Glass fiber reinforced concrete improves the quality of new mixing technologies. Basic Research

The history and nature of the emergence of such a material as glass fiber reinforced concrete goes, as seasoned historians would say, “roots” to antiquity, and, more figuratively, “straw” to the East. From the very time when Homo sapiens began to use this building material to build his simple, but already quite reliable home (with a shelf life of up to 25 years), it can be considered the beginning of the development of glass fiber reinforced concrete production technology. Liquid clay, well mixed with feet with particles of chopped straw (and sometimes fresh manure pets), oddly enough, is still a building material for many oriental cultures. This material, which is made artisanally and by hand, or more precisely “with feet”, is called adobe*. In the East, adobe often replaces expensive wood, equally expensive brick and concrete blocks. Having noticed the property of straw to “hold together” clay particles and prevent the clay in this composition from falling apart, the ancient architects subsequently learned to use reinforcement already different materials as a “system”...

In the West and in the USA, glass fiber reinforced concrete (architectural concrete - English architectural en béton - French, die architektonische Beton - German) has long been known as a reliable material.

Production artificial stone made of concrete different brands(architectural concrete, polymer concrete, glass fiber reinforced concrete) - similar in appearance and manufactured to convincingly imitate the color, texture and appearance of natural cut stone, did not immediately become popular. The earliest recorded use of artificial stone in Europe dates back to 1138. The next written source of its origin takes us to the age of ongoing technological discoveries, to 1855. When the enterprising and apparently “handy” Frenchman Lambo Jean Louis made not just anything, but a boat made of cement mortar, which he reinforced with metal and possibly steel mesh.

It took a couple of centuries, experiments, successes and failures before the glass fiber reinforced concrete material achieved its current leading position in the construction industry. Architectural concrete began to be used widely in London already in the early 1900s, and in the USA, during the Great Depression, around 1920.

The heyday of this material began in the twentieth century. Since the late seventies, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete has been greatly advanced in Western Europe, and a little later in the USA and Japan. These days, fiber-reinforced concrete was used: in Berlin (Germany) - for the reconstruction of a two-span bridge (1988), in the Japanese golf club (1992) - for the construction of a cable-stayed bridge. In Los Angeles and Santa Monica (USA), under a program to improve seismic resistance, protective cladding of columns was used using mats based on glass fiber reinforced concrete.

According to the latest (over a decade) economic reviews of the construction industry, the scale of growth in the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete in the USA and Europe is increasing year by year by 14% or more... A significant part of the buildings and architectural decor in the “capital of crazy games of the USA”, Las Vegas, is created from glass fiber reinforced concrete. A little later there were: the Tyutyusen metro station - the Japanese Tadao Ando, ​​the Zragoza bridge by Zaha Hadid.

Behind all this began a boom in the use of fiber-reinforced concrete (the roving). And now Sir Norman Foster, Santiago Calatrava, Oscar Niemeyer and a large number of masters of world architecture - turned their attention and began to use fiber-reinforced concrete in their projects...

And finally, here in Russia, British architect Zaha Hadid has created something interesting, very different from standard architecture even by modern standards. For the decoration of the shopping complex “Peresvet - Plaza” on Sharikopodshipnikovka 5, finishing glass fiber reinforced concrete was initially designed, which our company produced and successfully installed in 2014 in the interior and on the facade (approx. on the facade of the complex a large-sized basement cornice with radius elements was finished).

Scientific developments and studies of the properties of glass fiber reinforced concrete, its use in Russia are based on Soviet (60s) scientific works, fundamental works of K. L. Biryukovich, P. P. Budnikov, M. T. Duleba, M. A. Krasnov, T G. Markaryan, R. M. Mkhikyan, and other innovators. During the period of “stagnation” and “perestroika”, this material was undeservedly forgotten, but today most serious architectural and construction companies in Russia are familiar with SFRC and use this grateful material in design and finishing.

From the very moment of our formation and constantly, we have been studying the experience of modern, technological and economical production of glass fiber reinforced concrete. Previously, relying on the small market experience of Russian colleagues, Blagopoluchiya Architecture mainly carried out the finishing of facades and interiors, using the following materials in architectural elements: gypsum, MDF, fiberglass composite, architectural concrete, natural stone, fireclay... But we seem to have seriously fallen in love with glass fiber reinforced concrete for a long time. Now this is our main façade and competitive material. Studying its main capabilities in the field of textures, colors, and methods of application is our main market strategy and task.

It must be said that we have managed to make a big leap in the quality and quantity of production of architectural decor from glass fiber reinforced concrete. And these studies influenced the price of glass fiber reinforced concrete for the customer. For ten years, a large team of specialists (architects, designers, technologists, model makers) and specialists from other related fields of activity have been mastering a new technology for Russia at our base - the production of decor for glass fiber reinforced concrete facades.

From 2007 to 2011, we developed methods and methods for designing SFRC for “wet”, composite and ventilated facades. In the process of designing façade elements and preparing PPR, the best fastening materials and optimal components for production were tested and selected. In the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete, prototypes were made and, finally, the best technological solutions for facade decoration have now been developed, tested and approved.

Since 2010, the production base, laboratory, design and design bureau "AB" began to produce various types of fencing for balconies and parapets during restoration, design and construction in urban and suburban facade decoration. Considering the large fund for housing reconstruction, this direction will be relevant for a long time and therefore the use of glass fiber reinforced concrete. In practice, balcony railings have different shape- flat, round, multifaceted. There are balcony railings with carved floral ornament, geometric and arbitrary patterns.

By 2012, we had significantly summarized foreign and domestic experience and developed new technical solutions for relief finishing, both for large-panel buildings and for finishing relatively small (up to 1000 sq. m) facades of private suburban construction.

In our practice, we use simple and stylized architectural elements and details that correspond to modern industrial and technological construction methods: panels, columns, cornices, decorative elements.

Already in 2015, we opened a new production facility in the Moscow region (Ivanteevka, Zarechnaya str. 1), with an area of ​​2500 sq. m., where one of the first large-scale projects was the production of 1600 sq. m. m of large-panel architectural products with integration marble chips for an object of national and international scale - the Skolkovo Technocenter. Retaining walls for flower beds and large panels for the base of a building are the main types of products produced by our company for Skolkovo.

One of the best qualities of glass fiber reinforced concrete is the convincing and almost authentic repetition of textures: sandstone, slate, wood, fireclay, which made our individual facades diverse and memorable, allowing us to significantly expand the areas of application of this material.

In addition, in the new economic conditions, in conditions of fierce competition, we managed to find effective economic solutions that influenced pricing. We have noticed that the greatest economic impact can be achieved by producing architectural parts for large-scale projects. Pylons, columns, cabinets, pilasters, large-sized and decorative cornices with a large production run, thin-walled ones are noticeably cheaper in price compared to other facade architectural decor made from other materials.

At the same time, products such as balusters, half-balusters, handrails, baluster bases, and small quantities are the least profitable for both the customer and us as a manufacturer. This does not mean, however, that we will abandon the production of balustrades, especially considering the fact that with the existing base of forms for these products, the price is possible at the most affordable level.

So - Fiberglass concrete - what kind of material is it?

Glass fiber reinforced concrete has several translated names: English - the GRC, German - die architektonische Beton or Glas-Faser Beton.

The composition of finished architectural products made from it includes: high-grade Portland cement** (mostly foreign-made - Turkey, Denmark, less often Egypt), washed quartz polyfraction sand of certain fractions, alkali-resistant (necessarily alkali-resistant!) fiberglass (glass roving) and water. It is preferable to use fibers with a zirconium dioxide content of 15% or higher. Dispersed fiber reinforcement compensates for the main disadvantages of concrete - low tensile strength and brittleness of destruction. Compared to conventional steel rod reinforcement of concrete, glass fiber reinforcement allows you to achieve a whole range of effects.

In some cases, it is possible to use basalt fiber, but with certain restrictions regarding the thickness of the product and their functional load. Thanks to the use of alkali-resistant glass fiber and its treatment with zirconium oxide, finished architectural products have the best facade qualities - lightness, strength, durability. The price of these products is serious competitive advantages before other analogues.

Features of production technology:

After pouring into a mold, glass fiber reinforced concrete inevitably shrinks. The largest percentage of shrinkage occurs during the hardening stage. It usually depends on the sand-cement and water-cement ratio. Crack formation caused by shrinkage is reduced by increasing the percentage of fiber content and its random orientation, while dispersed reinforcement significantly reduces the risk of propagation of shrinkage cracks.

Additional features:

Modern advances in chemistry also actively influence the quality of Glass Fiber Concrete production. A few years ago for more fast process hydration of concrete - we used a steaming chamber, significantly extending the production time, and accordingly the production price increased. We can proudly say that the old-fashioned method is over. Modern BASF chemical additives make it possible to create a water-cement ratio in the range of 0.33-0.38 without slowing down hardening at any age of concrete. In addition, chemical additives to concrete, reducing the production time of finished products, eliminate excess evaporation of moisture from the concrete matrix.

Manufacturers of domestic glass fiber reinforced concrete decor use domestically produced mineral additives to ensure the highest reliability of the final quality of parts. Due to the binding of Ca (OH)2 in concrete into calcium hydrosilicates, the alkalinity of the cement stone is reduced, as a result, the aggressiveness towards glass roving is reduced, and the resistance to leaching and carbonization shrinkage increases. For the conditions of the production cycle (pneumatic injection of concrete solution into a mold), the use of additives plays a decisive role, since additives ensure the rheology of the concrete mixture.

After studying the German experience in producing arch concrete and glass fiber reinforced concrete, we moved to a different quality level of production. We do not use domestic additives due to their imperfect quality. Thanks to the addition of a third generation superplasticizer based on polycarboxylate ether GLENIUM 115 from the German company BASF (which has a representative office and production control in Russia), we obtained good consistent results. Through the use of GLENIUM 115, the following clear technological advantages of the base material in the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete are achieved:

A) the final strength of concrete in compression increases, as well as the strength in bending and tension (fiber reinforced concrete products can withstand heavy loads, and as a result, the final grade of concrete in finished products increases, which is confirmed by tests in the laboratory);

B) the mobility of concrete with a low water-cement ratio increases without delamination or water separation (the additive allows you to reduce the amount of added water, which leads to a rapid rise of the concrete mixture (the hydration process is completed) of SFC products without cracking and delamination);

C) the cycle of putting the mixture into molds is shortened (labor costs and costs are reduced);

D) steaming of products is eliminated (there is a significant acceleration of production time (by 80% of the time), excluding an entire stage, a reduction in the price of the product due to reduced energy costs); The quality of the concrete surface is significantly improved.

Fiber-reinforced concrete combines the high compressive strength characteristic of conventional concrete. But in SFRC this limit is much higher than that of ordinary concrete due to “glass fiber reinforcement”.

In terms of physical and physico-chemical qualities, glass fiber reinforced concrete is superior to conventional concrete in several ways:

1. Bending and tensile strength (exceeds concrete by 4-5 times);

2. Impact strength (10-15 times);

3. Frost resistance (up to 300 cycles - ordinary concrete from 50);

4. Waterproof (W14);

5. Has high degree adhesion to ordinary concrete;

6. Highly resistant to cracking.

Among cement-containing and other building materials, fiber-reinforced concrete is the most environmentally friendly and safe. In fact, this is the best material for the production of architectural products. Facade and interior elements do not contain harmful components and belong to the category of fireproof materials (flammability class - 100% NG). These properties are of key importance in the event of fires - unlike other artificial materials (PSBS - 25 F, polyurethane foam, materials with other polymer fillers) - glass fiber reinforced concrete in the form of finished products does not emit harmful substances when heated. It is highly resistant to chemical aggression and can be treated and washed with any known surface care products. Fiber-reinforced concrete is not subject to corrosion and rotting, since there is nothing in the material to corrode and rot. Products made from it are especially good for use in SPA - salons, water parks, baths - since the material resists the penetration of chlorides. Due to the fact that in glass fiber reinforced concrete the filler and steel reinforcement are replaced by fibers that do not disintegrate in an alkaline environment, distributed randomly in a liquid mixture of cement and sand, it has its own unique characteristics. Homogeneously reinforced and densely compacted planes, as a rule, have significantly thinner walls of the product, which also affects the consumption of material, its delivery, lifting and installation. If we compare the analogues of solid concrete and SFRC, the latter will be 90% lighter!

The first attempts to introduce fiberglass into concrete date back to the fifties of our century. Then scientists and practitioners were faced with an insoluble problem - the dissolution of fiberglass in an aggressive corrosive environment. And only towards the end of the 60s did English scientists manage to find a recipe for happiness by treating fiberglass with zirconium oxide.

In addition to exceptional functional properties, glass fiber reinforced concrete is distinguished by increased architectural expressiveness, as well as reliable plasticity. It is possible to give SFRC products almost any shape, which allows you to realize the scale of even unbridled architectural thought and, accordingly, facilitate installation, reducing the load on buildings, and therefore the cost of work. At the same time, the absence of a rigid reinforcement frame made of metal and steel in the body of the product (as, for example, in reinforced concrete structures, solid panels or architectural concrete) allows for an unlimited range of forms, which is important for the implementation of modern complex architectural projects. SFRC is capable of acquiring complex spatial forms and recreating the most unexpected shapes for a very durable material. During the process of pouring (pneumatic spray or premix) into silicone molds, the frozen material accurately copies the smallest details of the matrix surface, allowing you to obtain a wide variety color solutions and finishing of the front surface, is capable of imitating in appearance, texture and color a variety of finishing natural and artificial materials.

One of the main advantages of architectural parts made of glass fiber reinforced concrete compared to the mass of similar facade finishing solutions is their low weight. (As a rule, per square meter is from 16 to 32 kg.) This is a tangible saving on material costs, transport, loading and unloading operations and installation costs. At the same time, products made from SFRC have a small cross-section (in the range from 6 to 50 mm) and are significantly lighter compared to products made from conventional ready-mixed concrete.

Use of material: glass fiber reinforced concrete directly on the construction site.

In 2017, our company, for the first time in our many years of practice, used glass fiber reinforced concrete as the main material for the manufacture of a bionic facade in the project for the implementation of the facade of a media center in the Zaryadye landscape project. The total volume of glass fiber reinforced concrete applied using the shotcrete technology principle reached 1000 sq. m. Complex bionic shapes were applied to prepared metal mesh surfaces in several layers. The maximum layer thickness is 50 mm. The finishing layer was a leveling specialized plaster and paint from the Caparol company, which has stood the test of time at our facilities.

Concrete as an eco-material

Another reason to talk about the environmental friendliness of concrete is its nature of origin. Cement is made from naturally occurring limestone and some types of clay. Other fillers of the concrete mixture - quartz sand, river sand, pebbles and crushed stone - are also of natural origin. If we talk about the work of a plasticizer in a concrete mixture, which works to reduce the water-cement ratio (reduce water in the mixture), then its chemical characteristics are such that after the concrete hardens, it makes no sense to talk about any harm - a composition of 0.001% of the total volume .

Modern chemical industry made concrete a fantastic material, sometimes suddenly solidifying in a matter of minutes, sometimes holding back nuclear tests, sometimes flowing and plastic like water... All this allows concrete to be the most popular and necessary material for the development of almost any area of ​​activity throughout the world. And as a result, concrete today is often used in places unusual for the average person. It can be found in the decoration of interiors of beauty salons in the form of columns, in SPA areas (imitation rocks, transparent concrete, anti-vandal architectural decor), in the creation of furniture and kitchen sets, dome construction, landscape design, in small architectural forms... The reason for this - all the same unsurpassed characteristics of this material. We can safely say that concrete is a recreated stone, which does not emit volatile organic elements and dust.

Strength and Durability

By mixing various grades of cement with fillers, plasticizers, and fiber, manufacturers today are able to produce concrete on an industrial scale with a compressive strength from 3 MPa to 250 MPa. Particularly resistant to impact environment- makes this material a successful substitute for natural stone. A little-known feature of good concrete is its acoustic barrier to noise. Noise waves are not transmitted through the concrete matrix, but are well reflected without causing vibrations in the material.

Additional useful information about glass fiber reinforced concrete:

Factors influencing the quality of architectural decor from SFRC:

1. The amount of fiber in the mixture. The minimum content is from 3% by weight of dry material. It is with this volume of fiberglass that maximum strength is achieved. An increase in the percentage of fiber leads to excess air entrainment, creating a “cotton wool” effect in products, and leads to fragility.

2. Water-cement ratio. The correct ratio of water is 17 kg per 100 kg of cement and sand mixture. In this case, it is necessary to use a high-quality plasticizer. This - important condition. Otherwise, glass fiber concrete decor should be steamed for at least 8 hours at a temperature of 80 C.

4. Length of fiber fibers. Adjustable with spray gun. The best length is 2 cm. Number, length, orientation primarily affect tensile strength (Rp), flexural strength (Rbend) and impact strength.

5. Conditions for hardening and caring for concrete. The room temperature is not lower than 18C. Significant humidity.

The presence in our company of a permanent qualified staff, its own laboratory for testing materials, its own workshop and equipment for the production of architectural parts from fiber-reinforced concrete allows us to produce high-quality products for facades, interiors and landscapes.

Companies involved in the development of glass fiber-reinforced concrete in related road-metro construction areas: Branch of OJSC TsNIIS "National Research Center "Tunnels and Subways", FSBEI HPE "SibADI", O. Bennett "RusElastoplastik", Branch of OJSC TsNIIS "SRC "Tunnels and Subways" (JSC TsNIIS), (LLC "National Research Center of Tunnel Association", Tunnel Association of Russia, OJSC "National Research Center "Construction (NIIZhB), "RusElastoplastik"

* Saman - (literally translated from Turkic - straw), in everyday life it has other names: clay concrete, clay fiber concrete, raw brick, clay material... Saman began to be used back in the 5th millennium BC. It is used in Central Asia for residential buildings and fences - duvals. In Russia, use is found in the North Caucasus and Altai. Advantages of the material: low price of the material, high heat and sound insulation properties, fire resistance, hygroscopicity, environmental friendliness. Saman is mentioned in Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron.

The ability of glass fiber reinforced concrete to convey textures:

Advantages of glass fiber reinforced concrete over others finishing materials:




Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Durable (facade up to 10 years); Resistant to temperature changes; Clarity of drawing, with good quality of form; Does not rot; Does not absorb odors

Flammable G4; Synthetic origin; Temporary shrinkage; Not resistant to mechanical damage; Custom orders are very expensive; Density 300 kg per sq.m.

Expanded polystyrene (PSB-S) - made from polystyrene and its derivatives Density 50 kg per sq.m.

Simplicity and ease of installation; Moisture resistance; Thermally conductive; Very low price; Easy to store and transport; doesn't rot

Flammable; Synthetic origin; Vapor permeability; The material becomes electrified and collects dust; A small selection of patterns in the decor, lacks clarity, blurry elements; Fragility (façade up to 10 years); low level of impact resistance; Absorbs odors; Fragile during transportation; Custom orders are not possible; Not used in crowded places, kindergartens and child care institutions. Shrinks.

Concrete. Sand-packed. Commodity (gray cement + sand, water)

Not flammable; Lasting; Resistant to any weather conditions (up to 150 cycles); Durability, subject to high grade of cement

Low level of heat and sound insulation; Heavy material; Fuzzy drawing; Long time to “get up”. High load on buildings. Expensive installation.

Fiberglass composite

Elastic, durable and light weight; Anti-corrosion water-repellent quality; Possibility of producing products of volumetric shapes and configurations; Ease of operation; Retains heat well

Frost resistance (up to 50 cycles); At low thicknesses, it may become deformed; Long production times, relative to SFB by 2-3 times; Not recommended for use in kindergartens and child care institutions. High price. Long production times

Porcelain tiles

Environmental friendliness; Not flammable; Resistant to any weather conditions (up to 120 cycles) Durability; Strength, wear resistance

Fragility during transportation; It is impossible to make decorative items; Lack of opportunity for individual projects;

A natural stone(granite)

Eco-friendly; Not flammable; Resistant to any weather conditions; Prestigious; Durable; Durable; Mechanical strength, wear resistance; Natural unique textures

High price; Heavy material; It is not possible to mount it everywhere; For large volumes, monochromatic material is not possible

Where you cannot use SFB:

1. On the facades of wooden buildings (wood tends to shrink or swell, depending on humidity) - attaching cornices directly to the beams...

2. B load-bearing structures without appropriate fastenings, in the form of a hollow material (SFB is mainly used in decoration - its efficiency is high here).

3. On facades where it is impossible to install special fasteners (metal subsystem) or if it cannot be fixed, for some reason, into the wall.

4. In close proximity to the fire source - more than 40C ( interior decoration fireplaces).

5. Products made of glass fiber reinforced concrete cannot be used without coating them with a water-repellent composition, or without covering them with façade paint.

Is it possible to produce architectural decor from glass fiber reinforced concrete with your own hands?

Of course, everything that one has done - the other can repeat and improve. For small private stories with architecture, the possibility of producing architectural decor is real, using premixing technology, the availability small area and available tools for mixing the material. Otherwise, it is necessary to purchase very expensive equipment, which does not make sense in the context of a local task.

In any case, of course, it is necessary to adhere to proven recipes. In addition, making a model and mold for your home with your own hands can be an excellent realization of your creative potential - you will have something to show your children and leave to your grandchildren! If necessary, we are ready to help craftsmen create an arch with their own hands. decor in a short time. Contact us!

The price for architectural decor made of glass fiber reinforced concrete varies depending on the complexity of the product, circulation, color, and texture. Thanks to the availability ready-made forms– the cost of products can be significantly lower in price than a new product. The estimated cost for January 2018 is from 4,500 rubles. per sq. meter. You can get detailed advice by contacting us at the numbers listed on the website.


127247 Moscow, Dmitrovskoe shosse, 100, bldg. 2, floor 7, office 4711, North House office center

Properties of glass fiber reinforced concrete.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) is a type of fiber reinforced concrete and is made from cement-sand mortar and reinforcing pieces of glass fiber (fibers), evenly distributed throughout the volume of the concrete product or its individual parts. SFRC is used in thin-walled elements and structures of buildings and structures, for which it is essential to: reduce its own weight, increase crack resistance, ensure water resistance of concrete and its durability (including in aggressive environments), increase impact strength and abrasion resistance, as well as increase architectural expressiveness and environmental cleanliness. SFRC is recommended for the manufacture of structures in which the following technical advantages over concrete and reinforced concrete can be most effectively used:

  • Increased crack resistance, impact strength, wear resistance, frost resistance and weather resistance;
  • Possibility of using more efficient constructive solutions than with conventional reinforcement, for example, the use of thin-walled structures, structures without rod reinforcement, etc.;
  • Possibility of reducing or completely eliminating the consumption of steel reinforcement;
  • Reducing labor and energy costs for reinforcement work, increasing the degree of mechanization and automation in the production of fiber-reinforced concrete structures, for example, prefabricated thin-walled shells, folds, ribbed coating slabs, monolithic and prefabricated floors of industrial and public buildings, permanent formwork structures, etc.
SFRC elements with fiber reinforcement are recommended for use in structures operating:
  1. To bend;
  2. For compression at eccentricities of application of longitudinal force, for example, in elements of spatial floors;
  3. Mainly for impact loads, abrasion and weathering.

Properties of SFB at vintage age.

Density according to GOST 12730.1-78 1700-1900 kg/m3
Impact strength (Charpy) 110-250 J/m2
Compressive strength according to GOST 10180-90 490-840 kg/cm2
Tensile strength in bending according to GOST 10180-90 210-320 kg/cm2
Elastic modulus according to GOST 10180-90 (1.0-2.5) 104 MPa
Axial tensile strength according to GOST 10180-90: conditional elastic limit / tensile strength 28-70 kg/cm2 / 70-112 kg/cm2
Elongation at failure (600-1200) 10-5 or 0.6-1.2%
Shear resistance: between layers / across layers 35-54 kg/cm2 / 70-102 kg/cm2
Thermal expansion coefficient (8-12) 10-6 ºС-1
Thermal conductivity according to GOST 7076-90 0.52-0.75 W/cm2 ºС
Water absorption by weight according to GOST 12730.3-78 11-16%
Water resistance according to GOST 12730.5-78 W6-W12
Frost resistance according to GOST 10060.0-95 F150-F300
Combustibility according to GOST 12.1.044-89 Fireproof material, fire spread rate 0
Fire resistance according to GOST 30247.1-94 Higher than the fire resistance of concrete (better retains strength properties in a fire of 1000..1100 ºС)

Raw materials for glass fiber reinforced concrete.

The starting materials for the production of SFRC are: cement, sand, water, alkali-resistant glass fiber and chemical additives. To obtain any special properties of SFRC, polymers, pigments and other chemical additives can also be used together with these basic materials.

Cement: For the production of SFRC, Portland cement of a grade not lower than M400 is used. The choice of a specific type of Portland cement - regular (without additives), quick-hardening, colored - is dictated by the purpose of the SFRC product. The cement used must comply with generally accepted building codes. In Russia, Portland cement must comply with GOST 31108-2003 (this standard is identical to the EN 197-1:2000 standard developed by the European Committee for Standardization). Portland cement according to GOST 10178-85 is also used in the production of SFRC, since GOST 31108-2003 does not cancel GOST 10178-85, which can be used in all cases where it is technically and economically feasible.

Sand: The choice of aggregate (sand) has a very great importance for the production of high-quality SFRC. The sand must be pre-sifted and washed. The ingress of individual particles larger than 3 mm is not allowed (when operating equipment for the production of SFRC, work without a sieve is not allowed). For manual pneumatic spraying of SFRC, the particle size modulus should not exceed 2.5 mm (measurements are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735-88). Sand must meet the requirements of GOST 8736-93 for grain composition, the presence of impurities and contaminants (measurements are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735-88). Quartz sands are most widely used in the production of SFRC. Quartz sand must meet the requirements of GOST 22551-77. In the composition of quartz sand, the fraction less than 150 microns should not exceed 10% (measurements are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735-88). Dried sand makes it easier to control the preparation of the mixture (this refers to the water-cement ratio) and is usually already purchased dry and then stored in a dry state either in bags or in bins.

Fiberglass: For fiber reinforcement of SFRC structures, fiber is used in the form of pieces of glass fiber with a length from 10 mm to 37 mm (the length of the fiber is taken depending on the size and reinforcement of the structures in accordance with VSN 56-97), made by cutting roving from alkali-resistant glass fiber - this is glass fiber with oxide additives zirconium ZrO 2 . The following glass fibers can be used, such as those from Fiber Technologies International Ltd. (Bristol, England), L’Industrielle De Prefabrication (Priest, France), Cem-Fil (Chicago, USA), NEG (Nippon Electric Glass, Tokyo, Japan), ARC-15 or ARC-30 (China) and others. Glass roving must comply with GOST 17139-2003. Glass roving should not be moistened during storage and during work. Before use, a coil of wet glass roving must be dried at a temperature of 50-60°C for 0.5-1.5 hours to a moisture content of no more than 1%.

Water: For the production of SFB, water is used in accordance with GOST 23732-79. In conditions of extreme temperatures, heating, or, conversely, cooling of water may be necessary.

Chemical additives: are widely used in the manufacture of SFRC in order to influence the production process and improve a number of final properties of products. A plasticizer should be used to maintain the fluidity of the mixture as the water-cement ratio decreases. Using additives, you can also speed up, slow down or reduce water separation, regulate the water resistance of the material, and reduce the delamination of the mixture. The selection of the most suitable additive also depends on some local factors, in particular the cement and sand used, as well as climatic conditions. Chemical additives must satisfy GOST 24211-2003. Chemical additives are classified into groups:

  1. Superplasticizers are highly effective thinners for concrete and mortar mixtures, which make it possible to increase their mobility several times without causing a decrease in the strength of concrete or mortar. With the introduction of superplasticizers, the water content in the cement-sand mixture is significantly reduced;
  2. Air-entraining additives – increase the frost resistance of SFRC and durability, increase mobility, salt resistance;
  3. Antifreeze additives – ensure the preservation of the liquid phase in cement-sand mixtures necessary for hardening of the cement paste;
  4. Setting accelerators - are introduced at temperatures below +10ºС, to reduce the heat treatment regime, accelerate the setting and hardening of SFRC;
  5. Set retarders - are introduced to increase the thickening time in dry and hot climates;
  6. Hydrophobizers – impart hydrophobic properties to SFB, making the water-repellent effect more pronounced.

Pigments: can be used to color either white or gray cements. In order to obtain uniform color and a permanent surface color, pigments are applied to the front (so-called film) layer, which is then subjected to additional processing, usually by sandblasting or polishing.

Forms for products made of glass fiber reinforced concrete.

Molds can be made from a range of materials that must provide the required turnability, dimensional accuracy and surface finish. The materials for forms can be steel, plywood, fiberglass, rubber, polyurethane, silicone, and also, in some cases, SFRC itself. Molds can be made from a variety of materials, which must provide the required mold turnover, maintain the accuracy and quality of the surface finish of the products. The most common materials for molds are:

  1. Molds made of polyurethane (PU). One of the most popular forms for the production of SFRC products. Thanks to flexible polyurethane forms, the initial shrinkage of glass fiber reinforced concrete is compensated. Products can be stripped without damaging both the forms themselves and the products themselves. The advantages of flexible molds are their high turnover and durability, the speed of unmolding of SFRC products, as well as improved surface quality of molded products and a lower percentage of defects. Polyurethane molds make it possible to obtain SFRC products with “negative” angles. Polyurethane forms have the ability to maintain specified dimensions and original geometry, withstand all the loads caused by the daily process of molding, stripping of products, as well as movements of the form itself. Polyurethane is produced by mixing the appropriate polyurethane components A and B. Typically, components A and B for polyurethane molds have a simple mixing ratio (1:1). A simple procedure for processing two components (mixing the components is done using a hand mixer). It can be processed at room temperature. Polyurethane molds have a long service life ( big number turnover cycles), high moisture resistance, optimal combination of elasticity with strength characteristics with high tensile strength, chemical resistance to the alkaline environment of cement-sand mixtures and abrasion resistance, as well as high quality reproduction of the smallest details of the model with minimal shrinkage. To obtain the surface of SFRC products corresponding to the profile of the form, the latter must be lubricated special compounds. To do this, prepare a release grease. For example, vaseline-stearic, melting stearin and technical petroleum jelly in a water bath, then adding solar oil, stirring and cooling the lubricant, after which it is ready for use. It is also recommended to use for lubrication: stearic-paraffin paste (composition in percentage - % by weight: paraffin - 19, stearic acid - 15, starch - 1, rosin - 65); water-oil emulsion lubricants based on EKS emulsol; water-based lubricants OE-2 or ESO; machine or transformer oil. It is also possible to use other lubricants that ensure the preservation of the high-quality surface of the material; for example, the lubricant that has proven excellent in this capacity is spindle oil. The consistency of the lubricant should ensure the possibility of its mechanized application of SFRC to the surface of the molds. All types of lubricants must comply with GOST 26191-84.
  2. Fiberglass. Fiberglass molds are more durable than polyurethane molds and allow you to convey any texture of the product. The disadvantages of fiberglass molds include the impossibility of using them for production decorative items with a texture containing negative corners;
  3. Steel. It is used in cases where repeated reuse of the mold is required in the production of, for the most part, standard SFRC products. For example, massive panels without complex texture (cladding, elements of permanent formwork), simple in-line products;
  4. Tree. This is the simplest material for molds. Naturally, the quality of a surface of this shape must be monitored and constantly monitored. The disadvantages of wood forms include the short-lived preservation of their correct geometry after repeated use (heat chamber cycles with high humidity coupled with drying can ruin a wooden form). Of course, with the help of special processing compounds you can protect the shape - and this also needs to be kept in mind;
  5. Rubber (rubber, silicones). These are universal forms. Similar to polyurethane molds. Distinctive feature Such a form requires the use of a rigid base - a “strap” for fixation. It would be better to say that the rubber molds are used as liners in a rigid base. The rigid base of rubber molds can be a wooden frame, a fiberglass base, or less often a metal base. Molding rubbers can be in the form of fairly elastic sheets or blocks, in paste form, or in liquid form. The range of materials that can be used as a prototype is very diverse: metals, wax, glass, wood, plastics, modeling clay and any other materials. Rubbers are divided into hard and soft. Hard rubbers are good for making flat products. Soft rubbers make it possible to produce very voluminous, complex and filigree products, and to remove them from the mold without damage. However, rubber that is too soft is not able to withstand the pressure of the SFRC mixture, which can lead to deformation of the SFRC product itself. In such cases, to obtain a high-quality product, the rubber mold is secured in a rigid metal casing. The higher the elongation of the material, the easier it is to stretch the rubber mold to remove the SFRC product without damage. For high-quality hard rubbers this value is about 200%, for soft ones - from 300% to 850%.
  6. Other materials for molds. The above list is not exhaustive, and many other materials, including polypropylene, gypsum, and SFRC itself, can be successfully used to make molds.

Organization of the production site.

It is preferable to organize the production of SFRC in a workshop rather than in an open area, since the temperature should not be lower than +10 o C. Optimal temperature regime- within the range from +15 o C to +30 o C. The size of the workshop depends on the volume of production of SFRC products; the minimum recommended workshop area should be at least 100 m2.

To organize one SFSC production post, the following is required:

  • electricity with a power of at least 4 kW (excluding power consumption by the compressor), 3 phases, grounding;
  • water;
  • compressed air(1500-2000 l/min, pressure 6-9 bar);
  • Equipment for glass fiber reinforced concrete "ARC® S";.
  • Additional equipment and accessories (lifts, scales, spatulas, rollers for rolling the mixture).

If keeping SFRC products in a humid environment is used, the workshop should provide an area for storing SFRC products for one week. It is important that temperature and humidity levels are controlled in this area. The presence of a thermal-humidity treatment area in SFRC production is desirable, but not mandatory. The thermal-moisture treatment section of newly produced SFRC products will reduce the mold turnover time and also increase the characteristics of SFRC products.

SFRC products have a small thickness, which means significantly less weight compared to similar products made from ordinary concrete (if we consider the same compressive and bending strength values), they are still too heavy to move manually, so it should be possible to use appropriate lifting mechanisms.

The preparation of cement-sand mortars for dispersed reinforced SFRC is carried out in forced-action paddle mortar mixers, for example, such as SO-46B and others. Containers are used for preparing and storing working solutions of additives.

The ratio of aggregate (sand) to cement is assumed to be equal to unity with the possibility of further adjustment and depends, in the general case, on the type of SFRC product, its dimensions, conditions of use of SFRC products, etc. The calculation of the water-cement ratio and its adjustment are carried out in accordance with VSN 56-97. The water-cement ratio (without the use of plasticizing additives) is usually in the range of 0.40 - 0.45. With the use of plasticizing additives, the water-cement ratio changes to 0.28 - 0.32.

After the initial raw materials are selected, the composition of the mixture is selected taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Water-cement ratio. It should be as low as possible, but at the same time the mixture should remain sufficiently mobile for it to be supplied by a mortar pump and subsequent pneumatic spraying. The water-cement ratio of the cement-sand mortar used for the manufacture of SFRC must correspond to the optimal viscosity (mobility P4-P5), corresponding to the slump of a standard cone according to GOST 5802-86 “Construction Mortars. Test methods". In general, the water-cement ratio has a complex relationship and depends on the active grade of cement, the coefficient of normal density of cement paste, the coefficient of water demand for sand and the calculated coefficient of glass fiber reinforced concrete for compression.
  • The ratio of sand and cement. The 1:1 ratio is the most widely used at present. The ratio is adjusted in accordance with VSN 56-97.
  • Glass fiber content or reinforcement ratio. This is the percentage of the weight of fiberglass to the weight of the entire composite - SFB, that is, taking into account the mass of the fiberglass itself. For manual air spraying, this ratio is usually from 3 to 6%, sometimes higher. The calculation of the reinforcement coefficient is carried out in accordance with VSN 56-97.
Typical mixture composition. The SFRC manufacturer can develop its own mixture composition that meets its special requirements for the production of SFRC products and is consistent with VSN 56-97.

Let's consider the recipe, which is called “classical” as it is the most frequently used. The “classical” recipe is the following composition for one conditional batch, the amount of fiberglass is 5%:

* - dosage depends on the concentration, so for the same amount of cement used it may be different. The dosage is indicated by the supplement manufacturer.

The weight of the entire solution is = 50+50+16+0.5=116.5 kg, then the content of 5% fiberglass is 6 kg.

To obtain a homogeneous mixture, it is necessary to accurately weigh the starting materials and strictly follow the basic requirements when working with the mixer. Before starting to prepare the mixture, accurately weigh required quantities sand and cement using scales (see section “Additional accessories”). Dosage of water and liquid additive can be done by weight, volume or, preferably, using a special automatic dosing device.

Detailed recommendations for applying glass fiber reinforced concrete, preparation, use, stripping and washing of forms, maintenance and preservation of equipment are indicated in the passport for the complex for glass fiber reinforced concrete "ARC® S" And technological instructions on working with glass fiber reinforced concrete from the equipment documentation set.

Every year new ones appear in the capital residential complexes, attracting the attention of potential buyers with its features. One of these is “Tushino-2018”, which, according to the developer, is the most environmentally friendly area in Moscow. The company "ELITFASAD" is also directly involved in the construction of buildings of this residential complex.

The company "ELITFASAD" throughout for long years is one of the largest domestic producers of glass fiber reinforced concrete. Over the period of our existence, we have been able to prove that our products fully meet the declared characteristics. This concerns strength, resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, and exposure to high temperatures. We constantly monitor the quality of our products and always strive to improve existing performance.

The production and installation of façade decorative elements for buildings of national importance is quite common for the ELITFASAD company. This time our specialists received a very important task - the arrangement of the facade of the Luzhniki stadium.

Comprehensive work was carried out, from design to installation, to equip the facade of a state facility in the very center of Moscow

Among the huge variety of building materials, glass fiber reinforced concrete deserves special attention. It is actively used in various industries, namely in the decoration of buildings, the manufacture of small architectural forms, decorative elements, landscape design. Compared to conventional concrete, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is a much more labor-intensive process that requires a competent approach. For this, in most cases, special expensive equipment is used, which directly affects the cost. finished products from this universal composite finishing material.

Composition of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Considering the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete as a complex process, special attention should be paid to its composition, because the quality of the finished product primarily depends on this. It is important not only to maintain the proportions of all components, but also to carefully monitor the quality of each of them. Depending on the purposes for which glass fiber reinforced concrete will be used, the percentage of its components may vary greatly. As for the components, without which the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is simply impossible, these include:

  • cement;
  • quartz sand;
  • fiberglass (necessarily alkali-resistant);
  • plasticizer

The proportion of these components in the finished mixture affects not only the properties of this material, but also its cost. For our company, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is the main activity in which we have been successfully engaged for a long time. We not only manufacture, but we can also deliver finished products anywhere Russian Federation. Over the years of its existence, our company has managed to become one of the leaders in the production and sale of glass fiber reinforced concrete within Russia. Our specialists carefully monitor every stage of glass fiber reinforced concrete production, so that in the end the customer will receive a truly high-quality product. At the same time, the cost of the finished product will definitely pleasantly surprise each of our clients.

We pay special attention to the quality of all components that are necessary for preparing the mixture. A whole group of specialists is working on this, who are responsible for the production of fiberglass concrete and monitor the slightest deviations from established standards. Thanks to this, each of our clients can be confident in the quality of the purchased products.

In the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete, our company also uses special additives, due to which it is possible to significantly improve the properties of this composite finishing material. At the same time, significant changes concern the molding properties of glass fiber reinforced concrete, which are significantly improved. Thanks to the use of additives, it becomes possible to imitate natural materials such as granite and sandstone. In addition, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete using such components makes it possible to give the material not only a suitable structure, but also color. Most often this is necessary when creating unique elements of facade decor or small architectural forms. The percentage of impurities in the composition often does not exceed 1-2 percent, while the basic characteristics of the material can be significantly improved.

Sand-cement mixture is the main component, without which the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is impossible. To achieve the highest possible strength of the finished product, it is necessary that the ratio of quartz sand and cement be 2:1. However, depending on the purposes for which glass fiber reinforced concrete will be used, the percentage of these mixture components can reach 70 to 30 in favor of sand. At the same time, of course, the strength finished material will be significantly less.

Another equally important component that is necessary for the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is glass fiber. Thanks to its presence in the composition, the performance properties of the material are significantly improved. At the same time, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is possible only when using alkali-resistant glass fiber. First of all, it allows you to significantly increase the strength of the material. In addition, resistance to moisture and chemicals appears, thereby significantly increasing the service life of glass fiber reinforced concrete. Due to the presence of fiberglass in the composition, the material also becomes resistant to temperature changes.

When producing glass fiber reinforced concrete, special attention is also paid to the quantity and quality of glass fiber. In the finished mixture, this component, according to established standards, should be within 3-5 percent. In addition, it is extremely important to use alkali glass fiber. Otherwise, it will immediately react with the alkali contained in the cement. In addition to the percentage of microfiber in the finished mixture, the structure of its fibers may also differ. This concerns their length and quality.

Our production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is a process that is controlled at all stages, from the stage of purchasing raw materials to molding. This is what allows our company to be one of the leaders of the domestic market in this segment. Our products are primarily famous for their high quality, while they also have an affordable price, which is important for every client.

Nowadays, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is a fairly developed industry, although just a few decades ago the number of factories that were engaged in the production of this building material in the Russian Federation could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Today, dozens of companies are engaged in this type of activity. Our plant also offers delivery to anywhere in Russia. Every year, our production of glass fiber reinforced concrete reaches a new, higher quality level, as our regular customers, whose number is gradually growing every year, can personally verify. For this we use modern equipment from the world's best manufacturers. Thanks to this, our company was able to almost completely automate the process of manufacturing glass fiber reinforced concrete, thus minimizing the participation of workers, whose main task is to control the operation of the equipment.

Methods for producing glass fiber reinforced concrete

Nowadays, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is established in almost all regions of the country. In this case, only a few methods of manufacturing this composite finishing material are used. Some of them can be used at home, which also deserves attention. In addition, you can do without the use of special expensive equipment. In large factories, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete occurs using the following methods:

  • pneumatic spray . To apply this method, a pneumatic gun is used. It is necessary for normal mixing of the components and their uniform application during shaping. To produce products from this composite finishing material, special molds are used. Mixing at the outlet of the air gun nozzle, all components are evenly distributed, thus forming a homogeneous mass. The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the equipment. This is precisely what influenced the fact that today not all enterprises can afford the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete using pneumatic spray.
    In the manufacture of this building material, in each case, special attention is paid to the size of the fiberglass. It can also be crushed directly in the air gun before mixing the mixture components. The percentage of fiberglass in the range of 3-5 percent is considered normal, which should be carefully monitored by specialists. Using this method of producing glass fiber reinforced concrete, it is possible to dose all components with maximum accuracy, which is one of the most important tasks. Due to the high cost of equipment, this method is not used by all manufacturers these days. At the same time, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete on an industrial scale using this method is practically impossible. In most cases, enterprises use the vibration forming method. It is less labor-intensive and there is no need to purchase expensive equipment. This is what served to popularize it;

  • vibration shaping . Using this method involves preparing a sand-cement mortar in advance, after which microfiber is added to its composition. After this, mixing and vibration formation occurs. Today, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete using this method is most in demand. At the same time, the cost of finished products is the lowest. This method is only suitable for making products simple shapes. The only condition for its use is the presence of a special stand. It is with its help that the finished mixture is formed. In addition, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete using this method allows the glass fibers to be evenly distributed in the mixture. This is possible thanks to the vibration of the stand.

Our company has established the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete using each of these methods. A significant difference is the cost of the finished product, which customers need to take into account. The pneumatic injection method makes it possible to produce complex elements, which is its main advantage.

In addition to the above methods, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is also possible using the pre-mixing method. It can also be used at home, you just need to correctly calculate and adhere to the correct ratio of all components of the mixture. This method makes it possible to produce only small batches of this composite finishing material. In addition, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete using the pre-mixing method does not require the use of special equipment. For normal mixing of the mixture components, a concrete mixer will be sufficient.

Our main advantages

Our company is one of the few in the Russian Federation that can boast of using the latest equipment for the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete, which makes it possible to achieve the highest quality of finished products. At the same time, every year the pace of production only increases, as does the number of our regular customers. Other benefits include:

  • quality control of raw materials and finished products. Each client can be confident in the highest quality of the purchased material, because the manufacturing process of glass fiber reinforced concrete is under the close supervision of our specialists;
  • Possibility of delivery anywhere in Russia. We not only have a competent production of glass fiber reinforced concrete, but also well-developed logistics. Thanks to this, each client will be able to receive the goods purchased from us as soon as possible. The cost of this service will definitely pleasantly surprise you;
  • application modern methods glass fiber reinforced concrete production. Our company actively uses vibration forming and pneumatic injection to produce products of any size and shape. These are the most popular methods for producing this building material;
  • strict fulfillment of one’s obligations within the stipulated time frame. Our company can offer the production of glass fiber concrete and products made from it, and we always fulfill orders on time, which hundreds of our customers can confirm.

Strict fulfillment of our obligations is one of our main advantages. At the same time, the cost of products also deserves special attention, because it is on average 15-20 percent lower than that of our competitors. At the same time, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete occurs using identical technologies.

Today, our company is the largest manufacturer of this composite finishing material. Every year we only strengthen our position in the domestic market of the country. At the same time, the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete occurs in two shifts, and the work of the plant does not stop for a minute.

It's hard to imagine anything as well suited for widespread use as glass fiber reinforced concrete. This lightweight and durable material allows you to turn any artistic plan of the architect into reality, and no weather can destroy such splendor. So what is good about glass fiber reinforced concrete, products from which are so highly valued by most professional builders.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) is an absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless building material. In fact, it is a multicomponent composite substance based on simple concrete, with the addition of reinforcing materials, primarily polymer alkali-resistant glass fiber and additional components: sand, water and Portland cement (a synthetic substance based on calcium silicates, which has excellent astringent properties).

The technological process for manufacturing glass fiber reinforced concrete cannot be called overly complex. In fact, the action is the combination of all components in the required ratio and further mixing in a concrete mixer. The manufacturing process consists of several stages:

  • a mixture of cement-sand mortar is prepared in the following proportions: 48 kg of cement (grade PTs 500) and 6 kg of chemical additive, consisting of a percentage of 88% silicon oxide (SiO2), 10% plasticizer grade C-3 and 2% water ) 22 kg of purified sand is poured,
  • then water is added to the mixture at the rate of 17 cubic meters per ready mixture(such a large amount of water is required so that the solution has the necessary degree of liquid medium to carry out the process of application to the surface of the mold through a pneumatic gun),
  • then the resulting material is subjected to cyclic mixing for five minutes in a concrete mixer (or in a special mixer with a frequency of 500 rpm),
  • after these steps, reinforcing fibers are added to the finished mixture polymer material and subsequent mixing is carried out to evenly distribute the fibers throughout the mixture. It should be noted that mixing is carried out at low speeds, no more than 70 rpm,
  • then, using a pneumatic gun, the finished solution is applied to the bottom of the mold in layers, first preliminary, with a thickness of 2 mm, after which the main solution is applied 6 mm, and then compacted using a simple roller.

As can be seen from the above method, it is quite possible to prepare such a mixture yourself, if you have the necessary components and tools for the work. Despite the fact that the preparation of glass fiber reinforced concrete does not require special conditions and is quite low-cost, this universal material also has a number of characteristics that provide it with a leading position among its competitors:

  • dry density averages two tons per cubic meter,
  • the impact strength of the resulting material is from 1 to 2.5 kilograms per square millimeter,
  • fire resistance of SFB is higher than that of concrete,
  • thermal conductivity is only 0.6 W per square centimeter,
  • The tensile strength at the moment of bending is on average 260 kg per square meter. cm.

To put it simply, glass fiber reinforced concrete is 10 times superior to ordinary concrete in impact strength, and its corrosion resistance is twice as high. On average, the flexural, tensile and compressive strengths are twice as high as those of concrete, and the viscosity when strength is achieved is up to 30 times higher. The frost resistance of SFRC is 7 times higher than that of reinforced concrete. In fact, all this is achieved by introducing reinforcing fibers into the material from fibers with a fiber length of 20 to 40 millimeters. The rest of the technological process for producing the mixture does not differ significantly compared to the preparation of conventional concrete.

Advantages of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Fiberglass concrete has a number of advantages that make its use economically feasible:

  • SFRC can easily take any architectural form; it is possible to create from the simplest to multi-level compositional design elements. You can recreate a truly beautiful decorative element using the right shape,
  • the ratio of weight and strength of the material is quite confidently called optimal, which has a positive effect on the transportation and storage of the material,
  • technologically, SFRC is a perfect building material: with the simple addition of glass fibers to the structure of the mixture, its quality in terms of strength, resistance to impact external sources and reducing the number of shrinkage microcracks allowed glass fiber reinforced concrete to quickly gain popularity in the construction industry,
  • the material is chemically resistant to acids and alkalis,
  • good indicators of providing heat and sound insulation properties compared to conventional concrete,
  • an important advantage when used in architectural decoration: aesthetic appeal.

SFB allows you to recreate almost any surface, so this property will be another plus in terms of its aesthetic appearance. The decision to use the specified material for cladding various structures will be correct. For example, fences made of glass fiber reinforced concrete are distinguished not only by their strength, but also by their ease of construction. But what will be required first of all to install such a fence?

Necessary equipment for installing a fiberglass concrete fence

Of course, you can’t build any fence on enthusiasm alone. The following components must be available:

  • metal reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm, which will be inserted into the foundation and will serve as a shrinkage base for SFRC blocks,
  • cement mortar (the ratio of two parts cement to six sand when mixing the mixture is quite suitable),
  • building level (preferably two, one short 50 cm long, the second building level, 2 meters long),
  • hammer drill for making holes for reinforcement in concrete blocks,
  • perforator attachment for mixing the solution,
  • rope for setting the horizontal level when laying blocks,
  • paint for finishing decoration of mounted panels.

The final appearance of the fence will be monumental and aesthetically appealing. In fact, it will be quite easy to achieve even flashy high cost and pomp, which will appeal to lovers of this style. However, it is important to remember that finished products made from glass fiber reinforced concrete have a high final cost, which is a significant disadvantage. The main difficulty is purchasing fiberglass. To prepare the solution, use bulk material with separated fibers ranging in size from 20 to 40 mm.

Foundation for a fence made of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Before considering how to make a fence from SFRC, you should prepare a high-quality foundation. Despite the fact that the finished blocks have a relatively small weight in relation to concrete, the technology for creating the foundation for the base of the fence does not differ significantly. This is primarily due to the fact that the foundation must keep the fence level for a long time, despite the influence of climate and soil quality.

When creating a foundation that will last for decades, the following points should be taken into account:

  • all components for work must be prepared in advance: tools and ingredients for preparing the mixture,
  • it is necessary to maintain proportions when mixing the components of the solution,
  • you should moisten the soil in the trench with water, since the soil tends to draw out moisture; such an action is necessary in order to maintain the ratio of water in the solution under the foundation.

The first stage is marking:

  1. To begin with, you should carefully mark the boundaries of the future fence. In the corners (if the fence will have rectangular shape) it is necessary to drive in stakes on which a rope is attached to visually mark and align the boundaries.
  2. After this, calculations must be made according to the project about how many fence posts will be dug between the spans of wall blocks.
  3. Next, a trench is dug along the fence lines, the depth corresponding to the type of soil on which the work is being carried out:
  • continental soils the best way suitable for foundations because they consist of gravel or sand with a coarse-grained structure. For such soil, a digging depth of 40 cm is quite suitable;
  • sedimentary soils in places where previously there were bodies of water (rivers, lakes) are poorly suited for laying a foundation. If the soil is dominated by silty or clay masses, it is not advisable to build a foundation, since the silt is washed away, and the clay absorbs moisture and swells, as a result of which the foundation will inevitably be destroyed,
  • A completely sandy base is also a problem. In this case, it is often necessary to deepen the foundation a meter into the ground, and strengthen the bottom of the trench with pillows of coarse gravel (from 20 mm),
  • bulk soils are quite convenient for building a foundation on them, since they do not require preliminary preparation.

In this case, it is enough to dig a trench 40-50 centimeters deep and reinforce it with formwork.
To build a fence made of glass fiber reinforced concrete, the most preferable option would be to build a strip foundation 50 cm deep and wider than the fence. Such a foundation is constructed using gravel, when the bottom of the dug trench is covered with a gravel cushion, and formwork from boards is installed along the edges of the trench. Following this, using reinforcement welded together with a diameter of 10 mm, the base is laid, which is poured concrete mortar. When the foundation is ready, it is worth starting the actual construction of the fence on the site.

Technology for installing a fence made of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Making a fence with your own hands from hollow fiberglass concrete blocks is not so difficult if you follow all aspects of the work and carefully install the blocks.

  • the first stage is the installation of hollow slabs (pedestals) of the base, which will subsequently be filled with mortar,
  • In the base blocks, inlet holes for the fittings should be drilled in advance using a hammer drill or a powerful drill,
  • then the remaining elements are assembled: first the vertical pillars of the base, then the horizontal elements of the fence (each of which is filled cement mortar any brand and reinforced).

It is important to carry out constant monitoring of all mounted elements of glass fiber reinforced concrete blocks at the same level, without tolerances for deviations. After the construction is completed, the work ends with the stage of carrying out finishing. The assembled blocks are painted in the required color with paint for concrete surfaces, and the fence is ready.

As mentioned earlier, due to the excellent ability of SFB to imitate other natural materials, from blocks of the same composition it is possible to create integral compositions that will look like fancy relief surfaces with the appearance of wood or marble. With the help of glass fiber reinforced concrete, the question of how to make the fence aesthetically attractive will not arise. It is quite simple to create a ready-made mixture, and if you have artistic taste and the skills to create casting molds for external panels, then in a short time a fence will be erected, which represents the real pinnacle of architectural design.

Technologies designed to improve the quality of building materials are constantly improving, modern market offers improved new products with unique properties. Glass fiber reinforced concrete is rightfully considered one of these innovations. The desire to improve one of the most popular materials led to the creation of a new version of it, which consists of concrete and fiberglass reinforcement, which triples the original material compared to conventional concrete. Repair is a costly process, but you can save a lot by doing it yourself. Production does not require special skills - just follow the recommendations.

Composition and materials

The composition of glass fiber reinforced concrete is quite simple - gray or white Portland cement M 500-700, sifted fine-caliber quartz sand, roving (alkali-resistant fiberglass), in some cases aluminous cement is used. To improve the characteristics - aesthetic, formative, technological - additives are added to the composition.

Most important point in the process of making your own glass concrete - the choice of binder. The aluminous cement base is characterized by intensive crystallization of formations; the decrease in strength occurs more slowly than in compositions made from Portland cement.

In cooperation with water, Portland cement prevents the destruction of metal elements, but has a detrimental effect on glass fiber.

The main component of the liquid phase of Portland cement before hardening - calcium hydroxide - leads to glass corrosion, which destroys the silicon-oxygen structure. Based on this, when making your own glass fiber concrete based on Portland cement, it is advisable to use alkali-resistant fiber - otherwise, instead of reinforced material, you will get a block impregnated with liquid glass.

Concrete made with alumina cement is more dense and resistant to unfavorable environments, but the cost of this base for concrete is significantly higher and it is more difficult to purchase.

  • On the other hand, the high price of alumina is absolutely justified. Among their main advantages in use are the following:
  • rapid hardening;
  • increasing strength during drying;
  • insignificant influence of chemicals on glass fiber;

rapid production of material, as a result - reduction of construction time.

The only drawback can be considered the possibility of changing the strength characteristics. The use of alumina in construction requires strict adherence to process recommendations - a minimal error will lead to the eventual loss of most of the properties of the finished glass fiber reinforced concrete.

For the production of materials for interior works and finishing, use gypsum or gypsum in its pure form. The hardening medium poses virtually no threat of destruction of the reinforcing elements. There is a risk of corrosion of steel parts; fiber is not subject to destruction. Gypsum reinforced with fiber is more durable, fire-resistant and has low thermal conductivity.

Glass fiber is selected based on the chemical composition and strength of the material - a wide selection of types of glass allows you to choose the right type, focusing on your selection criteria. The following fibers are predominantly used in the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete:

  • silicate;
  • quartz;
  • sodium calcium silicate;
  • aluminoborosilicate;
  • zirconium silicate (alkali-resistant glass fiber).

Necessary tools

The use of specific equipment and tools in your production depends on the chosen method. This could be a pneumatic gun or a regular concrete mixer. When producing small batches of glass fiber reinforced concrete, the solution is stirred using its force, always in one direction - this will ensure that the fibers are evenly distributed throughout the glass fiber concrete.

The finished solution is applied directly to the surface, or pre-filled into molds - before pouring the mixture into your molds, lubricate them with mineral oil. To obtain smooth tiles, molds coated on the inside with polyethylene are used. Forms with glass bottoms make it possible to produce polished tiles, and textured products are obtained using special silicone molds. The purchased monofilament is cut with special scissors; when cutting the fiber, take care of your personal safety - the use of a respirator, glasses, and gloves to protect your hands is mandatory.

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Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method help cope with attacks of high blood pressure. Correct execution of exercises -...
About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...