Top 10 influential people in the world. The most influential people in the world: top, ratings

The American magazine Forbes published a ranking of the most influential people in the world in 2018. TOP 3 were made up of leaders largest countries– China, Russia and the USA.

Of the 7.5 billion inhabitants of our planet Forbes magazine named only one in every 100 million whose activities are most influential. The list includes the names of 74 people who determine the course of the economy and politics of the world. Vladimir Putin did not take first place in the ranking.

The most influential people in the world 2018 according to Forbes ranking

1. Xi Jinping:

- Chairman of the People's Republic of China, who through his efforts changed the Constitution and expanded his own influence. He regained himself main post, authored reforms, implemented the “Chinese Dream” program, valid until the end of 2049.

2. Vladimir Putin:

- the leader of Russia, who was the leader of the rating from 2013 to 2016 inclusive. He has held the presidential chair for eighteen years. This year, Vladimir Putin found himself in second place in the ranking due to a scandalous incident - Russian interference in the American presidential elections.

3. Donald Trump:

- American President. Even though he has a powerful army and America’s economy is powerful, the country’s leader still has not risen above third position in the rankings. He also found himself at the center of a scandal involving hackers from Russia.

4. Angela Merkel:

- German Chancellor, the only female Chancellor in Germany home country. She has been in her current position for thirteen years. At the same time, in last year’s elections, her victory became as controversial as Donald Trump’s: 364 out of 688 deputies voted for Angela Merkel.

5. Jeff Bezos:

— founded Amazon. This year his fortune is more than $100 billion. Amazon is valued at $768 billion.

6. Pope Francis:

- a reformer who launched the process of changing the conservative foundations of the Catholic Church. In parallel with the presidents of other countries, he is trying to improve the living conditions of refugees, opposes climate change and the persecution of religious minorities.

7. Bill Gates:

- founded Microsoft, but today his share in it is no more than 1% of the shares. Now he is involved in charity work, and he and his wife even created their own charitable foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

8. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud:

- is crown prince Saudi Arabia, led an anti-corruption campaign, thanks to which many rich people were arrested and unpaid funds were returned to the treasury.

9. Narendra Modi:

- holds the post of Prime Minister in India, and also intends to do everything to keep the climate the same.

10. Larry Page:

— founded the Google search engine exactly twenty years ago.

French leader Emmanuel Macron was in 12th place, Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, was in 13th place. Elon Musk took 25th place in the ranking, Kim Jong-un – 36th, and Bashar Al Assad – 62nd.

“The Russian president influences almost every corner of the planet. At home, in Syria and in the US presidential elections, he continues to achieve what he wants,” the publication writes.

The Russian factor has become central to American election discussions after the Democratic Party, which ran as its presidential candidate, admitted that its servers had been hacked by anonymous hackers. A short time later, a number of American intelligence agencies linked the cyberattack to Russia and, in particular, the Kremlin.

Leaks from confidential Democratic correspondence damaged the image and became one of the factors that brought down Clinton's ratings and led to the victory of Republican Donald Trump. Trump himself, already the elected president of the United States, does not hide the fact that he is going to establish contact with Vladimir Putin and again consider the issue of annexing Crimea to Russia.

Recently, Trump-connected financier Carter Page visited Moscow and also publicly discussed the Crimean problem in a conciliatory manner.

“With such a likely ally as in the White House, Putin’s power could become limitless in the future.” long years", writes Forbes.

The general director of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications "APEC" believes that covering the topic of Putin's influence on the American elections helped his authority, regardless of how real this influence was. “The fact that this was discussed strengthened his image positioning,” the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru is sure.

Orlov also notes Russia’s role in politics in the Middle East, in particular in the Syrian campaign. “Putin, having, in general, few resources and playing against several opponents, managed to win,” he believes.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain is in 13th place, the President of France is in 23rd, and the Prime Minister of Japan is in 37th.

58th place went to Russian businessman Alisher, owner.

Usmanov is also the richest businessman in Russia after and.

The current US President Barack Obama ranks only 48th on this list. “Obama leaves office at a time of global upheaval; a wave of populism caused political instability in Europe, the beginning of the crisis was marked by Brexit in June 2016,” Forbes writes in a commentary.

Political scientist Vyacheslav believes that Putin topped the ratings at a good moment. “Everything is logical. Ex-president USA Barack Obama is no longer the most influential, and his successor Donald Trump is not yet influential,” the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru is sure.

However, the expert clarifies that this does not mean that the future American leader will necessarily be ahead of Putin in the future, just now Russian President there is no alternative to the one that made up the rating.

According to Smirnov, the influence of heads of state can be compared to the influence of heads of companies. It is clear that the larger and more influential the company, the heavier the leader. But another question is how personally influential he still is and determines the entire policy of his company.

“In America, after all, the president is a product of the system. He expresses not his own opinion, but the opinion of opposing groups. But in Russia, on the contrary, everyone supports the opinion of a single ruler,” comments Smirnov.

The population of our planet has already exceeded 7 billion. And among this huge number there are people who are known on all continents. They have a huge impact on world politics and economics. Famous publications closely monitor the activities of these chosen ones and compile ratings of their fame. It is on this information that our top 10 influential people in the world 2017 are based.

10 Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, managed to earn a place on this list at the age of 32. Within a year, he moved from 16th place to the top ten. Mark and his wife Priscilla give generously large sums to develop treatment methods for various diseases.

9 Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India. His popularity in the country as a politician is growing every year. Even the tough monetary reform that took place in 2016 and was aimed at fighting corruption did not change the situation.

8 Larry Page

Larry Page, one of the developers of the popular search engine Google systems, takes 8th position. Last year the company underwent a significant reorganization. Google from an independent company became a subsidiary of Alphabet, in which Larry took over as chairman of the board.

7 Bill Gates

Famous American entrepreneur and philanthropist, one of the founders of Microsoft. His fortune in 2016 was estimated at $76.4 billion. Together with his wife Melinda Gates, they created a large charitable foundation, to which they donated more than $28 billion.

6 Janet Yellen

Janet Yellen, head of the US Federal Reserve, is in 6th place. It was under her leadership that positive changes took place in the work to bring the American economy out of the crisis. She is extremely popular among ordinary Americans.

5 Pope Francis

Fifth place was given to the only representative of a religion on the list. This is the current head of the Vatican. This year he celebrated his 80th birthday. Francis I did much to change the conservative views of the church to more modern ones. He pays attention to world politics and takes an active part in work related to helping the poor.

4 Xi Jinping

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has presided over the world's second-largest economy since 2012. Immediately after taking office, he began to carry out numerous reforms and fight corruption. Jinping is working on cooperation with various Eastern and Western states. It is very popular among the population.

3 Angela Merkel

The top three is opened by the German Chancellor. For 10 years she has held the title of most influential woman peace. Her reputation suffered in the eyes of voters due to problems with emigrants who flooded the country. But at the same time, thanks to her efforts, the European Union still exists. New elections for the post of head of state will soon take place, then it will become clear whether Angela will continue to be included in this top ten.

1 Vladimir Putin

The leader among the most influential people in the world in 2017 is Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This is the fourth time the Russian leader has occupied this position.

These lists are compiled by reputable publications based on various data. This takes into account not only the billions earned, but also the number of people under his control, the level of popularity, personal contribution to the development of the country and the world situation.

Time magazine has published its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. It includes those who strive to improve the situation in the world and change people's worldviews. The list of the most influential people of 2018 includes journalists, actors, musicians, artists, politicians and other famous people.

This year it included 45 women and 45 people under the age of 40. Time's women's picks include activist Tarana Burke, who founded the Me Too movement, and human rights activist Nice Nylantei Lengete, who works to end female genital mutilation in Kenya.

« Though we're still too far away gender equality V on a global scale, there are more women in Time's top 100 this year than ever before. And this is proof that there are ways to change the world beyond traditional methods of force.", writes Chief Editor magazine Edward Felsenthal.

But the Russian president Vladimir Putin was not included in the top 100 most influential people this year on the ground. This is an amazing decision by Time, since Putin was consistently included in the rating from 2014 to 2017. Discussing this fact on social networks, users suggested that this was the West’s revenge for Russia’s policies. However, the editors of Time did not promise that its opinion should completely coincide with the opinion of readers.

However, the Russian leader still appeared in Time, on the April cover of the European edition. On it he is depicted in the image of the Russian Tsar.

Here are the top 5 nominations in which the most influential people of 2018 were identified.

5. Leaders

Satya Nadella, the head of one of the largest corporations in the world, is a native of India. He is a cricket enthusiast and believes that "one brilliant player who does not put the team first can destroy the entire team." This is exactly the concept that Satya Nadella uses while at the helm of Microsoft. He also preaches the importance of empathy and making sure the company produces products that work reliably. Nadella's first child was born with cerebral palsy and depended on devices that ran Microsoft systems for his life.

In the four years since Nadella took over at Microsoft, market price corporations increased by 130%.

Next in this subsection is the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. As US Senator Ted Cruz said about him: “ President Trump is a “flash drive” ( popular name flashbang grenade) thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America. The fact that his first year as president has disoriented and upset fund workers mass media and the political establishment, is not a bug, it is a feature... President Trump is doing what he was elected to do - disrupting the status quo. It's scary for those who have controlled Washington for decades, but for millions of Americans, their confusion is fascinating to watch.».

There are different ways to think about Trump for his policies towards Russia. However, it cannot be denied that he is a bright and decisive personality who significantly influences world politics.

In addition to Nadella and Trump, the leaders included: the heir to the throne of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, the head of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, the English Prince Harry and his fiancee Meghan Markle, as well as the sun of the North Korean nation, Kim Jong-un.

4. Innovators

Time gave the first place in this category to black female comedian Tiffany Haddish. You might have seen her in the comedies “Girls Awesome,” “Crazy Families,” or in the TV series “The Last Real Gangster.” As actor Kevin Hart said about his colleague: “ Tiffany is an amazing talent with a big heart. She loves to make her loved ones happy. I hope she continues to be herself because that's what makes her shine».

Also included in the “Innovators” category are hip-hop artist Cardi B, famous snowboarder Chloe Kim, the first female ISS commander Peggy Whitson, and Florida students who survived the 2017 Parkland school shooting.

3. Artists

This subsection opens Hollywood star Nicole Kidman. In addition to her outstanding acting talent, Nicole has compassion, kindness and humor that make her the epitome of a great woman. She has the title of Citizen of the World and often participated in charity programs.

Time editors also included Hugh Jackman, Gal Gadot and Deepika Padukone, and director Guillermo del Toro among the most influential artists.

2. Icons

On the “cover” of this category is the charming Jennifer Lopez. She is the first Latina actress to earn more than $1 million per film. Jennifer is also a mother, businesswoman, activist, designer, fashion enthusiast, philanthropist and producer. She is one of the most successful singers of her generation and has managed to parlay her popularity into the expensive and respected fashion brand J.Lo. In 2013, J.Lo got her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Time included singer Rihanna, public figure Tarana Burke, actor Chadwick Boseman, singer Kesha and figure skater Adam Rippon as modern “icons.”

1. Titans

First in the titanic subsection is the great tennis player Roger Federer. As the American writer David Foster Wallace wrote, “ he is one of those rare, supernatural athletes who seem to be exempt, at least in part, from certain physical laws " At 36 years old, the world number one also seems immune to the laws of aging. He is the only tennis player in the world to become an eight-time Wimbledon men's champion.

The Titans category also includes billionaire inventor Elon Musk, TV host Oprah Winfrey, founder Jeff Bezos, WeWork startup creator Adam Neumann and athlete Kevin Durant.

The world's population is almost 7.1 billion people. In this article we will highlight only 10 of them who have the greatest influence in the world (at the time of publication). One way or another, they all ended up on Forbes lists as some of the most influential people in the world.

Let's throw away the theory secret societies, unknown “puppeteers”, let’s see which of the officials - government leaders, corporate executives, financiers and philanthropists really rule the world?

*The ages and positions of all persons are indicated at the time of publication of the material.

✰ ✰ ✰

David Cameron. Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Age: 48 years old.

David Cameron has headed the UK Parliament since 2010. In fact, he is the first person of the state.

IN Lately in a united Europe, 2 poles of power have emerged, the first is, of course, Germany with its new iron lady Angela Merkel, the second is Great Britain, which does not want to dance to Germany’s tune at all.

Cameron has already rejected Germany's call for an increase in the EU budget and has threatened to veto it if such legislation is passed. And it is quite possible that Cameron would have been a more vibrant and influential player on the world stage if he had not had to deal with a host of problems at home, such as a persistent economic decline, a dissatisfied electorate, and problems within his own party.

✰ ✰ ✰

Janet Yellen. Chairman of the US Federal Reserve.
Age: 68 years old.

The Federal Reserve System is an independent US agency that serves as the country's central bank. It can only submit to the US Congress, but most of its actions still remain under its own control. The Fed is a rather subtle and influential organization that can directly influence the entire financial system USA, and indirectly throughout world economy generally.

The Chairman of the Federal Reserve has broad powers in the organization under his control, which means he has great influence on the economy of the United States and the rest of the world. Janet Yellen has headed the US Federal Reserve since February 2014 and has already managed to solve several important problems while sitting in the chair.

✰ ✰ ✰

Pope Francis. Head of the Catholic Church.
Age: 78 years old.

According to the doctrine of papal sovereignty, the pope has "supreme, complete, unquestioned and universal power" over the souls of 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.

People turn to the pope to help solve many pressing problems for Catholics, such as birth control, attitudes towards abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia and others.

✰ ✰ ✰

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud. King of Saudi Arabia.
Age: 90 years old.

In 2008, Parade magazine (USA) included him in the top list of the most brutal dictators of our time. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud, the absolute monarch of Saudi Arabia, controls territory with 20 percent of the world's proven oil reserves.

It is by the will of this person that the world oil market can collapse, which may have happened at the end of 2014 - beginning of 2015.

*** Tragically, on the very day the article was published, January 23, 2015, the King of Saudi Arabia died.

✰ ✰ ✰

Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Founders Google.
Age: 41 years each.

These two friends, who met back in the mid-90s, are two of the most influential people in the world. They were the ones who created Google from scratch in 1998. Today Google Ink is not just a search engine, it is the largest in the world transnational corporation, which invests huge amounts of money in the development of the Internet and other technologies.

Google Ink sites are the most popular sites in the world, with approximately 1 billion people visiting them in one month. Many people simply cannot live without Google, because this giant occupies many areas of our household and public life. Various applications and sites from Google, such as YouTube, Blogger, Google Maps, are indispensable for many millions of people.

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