Queen Equal to the Apostles Helen and Constantine. Russian version of the icon

1. Saints Equal to the Apostles Constantine and Helen are not husband and wife, but son and mother.
2. Saint Constantine was baptized at the very end of his life.

In the 4th century, there was a widespread custom of postponing the sacrament for an indefinite period of time, in the hope of receiving remission of all sins through baptism accepted at the end of life. Emperor Constantine, like many of his contemporaries, followed this custom.

At the beginning of 337, he went to Helenopolis to use the baths. But, feeling worse, he ordered himself to be transported to Nicomedia and in this city he was baptized on his deathbed. Before his death, having gathered the bishops, the emperor admitted that he dreamed of being baptized in the waters of the Jordan, but by the will of God he was accepting it here.

3. Empress Elena was of a simple family.

According to modern historians, Elena helped her father at the horse station, poured wine for travelers waiting for the horses to be re-harnessed and re-mounted, or simply worked as a servant in a tavern. There she apparently met Constantius Chlorus, under Maximian Herculius, who became Caesar of the West of the Roman Empire. In the early 270s she became his wife.

4. The Roman Catholic Church did not include the name of Emperor Constantine in the calendar, but Western bishops relied on his authority when trying to gain supreme power in the Church and in Europe in general.

The basis for such claims was the “Donation of Constantine” - a forged deed of gift from Constantine the Great to Pope Sylvester.

The “letter” states that Constantine the Great, when he was baptized by Pope Sylvester and when he was cured of leprosy, which he had previously been struck by, gave the pope signs of imperial dignity, the Lateran palace, the city of Rome, Italy and everything Western countries. He moved his residence to eastern countries on the ground that it is not proper for the head of an empire to reside where the head of a religion resides; finally, the Pope was given supremacy over both the four sees - Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem and Constantinople - and over all the Christian churches throughout the universe.

The fact of forgery was proven by the Italian humanist Lorenzo della Valla in his essay “On the Gift of Constantine” (1440), published in 1517 by Ulrich von Hutten. Rome completely abandoned this document only in the 19th century.

5. Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity, but did not make it the state religion.

In 313, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, proclaiming religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire. The direct text of the edict has not reached us, but it is quoted by Lactantius in his work “On the Death of Persecutors.”

In accordance with this edict, all religions were equal in rights, thus, traditional Roman paganism lost its role as an official religion. The Edict particularly singles out Christians and provides for the return to Christians and Christian communities of all property that was taken from them during the persecution.

The Edict also provided for compensation from the treasury for those who came into possession of property previously owned by Christians and were forced to return this property to the former owners.

The opinion of a number of scientists that the Edict of Milan proclaimed Christianity as the only religion of the empire does not find, according to the point of view of other researchers, confirmation either in the text of the edict or in the circumstances of its composition.

6. The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross appeared in church calendar thanks to the activities of Saints Constantine and Helen.

In 326, at the age of 80, Queen Helena went to the Holy Land with the goal of finding and visiting places consecrated by the most important events in the life of the Savior. She undertook excavations at Golgotha, where, having excavated the cave in which, according to legend, Jesus Christ was buried, she found the Life-Giving Cross.

The Exaltation is the only holiday that began simultaneously with the event itself to which it is dedicated. The First Exaltation was celebrated at the very discovery of the Cross in the Jerusalem Church, i.e. in the 4th century. And the fact that this holiday was soon combined (in 335) with the consecration of the magnificent Church of the Resurrection, built by Constantine the Great on the site of the discovery of the Cross, made this holiday one of the most solemn of the year.

7. Thanks to Empress Helena, a number of temples were built in the Holy Land.

The earliest historians (Socrates Scholasticus, Eusebius Pamphilus) report that during Helen’s stay in the Holy Land, three temples were founded at the sites of the Gospel events.

  • on Golgotha ​​- Church of the Holy Sepulchre;
  • in Bethlehem - Basilica of the Nativity;
  • on the Mount of Olives - the church above the site of the Ascension of Christ;

The Life of Saint Helena, written later, in the 7th century, contains a more extensive list of buildings, which, in addition to those already listed, includes:

  • in Gethsemane - the Church of the Holy Family;
  • in Bethany - the church over the tomb of Lazarus;
  • in Hebron - the church at the Oak of Mamre, where God appeared to Abraham;
  • near Lake Tiberias - the Temple of the Twelve Apostles;
  • at the site of the ascension of Elijah - a temple in the name of this prophet;
  • on Mount Tabor - a temple in the name of Jesus Christ and the apostles Peter, James and John;
  • at the foot of Mount Sinai, near the Burning Bush, there is a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary and a tower for monks.

8. The city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) was named after Saint Constantine, who moved the capital of the Roman Empire there.

Having abandoned paganism, Constantine did not leave the capital of the empire Ancient Rome, which was the center of a pagan state, moved its capital to the east, to the city of Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople.

9. One of the oldest Bulgarian resorts on the Black Sea coast is named after Saints Constantine and Helena. It is located 6 kilometers northeast of the city of Varna.

In addition to the usual entertainment venues, hotels and sports facilities, the complex includes a chapel that was once part of a monastery built in honor of Emperor Constantine and his mother Empress Helena. Even before the Bulgarians, this coast was inhabited by the Greeks. The entire surrounding area was a colony Byzantine Empire and was called Odessos.

10. The island of Saint Helena, to which Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled, is also named after the mother of Saint Constantine. It was discovered by the Portuguese navigator Joao da Nova while traveling home from India on May 21, 1502, the feast day of this saint.

The Portuguese found the island uninhabited; there was plenty of fresh water and wood on it. The sailors brought domestic animals (mainly goats), fruit trees, vegetables, built a church and a couple of houses, but they did not establish a permanent settlement. Since its discovery, the island has become critical for ships returning with cargo from Asia to Europe. In 1815, Saint Helena became the place of exile for Napoleon Bonaparte, who died there in 1821.

The island is in the possession of Great Britain, but a small part of it - the two houses where Napoleon lived and the valley where he was buried - belongs to France.

Where do we usually get information about the lives of saints? Of course, from information sources of a church and theological nature. It can be Orthodox magazines, newspapers, books, specific websites and educational resources on the Internet, as well as Christian films and programs. However, in the event that the ascetic appeared at the same time statesman and/or the commander who glorified the country, the main milestones of his earthly existence and personality characteristics are certainly contained in historical materials. This applies, for example, to Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus', Princess Olga, and Prince Dimitri Donskoy. The host of saints also included the rulers of Rome: Tsar Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena. The day of remembrance of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena was established by the church on June 3.

Information about Konstantin

Saint Constantine was born in the 3rd century AD, more specifically in the year 274. The chosen one of God had a noble origin, since he was born into the family of Constantius Chlorus, co-ruler of the Roman Empire, and his wife, Queen Helena. The father of the future saint owned two regions of great power: Gaul and Britain. Officially, this family was considered pagan, but in fact, the only son of Caesar Constantius Chlorus and Helena grew up as a true Christian, raised by his parents in an atmosphere of kindness and love for God. Unlike the other co-rulers of the Roman Empire, Diocletian, Maximian Herculus and Maximian Galerius, the father of Saint Constantine did not persecute Christians in the fiefs entrusted to him.

The future ruler of Rome was distinguished by numerous virtues, among which his calm disposition and modesty stood out. Outwardly, Saint Constantine also endeared himself to those around him, since he was tall, physically developed, strong and handsome. This is evidenced by the description of the emperor’s appearance found in historical sources and compiled on the basis of archaeological data. The amazing combination of outstanding spiritual, personal and physical qualities of God's chosen one became during the reign of Saint Rome the subject of black envy and anger of the courtiers. For this reason, Caesar Galeria became Constantine’s sworn enemy.

The years of the saint's youth were not spent in his father's house. The youth was taken hostage and kept at the court of the tyrant Diocletian in Nicomedia. He was treated well, but was largely deprived of contact with the saint's family. Thus, the co-ruler Constantius Chlorus wanted to ensure the loyalty of Father Constantine.

Information about Elena

What is known about the personality of the ruler Helen? Enough to get a complete picture of this woman. Saint Helena did not belong to a noble family, like her husband: the chosen one of God was born into the family of an inn owner. The future queen got married contrary to the canons of that time, not by calculation or by conspiracy, but by mutual love. With her husband, Caesar Constantius Chlorus, Elena lived in happy marriage 18 years. And then the union collapsed overnight: the queen’s husband received an appointment from Emperor Diocletian to become the ruler of three regions at once: Gaul, Britain and Spain. At the same time, the tyrant put forward a demand to Constantius Chlorus for a divorce from Helen and for the co-ruler to marry his stepdaughter Theodora. Then Constantine, by the will of Emperor Diocletian, went to Nicomedia.

Queen Helena at that time was a little over forty years old. Finding yourself in such difficult situation, while still a young woman, she concentrated all her love on her son - historians are sure that she never saw her husband again. Saint Helena found shelter not far from the area where Constantine was. There they were able to sometimes see each other and communicate. The queen became acquainted with Christianity in Drepanum, which was later renamed Helenopolis in honor of the mother of Constantine the Great (this is what the virtuous Roman ruler was later called). The woman was baptized in a local church. Over the next thirty years, Elena lived in constant prayer, cultivating virtues in herself, purifying her own soul from previous sins. The result of the work done was the acquisition of the saint by the honorary religious title “Equal to the Apostles.”

State activities of Constantine

In 306, Constantius Chlorus, father of Constantine the Great, died. Immediately after this mournful event, the army proclaimed last emperor Gaul and Britain instead of the former ruler. To a young man At that time I was 32 years old - the prime of youth. Constantine took the reins of government of these regions into his own hands and declared freedom of religion in the lands entrusted to him.

5 years later. In 311 West Side The empire fell under the control of Maxentius, who was distinguished by his cruelty and quickly became known as a tyrant because of this. The new emperor decided to eliminate Saint Constantine so as not to have a competitor. To this end, the son of Queen Helena decided to organize a military campaign, the goal of which he saw in ridding Rome of the misfortune in the person of the tyrant Maxentius. No sooner said than done. However, Constantine and his army had to face insurmountable difficulties: the enemy outnumbered them, and the cruel tyrant resorted to the help of black magic in order to defeat the defender of Christians at any cost. The son of Helen and Constantius Chlorus, despite his youth, was very wise man. He quickly assessed the current situation and came to the conclusion that he could only wait for support from God. Constantine began to sincerely and fervently pray to the Creator for help. The Lord heard him and showed a miraculous sign in the form of a cross of light near the sun with the inscription “hereby conquer.” This happened before an important battle with the enemy; the emperor’s soldiers also witnessed the miracle. And at night the king saw Jesus himself with a banner on which the cross was again depicted. Christ explained to Constantine that only with the help of the cross could he defeat the tyrant Maxentius, and gave advice to acquire the same exact banner. Having obeyed God himself, Constantine defeated his enemy and took possession of half of the Roman Empire.

The great ruler of a great power did everything for the benefit of Christians. He accepted the latter under his special protection, although he never oppressed peoples professing other religions. The only people Constantine was intolerant of were pagans. The saint even had to enter into battle with the ruler of the eastern part of Rome, Licinius, who went to war against the son of Queen Helena. But everything ended well: with God's help Constantine the Great defeated the enemy army and became the sole emperor of the state. Of course, he immediately declared Christianity main religion empires.

Saints Constantine and Helena did a lot to spread and strengthen Christianity. In particular, the queen found the Cross of Christ in Jerusalem, buried in the ground by opponents of the true faith in God. She brought part of the shrine to Rome to her son. Helen died in 327. Her relics are located in the Italian capital. Constantine died ten years later, leaving his three sons to reign in Rome.

Church history knows of only a few women who were able to receive the title “equal to the apostles” - these are St. Nina, St. Mary Magdalene, martyrs Apphia and Thekla, Russian princess Olga, as well as Elena, who managed to do a lot for the glory of God. In icons, Saint Helena is often depicted near the Cross of the Lord, next to her son, Emperor Constantine.

The life of this woman is full of difficult decisions; information about Elena has been preserved thanks to numerous historians. Shrines of that time associated with her name have also survived to our time.

History of Saint Helena

Modest Elena was hardworking, although she did not grow up in poverty. Her hometown of Drepan is now part of Turkey. She served the travelers. The girl married Flavius ​​Constantius, the future Emperor of Rome. But at that time hardly anyone could have imagined this. The couple's son Constantine was born in 272.

As a result of political intrigues, Elena had to leave her beloved husband. Thanks to this act, he entered into a profitable marriage, which allowed him to begin serious political career. While still quite young, Elena moved to Germany, where her son had his residence.

Having ascended the throne, the son made his mother Augusta - essentially an equal empress, who even issued her own coin. Historians confirm that Constantine greatly respected Helen and trusted her. She became a Christian in old age (the woman was 60). Despite this, on icons the Holy Queen Helen is often depicted as a blooming young woman. This was done to symbolically convey the power of transformation human soul who knows no age.

The meaning of the holy image

Thanks to the royal position, lifetime portraits of the saint, which were made on coins, were preserved. The museum houses a statue depicting Helen in a somewhat idealized form. But this was customary, since emperors were considered the descendants of gods, and people had to honor them - who would want to deify an ugly, middle-aged queen? Soon, however, the situation changed - the emperor himself became a Christian and made his religion official.

Icons of Saint Helen Equal to the Apostles appeared several centuries after her death. Byzantine craftsmen quite accurately conveyed the royal attire: a wide embroidered collar, a hem decorated with stones, armbands, and a crown. All this indicates not only the royal position during life, but also the high honor that the Lord honors the righteous in the eternal Kingdom.

Rarely did ancient masters depict the queen alone - next to her is usually her son - support, assistant, comrade-in-arms in all good deeds. Without unanimity in the family, not a single holy deed is possible - isn’t this the meaning of such a composition? And a great thing was done - Elena found the Honest Life-Giving Cross, having no idea where and how she would look. But the Lord arranges everything if a person has determination. The icon of St. Helena should also remind us of this.

Traditional icon composition:

  • St. Constantine stands on the left, St. Elena is on the right;
  • between them there is a high cross of 5 or 8 points;
  • both have crowns on their heads;
  • gestures can be different - sometimes the queen holds nails in her hands.

Modern iconography is different great variety, most often the saint is depicted alone, in right hand holds a cross - a symbol of suffering, it also reminds of the queen’s feat. Left hand can be open or directed towards the cross, recalling that everyone in his life must do a certain task for the Lord - this is the theological meaning of the icon of St. Elena. In the 10th century The image of royal saints became the subject for paintings of temples, triptychs, and iconostases.

In Russia, veneration of the saint began immediately after the adoption of Christianity. Princess Olga took her name in baptism. Cathedrals in Novgorod and Kyiv contain images in the Byzantine tradition (a saint with her son at the cross). Great veneration for the icon of St. Helena was held by the Russian tsars - this emphasized the continuity of power of the Christian autocrats. The saints received special honors under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

Rarely, there were also hagiographic icons that included stamps:

  • dream of Emperor Constantine (vision of the cross);
  • victory in battle;
  • baptism of St. Constantine;
  • trip of St. Helena to Jerusalem;
  • finding the Cross and resurrecting the deceased;
  • finding the nails of Christ.

How does the icon of St. help? Elena

Being already old (even by modern standards), the queen had an unusual dream. In it she was given instructions to cleanse the Holy Land of pagan temples.

Having received support from the emperor, the woman set off. The result of the grand journey was the discovery of the Cross of the Lord, as well as the nails with which His hands were pierced. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was founded by St. Elena. What prevented her from enjoying her quiet life in luxury and honor? Why attach significance to any dream? The queen did this at the behest of her conscience, the voice of which is muffled among many modern people.

The meaning of the icon of St. Helena is to remind us that faith is more important than passing glory, comfort, and sometimes even common sense. The distance from Rome to the Eternal City is more than 2 thousand km. Was it easy elderly woman overcome it, even with the help of servants? How did she expect to find holy places associated with the Passion of the Lord, if 3 centuries had already passed since that time? Only prayer and faith could support him in such a difficult matter.

Everything is possible with God - the saint founded many churches throughout the Holy Land, distributed alms, fed the hungry, and gave gifts to the poor. On the way back in Cyprus, she founded monasteries that are still in operation today. St. died Helen in old age around 328. Interestingly, the saint’s relics were stolen from Rome and today rest in France (Parisian church of Saint-Les-Saint-Gilles). There you can receive healing from bodily ailments.

Today's Christians believe that the icon of St. Helena helps:

  • in any difficult endeavor;
  • gaining strong faith;
  • obtaining recovery from illnesses;
  • assistance in political campaign;
  • those in high positions.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen will help with her prayers those who are building new churches or fighting heresies. Orthodox prayer contains an appeal to both the queen and her son, who was also glorified as a saint.

Prayers to Saints Equal to the Apostles Constantine and Helena

First prayer

About Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! Deliver this parish and our temple from every slander of the enemy and do not abandon us, the weak (names), through your intercession, beg the goodness of Christ our God to grant us peace of mind, from destructive passions and all filth, abstinence, and unfeigned piety. Ask us, pleasers of God, from above for the spirit of meekness and humility, the spirit of patience and repentance, so that we may live the rest of our life in faith and contrition of heart, and so at the hour of our death we will gratefully praise the Lord who glorified you, the Father Without Beginning, His Only Begotten Son and the Consubstantial All-Blessed One. Spirit, the Indivisible Trinity, forever and ever.

Second prayer

About the wonderful and all-praised king, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! To you, as a warm intercessor, we offer our unworthy prayers, for you have great boldness towards the Lord. Ask Him for the peace of the Church and prosperity for the whole world, wisdom for the ruler, care for the flock for the shepherd, humility for the flock, desired peace for the elders, strength for husbands, beauty for women, purity for virgins, obedience for children, Christian education for babies, healing for the sick, reconciliation for those at war, patience for the offended, those who offend the fear of God. To those who come to this temple and pray in it, a holy blessing and everything useful for each request, let us praise and sing the Benefactor of all God in the Trinity of the glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 8

Having seen the image of Your Cross in heaven, and just as Paul did not receive the title from man, Your Apostle became king, O Lord, place the reigning city in Your hand: save it always in the world through the prayers of the Mother of God, who alone is the Lover of Mankind.

Kontakion, tone 3

Constantine today, with the matter Helena, the cross reveals the all-honorable tree, for the shame of all the Jews exists, and a weapon against the faithful kings: for for our sake a great sign has appeared and a terrible sign in battle.


We magnify you, holy saints and Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsars Constantine and Helen, and we honor your holy memory, for with the Holy Cross you enlightened the entire universe.

Icon of St. Helena - what you need to know

Memory of the ruler of the Roman Empire, Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine, and his mother, Queen Helena Orthodox Church honors June 3rd annually. Having been raised by a Christian mother and a father who did not allow the persecution of adherents of the Christian religion, Constantine from childhood imbibed a special respect for faith. Having become a ruler, he directed all his efforts to ensure that the freedom to confess faith in Christ was proclaimed in all countries under his control.

Queen Helena, the mother of Constantine, also accomplished a huge number of good deeds for the Church, she built churches and, at the insistence of her son, even brought from Jerusalem the very Life-Giving Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, for which she was also awarded the title Equal to the Apostles.

A beautiful day of goodness and peace -
Saints Helena, Constantine.
They gave light all their lives,
They prayed for less trouble for everyone.

Let's help
Wish each other well.
And maybe on a holy and clear day,
The world will become a little more beautiful.

On this day for you, Elena,
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
Fast, fun, with enthusiasm
Eliminate all adversity.

So that happiness fills
Your days are full to the brim,
Well, everything I dreamed of,
It would be performed without words.

Today we praise Konstantin,
And mother - beautiful Elena.
Their faith, strength, kindness
For centuries now they have been imperishable.

Let the saints help you,
When there is no other hope.
Let me keep you from sadness,
From pain, sorrows and troubles.

On St. Helen's Day, on the Feast of Constantine
Let joy rush to your beautiful home.
The whole picture will become more fun than life,
May you remain like this forever!

I congratulate you and wish you happiness,
Faith is sacred in souls, carefully preserved,
So that everything turns out great,
You live in goodness, comfort, a glorious world!

Happy Saints Helena, Constantine,
Saints, beautiful women, men.
Let the rest of you too on this day
There will be strength to overcome all troubles.

Not knowing any of life's difficult obstacles,
Not knowing longing, sadness, sadness and loss,
Let the spring of life flow,
Let every new moment be beautiful.

Konstantin and Elena
Today we remember.
Health and goodness to you
On this day I wish.

May the saints protect
They will give you strength.
With their intercession troubles
Don't let them hit you.

Happy Saints' Day, faithful to each other
Konstantin and Elena!
Congratulations to the human race
And my advice is simple:

Be happy, loved,
Not angry, not vulnerable,
So that evil does not touch you,
But the sun was smiling!

On the Day of Constantine and Helena
I'll tell you a couple of good phrases:
Love and happiness are precious
May the Saints protect you!

Prosperity, peace and harmony to you
I wish you a holy day on this day!
May this joyful date
Will give you a dream meeting!

Holy Emperor Constantine (306-337), who received the title Equal of the Apostles from the Church, and world history called the Great, was the son of Caesar Constantius Chlorus (305-306), who ruled the countries of Gaul and Britain. The huge Roman Empire was at that time divided into Western and Eastern, headed by two independent emperors who had co-rulers, one of whom in the Western half was the father of Emperor Constantine. Holy Queen Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine, was a Christian. The future ruler of the entire Roman Empire - Constantine - was brought up with respect for the Christian religion. His father did not persecute Christians in the countries he ruled, while throughout the rest of the Roman Empire Christians were subjected to severe persecution by the emperors Diocletian (284-305), his co-ruler Maximian Galerius (305-311) in the East and the emperor Maximian Herculus (284-305) - in the West. After the death of Constantius Chlorus, his son Constantius in 306 was proclaimed emperor of Gaul and Britain by the troops. The first task of the new emperor was to proclaim freedom of professing the Christian faith in the countries under his control. The pagan fanatic Maximian Galerius in the East and the cruel tyrant Maxentius in the West hated Emperor Constantine and plotted to depose and kill him, but Constantine warned them and, with the help of God, defeated all his opponents in a series of wars. He prayed to God to give him a sign that would inspire his army to fight bravely, and the Lord showed him in the sky the shining sign of the Cross with the inscription “By this way conquer.” Having become the sovereign ruler of the Western part of the Roman Empire, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan on religious tolerance in 313, and in 323, when he reigned as the sole emperor over the entire Roman Empire, he extended the Edict of Milan to the entire eastern part of the empire. After three hundred years of persecution, Christians for the first time had the opportunity to openly confess their faith in Christ.
Having abandoned paganism, the emperor did not leave ancient Rome, which was the center of the pagan state, as the capital of the empire, but moved his capital to the east, to the city of Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople. Konstantin was deeply convinced that only christian religion could unite the vast, heterogeneous Roman Empire. He supported the Church in every possible way, brought back Christian confessors from exile, built churches, and took care of the clergy. Deeply revering the Cross of the Lord, the emperor wanted to find the very Life-giving Cross on which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. For this purpose, he sent his mother, the holy queen Helen, to Jerusalem, giving her great powers and material resources. Together with Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem, Saint Helena began a search, and by the Providence of God the Life-Giving Cross was miraculously found in 326. While in Palestine, the holy queen did a lot for the benefit of the Church. She ordered to free all places associated with the earthly life of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother from all traces of paganism, and ordered the erection of Christian churches in these memorable places. Above the Cave of the Holy Sepulcher, Emperor Constantine himself ordered the construction of a magnificent temple in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. Saint Helena gave the Life-Giving Cross for safekeeping to the Patriarch, and took part of the Cross with her to present to the Emperor. Having distributed generous alms in Jerusalem and arranged meals for the poor, during which she herself served, Holy Queen Helena returned to Constantinople, where she soon died in 327.
For her great services to the Church and her labors in obtaining the Life-Giving Cross, Queen Helena is called Equal to the Apostles.
Peaceful coexistence Christian Church was disrupted by the unrest and discord that arose within the Church due to the emerging heresies. Even at the beginning of the activity of Emperor Constantine, the heresy of the Donatists and Novatians arose in the West, demanding the repetition of baptism over Christians who had fallen away during persecution. This heresy, rejected by two local councils, was finally condemned by the Council of Milan in 316. But especially destructive for the Church was the heresy of Arius, which arose in the East, which dared to reject the Divine essence of the Son of God and teach about the creatureliness of Jesus Christ. By order of the emperor, the First Ecumenical Council in the city of Nicaea. 318 bishops gathered for this Council, its participants were bishops-confessors during the period of persecution and many other luminaries of the Church, among whom was St. Nicholas of Myra. The Emperor attended the meetings of the Council. The heresy of Arius was condemned and the Creed was drawn up, in which the term “Consubstantial with the Father” was introduced, forever cementing in the minds of Orthodox Christians the truth about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, who assumed human nature for the redemption of the entire human race.
One can be amazed at the deep church consciousness and feeling of Saint Constantine, who singled out the definition of “Consubstantial”, which he heard in the debates of the Council, and proposed to include this definition in the Creed.
After the Council of Nicea, Rival Apostle Constantine continued his active work in favor of the Church. At the end of his life he accepted holy baptism, having prepared for it with my whole life. Saint Constantine died on the day of Pentecost in 337 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles, in a tomb he had prepared in advance.

This is how the church historian Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, describes the pious life of Tsar Constantine and his mother, Queen Helen:


CHAPTER 41. About the construction of churches in Bethlehem and on the Mount of Olives.
Having completed the work here, (the basileus) very splendidly decorated other places, marked by two mysterious caves. He gave due honor to one, as the place of the first theophany of the Savior and His birth in the flesh 1; he honored another, as a monument to His ascension into heaven standing on the top of a mountain. 2 By lavishly decorating these places, he also perpetuated the memory of his mother, who had provided so many benefits to the human race.
CHAPTER 42. That these churches were built by Constantine’s mother, Vasilisa Elena, when she came there to worship.
For having recognized it as her business to repay to the All-Tsar - God the debt of her pious disposition, also intending to thank Him with prayers for her son, such a basileus, and for her offspring - the God-loving Caesars, his children, this old woman of extraordinary intelligence, with the speed of a youth, hurried to the east and with royal solicitude surveyed the wondrous land, the eastern eparchies, cities and villages, with the goal of performing proper worship at the feet of the Savior, according to the word of the prophet: let us worship in the place where His feet stood (Ps. 131:7), - and left the fruit of her own piety to future posterity .
CHAPTER 43. More about the Church of Bethlehem.
At the same time, she erected two temples to the worshiped God: one at the cave of birth, the other on the mountain of ascension, for Emmanuel (God with us) deigned to be born for us underground, and the Jews recognize Bethlehem as the place of his carnal birth. Therefore, the most pious Vasilisa decorated this sacred cave in every possible way and honored the burden of the Mother of God with wondrous monuments. And a little later, the basileus honored the same cave with his offerings, adding gold and silver gifts and various curtains to the bounty of his mother. 3. In addition, the basileus’ mother, in memory of the ascension of the Savior of all to heaven, erected high buildings on the Mount of Olives: she crowned the very top of this mountain with the sacred house of the church and temple. There, in that very cave, according to legend, the Savior of all initiated his disciples into unspoken secrets. Basileus honored the Great Tsar there with various gifts and decorations. These holy and most beautiful temples, worthy of eternal memory, as signs of pious disposition, were erected to God the Savior over two mysterious caves by the God-loving mother of the God-loving Basileus, the august Helen, by the royal permission of her son. A little later, the old woman reaped the worthy fruits of her piety, for she spent the entire time of her life until old age in all prosperity, with deeds and words bearing abundant fruits of the saving commandments, she led this well-ordered, carefree life in perfect health of soul and body, and therefore, while still here receiving a reward from God for good deeds, she was awarded a pious death.
CHAPTER 44. About Elena's generosity and charity.
Traveling throughout the entire East with royal splendor, she showered countless benefits on both the population of the cities in general and, in particular, on everyone who came to her; her right hand generously rewarded the troops and helped the poor and helpless a lot. She provided monetary benefits to some, provided others with clothing in abundance to cover their nakedness, freed others from shackles, relieved them of hard work in the mines, ransomed them from lenders, and returned some from imprisonment.
CHAPTER 45. About the reverence with which Elena appeared in churches.
But while being glorified by such deeds, Elena did not forget to serve God. We always saw her walking around God's Church and decorated houses of worship with brilliant jewelry, not leaving temples in the smallest cities without attention. They saw how this wonderful wife, in modest but decent clothes, mingled with the crowd of people and expressed her reverence for God with all sorts of godly deeds.
CHAPTER 46. About how she, having lived for eighty years and given orders, died.
Having already completed quite a long journey of (earthly) life, (Vasilisa) was called to a better inheritance almost in the eightieth year of her life. Before her death, she made a spiritual will, ordered and declared her last will in favor of her only son, Basileus, autocrat of the monarch, and her grandchildren, his children, the Caesars. At the same time, she divided her own estate, which she had throughout the Oikumene, among her grandchildren. Having thus ordered, she ended her life in the presence, in the eyes and in the arms of such a great son who served her. It seemed to right-thinking people that this blessed wife did not really die, but only changed and transferred from earthly life to heavenly life, that her soul, accepted by the Savior, was transformed into an incorruptible and angelic being.
CHAPTER 47. About how Constantine buried his mother and how much he respected her during his lifetime.
And the body of the blessed one was also awarded extraordinary honors. Accompanied by numerous doryphoros, it was transferred to the royal city 4 and there it was placed in the royal tomb. Thus died the mother of the basileus, worthy of unforgettable memory both for her God-loving deeds and for the successive and wondrous branch that grew from her, (that is, for Constantine), who must be pleased both for other reasons and for the sake of his respect for his parent; for from an unpious basileus he created her so pious that she seemed to be instructed in the rules of piety by the common Savior Himself, and clothed her with such royal honors that among all nations and throughout the army she was called Augusta and Basilisa, and her face was depicted on gold medals . Moreover, Constantine gave her the right to use the royal treasury at her own request and dispose of everything as she wanted and as seemed best to her, so that in this respect, too, her son made her fate excellent and enviable. Therefore, when considering the qualities that perpetuate the memory of Constantine, we should rightly pay attention to the fact that, honoring his mother out of an abundance of piety, he fulfilled the divine laws requiring due respect for parents 5. Such wonderful deeds and thus the basileus did not accomplish in Palestine alone, he built new churches in all eparchies, giving them a much superior appearance than the one in which they were located before.
1 This refers to Bethlehem (Matt. 2.1). Eusebius, speaking about the birth of the Savior, follows the tradition of the Ancient Church, in which both Christmas and the Baptism of the Lord were perceived to a large extent as one event, even during the celebration the two holidays were not distinguished, but one was celebrated - Epiphany.
2 The Ascension of the Lord took place in Bethany (Luke 24:50), on the Mount of Olives.
3 At this time, when the iconostasis is in modern form had not yet been formed, instead a veil or curtain was used, which was often embroidered with various images.
4 Body of St. Queen Helena, according to Nicephorus (L.8. cap. 30), was transferred from Palestine first to Rome, and then, two years later to Constantinople. Helen died twelve years before the death of Constantine, that is, in 327. - approx. translator
5 This refers to one of the ten commandments given to Moses. (Ex. 20:12).

(Eusebius Pamphilus. The Life of Constantine. Translated by St. Petersburg Theological Academy. - M., 1998).

Troparion, tone 8:

Having seen the image of Your Cross in heaven, and like Paul the title was not received from man, Your apostle became king, O Lord, put the reigning city in Your hand; Save him always in peace, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Lover of Mankind.

Kontakion, tone 3:

Constantine today, with the matter Helena, the Cross reveals the all-honorable tree, the shame of all the Jews, and the weapon against the faithful kings: for for our sake a great sign has appeared and a terrible sign in battle.


We magnify you, / holy saints and Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsars Constantine and Helen, / and we honor your holy memory, / for with the Holy Cross / you enlightened the entire universe.

Prayers to Saints Equal to the Apostles Constantine and Helena

First prayer:

About Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! Deliver this parish and our temple from every slander of the enemy and do not abandon us, the weak (names), through your intercession, beg the goodness of Christ our God to grant us peace of mind, from destructive passions and all filth, abstinence, and unfeigned piety. Ask us, pleasers of God, from above for the spirit of meekness and humility, the spirit of patience and repentance, so that we may live the rest of our life in faith and contrition of heart, and so at the hour of our death we will gratefully praise the Lord who glorified you, the Father Without Beginning, His Only Begotten Son and the Consubstantial All-Blessed One. Spirit, the Indivisible Trinity, forever and ever.

Second prayer:

About the wonderful and all-praised king, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! To you, as a warm intercessor, we offer our unworthy prayers, for you have great boldness towards the Lord. Ask Him for the peace of the Church and prosperity for the whole world, wisdom for the ruler, care for the flock for the shepherd, humility for the flock, desired peace for the elders, strength for husbands, beauty for women, purity for virgins, obedience for children, Christian education for babies, healing for the sick, reconciliation for those at war, patience for the offended, those who offend the fear of God. To those who come to this temple and pray in it, a holy blessing and everything useful for each request, let us praise and sing the Benefactor of all God in the Trinity of the glorified Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Church of St. Equal Apostles Constantine and Helena. Village Leninskoye. Leningr
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