Runes for good luck in everything: their magical effect. Rune magic to attract money, wealth and good luck

Spell for Success and Prosperity

Formula for creating situations of material and financial well-being

Rune combination - triad - triple Fehu rune:

This formula not only triples the effects of the Fehu rune. In the runic triad formula, the position of each rune in the spell has a certain meaning. And each of the three runes in the triad plays a role corresponding to its location.
The central rune (the basis, the necessary basis for the action of the spell) is the attraction and concentration of the creative energy of the Fehu rune as an active force.
The right and left runes are the direction of the spell and its goal - the result, the desired outcome.
Literally - formative energy, creative Power is directed to transform circumstances (external - situations that create opportunities, and internal - the ability to see these opportunities and act accurately), the result of which will be material well-being.

Spell for luck and breakthrough to overall improvement

Breakthrough formula for change for the better

Rune combination:

EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.
FEHU - rune of property, material wealth.
VUNIO - Rune of joy and happiness.

This formula will help you get out of need through new opportunities. Will prepare changes and pave the way for them. Will create changes, like transformations of the surrounding world. It will provide a surge of energy and increase the desire to achieve your goal.
This formula can also be used for healing in protracted and chronic diseases, including psychological ones (depression), when the disease process has entered a phase of stagnation or cycle. A spell can stir up, get things moving, and push the healing process forward.

Spell for Wealth, Welfare and Prosperity

Formula for Wealth and Prosperity. An ancient formula that promotes prosperity and well-being, providing support to the gods and ancestors.

Rune combination:
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell for Prosperity

Formula for well-being and increasing your Strength. ALUGOD - "well-being through magical power."

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.

GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell to increase property

A formula for increasing property, increasing profits and harvest (literally and figuratively).

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.

Any activity or business the product of which is primarily material objects. Particularly effective in real estate transactions or farming.
Also a formula for the protection and prosperity of the Home - the family “hearth” or “family nest” (estate)

Spell for Happiness and Good Luck

Formula for attracting happiness and good luck.

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
YER (Yera) - the rune of “harvest”, results, the fruitful completion of a full cycle.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Prosperity, Health and Longevity

A formula for achieving a set goal - financial, material, intellectual, creative, etc. Provides success in business, victory and provides protection from failure.

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Prosperity and Protection

Formula of Prosperity, protects and ensures well-being.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to talk about the runes of luck, prosperity, money, goodness and prosperity. So, what runes bring good luck to a person’s life? Each rune sign is a powerful mystical symbol that can awaken natural sacred Forces. Since ancient times, sorcerers have transformed and directed in order to influence the world and people. Personal amulets can be with images of complex ligatures, or with simple outlines.

For example, a personal amulet with the image of Fehu repeated three times (the rune of happiness and good luck, property and wealth) is used to activate the money channel, attract wealth and create material well-being.

Effective runes for luck and money - what bets will change your life for the better?

A runic pattern consisting of 3, 4 or more runes of directed action is called a runogram. When compiling a runogram, they use signs of a certain direction, Scandinavian runes for victory and good luck. The first sign of the runogram represents the goal. And the last sign is the result, the result that the magician achieves.

The runogram will attract luck into your life: Kenaz - Fehu - Vunye. These are runes of prosperity, strong runes for good luck in all matters.
  1. Kenaz gives a person good luck and helps to unlock creative potential. This rune will support you in your endeavors and help you find the right direction of movement. It will also help turn your plans into reality.
  2. Fehu helps you gain wealth and helps you maintain what you have acquired.
  3. Vunier promises the realization of plans, helps to preserve wealth, succeed in business, and gives joy and satisfaction from personal achievements.

Runic formulas for luck, money and wish fulfillment

  • With their power, rune staves of good luck and happiness will attract both into your life. The runic script Ansuz - Uruz - Yera - Ansuz, inscribed in a strong amulet, attracts good luck at all levels of existence. And where there is luck, there is happiness.
  • Rune staves on financial luck : Fehu - Inguz - Odal. Also a simple combination of rune signs, which can be written in script, or in a line. This is one of the money that can be used by both beginners and experienced craftsmen. But how to draw the runes of wealth and good luck? Any way, any way, in an accessible way. You can use the classic method: take a piece of paper, draw runes with a pencil or ink, specify the task and carry the piece of paper in your left pocket or wallet.
  • Runic bets for luck and wealth: Gebo - Fehu - Perth - Odal. This combination of runes with its power will create favorable situations and will contribute to good luck in obtaining wealth.

What runes should be drawn for good luck and wealth?

You can also draw money runes on your photo, of course, with visualization. Witchcraft runes sometimes don’t even need a reservation for them to start working, but the magician’s intention is very important. Magic runes for attracting money or a runic spell for good luck can be imagined in water, and then you can drink this water. What do you think of this method: drawing signs with essential oil on the body? However, you can draw on the body with a pen, marker or henna.

Having drawn magic runes protection and good luck, and attracting money, of course, in your wallet, you will receive a magnet where it will rush money energy. You can carve runes on a candle and light it for several days, visualizing the arrival of wealth and favorable situations. You are strong in your actions and strong in your intention. Then the money runes will reveal their power to you. With their help you will change your life. Of course, this will not happen immediately, because each fruit ripens in its own time. But change is coming. A magician can always help himself.
  • Odal. Rune of wealth, property, inheritance, unexpected material income. Odal brings wealth, helps to obtain property and other material benefits. It will help develop business acumen and everyday practical ingenuity. In addition, Odal, rune of prosperity, luck and wealth, will create an atmosphere of mutual understanding with partners, which will provide additional protection for the business.
  • Fehu. Rune of prosperity and wealth, rune of acquisitions, flame. This is also strong rune to attract good luck, when it is necessary to solve material problems. Fehu helps not only to acquire something, but also to preserve material wealth. This is the rune of integrity and completeness, satisfaction of ambitions, mutual love. Fehu promises to receive a well-deserved reward.
  • Perth. Rune of inner initiation. She reveals secrets. Knowledge comes through her; On the way to your goal, you will receive information that will help you realize your plans. Perth promises pleasant surprises related to the material sphere, possibly a big win. The magic of the runes of luck and prosperity will take you to a new level of development.
  • Gebo. The main meanings of this ancient rune of luck and luck are gift, talent, ability, partnership. The success of your business often depends on mutually beneficial cooperation. By making the effort to establish partnerships, you will ensure your success. But only on the condition that no one’s freedom is infringed. Gebo refers to magic runes for good luck in everything, no matter what you take on, if you come up. This rune is often used in creating effective bets to attract money.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The best rune bets for success and achievements in work

It will help you attract good luck in the business you are engaged in, become successful, realize your business plans, and achieve your goals. strong magic rune But witchcraft does not exclude the need for daily dedicated work. Practical magic- this is help. But the help is enormous.

Vunye - Soulu - Fehu. This runic combination helps to achieve wealth at all levels of existence.

It is really possible to attract good luck with the runes of this plan.

  • Vunye is the rune of joy, prosperity, pleasure and hope. It promises a period of light after a long era of darkness. Positive energies come into life, bringing favorable changes.
  • Soulu symbolizes integrity, victory, power. This is a positive, proven rune that promises the fulfillment of desires. She points out the right way out of SEE THE OFFICIAL SITE...
    Another one strong formularunes for good luck in life And professional activity: Dagaz – Eyvaz – Fehu – Odal – Yera.

    The meaning of this runic stave is prosperity through gradual growth and development.

    • Dagaz – breakthrough and transformation. In general, a positive rune that promises favorable changes, a new time, a period of success in material terms. But this time of abundance and prosperity should not relax you; you need to work harder than before, because true success is yet to come.
    • The main meanings of the Eyvaz rune are obstacles and protection. Sacred meaning obstacles is so that you can learn to receive support from the circle Higher Powers.
    • Fehu is the rune of wealth, prosperity and well-being at all levels.
    • Odal – property and wealth. Rune of unexpected material income, as well as inheritance. Odal helps to obtain valuable property and other material benefits, and to develop practical ingenuity. So, in a sense, this is the runic fulfillment of desires associated with the material sphere.
    • Yera. The main meaning of this rune is the completion of the cycle and the harvest, both in the literal sense and in relation to any sphere of human activity. This rune will support you if you intend to make a serious financial investment and expect good profits. Yera promises success for a serious business.

Exclusively to find out your future. But not everyone knows that these seemingly incomprehensible symbols have powerful energy and can become patrons and fulfillers of desires for their owner. Runes for attracting money and good luck can be used by all people, regardless of their nationality, gender and age.

Runes for attracting money and good luck: photo

Fehu– rune vital energy. This is the main one money symbol, helping to acquire material well-being. The image of this rune can be used either independently or in combination with other signs. The main meaning of Fehu is wealth based on a person’s own energy and abilities. The powerful support of this rune will be felt by those people who strive to act to achieve their goals and desires.

The purpose of the rune is to attract material wealth, increase it and protect existing wealth.

Yer– symbol of reward for work, rune harvested. Using this sign, you can be sure that everything to which efforts have been made will certainly be implemented in the easiest and most profitable way.

Otal- a down-to-earth symbol of material property that can be purchased with money. Its use in rituals attracts influential connections and the support of strong people.

Dagaz– rune of prosperity in the financial field. Its meaning is long-term plans and possibilities without limits. Rune of positivity, lightness and light. By using this symbol, you can easily get ahead, come out of the darkness into the light, and successfully complete everything you have planned.


Runes to attract money and good luck are used both independently and as part of formulas. Runograms, formulated from several signs, complement and enhance each other’s actions. The best and most effective formulas are those compiled for a person individually, based on his life situation. But only specialists can do this.

People who are far from magic and fortune telling can use universal runic formulas, helping to attract financial independence. A runogram is drawn up according to the following scheme:

  • The initial symbol is the goal that a person is striving for at the moment.
  • In the middle (one or several runes) - what is needed to achieve the result, certain resources.
  • The last sign is the desired result.

Runes to attract money and good luck are used for passive enrichment in the following combinations:

  • The formula of three Fehu is considered the strongest and most effective. It gives you the opportunity to start completely new life cycle in the field of income and creative realization, removes all obstacles and negative influences of the past.
  • Runogram<Дегаза>-< Феху>-< Уруза>-< Отала>attracts money by focusing a person on work, concentrating on core activities. The formula helps you advance in your career without being distracted by extraneous matters.
  • Runograms can be drawn or printed on a printer and placed next to the workplace.
  • Amulet with formula<Дегаз>-< Феху>-< Ингваз>-< Отала>helps to move to the upper level of material well-being. Wearing an amulet helps fill your home, increase your salary, and get a prestigious job.

Runes for attracting clients and money are added up in the following order:


Berkana – protection, fertility.

Otal – property.

Fehu - material wealth, paired with Otal - monetary profit, benefit.

The runogram helps develop business, attract customers and receive benefits. You can place the formula in your wallet, draw it on bank card and contracts with clients.

How to charge a runogram

In order for runes or their combinations to gain power, it is necessary to mentally concentrate on the desire and visualize it in the smallest detail. During the process of concentration, rituals are performed.

  • Water works well with runes: you need to imagine the desired runogram in a glass of water and slowly drink the charged liquid.
  • You can apply runes to your body every day using money. essential oils: orange, patchouli, cinnamon.
  • If you draw a runogram on an irredeemable bill and carry it with you constantly, the symbols will soon begin to “work.” You may have to wait for some time, but the result will definitely please you, and maybe even surprise you.

Therefore, handling them requires respect and caution. They are like a computer: they remember programmed tasks and execute them exactly.

Runes for attracting money and good luck help those who do not sit still and do not wait for wealth from heaven. Without labor, no magic will bring good luck. Runes only increase the income received and open up new ways to increase material wealth.

Sometimes there come times in life when we need the support of a Higher Power. With the help of runes, you can not only avoid many negative situations, but also learn to enjoy every new day, attracting good luck and happiness.

At first, runes were used as ordinary writing, and only after some time did people notice that runic writing affected human destinies. Unfortunately, not much knowledge has reached us on this topic. What is known is that they have powerful energy that can influence a person for several years, even if the rune was applied to his body only once and has long been washed off with water.

We all want happiness and for our dreams to come true. That is why many turn to these ancient symbols for help. As a rule, it is enough to transfer certain signs onto paper, and life will immediately begin to improve.

Runes that attract happiness

Fehu- rune happy love and fulfillment of desires. Moreover, you can get what you want only if it makes you happy. If you want to harm someone, then this symbol will not work.

Vunyo- symbolizes joy and the beginning of a bright streak in life. If you want to get rid of failures and attract success and abundance, use the power of this rune.

Berkana- means development and growth. It is good to use to achieve a given task smoothly. This is a female rune, and it is used in cases where direct movement of the target is impossible for some reason. It is Berkana that opens up new opportunities and finds various options to get what you want.

Kano- the rune of revelation, embodiment and global change. Unlike the previous sign, it leads to the goal by the shortest route and sweeps away all obstacles along the way. But at the same time it never ceases to inspire its owner and bring joy from the results obtained.

Intuition will help you decide on the choice of this or that symbol. Just look carefully at the drawings, and which one of them your gaze lingers on longer will bring you happiness. To achieve quick and tangible results, many people use several signs at once. In this case, you need to be prepared that not only will new doors open before you, but you will also have to give up something.

Treat runes with respect and reverence. Use them for good, because if you wish someone harm, they return the negativity multiplied. Believe in goodness, enjoy life and don’t forget to press the buttons and

09.11.2015 00:40

Runes are known to be used not only in fortune telling, but also as a talisman of good luck and protective amulet. Runes are considered one of the most...

Every person wants to be successful, but often we feel a lack of internal resources in order to...

Runic images were borrowed by fascist ideologists such as Hitler, Himmler, Goering and Hesse. So the Hagal rune became a symbol of the “salvation” of the nation, and the double Sol rune became a symbol of the SS.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Slavic runes for wealth and luck

Runes are an invariable attribute of Slavic culture. These signs were used for mystical rituals and as elements of writing. Inside each of them lies a powerful energy that can change character, life path and the fate of man. Runic writing is a thing of the past, and the secret of writing symbols has not yet been discovered. But even the runes known today can have a powerful effect.

For wealth and luck

“Happiness is not in money, but in quantity,” says a well-known popular saying. You won't be happy with money alone, but its absence helps make your deepest desires come true. Attract good luck and wealth - the main objective most people. For this purpose they are used various ways, including runic inscriptions.

Of all the existing Slavic runes, only a few of them have the energy to attract wealth.

She's full of energy ancient god Veles.

Impact on a person: gives new strength, endows its bearer with wisdom, brings wealth and good luck in all endeavors. This is a symbol of a warrior who moves along the intended path and is not afraid of difficulties that arise. A brave warrior eventually becomes a Magician and receives the protection of higher powers.

This is a symbol of fate, maternal warmth and wealth. Dedicated to the goddess Makosh, who, according to mythology, was the wife of the god Veles. This rune has a strong connection with the earth and protects all farmers.

It is filled with the energy of the god of the same name, who bestows blessings ordinary people. The rune can add joy, bring material well-being and wealth, and symbolizes the acquisition of something new. Thanks to its influence, useful connections, experienced mentors, and highly paid jobs appear in a person’s life.

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