Technology of drawing up structural and logical diagrams: from theory to practice. Example of a structural logic diagram

Technology of drawing up structural and logical diagrams: from theory to practice

When drawing up structural and logical diagrams, it is necessary to operate with the following concepts:

Dictionary of concepts

Analysis- mental decomposition of an object into its constituent parts or sides. This helps to visually represent the totality of what an object consists of, to specify its properties, and makes cognition a real process accessible to humans. But it is impossible to know the essence of an object only by breaking it down into its component parts. It is necessary to establish connections between them. Synthesis helps to do this.

Synthesis- mental unification of elements dissected by analysis.

Comparison- establishing similarities or differences between objects.

Judgment- a form of thought in which, with the help of a connection of concepts, something about something is affirmed or denied.

Inference- a thinking process that allows one to derive a new judgment from two or more judgments.

Structural and logical diagrams can be of 3 types:

1st view: SLS “Following”– an algorithm in which judgments, conclusions, and concepts have a one-time sequential connection.

2nd type: SLS “Cyclic”– an algorithm in which semantic analogies are identified that are repeated along a cycle specified by a logical chain in a cause-and-effect relationship.

3rd view: SLS “Figurative-visual” - an algorithm that is built on the basis of an image (for example, a clock, a tree slice (= semicircle) in the cause-and-effect relationship of concepts, judgments, conclusions on a given research problem.

Let's consider the technology for creating a structural-logical diagram.

    When developing a structural-logical diagram, one must rely on the source material literary text, since SLS involves establishing logical relationships in a literary source in order to understand the author’s intention.

    The problem, aspect, characters, etc. are selected. for development and an acceptable type of structural and logical diagram for solving the task.

    Cause-and-effect relationships are established and graphically arranged in a diagram. Properties can be used geometric shapes, which will help in establishing semantic connections in the work (For example, based on the cone and its properties, a diagram was built for A.M. Gorky’s drama “At the Bottom”, while the top of the cone can shift).

    Key concepts, characters, facts, etc. are selected. They will become the basis of semantic interaction based on logical connections.

    Associations and logical connections presented in such a diagram reveal themselves, on the one hand, from a possible reading of these concepts, on the other hand, in the form of a fairly specific, unambiguous, reasoned conclusion, which is formulated thanks to the presented connections. The figuratively visual structural and logical diagram represents the most complex look schemes, so it requires comment. The main thing is to explain the image on which it is based and the idea of ​​​​building logical connections.

In the new conditions, a literature lesson requires the greatest skill of the teacher, since knowledge of literature is special knowledge . It is based not so much on reason and memory, but on empathy and co-creativity. One cannot but agree with the writer V. Rasputin: “In the hands of a literature teacher is the richest heritage in the world, the most influential teaching on the soul about good... This is a powerful spiritual fence from evil...” Hence the exorbitant responsibility facing the literature teacher and determining the main task of his service to the student and the school - the formation of a child’s culture of thinking and the upbringing of the individual with high spiritual and moral principles. The mission of a teacher-philologist becomes especially important in the changing realities of our time, because the future of Russia depends on what and how our children read today.

From time immemorial, Russian literature has determined the face of the nation at different times. The words of A.I. Herzen are widely known: “Literature is the platform from which the conscience of the nation speaks.” It is literature that can make this difficult breakthrough of the modern child to his own soul, as to the main reality, and help restore healthy thinking as a process cognitive activity individual, characterized by a generalized, mediated reflection of reality.

Fiction stated as opportunityhand over relationship, logic, sequence, pattern reality throughcreative And live recreation of characters,events, states; provided insightful experiences and helped the reader's life orientation. A work of art shows the fullness of the multidimensional meaning of the surrounding world and gives a visual, deep, holistic idea of ​​the world, which appears in cause-and-effect relationships. You can become involved in the author's intention only through co-creation with the writer. This is the difficulty of teaching literature.

Structural and logical diagram demonstrates associative, logical connections of concepts, judgments, conclusions, using which the following results can be achieved:

- formulate the problems of the work being studied;

- evaluate the characters;

- explain the semantic structure of a work of art;

The effectiveness of using structural-logical diagrams in literature lessons is manifested in the following:

The learning time is reduced with the same quality of knowledge;

The quality of knowledge increases with the same training time;

The amount of information studied increases with the same level of knowledge and the same time expenditure.

Let's consider the technology for creating a cyclic structural-logical diagram using the example of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment.”

Initially, you should choose the semantic aspect, which is presented cyclically in this work. Thus, we find an algorithm in which semantic analogies are identified that are repeated along a cycle specified by a logical chain in a cause-and-effect relationship.

It is known that the semantic center of Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” is the episode of the main characters reading the Gospel about the “Resurrection of Lazarus”.

We begin the construction of the diagram with a semantic node - “GOSPEL SCHEME OF SALVATION”. In the novel, each of the heroes cyclically goes through the path of sin - crime - lesson of fate - punishment, but is able to come to salvation according to the “GOSPEL SCHEME OF SALVATION” given by Dostoevsky in the novel, realizing the words of Jesus Christ: “I am the resurrection and life, he who believes in me, if and if he dies, he will live.” There is an algorithm in which it is possible to identify semantic analogies that are repeated along a cycle specified by a logical chain and help to see more clearly the author’s intention of the work.

The Gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus, according to the author's plan, shows a person what the logic of human destiny is and how a person can come to salvation, become happy, find spiritual harmony and bring happiness and light to others. For F.M. Dostoevsky, it is obvious that a person’s salvation lies in deep faith in Christ, through deep cleansing repentance. Spiritual dead ends and tragedies, according to the writer, originate in a person’s retreat from faith. Repentance and repentance are different concepts for F.M. Dostoevsky. And this is the author’s intention of the work. Dostoevsky – Orthodox Christian, and it is the idea of ​​Orthodoxy that the writer refracts into an understanding of the logic of fate and the metaphysics of existence. Repentance brings a change of mind, and repentance is only an awareness of guilt and insatiable suffering, leading a person to a dead end and leading to spiritual split, physical or spiritual death. That is why we see tormented, suffering and dying heroes who never found Salvation, who never saw the truth, obvious to the writer, in the idea of ​​​​the resurrection of Lazarus, in the gospel scheme of salvation. Their fates, at first glance, are completely different. But the cyclical nature in relation to the Gospel scheme of Salvation is obvious.

    Svidrigailov commits suicide without finding the strength to repent, without accepting the gospel scheme of Salvation, and repentance allows him to commit the most striking actions before death, actually leading the hero to catharsis.

    Luzhin is so deaf to the metaphysics of existence, insensitive to sin, that his soul is dead and incapable of resurrection.

    Marmeladov due to weakness of will, despondency and pride, which led him to drunkenness, he ends his life tragically, becoming a victim and a tormentor at the same time, but never finding the will to repent.

    Katerina Ivanovna receives poverty as a lesson for vanity and pride, but rebellion against God leads her away from repentance, and the result of her life is tragic death.

    Alena Ivanovna, money-loving, insensitive to the grief of one's neighbor and

incapable not only of repentance, but even of repentance,

receives the opportunity of salvation through martyrdom.

    Lizaveta- meek, gentle, believing in the resurrection, through martyrdom she washes away the sin of fornication, so as not to sully her purity before God. God takes Lizaveta away from possible sins. Death martyrs- entry into spiritual life.

    Sonechka is not embittered either at the world or at people, admits his sin and atones for it with repentance, makes a humble sacrifice in the name of his relatives and is an example of the fulfillment of the Gospel scheme of Salvation.

    Raskolnikov It is difficult for him to realize his sin, vanity and pride give rise to rebellion, repentance leads him to torment and spiritual split. Bordering on despair. Sonya leads him on the path to repentance and resurrection according to the gospel scheme.

Each of the heroes transgresses the Law of God, and his ability to repent depends on whether he is capable of repentance. further fate. This is the logic of fate.

Raskolnikov and Sonechka Marmeladova found the path to Salvation, for “they were resurrected by love,” love for God. According to the gospel, “God is love.” Words by D.S. Merezhkovsky: “Are not crime and holiness merged in a living soul into one living, insoluble mystery?” - they turn us to Dostoevsky’s thought: “Here God and the Devil are fighting, and the battlefield is the hearts of people.”

Let's consider the technology for creating a structural-logical diagram “Following” using the example of V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Lilychka!..”

The diagram shows the ordeals of the soul of the lyrical hero and the reasons for the occurrence of this state. We will make up an algorithm in which judgments, conclusions, and concepts have a one-time sequential connection.

We start building a diagram with a keyword. The key word in the poem is AD (“Kruchenykh’s hell” - a reference to A. Kruchenykh’s book “Hell” with illustrations by Kazemir Malevich).

Interpretation is important keywords poems: hell, frenzy and madness. Hell is a place where eternally condemned sinners go, where the devil and demons rule over people. Frenzy - extreme excitement, extraordinary tension on the verge of madness, ecstasy. Madness is another component of the state of a person who carries hell in his soul. This is the state of the lyrical hero, who understands that his love is unclean, sinful, but does not repent, but on the contrary, complains (“the bitterness of offended complaints”) because he suffers, for he has deified his beloved. The deification of a person is always the path to tragedy as an incipient feeling. So does the person experiencing this feeling.

Everything that happens to the lyrical hero is natural: suffering on the chosen path is inevitable: “no sun,” “no sea,” etc. We show with arrows the consequence of the hero’s choice. The lyrical hero chooses the path of sin, which is why he suffers, coming to thoughts of suicide. To summarize, the path to happiness is not suicide, but a “soul scorched by love.” The paradox of the hero’s feelings is reflected in the tenderness with which the hero is ready to “cover” every step of his beloved. And such a tonality of the state in all contradictions gives strength and volume to Mayakovsky’s author’s plan.

The reader becomes a witness to the hero's spiritual failure, which leads him to deviate from the understanding of true love. In the fatal mistake of perceiving the spiritual paradigm of human relations, the lyrical hero Mayakovsky experiences a spiritual substitution of concepts, which leads him to tragedy.

Let’s compare with the interpretation of Love in the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians: “Love is patient, kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, is not proud, does not act rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

The lyrical hero does not need a path to such love, but it is in long-suffering, sacrifice, in purity and hope that not a frenzied passion is born, but a bright, life-affirming feeling.

Let's consider drawing up a figuratively visual structural and logical diagram using the example of M.A. Bulgakov's novel “The Master and Margarita”. After reading the work, to build a structural-logical diagram, it is necessary to identify an algorithm that will be built on the basis artistic image or a symbol in the cause-and-effect relationship of concepts, judgments, conclusions on a given research problem.

Bulgakov is interested, first of all, in metaphysical man, therefore the problematic of the novel is built on the triad “GOD - MAN - SATAN”, and this determines the relationship between the semantic and artistic structures of the work.

Already in the first chapter “On the Patriarchs” the main existential question of the novel is formulated - about the existence of God, as well as about the relationship between the functions of God and the devil in the cosmic world order.

The image most suitable for creating a structural and logical diagram is a circle. CIRCLE is the primary symbol of unity and infinity, a sign of absolute and perfection. Like an endless line, the circle symbolizes time in eternity, the “metaphysical circle of truth.” You can use a triangle and a square as symbols to build a structural and logical diagram. In Christianity, a triangle is a symbol of the all-seeing eye of God. The square is considered inferior to the circle, and therefore was adopted in Christianity as a symbol of the earth and earthly life. The circle inside the square was understood as a symbol of the divine “spark” inside the material shell.

Thus, the symbolism of the figure-images that we chose to construct the diagram directly correlates with the semantic structure of the novel “The Master and Margarita”, because Bulgakov turns the reader’s gaze to metaphysical circle of truth, that is, calls to know God by analyzing everything that happens to the characters and Russia in the novel.

The structural and logical diagram is presented in the form of a circle as a spiritual symbol of life-death, in which the immortal soul of man resides. A square is inscribed in a circle, divided into 3 triangles: beige, blue and gray.

At the intersection of the diagonals of the square - Woland- the semantic node of the composition of the work, therefore his name is in the center, Woland’s /Satan’s plan is to lead a person away from God cunningly, while appearing before the world as a champion of justice, a fighter for the truth, “A SAVIOR ON THE REVERSE”. The novel about Pontius Pilate, created by the master, becomes nothing more than the GOSPEL OF SATAN. The manuscript was saved by Woland not by chance, for the “black mass” should have a text that is antipode to the Gospel, which is the master’s novel. Woland as a character is directly related to both the events taking place in Moscow and the master’s work, the novel about Pontius Pilate, that is, the anti-Gospel. M.A. Bulgakov makes Woland the second narrator: it is Woland who introduces the reader to the novel about Pontius Pilate (chapter “On the Patriarchs”), which proves the direct involvement of Satan in the creation of the anti-Gospel. And this is important: the writer Bulgakov explains to us that in creative process when the human spirit is damaged, demonic power can invade. It is no coincidence that the master, in a fit of fear, burns the novel and then listens with horror to Woland’s words when he returns it: “Manuscripts don’t burn!” Let us note that only Margarita is happy about this event.

The structural-logical diagram demonstrates the logic of what is happening in Bulgakov’s novel. Let's look at numbers and shapes.

    (number 1) beige triangle - these are the events taking place in the days before Easter in Moscow, the triangle symbolizes the capital drowning in sins, in which the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was destroyed and atheism and blasphemy reign. This is a kind of BLACK PROSKOMIDIA” (preparation for Satan’s ball), a prerequisite for its appearance. Woland is a provocateur of events, but they are committed due to the sins of people, and not according to his will, since “demons also believe and tremble” before God.

    (number 3) blue triangle - these are the events of the novel about Pontius Pilate, written and burned by the master. This is ANTI-GOSPEL for Woland’s “BLACK MASS”, provoked to be written by himself, which follows from Bulgakov’s novel. The connection of the novel both with Woland and the purpose of its writing - for Woland's ball - is indicated by a black arrow.

    ( number 2) gray triangle - this is “ANTI-LITURGY” (“BLACK MASS”) - a ball at Woland (Satan). The place of Satan’s dominion is hell, which is indicated where a gray triangle is inscribed in a circle.

Ball at Woland's- This is the climax of the novel. Such a ball (“black mass” of Satan) requires preliminary preparation: you need a ball queen who has undergone a strict ritual of renunciation of God, and an anti-gospel (a perverted gospel as an attribute of blasphemy against faith in the Lord). Woland has a good reason to come to Moscow, and Moscow of the late 20s - early 30s is a serious reason for accepting the devil, since main temple- The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up, and the townspeople became atheists and militantly renounced God, blaspheming Him (a poem about Christ by I. Bezdomny, a conversation about God “On the Patriarchs”). Bulgakov designates the time of action - spring, pre-Easter days. Woland's ball is a kind of “black mass”, i.e. blasphemous perversion of meaning Divine Liturgy. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Woland's involvement in the creation of the novel about Pontius Pilate, the meeting of the master and Margarita, and the events in the pre-Easter days in Moscow is indicated by arrows.

    Red arrow the master and Margarita are connected, the meeting of which was provoked by Woland, therefore this arrow passes through Woland’s name, indicating his involvement in this event.

    Blue arrow reveals the metaphysical essence of Margarita: adulteress, conductor of Woland's ideas, Queen of Satan's ball. Margarita, while married, cheats on her husband with the master. The heroine has nothing to do with the thought of children or family; she rather craves the thrill of sensations. Her main desire is free love with the master, not bound by marriage. The journey to Satan (chapter 21 “Flight”) is aimed at participating in the real SABBASH, or Woland’s “black mass” as the queen of the ball. To understand the appearance of Margarita, it is important to know that there is a SABBASH. From medieval teachings it is known that in order to participate in the Sabbath one must renounce God, trample on the Cross, and offer monstrous blasphemy against Christ and the Mother of God. To fly to the Sabbath, a witch should rub herself with an ointment made from the liver of unbaptized babies. Margarita praises Woland with the phrase: “All-powerful!”, from which it follows that the heroine blasphemes God, renouncing Him.

    purple arrow reveals the metaphysical essence of the master who created the novel about Pontius Pilate, that is, the Anti-Gospel under the influence dark forces and with the participation of Woland, which is why the novel distorts the gospel events. It is NOT BULGAKOV who distorts the gospel, but his hero, seduced by a demon, burns the master’s novel and remembers it with horror precisely because he realized the metaphysics of his act. Bulgakov deliberately introduced the distortion of gospel events and the Image of the Savior into the novel: to show the logic of perverted creativity under the influence of the devil. The devil’s main task is to deceive, mislead a person, and turn him away from true knowledge and creativity. The master's novel is nothing more than a work inspired by the devil. (The first line from the master’s novel is spoken by Woland, Chapter 1, the master in a dialogue with Ivan Bezdomny admits that he knows Woland, Chapter 13, the master burns the manuscript of the novel and is horrified, unlike Margarita, by its restoration, accompanied by Woland’s remark: “ Manuscripts don’t burn!”)

    The title of the novel deliberately hides the true meaning of the work, which is why the reader’s attention is focused primarily on the two characters of the work as the main ones, while according to the plan of events they are only “SUPPORTERS” of the TRUE MAIN CHARACTER. Each hero (the master and Margarita) plays a special role in the action for which Woland arrives in Moscow. This action becomes the “great ball” of Satan (ANTILITURGY), and Moscow becomes a kind of preparation for it, that is, the “BLACK PROSKOMEDIA”. The meaning of the Divine Liturgy is to strengthen the spiritual strength of man, to strive for Love and creation. The destruction of desires to strengthen the strength of the spirit in the name of Love and Truth is the meaning of the activity of the devil, the monkey of the Lord God.

testing training base task

In order to monitor students’ knowledge in full and at a given level of mastery, it is important for the teacher to know what educational elements students need to master the allocated unit educational material. An educational element (UE) is any object to be studied (subject, process, phenomenon, method of action) (1).

Determine the topic information to be studied, and, accordingly, control, divide it into educational elements and highlight structural connections between them is convenient using a structural-logical diagram - a graph and specification (2). For each educational element, the specification indicates the level of mastery, that is, the purpose of its study is specified. This stage of test design is especially important because teachers, depending on their experience and material and technical support of the subject, can set learning goals higher than those laid down in the requirements of the standard for the profession.

In the graph, educational elements (UE) are represented as vertices, and connections are represented as edges. The vertices are located on horizontal lines called orders. One order includes educational elements united by a certain commonality. Training elements are indicated by Arabic numerals. The names of the training elements and the characteristics of the objectives are recorded in the specification.

When developing a structural-logical diagram, you need to keep in mind (2):

The number of orders is determined by the compiler for reasons of complete coverage of all educational elements of the topic by the scheme;

The number of educational elements included in one order is not limited;

Any educational element is not considered as part of a higher order educational element or as the sum of lower order elements;

Edges can intersect order horizontals;

They show only the main connection of the educational element with one of the higher order elements;

An educational element is not singled out if it alone has a connection with a higher order element;

A separate order is not distinguished if it contains only one element;

The structural diagram and specification show only the structure and content of the topic, therefore, when constructing the diagram, you need to completely abstract from determining the sequence of presentation of educational elements.

The sequence of actions when drawing up a structural and logical diagram will be as follows:

Determine the name of the first educational element - the name of the topic;

Determine the number of orders and their sequence. Usually, the main concepts (subtopics) that need to be learned in order to fully understand the topic are identified as orders. For example, in order for a student to learn the topic “basic data structures” from a programming languages ​​course, he must know 1) data structures, 2) data types, 3) data subgroups. In this case, three orders will be distinguished;

Prepare the basis for filling out the structural and logical diagram. Draw horizontal lines on a sheet of paper according to the number of accepted orders. Prepare specification form;

Fill the horizontal order lines with educational elements, numbering them with Arabic numerals and at the same time writing down the names of educational elements in the specification;

Compare the written out educational elements with the text of the standard or program for the subject;

Fill out the specification column “Levels of mastery of educational elements.”

In some cases, it is more convenient for teachers to present the content of a topic in the form of a structural and logical diagram. In such a scheme, sometimes called a “pyramid”, the top is the name of the scheme. Lower order are the main questions that must be considered to study the topic in full. Each of the core questions also includes content elements that expand on it. The basic rules for compiling and the meaning of a structural-logical diagram generally coincide with the rules for compiling and the meaning of a graph.

A structural-logical diagram or graph allows the teacher to see the entire volume and interconnection of educational elements of content, to know which educational elements to compose test tasks and what level of learning should be tested for each learning element.

MPO Lecture 4

Lecture 4. Method of analysis educational information


    Selection of educational material.

    Structural-logical analysis.

    Educational elements.

    Specification of educational material.

    Educational information graph.

    Structural and logical diagram.

4.1. Selection of educational material

The greatest amount of time is required by analysis, selection of the content of educational material on the subject, methodological and didactic processing of it for the lesson. The complexity of selecting educational material is explained by the following circumstances:

    Lack of high-quality textbooks and teaching aids in many educational disciplines of the information technology profile;

    Insufficient completeness of educational information on certain topics in the recommended literature;

    Lack of a single textbook for vocational and educational institutions additional education in a number of information technology disciplines.

The educational material selected by the teacher from various sources (textbooks, teaching aids, scientific and technical literature) requires processing, structuring, logical construction and compilation of an outline of the content of educational information.

4.2. Structural-logical analysis

The stage of preparing educational material for a lesson is structural and logical analysis. Structural-logical analysis means identification of educational elements (concepts) in the content of educational material, their classification and establishment of connections or relationships between them. Part of the educational material, the teacher’s explanation and reasoning, the solution to a specific problem, as well as the entire selected educational material of a lesson or program topic can be subjected to structural and logical analysis.

4.3. Educational elements

The structure of educational information consists of educational elements or concepts. Concept - form scientific knowledge, reflecting what is objectively significant in things, phenomena, processes, enshrined in a special term. Educational element (UE) call any object to be studied (subject, process, phenomenon, method of action).

Concepts (UE) are characterized by:

Volume (the number of objects covered by this concept);

Connections and relationships of a given concept with other concepts.

The structure of the description of the UE creates a cognitive image of the objects being studied.

For methodological purposes, it is convenient to classify concepts on the following grounds:

Formation time;

Level of assimilation.

When planning the process of forming technical concepts, the teacher always determines the moment of their formation. According to the time of formation, concepts are divided:

On new concepts (formed for the first time in this lesson);

Basic concepts (formed in the process of studying the academic discipline in question or related academic subjects).

The concepts developed in the lesson differ in levels of mastery. One of the possible classifications of concepts proposed by V.P. Bespalko, assumes the following levels:

I level - “recognition” (characterized by performing actions with a hint). At this level, concepts of a secondary nature are formed that students must know, define, and classify.

II level - “reproduction” (characterized by performing actions from memory). At this level, concepts are formed that are used to explain the characteristics and design of technical objects, solve problems, the solution algorithm for which follows from well-known formulas, etc.

III level - “skill” (involves performing productive activities based on similar algorithms). The concepts formed at this level are used to solve practical problems, the algorithm for which is not given in ready-made form.

IV level - “transformation” (involves productive activity in a new area). This is the level of formation of concepts used in solving creative problems, studying related disciplines, etc.

The results of structural and logical analysis can be presented in the form of a specification or graph.

4.4. Specification of educational elements (concepts)

Specification - tabular form of presentation of structural and logical analysis (Table 7). The specification contains the names of UE (concepts) of educational material, their classification on various grounds and symbols denoting concepts.

In table 7 the concepts included in the educational material of the lesson are entered. Each educational concept (element) is assigned a serial number. Further, the concepts are classified according to various bases and are marked with a “+” sign. As a rule, the first number is assigned to the leading concept in a given lesson topic. Usually this concept coincides with the name of the topic.

Table 7

UE Specification

4.5. Educational information graph

Count called a set of points (vertices) connected by edges (arcs).

Educational information graph - a way to identify and visually represent connections or relationships between educational elements (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Educational information graph

For structural and logical analysis, the most convenient is a flat graph - a “tree”. Each vertex should be considered as a symbol depicting information corresponding only to a given UE. Therefore, one UE should not be considered as part of the information of another element or the sum of the information of several UEs. Each educational element of the graph, regardless of position and connections, has its own information contained only in it.

Concepts are located on horizontal lines (orders) that form a certain community. Brief Definition This community is called a concept-complex. Orders are usually denoted by Roman numerals, and concepts (UE) by Arabic numerals.

When constructing a graph, you must keep the following in mind:

1) the number of orders must completely cover all educational elements of the topic;

2) the number of educational elements included in one order is not limited;

3) do not single out an educational element if only it has a connection with a higher order element;

4) edges can intersect order horizontals, but must not intersect each other.

4.6. Structural and logical diagram

When preparing educational material for a lesson, it becomes necessary to build a model that reflects in a visual form the structure of educational material, sequence, subordination and subordination of concepts, and logical connections.

The construction of a graph of educational information provides only a visual picture of the logical connections between concepts. It does not reflect the dynamics of concept formation, the sequence of inclusion of concepts in the process of explanation in a visual form. Therefore, the most acceptable way of presenting educational information is a structural-logical diagram.

Structural and logical diagram is a graph whose edges are presented in the form of vectors indicating the logical connection between concepts and the sequence of their introduction into the educational process. When constructing a structural and logical diagram, the following rules must be observed:

1) only one concept should be placed at each vertex of the diagram;

2) vectors connecting the vertices should not intersect (if intersection is inevitable, then you should find in the material a concept that refers to the point of intersection);

3) the relationship of subordination between concepts is indicated by the direction of the arrow of the vector connecting the concepts;

4) equivalent vertices of the diagram containing subordinate concepts should be placed on the same line, and subordinate ones should be lowered one step lower.

Not all concepts identified during structural and logical analysis and included in the specification are included in the structural-logical diagram. Their composition depends almost entirely on the students’ initial level of knowledge. If some initial concepts are quite simple for students, then they do not need to be included in the diagram

The construction of structural and logical diagrams is advisable only for small fragments of educational material. For material with a large volume, the structural-logical diagram, as a rule, contains a significant number of vertices-concepts, edges and closed contours. This makes it difficult to read and characterizes the difficulty of studying this piece of material.

In order to simplify the structural-logical diagram, a number of vertices-concepts included in it can be omitted. First of all, detailed concepts are not introduced into the diagram. In more complex cases, the educational material is divided into a number of logically complete fragments, for each of which their own scheme is drawn up.

When constructing all partial structural and logical diagrams following the first, it is assumed that the concepts included in the previous material have been mastered by students to the required level. Therefore, they can not be included in subsequent private structural and logical diagrams if this does not violate the logic of constructing the diagrams.

The construction of structural and logical diagrams is one of the methods for selecting and systematizing educational material that implements the principles of scientific character, systematicity and consistency of teaching, accessibility, and clarity.

Goal of the work: formation of skills in drawing up a structural and logical diagram of the topic of the material being studied.

Material and technical equipment:

specialty curriculum;

training program the subject being studied;

textbooks, teaching aids according to the disciplines studied.

Basic theoretical principles.

Currently, some young engineering and pedagogical workers often determine the sequence of presentation of educational information, focusing on their own experience and intuition. The structure of educational information and the sequence of its presentation is not carried out as a result of a scrupulous analysis of educational planning documentation, scientific and educational literature, but based on trial and error. As practice shows, this most often leads to qualitative costs in the training of future workers, technicians and engineers, which is extremely unacceptable today. This conclusion leads to the need to search for other, more advanced and effective ways to optimize the structure of educational information (algorithmization of methods of work actions) and the sequence of its presentation in the lesson.

There are local and global structures of educational material. If the interrelations of sections of an academic subject, entire subjects or branches of knowledge are studied, then the problem of identifying global structures is solved. The teacher (industrial training master) deals with these issues at the stage of prospective preparation for classes during analysis curriculum, thematic plan of the curriculum and content individual topics. In lesson planning, the object of study is only local structures that consider the system of internal connections between concepts and judgments included in relatively small fragments of educational material, limited by the content of the topic. training session(lesson) or part thereof.

IN laboratory work It is necessary, first of all, to note the importance of the stage of logical structuring (translating the content of educational material from a verbal form into a sign model) in the course of preparing a teacher-engineer to teach a topic or a separate lesson, and also explain the peculiarities of structuring global and local structures.

It is most advisable to carry out logical structuring using the GRAPH method in the following sequence:

1 Isolation of concepts and judgments(as well as methods of labor actions) topics that will then be placed at the tops of the GRAPH.

2 Establishing initial local relationships and connections between them: interrelated concepts (vertices) are connected by directed vectors (edges), taking into account that the direction of the vector indicates the subordination of concepts. To avoid cluttering of vectors, it is also recommended to use the possibilities of colors, subject symbols and other symbols.

3 Consideration various options hierarchization of local structures and gradual identification of the real didactic status of the concepts of the topic: initial, final, main, supporting and auxiliary.

4 The most critical stage - final preparation of the structural and logical diagram(SLS) educational material. It, like the previous stages of structuring, is based on a comprehensive analysis of information from different educational subjects and areas of technical knowledge and involves the selection of the optimal solution in relation to the construction of a completed graphic model of the topic, requiring from the designer maximum concentration of attention, a broad professional outlook and the mobilization of all his creative effort. At the same time, it is important to note the nature of relationships and connections between concepts and judgments in SLS: cause-and-effect, functional, genetic; relationship of identity, subordination, etc.

5 Calculation of quantitative characteristics SLS (structural formula).

In the laboratory work, the compiled structural and logical diagram of the topic under study (Figure 2) is accompanied by detailed explanations of the individual elements.

The logical structure of educational material is understood as “a system of internal connections between concepts and judgments included in this segment material".

“In didactics, we can talk about global and local structures of educational material. It is impossible to limit ourselves to only studying the global structures of the material. If at the first stage of selecting educational material it is enough to determine which sections of the educational subject and in what sequence to study, then the question inevitably arises about the connection that must be established - ultimately, in the minds of students, and initially in the educational material - between individual concepts this segment of educational material. The content of educational material is characterized, first of all, by a certain system internal connections between the concepts included in a given piece of material, that is, the local structure of the educational material"

Studying the structure of educational material and its analysis based only on listing the concepts included in the topic is impossible. Therefore, there is a need to build a model that reflects in a visual form the properties of the educational material that interest the teacher: sequence, subordination and subordination of the concepts included in the material, their consistency and regularity, connections between them. The most acceptable way to model the logical structure of educational material is to depict it in the form of a graph.

A graph is a system of segments connecting given points, which are called vertices. When constructing a model of the logical structure of educational material, concepts or judgments of a given fragment of educational material are placed at the vertices of the graph. The segments connecting the vertices are called edges. On the graph they are shown in the form of vectors expressing connections between concepts and the sequence of their introduction into the educational process.

The imageability of graphs is their important advantage, making it easier to identify and show logical relationships in educational material.

The peculiarity of graphs is that they, without providing any quantitative, numerical data in themselves, are intended precisely to identify the structural characteristics of the objects under study.

Such an image of the logical structure of educational material is called a structural-logical diagram or structural formula. When creating it, the following rules must be observed:

Only one concept should be placed at each vertex of the graph;

Edges connecting vertices must not intersect;

Subordination relationships between concepts are indicated by the direction of the arrow on the edge of the graph;

Equivalent vertices of the graph containing subordinate concepts should be placed on the same line, subordinates are lowered one step lower.

IN practical activities As a teacher, there are cases when the same material is presented in different textbooks with varying degrees of detail. This also determines the difference in the structural and logical diagrams built on their basis.

The construction of a structural and logical diagram begins with an analysis of the conceptual apparatus of the educational material and the identification of initial and final concepts. Among them there may be concepts that are new and already known to students. The acquired concepts can be basic (supporting) and auxiliary, revealing or detailing the basic concepts.

Not all highlighted concepts are included in the structural-logical diagram. Their composition depends almost entirely on the students’ initial level of knowledge. If some initial concepts are quite simple for students, then they do not need to be included in the diagram. You can compare with each other only such structural and logical diagrams that are compiled taking into account the same level of students.

In order to simplify the structural-logical diagram, a number of vertices-concepts included in it can be omitted. First of all, detailed concepts are not introduced into the diagram. In more difficult cases the structural-logical diagram is divided into a number of logically complete fragments, for each of which their own diagram is drawn up.

When constructing all partial structural and logical diagrams following the first, it is assumed that the concepts included in the previous material have been mastered by students to the required level. Therefore, they can not be included in subsequent private structural and logical diagrams if this does not violate the logic of constructing the diagrams.

Let us analyze the logic of constructing SLS using the example of studying the topic “Geometric and contour carving” in the subject special technology in the training of wood carvers in a professional lyceum. SLS has initial and final concepts. The starting point is the concept of types of wood carving, and the final concept is application. All concepts that are on the “trunk” of SLS are called basic. The basic concepts include: flat carving, carving elements, ornament, materials, tools, execution techniques, application. All these basic concepts are detailed by auxiliary concepts that reveal their meaning and meaning.

As can be seen from the SLS, flat threads are divided into geometric and contour. To perform flat-notched threads, you need to know with the help of which elements it is performed. The second main concept is the concept of element, which is divided into four detailed groups: 2-faceted, 3-faceted, 4-faceted and polyhedral. It is also clear that 2-sided elements can be used when making both geometric and contour carvings.

The third basic concept is the concept of ornament. With the help of this group, you can understand what shapes can be obtained using certain carving elements. In this SLS you can see what can be cut out: eyes, lights, squares, beads (diamonds), swirls, chains, ladders, stars, pegs, as well as rosettes, flowers, leaves, animals and birds.

The fourth main concept concerns materials. To explain this concept, auxiliary concepts are used, such as wood species divided by hardness.

Tools are the fifth basic element. This part of the SLS will help you choose the main and auxiliary tools for performing both geometric and contour carvings.

In the SLS you can see what methods exist for making flat-notch threads. The main concept of execution techniques is revealed with the help of auxiliary concepts, which are divided into six groups.

The latest basic concept shows the scope of application of geometric and contour carving.

The use of color in SLS provides a great opportunity to establish connections between concepts. The structural formula of SLS makes it possible to evaluate the didactic role of individual logical elements of reasoning. It allows you to establish a connection between basic and auxiliary concepts. All basic concepts are interconnected, one complements the other. Flat socket carving is made using elements, in turn, a set of elements form an ornament. The second part of the SLS shows on what materials flat carving is performed, using what tools and how correctly this carving can be made. The final basic concept of application makes it possible to determine the place of acquired knowledge about geometric and contour carving in the artistic processing of wood.

The characteristics of structural logic diagrams include:

Number of edge vertices;

Number of closed loops;

Structure diagram rank;

Degree of difficulty.

The rank of a circuit is understood as the number of closed circuits.

The degree of complexity of the structural-logical diagram is determined from the equality:

p=2·m/n, (1.3.1)

where m is the number of edge connections;

n is the number of vertices of concepts and judgments.

The structural and logical diagram of the topic “Geometric and contour carving” has the following quality indicators:

Number of edge connections m=93;

Number of concept vertices n=94;

Number of closed circuits – 8;

Structural diagram rank – 8;

Degree of difficulty

The resulting quantitative coefficient of 1.9 indicates that the material being studied is of an average degree of complexity.

Figure 2 – Structural and logical diagram

Control questions.

1. What is called a structural-logical diagram (structural formula) of educational material?

2. For what purpose is a structural-logical diagram being developed?

3. What are the basic requirements for depicting a structural-logical diagram.

4. Quantitative indicators characterizing the complexity of SLS.

5. Types of concepts included in SLS.


1. Sokhor, A.M. Logical structures of educational material / A.M. Sokhor. M.: Pedagogika, 1976. – 356 p.

2. Nikiforov, V. I. Fundamentals and content of training an engineer-teacher for classes / V. I. Nikiforov. – L.: Leningrad State University, 1987. – 144 p.

3. Yanushkevich A.A. Methods of teaching general technical and special disciplines: textbook. manual on coursework and diploma design for students of specialty 1-08 01 01 " Professional education» direction 04 “Woodworking” / A.A. Yanushkevich, E.P. Dirvuk, A.A. Plevko. – Minsk: BSTU, 2005.- 96 p.

Microeconomics structural and logical diagrams. Training pos-bey. M., 1996.  

At the third stage, a general structural and logical diagram of the system being studied is developed. Graphically, it is usually presented in the form of a block drawing, where each element corresponds to a specific block. Individual blocks are interconnected by arrows that show the presence and direction of internal and external connections of the system. The indicators selected at the previous stage are immediately distributed among the elements and connections of the system, their list is clarified (those that duplicate each other are excluded, insufficient information is replaced, etc.).  

Results for table. 9.2 were obtained by calculating the factor model using the chain substitution method based on the structural and logical diagram of Fig. 9.1. The calculation procedure is as follows  


Structural and logical diagrams  

What is the structural and logical diagram of the relationship between crisis regulation and crisis management  

How to draw up a structural and logical diagram of crisis management  

The structural and logical diagram of a three-level factor model of average annual inventory turnover is presented in Fig. 8.3.  


Scheme 2. Structural and logical diagram of marketing (p. 16-17).  

Draw a structural and logical diagram of the main act of a comprehensive audit.  

The general structural and logical diagram of the analysis of return on equity capital is presented in Fig. 22.3.  

Presented educational complex, including theoretical material in structural and logical diagrams and a workshop consisting of situational problems, guidelines for their solution, tasks in test form, grouped by topics and main issues of the discipline Accounting Theory. Verification, consolidation and assimilation of knowledge are achieved through final testing and solving an end-to-end generalizing task.  

The book we bring to your attention is devoted to the problems of investment in Russian economy, development oil and gas industry and the peculiarities of subsoil use based on production sharing agreements (hereinafter referred to as Agreements or PSA), and also sums up the first results of their implementation in Russia. The reader is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the mandatory rules enshrined in legal acts relating to PSA issues, to take advantage of legal and economic comments and explanations, provided with structural and logical diagrams for clarity.  

Fig. 22 Structural and logical diagram of product competitiveness analysis  

Analysis of the structure of the connection between the studied indicators in ACD is carried out by constructing a structural and logical block diagram, which makes it possible to establish the presence and direction of the connection not only between the studied factors and the effective indicator, but also between the factors themselves. By constructing a block diagram, you can see that among the factors being studied there are those that more or less directly affect performance indicator, and those that affect not so much the effective indicator as each other.  

The structural planning stage begins with breaking down the task (project) under study into clearly defined steps (work packages) necessary to achieve the goal of the task (project). Then a logical diagram of the connections between the works or a sequence of works in the logical sequence of their implementation is drawn up. Based on the logical sequence of work, a graph or network model is built.  

The second stage involves the development of technical proposals. When starting it, the designer calls up a program to search for options for technical solutions. It accesses an array of information presented by an AND-OR technical decision tree or a semantic model. Both accumulate knowledge about technical systems of a certain class, including information on already created objects contained in projects, copyright certificates and patents. When searching for options using an AND-OR tree, descriptions of object options will be programmatically compiled in accordance with the algorithm outlined in clause 4.4. Using graphic display programs, the description can be presented as a layout of the elements included in it on the screen of a video terminal or on a plotter. When using semantic modeling, the designer needs to use a conceptual description, including design goals and characteristics of the object, to create a functional description, and from it a diagram of logical connections in accordance with the recommendations of clause 4.4. According to the logical diagram of the connections, a structural diagram will be selected from the database, which will constitute a variant of the design object. Here, as in the first case, the description of the option can be presented in the form of a graphic display indicating the names of the component elements.  

Classical design methods. The end of the 70s - the beginning of the 80s was the time of the formation of integrated database technology as one of the leading technologies in IS design. A large set of theoretically based methods was developed and put into practice: designing conceptual and logical database diagrams, organizing a physical data storage environment, planning data access paths, etc. Methods for designing functions developed from methods of formal specification of functions to structured programming and the first non-procedural programming languages ​​of the fourth generation (4GL). Analysis of the functions (tasks) of the enterprise also served as the basis for the design of the database. ASE systems have appeared, focused on formalizing information and functional requirements for information systems and intended for the formal description and team development of large software complexes.  

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