Anti-fool remedies in indoor flowers. Podura or springtails: photos of a pest of indoor plants and methods of dealing with tiny insects

Photo of an adult fool with multiple magnification

To be fair, it should be noted that only some species of collembola are classified as pests. But there are springtails that eat nematodes and enchytraeids, thereby bringing benefits. Insects feeding on rotting organic matter improves soil formation. The white fool is one of those four species of “brothers” that stand out for their harmfulness from the more than 4 thousand that live on earth. We can talk about the danger of insects in the case of a sharp growth of the colony, when there is not enough rotting residue in the pots to feed, and the thinnest thread-like roots of the root system begin to be eaten. Most often, orchids, violets, and gloxinias fall into the risk zone.

Attention! The appearance of springtails in indoor flowers is an indicator of waterlogged soil in pots and flowerpots, improper care for plants.

Prevention is a preventive method of control

Timely prevention will help to avoid the appearance of springtails and podura in indoor plants.

A large population of white fools is the cause of illness in indoor pets

  • The outer surfaces of flowerpots and pots, flower shelves, window sills, and stands are wiped with detergents.
  • Pre-irrigation is organized hot water soil before planting flowers. Larvae and adults brought with the soil are destroyed.
  • If necessary, the old soil is completely replaced with new one.
  • The dosage is strictly observed organic fertilizers– potential food for springtails.
  • Organization of moderate watering and frequent loosening of the soil.
  • When transplanting plants, the soil is treated in advance, and the flower container is equipped with an effective drainage system, eliminating stagnation of water.
  • If necessary, the lump of earth on the root is dried in a shaded place in the breeze or blotted with soft paper.
  • Rotten roots must be cut off.
  • To prevent the reproduction of insects, containers for flowers are chosen of a suitable size, free of voids in which fungus, bacteria and other food for the fool can develop.
  • Planted (or transplanted) flowers are watered for preventive purposes. aqueous solution: 1 liter of liquid and 4 g of Fitosporin.

Often, increased indoor air humidity occurs due to water supply leaks, faulty shut-off valves. Therefore, measures are being taken to eliminate them. Ventilation of rooms to ventilate plants should not be neglected.


It is impossible to get rid of dura in an orchid, ficus, gardenia, and Dieffenbachia without thoroughly drying the soil in the pot. The soil is dried thoroughly, to a powdery state: the pot should become much lighter than its original weight. If dracaena, lemon and other indoor crops withstand a lack of moisture, then azalea and gardenia immediately begin to shed their leaves and dry out. Therefore, the process is controlled for each plant separately. The roots removed from the soil are carefully examined, and putrefactive, damaged areas are removed.

Attention! Excessive soil moisture is not always a sign that soil podura or other bugs necessarily live in it. There are never any of them in pots with moisture-loving cyperus, just as there are no rotting organic matter.

No chemical attacks

Having discovered small populations of insects, you can do without the use of chemical reagents.

  • When a springtail is first detected, completely immerse the entire flower along with the pot in water. The floating insects are immediately collected. The plant should not be watered. The top layer of soil (up to 40 mm thick) is removed, and clean, dry sand is poured in its place.
  • If podura pests are found in a flowerpot with orchids, the plant is removed from the bark and the roots are washed well with water. The processed rhizome is planted in the whole bark. The rot is cut off and the sections are dried.
  • You can dissolve 0.5 tablets of citramon (ascophen) in 3 liters of water from home first aid kit. When watering flowers, use this solution.
  • Place the cut potato (cut side down) into the container with the flower. After a while, remove the vegetable along with the podurs that have penetrated into it.
  • Dry lemon and orange skins and place them in pots with plants. Insects cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits and “leave.”
  • Do not water the soil with a solution containing decomposing organic matter: milk, tea or coffee, etc.
  • The soil and green spaces are dusted wood ash. Crushed into powder, it is sprinkled on the soil with a layer of 10 mm with scanty watering.
  • Dry mustard is also used for dusting. Powder is sprinkled on the soil in a pot with a layer thickness of 10 mm with limited watering.
  • Water with a solution: 40 g of grated laundry soap, pour 1 liter of water and dissolve.
  • Dry mustard (10 g) is silted with water (1 l) at a temperature of 60°C. The solution is infused for 48 hours, after which it is filtered. Used for treating flower seeds before planting.
  • The same mustard (1 tsp) is diluted in 1 liter of water. This is how the composition is prepared for watering and simultaneously destroying other pests.

Chemicals to the rescue

If it is not possible to mechanically remove the larvae and adult insects that have settled in the roots of the plant (planting in deep tubs), use insecticides: Agravertin, Fitoverm, Confidor. The solution is prepared in the following proportion: 8 g of the drug per bucket of water. If Intavir is used, then 1 tablet of the product is pre-diluted in 10 liters of water.

The product has been tested many times against indoor pests

Podura in flowers feel very confident, so the plant needs to be watered twice every 7 days with an insecticide solution at the rate of 100 ml of the drug per 0.7 liter pot.

Attention! Insecticides should be applied to the soil to soak it, rather than used for irrigation purposes. Larvae and mature insects live under the top layer of soil.

Fine-grained sand can be used. It is washed well and dried. The top thin layer of soil (several centimeters) is removed from the pot. The remaining soil is watered with any insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle. A thin layer of sand is scattered on top. Apply granulated Grom-2 or Bazudin, scattering the drugs into large quantities onto a slightly damp soil surface. A thin layer of soil is laid on top and watered abundantly. For greater effectiveness, do not water flowers in pots for 5 days after treatment.

  • An infusion of tobacco dust, shag, and red hot pepper is used as a watering solution. Infuse a pound of tobacco waste or shag in 10 liters of water for 48 hours. Add soap shavings (40g) to the strained mixture. The plant itself is sprayed with the finished product and the soil is watered.
  • You can also cultivate the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Dry celandine is used. 1 kg of raw materials is poured and infused in water (10 l). The infusion, aged for 24 hours, is filtered. They cultivate the soil.

Radical means of control will not be needed if plant nutrition and watering regime are properly organized and a healthy indoor microclimate is created.

When a florist first notices a dud in a flower pot, he literally freezes with horror. Of course, in the bowl with the flower there are countless small white insects with antennae crawling around. Insects not only crawl, but also jump - there is something to be afraid of. In fact idiots(and that’s exactly what they are) are not pests and in most cases are safe for the plant. But you shouldn’t ignore insects and leave them to live and enjoy the plant - reproducing in large quantities, fools can cause significant harm. Homemade violets (Saintpaulias) especially suffer from them. So, let's talk about fools in more detail...

Entomological classification

As is often the case, when talking about fools, flower growers do not mean real fools, insects of the family Poduridae (Podurids), but their closest relatives - springtails from the families Hypogastruridae and Entomobryidae, subclass Collembola (Collembolas). Collembolas are a order of cryptomaxillary, which includes about 8 thousand species.

Real idiots don't live in the ground at all indoor plants, their habitat is ponds, puddles, swamps. Their diet consists of simple fungi, mosses, lichens and algae. But the springtails Hypogastruridae and Entomobryidae are our home flower lovers. But, since this is how it is, we will continue to call springtails fools.

Fools - appearance

How can you tell if your flower has poduras?

Poduras look like small white or cream-colored caterpillars with short antennae. There are specimens painted in a greenish or silvery tint. The size of the insects is approximately 2 mm, in some cases it can reach 1 cm. A special fork is attached to the underside of the abdomen, thanks to which the podras can not only crawl on the soil, but also jump, pushing off the surface with the fork. It is by this feature that an inexperienced gardener can distinguish the dur from other pests, such as mealybugs.

Beginning gardeners confuse podur not only with mealybugs, but also with insects such as fungus gnat larvae or thrips. But although all these insects are white or cream-colored, it is very easy to distinguish springtails by their ability to jump on the surface of the soil.

Podura larvae look approximately the same and differ from adults only in size.

When do fools appear?

A small number of springtails are almost always present in the soil of houseplants. When their population is small, podurs are not noticeable and do not interfere with the plant in any way. But as soon as the gardener begins to overwater the flower, thus provoking the creation of a nutrient-rich environment for springtails, the springtails enter the stage of active reproduction, their numbers are actively growing, and now insects become a problem for the plant and the gardener.

[!] Podura for the gardener is always a signal that watering should be reduced!

If you overwater a plant and the water stagnates on the surface of the soil, forming silt, expect uninvited guests.

The optimal habitat for springtails is moist soil and parts of the plant that begin to rot from waterlogging. The products of rotting are the best food for fools.

Very often, podurs appear on plants that constantly need a moist environment (pallets with water, moistened soil), for example, on cyperus. In such cases, you should not reduce watering and deprive the plants of their usual living conditions, and you need to fight the fools with the help of insecticides or folk remedies.

Damage from fools

Poduras, especially small specimens, cause virtually no damage to the plant. The only exception is young seedlings of Uzambara violet (Saintpaulia). Moreover, only the largest individuals can cause damage to the violet.

Another possible harm from these insects - in case of a large population and low room temperature. Under such conditions, plants slightly damaged by durs become very vulnerable to various infections and rots.

That, perhaps, is all the trouble that springtails can cause.

How to get rid of idiots

Ecologically safe and folk remedies for the fight against fools

Before using chemicals that can cause irreparable harm to the plant itself, try simpler control measures.

The most effective and simplest way is to reduce or completely stop watering the plant for a while. Having been deprived of their usual and comfortable habitat, the fools themselves will disappear and will no longer disturb the plant.

Pay close attention to the composition of the soil: it is important to exclude from the soil mixture components that cause the development of mold and mildew. Such elements can be sawdust, tea leaves, dry leaves. Equally important is proper drainage in the container with the plant. All factors that in one way or another cause rotting, mold and acidification of the soil must be completely eliminated. You can dilute the substrate with dry sifted sand. In clean soil, without food, springtails cannot live.

Another original recipe getting rid of springtails is as follows: the pot with the plant must be placed in a basin or bucket so that the walls of this container are higher than the container with the plant. After this, water is poured into the basin so that it completely covers the bowl. As a result of these manipulations, the fish will float to the surface of the water, after which they can be caught.

A folk method that is completely safe for both the plant and humans: take a potato tuber and cut it in half. Place the potato halves in the bowl with the plant, cut side down. After a few hours, the springtails will gather on the potato sections. After this, you can carefully remove the potato from the ground, holding it with a spatula from below, and shake off and destroy the collected potatoes. The procedure will need to be repeated several times, since it will not be possible to collect all the insects the first time.

As a preventive measure always disinfect the soil before planting young plant or seeds: keep the soil in the oven at a temperature of about 220 ° C for 20-30 minutes. This simple method will allow you to get rid of not only podura larvae, but also other insects.

Insecticides in the fight against podura

Insecticidal preparations should be used only when the springtail colony has become very numerous. At the same time, it is very important to follow all safety measures and limit children and pets’ access to the processed plant.

The drug Bazudin is suitable for the destruction of duras. The drug is scattered on the surface of the soil in a thin layer, after a few hours all the fools will die.

Pochin is another drug effective in the fight against springtails. The method of application is the same as for Bazudin - scatter the granules over the surface and mix a little with the ground. The drug begins to act immediately, within a few hours all insects will be destroyed.

The drugs Mospilan, Aktara and other drugs that are effective against most pests can also be used to control springtails. When preparing the solution, strictly follow the instructions on the package.

Briefly about the most important...

If you find that there are poduras in the bowl with the plant, don’t worry. These insects are practically harmless and are part of the natural soil fauna. Just reduce watering and insects will no longer bother your flower.

Insect springtails, photo description, how to get rid of indoor plants, folk remedies, chemicals

Springtails description

Latin name Podura, or Collembola

Body springtails elongated or spherical, antennae 4-6-segmented, well developed, eyes present or lost, mouthparts gnawing or modified, piercing-sucking, abdomen 6-segmented, usually with appendages of three types - on segments I, III and IV, cerci and ovipositor absent, protomotabolia type transformation.

Usually idiots small (1-2 mm) insects, only occasionally reaching 5-10 mm, with a very peculiar combination of characteristics. The abdomen consists of only 6 segments instead of 10-11, characteristic of most insects, and bears three types of appendages: on segment IV - an articulated jumping fork, on segment III - the so-called hook, and on segment I - an abdominal tube. The legs are of the evasive type - with the tibia and coxa fused into a common segment (the so-called tibiotarsus), at the end they bear an unpaired claw, which is typical only for bespiarids and insect larvae with complete transformation, and in adult alates it is observed as a rare exception. Malpighian vessels are absent, the respiratory system (trachea and spiracles) is often absent or reduced.

The majority of the head is prognathic, less often it is prognathic. Behind the base of the antennae, many springtails have a special sensory organ, the postantennaral organ; it is attributed an olfactory or hygrometric function. The mouthparts of springtails are usually gnawing, with well-developed upper and lower jaws, but some feed on liquid food and have oral apparatus elongated, acquired a piercing-sucking function.

Despite the originality, springtails have some common features with bessyazhkovymi; in particular, both have an incomplete number of abdominal segments at the larval stage, but in springtails this property is retained in the adult state. Perhaps it is a consequence of neoteny, i.e., the acquisition of sexual maturity in the larval state.

The characteristic organ of the springtail - the jumping fork - consists of an unpaired main part (manubrium, or manubrium) and a paired, namely forked, apical part; the latter consists of a pair of teeth (dens) and a terminal appendage (mucro). In a calm state, the jumping fork is bent under the body and is held by the hook of the third segment of the abdomen. When jumping, this grip is broken and the jumping fork makes an arcuate movement, throwing the Springtail's body upward. In typical soil dwellers, the jumping fork is greatly reduced or completely lost.

Springtails are the largest order among the primary wingless insects; About 2000 species are known, distributed throughout to the globe. They are found in a variety of conditions, but are demanding on environmental humidity; some float on water; They are most abundant in the upper soil horizons and in the plant litter, but there are also phytophiles - inhabitants of grass and shrubs. Usually undemanding to heat, therefore many species are active when low temperatures, sometimes appear en masse on the snow and are abundant in the Arctic. They play a significant role in the cycle of substances in nature as consumers of dead organic residues, also participating in the soil-forming process. Some feed on plants, spores and fungal mycelium and can be pests.

Fools are divided into 2 suborders - arthropleona with an elongated body, without traces of fusion of the thoracic and abdominal segments, and fused belly (Symphypleona), which has a spherical body with fused segments of the chest and abdomen. Arthroplasties lead a more secretive lifestyle. Among them, the mushroom podura (Ceratophysella armata Nic.) is a typical soil insect, does not come to the soil surface, is often found in manure and sometimes harms the mushroom culture; In the soil litter and in the lower tiers of the grass stand, contrastingly colored species of the genus Entomobrya are common. Fusible bellies live mainly on plants; for example, green minthurus (Sminthurus viridis L.) is common in grass stands and is a dangerous pest of alfalfa in Australia, but is less harmful in Europe; vegetable mint (Bourletiella lutea Lubb.) harms vegetable and other crops.

How to get rid of dura in indoor flowers

To combat fools, you can use both folk and household products, and chemicals. These insects become most harmful in the spring. It is during this period that they actively gnaw leaves and stems, leaving small marks in the form of ulcers on the plant.

If a few insects are found on a houseplant, you should not quickly get rid of them, since the chemical does more harm to the plant than a few springtails.

After wetting the sponge, wipe the leaves and stems 2-3 times a week. If damaged leaves, buds or stems are found on the plant, they should be removed immediately.
A plant affected by springtails must be isolated from other indoor flowers. If fools are found on one, all the others are carefully examined.

2. Mustard powder. Mustard powder will scare away fools with its pungency. dry mustard is sprinkled onto the soil.

Solution. For 15 g of dry mustard powder, use 1 liter of water. Mustard is poured with boiling water and infused for 2 days. Plants are sprayed with this solution.

3. An effective folk remedy for springtails is flea shampoo. This product does not harm the plant and helps fight pests in a short time.

4. Herbal decoctions: dandelion, yarrow, calendula chamomile. Use garlic infusions onions And potato tops. The decoction is prepared as follows: 20 g of raw material is poured with water, brought to a boil and after 10 minutes removed from the heat. Then the broth must be cooled and the affected plants treated with it.

5. An effective procedure is to sprinkle the soil with wood ash. The ash layer should reach a thickness of 1 cm.

6. An effective method of combating durs is to sprinkle the soil with sand or tobacco dust.

7. Bait. Cubes of chopped potatoes will serve as an excellent bait for fools. If you place several cubes of raw potatoes on the surface of the substrate, pests will accumulate on them in a couple of days, after which remove the cubes with springtails.

8. Place the substrate with the plant in a container of water. Podurs float to the surface of the water and can be easily collected.

Chemical methods of combating fools

By using chemicals you can get rid of pests in short term. When the number of podurs is too large, they begin to destroy plants; these insects pose the greatest threat to young shoots. In this case, it is better to resort to processing chemicals. Pests must be controlled using systemic insecticides. Today the choice of such funds is quite large.

Treat twice at weekly intervals with a special solution of Fitoverm.
The use of bactericidal drugs is also relevant. Regardless of whether the plants are affected, they need to be treated once every two weeks.

Podury Prevention

Springtails appear on soils that are subject to frequent watering and in soil containing moss. Such conditions are also favorable for their reproduction.
Reducing watering is a must. You should not create a favorable environment for their habitat and reproduction, so as not to harm the orchid.

In order to prevent indoor plants from becoming infected with poduras, the following rules must be followed:

  • Purchasing plants in specialized stores will reduce the risk of purchasing an already affected flower.
  • Good drainage will prevent moisture from accumulating at the bottom of the pot, so it is better to replant plants that do not have a drainage layer.
  • Right choice planting material, its sorting and disinfection must be carried out carefully, depending on the individual characteristics of the plant.
  • Each specific type of indoor plant has its own characteristics of care, growth and development. It is necessary to select the optimal watering and create best conditions content.
  • Adult plants will undergo systematic inspection, which is carried out at least once every two weeks.
  • If the first signs of damage are detected, it is urgent to isolate such a plant from other healthy ones.

If you follow all of the above preventive measures, the risk of plant infection is reduced.

Regarding the bathroom, in a room where cleaning is carried out frequently, mold is removed and moderate air humidity is maintained, insects such as springtails will not be found.

Podura Springtails in Camellia, Gardenia and Azalea flowers Remedy Bazudin

Springtails are small pests that many gardeners have encountered. Springtails or podura, as they are also popularly called, usually live in flower pots.

This insect prefers to settle in the upper layers of the soil, where there is high humidity. After all, it is excessive watering that causes springtails to appear. A small accumulation of dura will not cause much harm to the plant.

However, a rapid increase in the population can lead to damage to the root system of the plant, resulting in its slow growth and even death.

What does a fool look like?

Collembula is a small insect whose body size ranges from 2 to 10 mm. Outwardly, it is very similar to a caterpillar, painted white or beige color. There are also springtails or springtails of yellow, gray and even metallic shades, with transverse stripes, marbled or dotted patterns.

On the underside of the abdomen, the collembola has a fork-shaped process, thanks to which it not only moves along the soil, but is also able to jump. In a calm state, this jumping organ tucks under the abdomen and is practically invisible. This is the most obvious sign with which even a novice florist can recognize a subura. Below is a photo of a springtail.

Conventionally, springtails are divided into the following types:

  • white fools– pests that live in the upper layers of the soil, they can especially often be found in greenhouses and hothouses where the level of humidity is high;
  • vegetable soups– insects that eat ornamental plantings; they are also inhabitants of summer cottages;
  • mushroom fools– this type of pest can harm young shoots, seedlings and bulbous flowers.

Photo of the fool different types can be seen below.

On a note!

The number of springtails largely depends on the level of humidity: the higher it is, the faster the pests multiply. Over time, from the eggs laid by the female into the substrate, larvae appear, differing from adults only in size.

Paths of penetration

Many amateur flower growers, faced with such a problem, are puzzled by the question of how springtails managed to get into pots with indoor plants. Pests can enter:

  • through ventilation holes;
  • on a new plant whose soil is already infested with springtails;
  • with poorly processed substrate.

Symptoms of infection

You can verify the presence of springtails on indoor flowers by the following signs.

  1. A white coating on the soil is evidence of its excessive moisture, and therefore a favorable factor for the habitat of poduras.
  2. Active movement of springtails along the ground.
  3. If there is a large concentration of insects, damage may occur not only to the root system, but also to the upper sections of the stems.


Springtails settle in indoor flowers only when there is favorable environment for their habitat. Usually a fool attracts:

  • excessively wet soil, excessive watering and a poorly equipped drainage system are some of the important reasons for the appearance of springtails;
  • damp air in a room or greenhouse;
  • presence of moss;
  • excessive use of organic fertilizers;
  • rotting remains natural fertilizers, tea leaves in combination with stagnant water in the soil or pan are especially dangerous;
  • low temperature in the room.

Mechanical methods of struggle

Poor care, accumulations of dried leaves and excess moisture create ideal conditions for the growth of houseplants.

Therefore, to eliminate pests, it is necessary, first of all, to adjust watering, which is main reason increased soil moisture.

Deprived of the usual and comfortable conditions habitat, springtails will no longer disturb the plant.

There are other ways to get rid of the fool:

  1. It is very important to comply with indoor humidity levels. To do this, you should ventilate the room more often, dry clothes outside, and provide access to sunlight. Helps regulate humidity levels special device, absorbing excess moisture.
  2. Sprinkling the soil with ash or sand is one of the most effective methods of killing podura. It can be used for almost all plantings. The exception is plants growing in acidic soil. These include camellia, gardenia or azalea.
    Camellia, gardenia and azalea
  3. To get rid of pests, just place the pot with the plant in water. After that, all that remains to do on its surface is to collect the floating springtails.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the drainage system. After all, it is the clogging of the holes at the bottom of the flowerpot that causes water to stagnate. A few pebbles, which are placed at the bottom of the pot when replanting the flower, will help to avoid this.
  5. Replacing the substrate is another effective method, allowing you to get rid of springtails. It is important not only to remove contaminated soil, but also to thoroughly rinse root system.
  6. You should also not use organic fertilizers too often. Residues from tea leaves or ground coffee can cause the development of mold or mildew, so they are added to the soil no more than once a week. After 2-3 days, the organic particles are removed and the substrate is carefully loosened so that the soil is enriched with oxygen. It is important to eliminate all factors that contribute to soil decay and mold.
  7. There is another original one folk way getting rid of the fungus, which is safe both for the plant and for the person himself. To do this, you will need a raw potato, which is cut into two parts, each of which is placed cut side down on the substrate. If you lift these halves after a few hours, you will see a lot of pests on them. After which the bait should be shaken off or washed off with water and the “bait” should be installed again.

The use of chemicals in the fight against fools

If you cannot get rid of the larvae and adult podurs living in the roots of plants using the methods described above, you should use chemicals.

You should also prevent small children and pets from accessing the treated plant.

One of the effective drugs against dura is Bazudin. The powdered product is sprinkled on the soil, and after several hours the springtails will no longer annoy the plant. No less effective is Pochin, a drug with a similar method of application. To speed up the process, granules scattered over the soil surface are lightly mixed with soil.

On a note!

There are also universal means for combating springtails, from which solutions are prepared. An example of this would be Aktara or Mospilan. The solution is prepared and used in accordance with the recommendations outlined in the description.

There is no need to panic if poduras are found in a flower pot. Getting rid of springtails is not that difficult. The main thing is to detect pests in time and take appropriate measures, following the rules of watering and quality drainage.


Podura or springtails: photos of a pest of indoor plants and methods of dealing with tiny insects

Podurs or springtails are pests of plants in open and closed ground. Popular name tiny insects - springtails.

Tiny pests are attracted to a favorable environment for habitat and reproduction. Insects settle in flowerpots with orchids, camellias, gloxinias, azaleas, and violets.

  • increased soil moisture due to excessive watering or poor drainage system;
  • dampness in the room where the plants are located. For this reason, fools are often found in greenhouses;
  • rotting of the remains of natural fertilizers in the flowerpot. A dangerous combination is the accumulation of spent tea leaves plus stagnant water in the soil and pan;
  • reduced indoor air temperature;
  • weakness of the plant during the dormant period;
  • Moss grows on the surface of the soil. In such an environment, podurs receive favorable conditions for existence and reproduction;
  • frequent use of decomposing organic matter to fertilize the soil. Many amateur gardeners generously sprinkle the soil with dried grains of coffee, tea leaves, and water with fermented milk products;
  • insufficient care of the plant, accumulation of fallen leaves on the soil surface. Dead parts of the flower plus excess moisture are an ideal environment for the proliferation of fungi and pathogens.

How to get rid of lice using folk remedies? Effective recipes and the rules for their use are described on this page.

Routes of entry:

  • with contaminated substrate (when purchasing the mixture in flower shop or when taking soil from a nearby flower bed);
  • from the street when the soil on the lawns dries out (insects look for moist soil);
  • with a new plant inhabited by podars.

How to recognize

Certain signs will help you suspect the appearance of springtails on indoor flowers:

Types of springtails:

Main: understand why springtail springtails appeared at home, in the open or closed ground. The main reason is excess soil and air moisture. To combat pests, you will have to eliminate the factors that attract insects.

How to proceed:

  • stop flooding the plants if high humidity is not necessary for the development of flowers;
  • wash the root system, remove contaminated soil, transplant the orchid, violet or other species into a new flowerpot;
  • check the arrangement of the drainage system: water often stagnates when the holes on the bottom are clogged flower pot. When replanting a plant, place a few pebbles on the bottom so that the water slowly flows into the pan;
  • Place the substrate and roots of the delicate orchid in a bucket of water and wait 10–15 minutes. The springtails will definitely float to the surface, and the amateur gardener will only have to collect the insects;
  • check the humidity in the room, if it is high, ventilate the room more often, do not dry clothes at home, and provide access to sunlight. If you cannot get rid of dampness using the proposed methods, buy a special device that absorbs excess moisture;
  • Avoid excessive use of organic fertilizers. Spilled tea leaves, coffee grounds, and yogurt can be added to the soil no more than once a week. After two or three days, it is worth removing the particles to prevent rotting of the organic matter, carefully loosen the substrate, and allow the soil to “breathe.”

Important condition– before spraying the soil with any folk remedies or herbal remedies, bring the soil and air humidity levels back to normal.

Folk remedies and recipes

Proven methods:

  • potato bait. The method is simple: divide the raw tuber into two halves, place the potatoes cut side down, and check the trap after 3-4 hours. Tiny insects actively gather around potatoes. The owners should quickly cover the piece of tuber with a bag or glass and remove the container along with the insects. It is important to act quickly, carefully, and remember: springtails on orchids, gloxinias, azaleas do not stay in one place for a long time, they jump to a new area;
  • wood ash against fools. Good remedy to reduce the number of pests and reduce soil moisture. Directions for use: spread ash no more than 1 cm over the soil surface, reduce watering, reduce air humidity to optimal levels. For azaleas and camellias that prefer soils with high acidity, you should not use a natural component.

Preparations to combat springtails

In a difficult situation, it is important to treat the flower with proven drugs in a timely manner.

Find out how to remove food moths from the kitchen using folk remedies and chemicals.

How to provide first aid and how to treat allergies to insect bites is written on this page.

Go to and read about the reasons for the appearance and rules for controlling the cabbage butterfly in the garden.

Effective compositions for combating springtails:

In closed ground it is difficult to deal with high humidity; you will have to use natural components and biological products to protect plants more often.

At home, it is easier to create an environment where pests cannot exist. It is important to remember that excess moisture attracts not only springtails, but also other insects: midges, brown carpet beetles, ants.

Dampness attracts twotails, centipedes, woodlice, and mealybugs.

When springtails appear on indoor flowers, in a greenhouse or open ground you need to stop overwatering the plants.

It is dampness, stagnation of liquid in trays, and rotting of moistened organic fertilizers that provoke the reproduction and rapid increase in the colony of durs.

Proper flower care, folk remedies, and insecticides will save amateur flower growers from encountering tiny insects in flowerpots with orchids, violets, and azaleas.

Who are springtails, how to recognize them and how to deal with them? Useful tips flower growers in the following video:

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How dangerous are household pests?

Photo of an adult fool with multiple magnification

To be fair, it should be noted that only some species of collembola are classified as pests. But there are springtails that eat nematodes and enchytraeids, thereby bringing benefits. Insects feeding on rotting organic matter improves soil formation.

The white fool is one of those four species of “brothers” that stand out for their harmfulness from the more than 4 thousand that live on earth.

We can talk about the danger of insects in the case of a sharp growth of the colony, when there is not enough rotting residue in the pots to feed, and the thinnest thread-like roots of the root system begin to be eaten. Most often, orchids, violets, and gloxinias fall into the risk zone.

Attention! The appearance of springtails in indoor flowers is an indicator of waterlogged soil in pots and flowerpots and improper care of plants.

Prevention is a preventive method of control

Timely prevention will help to avoid the appearance of springtails and podura in indoor plants.

A large population of white fools is the cause of illness in indoor pets

  • The outer surfaces of flowerpots and pots, flower shelves, window sills, and stands are wiped with detergents.
  • Preliminary watering of the soil with hot water is organized before planting flowers. Larvae and adults brought with the soil are destroyed.
  • If necessary, the old soil is completely replaced with new one.
  • The dosage of organic fertilizers, a potential food for springtails, is strictly observed.
  • Organization of moderate watering and frequent loosening of the soil.
  • When replanting plants, the soil is treated in advance, and the flower container is equipped with an effective drainage system that prevents stagnation of water.
  • If necessary, the lump of earth on the root is dried in a shaded place in the breeze or blotted with soft paper.
  • Rotten roots must be cut off.
  • To prevent the reproduction of insects, containers for flowers are chosen of a suitable size, free of voids in which fungus, bacteria and other food for the fool can develop.
  • For the purpose of prevention, planted (or transplanted) flowers are watered with an aqueous solution: 1 liter of liquid and 4g of Fitosporin.

Often, increased indoor air humidity occurs due to water supply leaks and faulty shut-off valves. Therefore, measures are being taken to eliminate them. Ventilation of rooms to ventilate plants should not be neglected.


Excess moisture must be removed from flowerpots

It is impossible to get rid of dura in an orchid, ficus, gardenia, and Dieffenbachia without thoroughly drying the soil in the pot. The soil is dried thoroughly, to a powdery state: the pot should become much lighter than its original weight.

If dracaena, lemon and other indoor crops withstand a lack of moisture, then azalea and gardenia immediately begin to shed their leaves and dry out. Therefore, the process is controlled for each plant separately.

The roots removed from the soil are carefully examined, and putrefactive, damaged areas are removed.

Attention! Excessive soil moisture is not always a sign that soil podura or other bugs necessarily live in it. There are never any of them in pots with moisture-loving cyperus, just as there are no rotting organic matter.

No chemical attacks

Having discovered small populations of insects, you can do without the use of chemical reagents.

Orchid roots need to be carefully examined

  • When a springtail is first detected, completely immerse the entire flower along with the pot in water. The floating insects are immediately collected. The plant should not be watered. The top layer of soil (up to 40 mm thick) is removed, and clean, dry sand is poured in its place.
  • If podura pests are found in a flowerpot with orchids, the plant is removed from the bark and the roots are washed well with water. The processed rhizome is planted in the whole bark. The rot is cut off and the sections are dried.
  • You can dissolve 0.5 tablets of citramone (ascophen) from your home medicine cabinet in 3 liters of water. When watering flowers, use this solution.
  • Place the cut potato (cut side down) into the container with the flower. After a while, remove the vegetable along with the podurs that have penetrated into it.
  • Dry lemon and orange skins and place them in pots with plants. Insects cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits and “leave.”
  • Do not water the soil with a solution containing decomposing organic matter: milk, tea or coffee, etc.
  • The soil and green areas are dusted with wood ash. Crushed into powder, it is sprinkled on the soil with a layer of 10 mm with scanty watering.
  • Dry mustard is also used for dusting. Powder is sprinkled on the soil in a pot with a layer thickness of 10 mm with limited watering.
  • Water with a solution: 40 g of grated laundry soap, pour 1 liter of water and dissolve.
  • Dry mustard (10 g) is silted with water (1 l) at a temperature of 60°C. The solution is infused for 48 hours, after which it is filtered. Used for treating flower seeds before planting.
  • The same mustard (1 tsp) is diluted in 1 liter of water. This is how the composition is prepared for watering and simultaneously destroying other pests.

Chemicals to the rescue

If it is not possible to mechanically remove the larvae and adult insects that have settled in the roots of the plant (planting in deep tubs), use insecticides: Tanrek, Kinmiks, Agravertin, Fitoverm, Aktaru, Konfidor. The solution is prepared in the following proportion: 8 g of the drug per bucket of water. If Intavir is used, then 1 tablet of the product is pre-diluted in 10 liters of water.

The product has been tested many times against indoor pests

Podura in flowers feel very confident, so the plant needs to be watered twice every 7 days with an insecticide solution at the rate of 100 ml of the drug per 0.7 liter pot.

Attention! Insecticides should be applied to the soil to soak it, rather than used for irrigation purposes. Larvae and mature insects live under the top layer of soil.

Fine-grained sand can be used. It is washed well and dried. The top thin layer of soil (several centimeters) is removed from the pot. The remaining soil is watered with any insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle. A thin layer of sand is scattered on top.

Apply granulated Grom-2 or Bazudin, scattering the preparations in small quantities onto a slightly damp soil surface. A thin layer of soil is laid on top and watered abundantly.

For greater effectiveness, do not water flowers in pots for 5 days after treatment.

  • An infusion of tobacco dust, shag, and red hot pepper is used as a watering solution. Infuse a pound of tobacco waste or shag in 10 liters of water for 48 hours. Add soap shavings (40g) to the strained mixture. The plant itself is sprayed with the finished product and the soil is watered.
  • You can also cultivate the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Dry celandine is used. 1 kg of raw materials is poured and infused in water (10 l). The infusion, aged for 24 hours, is filtered. They cultivate the soil.

Radical means of control will not be needed if plant nutrition and watering regime are properly organized and a healthy indoor microclimate is created.

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Springtails or springtails

You have someone jumping in a pot of flowers - these are most likely podura or springtails. Who are they?

Exists large group soil inhabitants, biological class: Collembola Collembola (Podura) - this includes collembolas, podura and springtails. They are a type of arthropod, but they are neither spiders nor insects.

Springtails live in the soil, feeding on organic matter (plant and animal debris), as well as microscopic fungi and algae. They prefer a moist substrate, so owners of indoor plants can find this living creature if they periodically flood the plants.

The sizes of representatives of the podurs usually range from 0.05 mm to 1 cm. They are so small that it is not possible to really see who is jumping in the pot. Sometimes silvery-white worms are found in the tray after watering.

They move very quickly, in some species three pairs of legs and antennae are clearly visible. Poduras have a tail - this is a jumping fork, which serves to push off from a support, so jumps happen very high.

The color of springtails ranges from pure white, milky-transparent, yellow, gray, to black. There are striped ones: black and yellow or brindle. There are ones that look like a caterpillar, a worm or a spider, but they are all wingless. The body is usually elongated, oval, fusiform, ovoid.

Pests appear in large numbers in the soil, which remains damp for a week or longer, and sometimes eat the above-ground parts of the plant. They are indeed capable of causing harm to plants, but only to young and tender ones - they eat up seedlings and thin roots.

How to get rid of springtails and dura

The first thing you need to do to get rid of springtails or springtails is to properly dry the soil in the pot. This is especially important for the health of plants that do not tolerate stagnation of water in the roots or excessive dampness: dracaena, ficus, dieffenbachia, citrus fruits, gardenia, euphorbia, adenium, brunfelsia, billbergia, peperomia, gerbera, schefflera, azalea, etc.

Most plants tolerate overdrying - and they need to be dried until the pot becomes noticeably light. You can easily dry the soil in pots with ficus, schefflera, peperomia, succulents, dieffenbachia, lemon, and dracaena to dust. But some plants do not tolerate complete dryness; gardenia or azalea may turn yellow, lose leaves and die.

Therefore, focus on the plants’ care requirements and external condition.

In addition, if the weather is very hot, above 26°C, sunny and dry, drying out the soil in a pot is difficult for any plants!

It is best to remove the plant from the pot and check for rotten roots; you may soon have to not only get rid of pests, but also treat diseases: root and stem rot and bacteriosis. You need to understand that springtails, springtails and springtails are an indicator of the condition of the earth. An indicator that you have a swamp in your pots.

There are plants that love dampness, for example, cyperus. But in pots with cyperus there are almost never springtails or springtails. Do you know why? Because the roots of Cyperus, despite the dampness, are healthy and not rotten! Soil bugs multiply where there is rotting organic matter.

So, figure out the state of the roots:

  • if necessary, remove old soil
  • cut off rotten roots
  • dry the root ball, if necessary, in the shade on a newspaper, or by thoroughly blotting the roots with a ball of toilet paper
  • Sterilize fresh soil, especially if you use garden soil
  • after transplanting into fresh soil, take preventative measures against rot - water it with phytosporin (2-4 g per 1 liter of water)
  • Don't overwater your plants in the future.

The first method of control: if it is not possible to replant the plants, for example, a palm tree, in the roots of which there are poduras, is planted in a large tub, then you need to water the soil with insecticides: actara, tanrek, Apache or any available drug for the Colorado potato beetle.

Springtails are very resistant to insecticides, so a single watering and a weak concentration may not help; aktar, for example, needs to be diluted in 8 g per 10 liters of water. Anti-slug medications help get rid of springtails: for example, Grom-2.

To do this, remove the top layer of soil (about 1 cm), sprinkle the soil with Thunder-2, and top with the removed soil, do not water until the next time.

The second method, if the use of insecticides is not available and drying the soil does not help, is to dust the entire surface of the substrate with ash, a very thin layer (the method is not suitable for plants that love acidic soil: azaleas, camellias, conifers).

Third method: remove the top layer of soil and pour 2 cm of clean, dry sand. Water until this layer of sand dries completely. There is no organic matter and little air in dry sand—pouras and springtails do not survive. But after 3-4 months you need to remove the sand and replace it with a layer of fertile soil.

Fourth method: watering the soil in the pot with hot water. Hot means about 65°C. Plants planted in the ground easily tolerate this procedure (except for orchids and ground cover). You need to water with hot water several times in a row as the next watering.

If fools are infested in a pot of phalaenopsis, you need to remove the orchid from the bark, rinse the roots in water, plant it in clean, non-rotten bark, cutting off the rot and drying the sections (with charcoal).

Tips on how to deal with springtails and springtails (from the forum)

Vita: The simplest and reliable way get rid of the podura - let the soil dry out and no longer flood the plant, adjust the watering, since the podura prefer waterlogged soil.

Alex: It’s easy to fight mosquitoes and mosquitoes - after watering, sprinkle a 0.5 cm layer of ash on top of the soil, after the soil dries, remove it, grabbing a little soil - these insects will disappear.

Ash is alkaline, and podurs are usually found in acidic soil. So: when ash falls on the soil, it simply burns the pests - a neutralization reaction occurs.

It’s a good idea to add coal dust to the soil - there will never be mold or fungal diseases.

mIRAge: I got rid of the bazudine: I sprinkled it over the surface of the soil and placed the pot with the plant in a sunny, warm place. Two days later the pests disappeared. Two weeks later they appeared again.

Then she took the milkweed out of the pot, checked the roots, washed it, scalded the pot and saucer with boiling water, planted it and added new soil, adding a large dose of basadine.

After the procedure, the spurge shed its leaves, but did not die, grew overgrown, and there were no more fools.

VeraB: Take a box of matches and stick them, head down, into the soil all over the pot, like a picket fence. Leave it for several days (two regular waterings, then you can remove it). Usually it helps right away.

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