, but before that you need to make sure that the destructive effects of black magic, and not the imperfections of your own character, are to blame. So, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you a simple ritual of recognizing negativity using an egg. Difficulties, especially at first, while you are just learning how to diagnose, are deciphering black damage on an egg.

How to use a chicken egg to find out if there is an evil eye or damage

Faced with frequently repeated failures, with a strange algorithm of incredible and undesirable events, people begin to see someone’s evil will in this. Not always, however, and not even very often, but they turn out to be right. How to check, how to recognize damage? You can use an egg to reveal whether there is an evil eye on a person, or even worse - severe magical damage. To clarify this issue, you need to pour half of the pure water into a glass made of transparent glass. cold water, and gently beat in the egg, but so that the yolk remains intact.

After this, you need to sit freely on a chair, press your chin to your chest, and at the same time carefully place the glass on your crown. The same can be done to independently identify damage using an egg, and with another person, for example, a member. Support the glass with your hand and sit for a few minutes. And then slowly and carefully, so as not to stir the water, remove the glass from the crown and examine the nature of the protein threads.

Determine the evil eye on a person at home using a fresh chicken egg

You can tell the evil eye from an egg at home by giving yourself a little time and attention. If one thin thread appears, this can be regarded as the presence of an evil eye. But if there are a lot of protein threads, and at the end of some there are small air bubbles, then the person being tested has been damaged.

Sometimes, when diagnosing with an egg, you can observe how the protein threads that have barely appeared begin to sink to the bottom. This always means one thing - darkness or darkness. This means that the sorcerer hides himself, does not want to be noticed and recognized. And blackouts exist for this reason, so that the magician has the opportunity to hide himself, not to allow find out who did the damage to the egg. In addition to blind spots, it is also recommended to install a drain. Some sorcerers make excuses for their enemies, and then the magician who will remove the damage will not find the one who actually created negative impact, but the doomed one for whom the challenge was made.

If the water in the glass remains clear, the yolk has not changed in any way and lies in the white, and the white smoothly flows around it, then there is no evil eye or damage.

Read on to learn for yourself the signs of spoilage on an egg.

Finding out what spoilage looks like on an egg in water is an independent ritual

Thin threads indicate weak damage, which can be easily removed on your own using the simplest methods of washing, annealing or salt cleaning.

List of decoding to recognize spoilage using a chicken egg:

  1. If the yolk remains unharmed, but threads rise up from the white, then the person being tested is cursed for loneliness, failures in personal relationships and family life, and tears. This type of damage is very stable and can have its disastrous effect for several years. But even if it weakens, its consequences are so severe that they will not go away on their own, without the help of a magician.
  2. If white candles look like cobwebs, this makes it possible to use an egg to reveal the evil eye on a person, figure out whether there is damage, and understand what power the induced negativity has. In most cases, such signs indicate black. But, you must understand that, even if it is not the magician who harms you, you cannot ignore it.
  3. If bubbles are visible, then you should recognize spoilage using a chicken egg; and such a sign says that the effect is quite strong, made not by amateurs, but by a person well versed in the laws and intricacies of witchcraft. This black damage dooms the victim to failure and illnesses that are difficult to treat. But its goal is completely different. Namely, to harm financial sector victims.
  4. If there are black inclusions and bubbles on the columns, or inclusions on the yolk and bubbles on the whites, then self-detection of spoilage using an egg will help identify dangerous magical negativity. If there are black dots and bubbles, then a powerful death curse has been made. The result of such a ritual should be the physical death of the victim, and not its substitutes in the form of illness, paralysis, coma, etc. If it is not removed in time, it takes a person to the grave within a year.
  5. If bubbles are visible, and the yolk around the edges looks like it has been boiled, then we can conclude that the effect is aimed at keeping the victim alive and suffering. In some cases, it shows itself as gray, brown or greenish spots on the yolk in the absence of white columns. This is what spoilage looks like on an egg in the water of the most severe impact.
  6. If there are no protein candles, and the yolk looks completely cooked, this is a special damage. Restriction and closure of paths. The power of magic is aimed at ensuring that the damned does not feel free anywhere, does not achieve anything great success. The person seems to be tied up; he has no victories, no happiness, no peace.
  7. If black dots and bubbles are clearly visible on the protein threads, the edges of the yolk are scalded, and there are gray or green spots in the middle of the yolk, this is a magical effect on death in agony.

You can be the most benevolent person in the world and not believe in all this witchcraft nonsense, but alas... There are people who are not just jealous or wish you harm, but deliberately go around the “grandmothers” in order to cause damage. And this is a terrible thing, having a bad effect on health, love and career.

There are many ways to determine damage. But the most ancient and famous is with the help of eggs. The witches say that eggs must be fresh (no more than 2 days old) and homemade.

How to find out if there is damage

Take the homemade egg in your hands and roll it between your palms for 3-4 minutes, trying not to squeeze too hard so as not to crush it. Pour water into a transparent glass glass. Using a clean, sharp knife, carefully crack the egg and pour it into a glass of water. In a couple of minutes, observe the result.


If no damage is detected, simply pour the contents into the toilet and wash the glass. And if found, throw it away from the house. Using this method, you can find out if you are damaged by ill-wishers. After all, very often difficult times come in our lives, which sometimes do not depend on our actions or inaction. You can also determine damage using ordinary matches.

To avoid negative influence on the part of ill-wishers, it is worth visiting church from time to time and trying not to devote not very close people to the details of your life.

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