Human torsion fields practical application. Secrets of torsion fields

Nowadays we hear the term TORSION FIELD more and more often, but no one knows what it is.

Let's figure it out.....

As is known, there is no single theory that describes the entire physical world, not yet. This means that much remains to be explored. Although research into the torsion field (TF) has been going on for several decades, official science, as was the case with many new areas, is in no hurry to recognize TF. But since there is a phenomenon, there must be a science that tries to describe and systematize this phenomenon. It is clear that studying various places with mythical names like “witch glades” can cause skepticism. But if we put aside prejudices, then hardly anyone would argue that certain processes take place there that require detailed and thorough research. This is what a small group of scientists around the world is currently doing. It should be noted that some mentions of TP were made much earlier. The famous French mathematician Elie Cartan proposed a hypothesis about the existence of torsion interactions in 1922, but this hypothesis at one time went unnoticed and only in the 80s of the twentieth century did scientists in Russia (then the USSR) show interest in it. It has been proven that any electric magnetic field there is a torsion component, or torsion field, (torsion field, from English word“rotate”, it is also called “informational”, there are a number of other names for this field), which can be defined as informational, carrying “torsion” information about the processes occurring in physical objects. Unlike electromagnetic fields, which have central symmetry, torsion fields have axial symmetry, and the polarization created in the form of spatial cones in one direction corresponds to the right, in the other - to the left torsion field. Information structures created by topological forms are called static form torsion fields.

The reality is that today there are devices with which you can only detect the presence/absence of TP, give their qualitative assessment, and determine “torsion contrast”. The most effective and accessible method for detecting and assessing TP are dowsing methods, known for several millennia.

In addition, the effect of TP can be assessed using indirect methods, comparing, for example, the state of the human body before and after exposure to TP. For comparison, you can use, for example, the results of blood tests of subjects or the results of studies using

diagnostic equipment showing the state of the body in real time and its dynamic changes.

Some people may feel the effects of left TP, which may include some physical discomfort, loss of energy, and sometimes pain. In general, we can say that older people are more sensitive than younger people, women are more sensitive than men. However, the most objective indicator of the impact of TP on living things is the behavior of animals. Animals sense areas of distribution of the left torsion (information) field well and try to avoid them.

All larger number people in modern world begins to take care of his health. And since we live in an age of high technology and technical progress, there is growing interest in the issue of the influence of technogenic factors on human health.

It should be noted that a torsion field (TF) can arise not only in the presence of electromagnetic radiation; it can be generated by any objects of the material world (shaped torsion field), various structures in the Earth’s crust, plants, living organisms (biofield).

An example of torsion fields generated by structures in the Earth's crust are, for example, geopathogenic zones, popularly known as black spots, witch glades. Such myths about a specific geographical point were born among people as a result of centuries of observation. The shepherds saw that animals avoided these places, and the people themselves experienced discomfort and anxiety while in them. Fear of the unknown endowed these places with rumors and beliefs, as a result of which their negative reputation was formed. In turn, there are also places of power where people have long come to move away from everyday worries and restore energy reserves. TPs are conventionally divided into right and left. The right TP is favorable for a person, the left TP has a negative effect.

It has been experimentally proven that most of electronic devices generates left TP. First of all this Cell phones, TVs, monitors, laptops, microwave ovens. Separately, it should be noted the antenna towers of mobile communication base stations and wind turbine towers.

Research recent years showed that, in addition to electromagnetic radiation, there are also torsion fields, which are often called information fields. It has been experimentally established that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion (information) component.

Despite all the achievements of modern pharmacological medicine, a number of diseases cannot be overcome or their number significantly reduced, and therefore the importance of preventing diseases, including those caused by the influence of technogenic factors, is increasing.

In Eastern medicine, human health is viewed as the harmony of three bodies: physical, energy (biofield) and informational. Diseases physical body are considered as a result of changes in the information and energy bodies. Torsion (information) component electromagnetic radiation acts on the information and energy bodies of a person, so we are talking about energy-informational influence, energy-informational protection.

Biological systems have a material basis for the implementation of the mechanism of consciousness at the field level. The radiation emanating from it carries complex information and has a torsion nature. Indeed, human activities largely depend on the state of the molecules that make up any cell. Each cell creates its own torsion field and is subject to the influence of an external torsion field. And if the cell is a brain cell with a special subtle organization - a neuron, then it is natural to assume that torsion fields will induce certain images of consciousness. The totality of torsion fields of all molecules of a neuron forms the torsion field of a nerve cell, which carries information about its state - excited or calm. In turn, the torsion field of a neuron is part of the torsion field of the cerebral cortex, which carries information about ideas (images). Consequently, when exposed to external torsion fields, spin structures are formed in brain cells, which will cause corresponding images and sensations in the mind.

Psychic energy is studied as a really existing energy field. An exchange of words, a thought is an exchange of a powerful charge of energy. Our thoughts and feelings are torsion bars, since the matter of thoughts and feelings is an element of torsion fields. The equations that describe thought are not linear. This suggests that a thought can influence itself, i.e. is a self-organizing structure capable of living its own life.

Information is contained in all parts of the physical body, in the subtle and spiritual bodies of humans and other living beings, and the brain is a device that provides choice necessary information and its processing to a state that can be conscious or perceived at the subconscious or conscious level. Part of our brain can act as a television receiver and transmitter, while another part can process and evaluate information. In humans, several levels of torsion fields correspond to invisible energy bodies and are known in the East as chakras.

In the human body, chakras are focal points of torsion fields. The higher the chakra is located, the higher the frequency of the field. Each person can be considered as a source (generator) of a strictly individual torsion field. Its torsion field causes spin polarization in environment finite radius, it carries information about it and leaves its copy both on clothing and on the physical Vacuum.

The general torsion field of a person has a right rotation; only one out of several million may have a left rotation torsion field. A person has the ability to influence his torsion field. By changing the rhythm of breathing during inhalation and exhalation (i.e., changing the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen), we can ensure that the radiation of the right torsion field or the left one prevails, although in in good condition Our field is on the right. So holding your breath while exhaling for one minute doubles the intensity of this field. And holding on inhalation changes the sign of the field.

In addition, it is possible to establish the relationship between torsion fields and a person, as a self-controlled source of these fields and as a biological receiver of external torsion radiation, using the concept of “spinal glass”, used to create a model of brain mechanisms. It is assumed that the brain is an amorphous medium (glass) that has freedom in the dynamics of spin structures. Changing this spin structure in the process of thinking changes the torsion field that is emitted by the brain; in the process of thinking, biochemical (reactions) processes occur in the brain, and the molecular structures that arise in this process implement a dynamic spin process that generates torsion radiation

A characteristic feature of torsion fields is their low level of energy intensity and surprisingly large information capacity. The therapeutic effect of torsion fields is based on these features. During a treatment session, the brain is able to receive specially selected information contained in the torsion field. Scientists have found that fields with a certain direction of spin have a beneficial effect on the body. Most organisms have right-handed spin rotation, which means that more cells have right-handed energy orientation. Torsion generators with similar energy have strengthening, restoring and reinforcing energy. The feelings and thoughts that come from every person are toxins, because... their matter is an element of torsion fields. This means that thought can influence itself and is able to live its own life; a person has the ability to perceive and transform torsion fields.

This type of field has the properties of an information field, it is capable of transmitting information; torsion fields represent the basis of the Information Field of the Universe. At the same time, the speed of information movement in a torsion field is almost instantaneous, but at the same time, torsion fields have no time restrictions and signals from an object can be easily perceived from the present, past and future. The torsion field contains charges that have different charges, but charges with the same sign attract each other (like attracts like), and opposite ones repel.

There is a certain connection between the torsion field and the human biofield. The concept of “biofield” has become quite widespread and has thoroughly entered our lives. The existence of a biofield has not only a scientific assumption, but also experimental confirmation. In the 70s, an assumption was made, which was later confirmed by experiment, all unusual phenomena, which are in one way or another connected with telepathy, extrasensory perception, telekinesis, are a manifestation of the human torsion field. But since the torsion field is formed by rotational movements, what can rotate in a person?

The smallest particles rotate: atoms. Different parts of the human body are composed of different elements and have different spin characteristics. Cell membranes have spin ordering, which allows them to be more stable. Some fabrics human body are amorphous compounds (brain matter, joint fluid), they react quite quickly and easily to the influence of external torsion fields.

The brain acts as a torsion emitter - a source of torsion polarization of the physical Vacuum surrounding a person. When the brain is exposed to an external torsion field, spin structures appear in it, repeating the spin structure of this field.

Signals are generated in the brain that can control physical processes in the human body or cause, for example, auditory and visual images directly in the brain, bypassing the senses. What happens when any mental or verbal attitude enters our brain in the form of an external torsion field? Spin polarization of brain particles occurs, because There is a connection between the parts of the brain and the rest of the body's systems; this installation can be easily transformed into the biochemical reflexes of the body as a whole. In particular, the “setting” reflexes of the cerebral cortex are transformed into neurochemical and hormonal processes, passing through the hypothalamus, which is responsible for many body systems, including the immune system. Studies have shown that right torsion fields have a positive effect on a person if they do not exceed a certain sensitivity threshold. The effect of left torsion fields is positive only in homeopathic doses. But, if their intensity is commensurate with the background intensity of a person, they are extremely harmful.

Some forces raging in the Subtle World lead to the twisting of torsion fields, while other forces unwind them. Those forces that twist torsion fields contribute to the preservation of information are positive, and those forces that spin torsion fields are negative, harmful, because they erase information (Good-Evil), and are fundamental categories Subtle World, underlying its development and evolution.

Torsion fields belong to the first level of reality - the ether. By themselves, they do not have a material manifestation, and only carry information about the distribution of rotational forces acting on space. The mass of the planet is associated with its gravitational field, its charge is associated with the electromagnetic field, and the vortex of its rotation is associated with the torsion field. "Torsio" - translated means "torsion".

The entire Universe is permeated with such vortices, varying in strength, size and speed. And absolutely everything around is in constant rotational motion. We don't notice it, but in fact we are rushing at a speed of 828,000 km/hour around the center of our galaxy.

A material object that seems motionless to us consists of microparticles similar to cosmic bodies. Every atom is solar system: in the center there is a core-sun, and around there are atoms - planets. Like cosmic bodies, elements of the microworld describe constant spirals, moving along their own axis and around the center of the system. This movement generates torsion vortices and they affect the space around, forming an ethereal projection of the object.

Milky Way Galaxy

Torsion impact

Torsion vortices can differ in strength and volume, but also in direction. The first two qualities determine the hierarchy of the vortex in the environment: the smaller the object and the force of its torsion, the less will be the strength of its influence on the space around it. And the direction of rotation will determine the nature of the influence of torsion. Right-handed vortices have creative properties, while left-handed vortices have destructive properties.

Some places on earth are called geopathogenic or dead. These places, for various reasons, acquire a left torsion charge. Sometimes the reasons can be geological: for example, swamps and swamps, any depressions and basements distort space, forming destructive vortices. Events, brightly colored negative emotions They can also leave their imprint in space: places of battles and murders, cemeteries, hospitals, prisons have oppressive energy, and, as a rule, people feel uncomfortable here.

Crop Circles

On the other hand, there are so-called “places of power” on the planet that emit a positive torsion charge. For example, mountains have strong positive energy. And it was not for nothing that in ancient times places for temples were chosen on hills.

A person with a positive way of thinking emits right-handed torsion vortices, and therefore it is pleasant to be around such a person.

You can create a positive charge in the space of your home using the rules of Feng Shui. Sharp corners, narrow passages, and clutter of things negatively affect the energy of the room. Mirrors and flowers, good ventilation, cleanliness, smoothed forms contribute to the harmonious movement of energy through space and the radiation of right-sided creative vortices.

Everyone managed to feel differently in different rooms: somewhere good and calm, somewhere tense, somewhere depressed. Let us recall, for example, the image of a dark pantry where sunlight never reaches. There are a lot of old things stored there. Some of them have not been used for a very long time. Rarely does anyone open the pantry doors, and the energy stagnates, like in a swamp. Children always think that someone lives in the pantry, some kind of monster, waking up at the most terrible time.

The child's soul has not yet been drowned out by the intellect, and therefore it hears its inner voice and subtly feels the energies. No wonder that negative energy emanating from the gloomy cramped room is perceived by the child's psyche as a fairy-tale monster - an image of evil and destruction.

Laws of torsion fields

Torsion fields can interact, exchange information, and unite. Large torsion vortices can absorb small ones, small vortices can merge into one large one. In this case, vortices twisted in one direction are attracted, while vortices twisted in different directions are repelled.

The source of torsion fields can be not only a material form, but also any wave, for example sound or electromagnetic. Any spoken word or sound will disrupt the uniformity of space and lead to the formation of spins. Thus, some melodies can have a healing effect on living organisms, while others, on the contrary, destroy and suppress.

The emotional background and thoughts also have a torsion nature, and they also influence the world around us. Positive feelings towards the world attract similar situations: we encounter interesting people and good friends, opportunities often present themselves. This is why optimism and openness to the world are so important. In most cases, a person has everything to be happy. Often, people themselves often become hostage to their disappointing expectations. And as a result, with their negative thinking they attract suffering and destruction into their lives.

But destructive left-handed vortices do not always cause harm. Destruction is as important as creation. For example, sometimes you need to get rid of an illness, obsessive thoughts or bad habit. For these purposes, esoteric practices sometimes use decay vortexes for cleansing and liberation from something. Fairytale dead water takes away illnesses and sorrows, but only living water gives new life. Living water does not work without dead water. After all, it is impossible to place something new in space when the old is still alive.

Each unit of the world, a person or an atom, creates an etheric field around itself. This field consists of both right and left vortices. And for a harmonious existence in the Universe, it is important to observe the golden proportion.

It is worth remembering that one thing begets another. Everything that is ordered tends to destruction, and destruction opens up the opportunity for creation. To build a house, you need to cut down a tree. But nothing lasts forever, and a house and a person will one day become dust, the soil for something new. In turn, a new forest can only grow on the ashes of the old one.

Human torsion field

A torsion field consists of many smaller torsion fields or vortices. Each part of our body (organ or small cell), each of our thoughts and each emotion can be considered as a separate torsion field. Together they form an etheric projection.

The human torsion field is an ether that carries pure information. Everything is recorded on the etheric plane: appearance, body condition, talents and abilities, emotional background, knowledge, past experience, intelligence...

A physically and spiritually healthy person emits, for the most part, whirlwinds of creation. But each of us sometimes feels the destructive effects of left-sided vortices. After all, in life everything is always in change. People tend to notice this only when the changes are sudden and painful. At such moments, it seems that the forces of destruction are an evil that should not exist. But these same forces also work in our favor when we take the role of reformer. Changing a profession or image, moving or renovating implies the death of the old in the name of the new. Now you won't have long girlish braids, but you will Fancy Hairstyle. Your butterfly wallpaper will have to be torn off and thrown away in order to paint the walls olive green.

Each person's character contains both positive and negative aspects of his qualities. A frugal person may turn out to be a greedy person; a good-natured person will not be able to refuse, even when he should. A person can use every aspect of his character both for the destruction of himself and the world, and for development, thus causing whirlwinds of a certain direction. It is impossible not to create vortices of destruction. But harmony does not lie in this, but in achieving balance, the golden mean between construction and transformation.

Torus structures electromagnetic field Earth and man

The human torsion field at the energy level is a torus structure, similar to the Earth’s magnetic field. In the center there is an axis that coincides with the axis of our physical body. And around there is a biofield formed by two torsion flows of right- and left-sided vortices. The structure of the biofield and its influence on the environment fully reflects the essence of its carrier and its state in this moment. This is the general result, the program of relations between the soul and the world around it.

Cartan first spoke about torsion fields in 1913 year, in France, his report was based on the theory of rotation, where electrons rotate around the nucleus, and the nucleus itself rotates around its axis. Subsequently, the theory was studied by the Japanese scientist Uchiyama, who came to the conclusion that each of them should have its own field: mass - gravitational, charge – , and back – torsion bar. Distinctive feature torsion fields is axial symmetry, which extends in the form of two cosines from the sources.

They were classified according to strength, range, and versatility; for each of the fields, the primary source is the physical vacuum. Some scientists considered torsion fields to be the fifth state of matter, from which a vacuum arises, and then elementary particles and atoms are born.

Shipov and Akimov - Hypothesis of torsion fields 1

Properties of torsion fields

One of the main properties of torsion fields is the ability to regenerate, as well as to arise during distortion of the structure of a physical vacuum. Let us assume that a curved body is placed into the linearly stratified structure of any physical vacuum, a reaction will immediately occur and a certain spin structure will form around the body, which will subsequently become a torsion field.

For example, during a conversation, air particles become denser and create a torsion field around which there are torsion fields. This suggests that any spoken word, drawn line, or even sound can disrupt the homogeneity of space and create an effect, in other words, a torsion field around itself. The first torsion generators were Egyptian pyramids, as well as some temple domes and spiers.

The most important property of any torsion field is the ability to form many microvortices of space, so each molecule has its own moment of rotation, which forces the substance to constantly be in the torsion field. In addition, there are statistical and wave torsion fields that set the vacuum in motion.

As a rule, torsion fields arise due to a violation of the geometry of space, and unlike electromagnetic fields, the charges of which repel, torsion fields are always of the same sign, and are attracted accordingly. In this case, like attracts like, and the physical vacuum in which the charges are located behaves completely stable in relation to torsion waves.

Generated by classical spin, when an object is acted upon, only its spin state changes. Torsion waves propagate faster than the speed of light and can pass through natural environments with protection.

Human hands generate spin - torsion - axion fields

  • The components of any electromagnetic field are torsion waves, so electronic and radio devices can improve or worsen a person’s well-being. In addition, all torsion fields have memory and repeat it in a circle; after some time, the physical vacuum is stable and retains the spin structure even after the torsion field is removed. Such a phenomenon is called a phantom, and can be formed by both people and objects;
  • By influencing the substance, spin polarization occurs, which persists for a long time after the external field is removed. Therefore, the torsion memory effect allows you to record information on any substance, salt, sugar, water;
  • Torsion fields are capable of transmitting information and also become multi-layered. The main source of torsion fields are thoughts that are visualized both in the past and in the future; in a word, torsion fields are the beginning of all beginnings, and the basis of the universe.

Akimov A.E. Torsion fields. Bulgaria. 2006

Practical application of knowledge about torsion fields

Currently, scientists are working on the effectiveness of the acquired knowledge and are looking for opportunities to apply it in the social and military sphere. Torsion technologies already cover today social sphere and almost all industries National economy. Torsion technologies are used in the field of transport, energy, communications, geophysics, geology, ecology in chemical production, waste disposal and nuclear production, in agriculture and certainly in medicine.

In the last decade, more than one hundred and fifty organizations have had the opportunity to independently verify the possibilities of implementing all areas, after which some of the technologies were introduced into production and brought to the commercial level. Most technologies have experimental confirmation of their effectiveness and practical implementation.

By and large, torsion technologies make it possible to look beyond the boundaries of the possible, to read information about a person’s fate from a photograph; such skills are predominantly possessed by clairvoyants and psychics.

In the near future, the NGO plans to launch into outer space a flying saucer operating without fuel using the newest principle movements. The ability to draw energy from space allows you to forget forever about the lack of resources and receive an unlimited amount of energy.

Currently, it is planned to develop technology for the disposal of waste from nuclear production, as well as technologies for cleaning areas from radioactive contamination. Every day the technological application of torsion fields is being improved, and the theory of physical vacuum is looking for its application in practice.

According to the assumption of esotericists, Russia will remain a monopolist in the industry of torsion technologies for a long time, and it will be Russia that will become the guide to the New Epoch and the emergence of a new race.

Anatoly AKIMOV. Interview No. 1

Man and torsion fields

The main idea in the theory of torsion fields is the ability of spin effects to explain problems of consciousness and thinking, which represent the overall picture of ideas about the world. A torsion field is formed around a person, which explains many events in life. Everyone is familiar with the situation of déjà vu, when you are sure that certain events have already happened, in most cases this is explained by the ability of the torsion field to foresee situations and provide information at a certain time.

Quite often, torsion fields play fateful roles, for example, for a long time, being depressed emotional state, the torsion field begins to work as usual, so the more clouded you are and have a negative attitude towards life, the more often you will find confirmation of your words.

More about torsion fields. Akimov A. E.

Thus, having minimal knowledge in the field of chemistry, esoteric physics, you can use knowledge of how torsion fields work. After all, having learned to work with your thoughts and attitudes, you will be able to create your life, in the full sense of the word.

It is not for nothing that scientists say that thoughts are material, because sooner or later all your thoughts turn out to be reality, and what kind of reality it will be depends on you. Dream, engage in self-development and meditation, this will allow you to gain spiritual harmony and balance after some time. And the main thing to remember is that any theory is just a theory until you begin to implement it in life; torsion fields will do the rest for you.

N. Bohr also said that new physics should include consciousness as an object similar to all other objects of physics. So, the theory of torsion fields has shown that on the basis of spin effects it is possible to explain the problems of consciousness and thinking, to include them as normal physical objects into the overall picture of physical ideas about the world.

Man, as a part of nature, is created from atoms and molecules with nuclear and atomic spins. Since spin is a source of torsion fields, each human cell creates its own torsion field.

Cells, in contact with each other, form a common torsion field, which, like a magnet, attracts and orients them in a certain position in space, creating a unique combination of cells.

We can conclude that the human body as a whole creates its own general torsion field. It is this that is the basis of all living things, since it serves as a carrier of information for the organism as a whole and its cells about the structure and state of both the internal and external world of a person. With its help, all thoughts, feelings, desires, directions of a person’s life, and his aspirations are conveyed to every cell.

Academician G.I. Shipov says the following about this: “In a person, several levels of torsion fields correspond to invisible energy bodies and are known in the East as chakras. In the human body, chakras are focuses of torsion fields. The higher the chakra is located, the higher the frequency of the field.”

Within the framework of the concept of torsion fields, a person is considered as one of the most complex spin systems. “The complexity of his spatial frequency torsion field,” writes A.E. Akimov, “is determined by the huge set of chemical substances in his body and the complexity of their distribution in it, as well as the complex dynamics of biological transformations in the metabolic process.

Each person can be considered as a source (generator) of a strictly individual torsion field. Its torsion field causes spin polarization in the environment of a finite radius, it carries information about it and leaves its copy both on clothing and on the physical vacuum."

How I installed it modern science, the general torsion field of a person has a right rotation, only one in several millions can have a left rotation torsion field. A person has the ability to influence his torsion field.

First of all, there are certain biochemical processes that change the structure of the spins of the particles that make up a person. With the help of these biochemical processes, it is possible to change the spin state and, thereby, change the external torsion field that we emit.

For example, by changing the rhythm of breathing during inhalation and exhalation (that is, changing the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen), we can ensure that the radiation of the right torsion field or the left one prevails, although in the normal state our field is right-handed. Thus, holding your breath while exhaling for one minute doubles the intensity of this field, and holding your breath while inhaling changes the sign of the field.

In addition, it is possible to establish the relationship between torsion fields and a person, as a self-controlled source of these fields and as a biological receiver of external torsion radiation, using the concept of “spin glass”, used to create a model of brain mechanisms.

It should be noted that the concept of spin glass extends to all other media of the human body - liquid, colloidal, solid. It is assumed that the brain is an amorphous medium (glass) that has freedom in the dynamics of spin structures.

Changing this spin structure in the process of thinking changes the torsion field that is emitted by the brain. That is, during the process of thinking, biochemical processes occur in the brain, and the resulting molecular structures implement a dynamic spin process that generates torsion radiation.

Thus, the brain acts as a torsion emitter - a source of torsion polarization of the physical vacuum surrounding a person. Numerous experiments have made it possible to establish that psychics realize their abilities precisely through torsion fields.

When the brain is exposed to an external torsion field, spin structures appear in it, repeating the spin structure of this field. Signals are excited in the brain that can control physiological processes in the human body or cause, for example, auditory or visual images directly in the brain, bypassing the senses.

In his book Hypnosis: An Information Approach (1977), Dr. Bowers writes: “If the processes of processing and transmitting information are common to the mental and somatic spheres, the mind-body problem can be reformulated as follows; as information received and processed in the semantic level (at the level of consciousness) is converted into information at the somatic level (at the level of the physical body)?" To answer this question, Dr. Bowers suggests replacing the concept of “mind-body” with the concept of “psychosomatic units,” just as Einstein combined the concepts of space and time into a single continuum of “space-time.”

Doctor of Psychological Sciences I.P. Volkov writes about such a unification in his book “Human Body Psyche” (1999).

So what happens when any mental or verbal “set” enters our brain in the form of an external torsion field? Spin polarization of brain particles occurs.

Since there is a connection between parts of the brain, as well as between the brain and other systems of the body, this “set” can be easily transformed into biochemical reflexes of the body as a whole. In particular, the “setting” reflexes of the cerebral cortex are transformed into neurochemical and hormonal processes, passing through the hypothalamus, which is responsible for many body systems, including the immune system.

Research by scientists has shown that right torsion fields have a positive effect on a person if they do not exceed a certain sensitivity threshold.

The effect of left torsion fields is positive only in homeopathic doses. But if their intensity is commensurate with the background intensity of a person, they are extremely harmful.

For example, the effect of any piece of music can be assessed by the torsion field it creates. Does it only create a right torsion field? Or just the left? Or is it some combination of right and left margins? What is this combination in duration and intensity? And if it is now prohibited to sell poisons and drugs, then someday humanity will ripen to the prohibition of certain musical works (and works of art in general) that create only left torsion fields, which are globally harmful.

Let's imagine that a psychic gives you a “recovery mindset” - his brain acts as an emitter of the right torsion field. It polarizes the vacuum around your head.

The external torsion field causes spin polarization of the elementary particles of your brain, that is, the spins of the particles are oriented along the external torsion field.

These “setting” reflexes are transformed into neurochemical and hormonal processes.

Among chemical systems regulated by the hypothalamus, there are a large number of neuro-peptides, including the well-known endorphins today, which have a calming and analgesic effect quite similar to opium.

Neuropeptides have dualism: sometimes they behave like hormones ( chemical substances, causing change in the functioning of the body), and sometimes as neurotransmitters (chemicals that cause changes in the functioning of the brain).

By acting as neurotransmitters in the brain, neuropeptides enable the opening of new neural pathways, networks, and reflexes.

This means that a large dose of neuropeptides has the same effect on the brain as a large dose of any psychedelic substance, allowing you to perceive the world in new ways.

In other words, there is a significant increase in the amount of information processed per unit of time. The more new circuits are formed in the brain, the more information the brain is able to capture in the simplest and most ordinary objects and events.

A large release of neuropeptides can be perceived as insight or "seeing the whole world." When neuropeptides leave the brain and begin to act as hormones, they interact with all important systems, including immune.

Increased activity of neuropeptides causes increased resistance of the body to disease, an internal feeling of “feeling good” and something like a surge of hope and joy in the patient.

In other words, as our ability to process information improves, so does our resistance to illness.

Since neuropeptides penetrate into all fluids in the body (blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), as well as into the spaces between neurons, this neuropeptide system acts more slowly but more holistically than the central nervous system.

Self-persuasion treatment is based on the same principle. Each act of thinking has its own spin structure in the brain, which leads to corresponding torsion radiation and the creation of one’s own “sets” for recovery.

They say that a woman loves with her ears. Not surprising. As a more sensitive subject, she instantly reacts to the torsion fields created in space by your speech.

Since in women the right hemisphere of the brain (sensual) is more developed than in men, the emotional connotation of your words plays a huge role.

And if your speech is affectionate (the torsion fields created in space by speech are to the right), then an increased amount of neuropeptides are released in her brain, which will then do their job themselves. Thus, a person has the opportunity to influence his own emitted torsion field: rhythm of breathing, internal mood, control over thoughts.

So, any of our activities is accompanied by the emergence of torsion fields in the physical vacuum surrounding us, the speed of propagation of which exceeds the speed of light a billion times.

The torsion effect, that is, the twisting of ultra-high frequency fields, has great evolutionary meaning - information is stored inside the twisted fields.

This information also has the opposite effect on torsion fields, contributing to their complication in the name of better preservation information.

By the way, field transfer and storage of information is not something supernatural; It is worth remembering at least television and radio. Some forces raging in the Subtle World lead to the twisting of torsion fields, while other forces unwind them.

Those forces that twist torsion fields, which contribute to the preservation of information, are positive, and those forces that spin torsion fields are negative, harmful, since they erase information.

From what has been said, we can conclude that we mentally associate the process of twisting fields in the Subtle World, which preserves information, with Good, and the process of unwinding, which erases information, with Evil. We feel Good and Evil because we are a product of not only the physical, but also the Subtle World.

According to Professor E.R. Muldashev, Good and Evil are fundamental categories of the Subtle World that underlie its development and evolution.

If the basis of earthly life is the preservation and inheritance of information through the genetic apparatus, then the basis of the field cosmic form of life is the preservation and transmission of information in the torsion fields of the Subtle World, and the progress of this life form is carried out due to the unity and struggle of Good (positive mental energy) and Evil (negative mental energy).

Scientists believe that today, unfortunately, “the humanity of the Earth emits a negative information and energy flow that reaches the information layer of the planet, distorting information and violating the code of planetary processes.”

We materialistically firmly “know” that a person lives on Earth only once, and we are in a hurry to “take” everything we can in this life, at any cost, without limiting ourselves in the means of achieving the goal.

As a result of this life strategy, humanity on Earth emits a stream of negative information and energy - evil. This flow is so powerful that it reaches the information layer, destroying entire information areas. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised by earthly cataclysms; the growth of interethnic conflicts; the outbreak of wars where no one expected them; an out-of-the-ordinary act of a particular person, knowing that this person, in principle, could not have acted like that, but he... did.

It is we, with our black souls, our dirty thoughts, and our mutual anger toward each other, who cause an earthquake or hurricane in some part of our planet. It is we who are causing a clash between two peoples who have lived in peace for centuries. Today, humanity on Earth resembles an organism that is not cleansed of its own toxins.

There is no need to invent any means to prevent a disaster. They exist and are given to humanity on Earth as instructions for existence. This is the Bible and, in particular, the biblical commandments.

We must always remember that only good deeds, thoughts, words, and actions contribute to the twisting of torsion fields in a positive direction. These fields become especially high-frequency and information-intensive when noble deeds are performed, compassion, mercy, generosity are manifested, when words of prayer and sincere love are spoken.

"Prayer is concentrating the best part of yourself and offering it for union with By higher powers. Prayer, to be real, true, must be a cry from the heart. Prayer is an involuntary cry of the soul to its God. Real prayer is the voice of a soul ready to communicate with God."

On this occasion, Academician A.E. Akimov writes: “Nature itself made sure that we have the physical opportunity to have a direct connection with the Absolute. It follows that every person can directly communicate with God, if God pleases. Moreover ", the torsion nature of consciousness allows a person to communicate with God, and with the Prophets, and with the souls of the dead, and with other civilizations." As an example, the following information can be provided.

Several years ago, criminals stole a Christian relic from the Zagrafsky Monastery on St. Athos - the manuscript of the monk Paisius of Halender "Slavic-Bulgarian History".

The upset monks first prayed to God to prompt the sinners to come to their senses. When this did not help, they began to ask Him to punish the scoundrels. It is difficult to say which of these prayers helped, but the manuscript soon returned to Greece. Someone dropped her off in the lobby of the historical museum in Sofia. The Bulgarian authorities urgently sent it to its rightful owner - a Greek monastery.

The prayer of the Optina Elders is exceptionally beautiful and powerful in its informational impact on torsion fields:

“Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me.

Let me completely surrender to Your holy will.

For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings.

In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.

Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love!

Let it be so!"

(Interview with A.E. Akimov, magazine "Peasant", No. 3, 1995)

Physicists are taming the “third force”

Medical scientists from St. Petersburg brought a mysterious videotape from an international scientific symposium. What they saw on the screen did not fit into the concepts of the brain known to science. The human head was photographed using the latest electronic tomography technology. The hero of the video is calm and motionless. An incomprehensible life is boiling inside his skull: luminous waves pulsate with the frequency of his heartbeat. They penetrate the bones like a breeze through a tulle curtain, and shade the space around the head.

The physician must know that the substance of the brain is “rigidly” fixed in the cranium and cannot pulsate under any circumstances; no vibrations were observed in the bone tissue. And even more so around the head. The luminous waves will certainly be of interest to physicists, the doctors decided and invited to watch a video of the head of the Interindustry Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Non-traditional Technologies, Academician Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov.

After watching the video (it happened last fall), Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov, according to him, experienced the happiest moments in the last ten years. What he saw on the monitor, without a doubt, was another confirmation of the theory and experiments that the scientific and technical center he led has been engaged in for 15 years. The physicist explained to doctors that the luminous waves are nothing more than a biofield, which the latest electronic equipment has made visible not only to psychics, but to everyone. For you and me, this is not surprising. We have known for a long time from the press that there is a biofield, but doctors still have doubts about this. Give them visible facts, a scientific experiment. Akimov immediately offered doctors a way to accurately determine the nature of the luminous waves shown on the videotape. The experiment, or rather its result, can produce a complete revolution in traditional medicine, in its understanding of man. Physicists have known for 15 years that not only a person has a biofield, but also a stool, an umbrella, every letter and comma. Where it comes from and what it is - all this Anatoly Evgenievich Akimov kindly agreed to explain as popularly as possible.

Anatoly Evgenievich, one modern scientist stated that physical phenomena in man there are more biological and chemical elements combined, that only at the level of the atoms of which we are composed can one understand what thought is, what motivates kind person and pushes the evil one. What do you think?

In 1913, the French scientist Elie Cartan, who has great authority in scientific fields, suggested that the world is controlled not only by the forces of gravity and electromagnetism, but also by a certain “third force,” and thus opened the door to an unexplored world. Further research was already promoted in the 60s thanks to psychics; by that time, so much evidence of their phenomenal abilities had accumulated that it simply became indecent not to notice it. Psychics became bolder and began asking scientists “uncomfortable” questions. For example, how is it that we can read minds from a distance? Among the physicists there were kind, patient people who popularly explained to the strange man that science says: we have hardly enough electricity reserves to transmit a weak radio signal from the bedroom to the kitchen about readiness for breakfast. Stubborn psychics continued to claim that they communicated with a friend from Vladivostok without the help of a telephone. As a rule, a condescending and tired smile settled on the faces of physicists, and the person asking about telepathy retreated in shame. What to do, and in the scientific world conservatism is strong, so a serious conversation about the “third force” begins only now.

We know partly from school textbooks that gravitational forces are generated by masses, electromagnetic forces by charged particles - electrons. What motivates the “third force”?

It acts where rotation is present, that is, everywhere. Electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom, the nucleus rotates around its axis, and planets revolve around the Sun. Having become convinced of the existence of a “third force”, physicists gave it a name - a torsion field. Its presence was proven using formulas. Psychics helped to understand how the new force works, who, at the whim of nature, became a source of quite powerful torsion radiation (in common parlance, a biofield). Physicists did not like to depend on psychics, their mood and character traits. The torsion fields of trees, chairs and telephones are quite weak. We called them “background”. Studying such fields is like studying the strength of electric current, using electrical discharges that arise between your palm and a cat's fur for experiments. And we invented artificial (not natural) sources of torsion field.

Anatoly Evgenievich, on your table there is an Akimov generator - a source of torsion radiation. It was recently filmed by Japanese television. The curious Japanese were intrigued: torsion radiation, like radio waves, is invisible. But psychics claim that they see biofields.

Now there is no doubt about it. I had the following experience: I configured the device so that it would emit several torsion beams, differently directed. Psychic Natasha Kremneva - an engineer from the famous "Podlipki" (space design bureau Korolev) - took a pencil and accurately drew all the rays, the direction of which was known to me. Science does not yet understand how the psychic’s brain perceives what is invisible to most. This remains to be determined by medicine.

We continued experiments with artificial source torsion field. In order to understand how the torsion signal propagates, we turned to the most influential and well-funded organizations at that time - the Ministry of Defense and the KGB. On the military side, technical specialists from the Main Directorate of Space Facilities took part in the experiment; on the KGB side, the most talented engineers from the Government Communications Department took part. With their help we found technical solution their questions - after all, torsion wave transmitters are completely different from the radio wave transmitters we know, and torsion signal receivers have nothing in common with radio receivers. High-class engineers of the two monsters helped in the creation of torsion equipment. In 1986, for the first time in Moscow, information was transmitted using the torsion method. It turned out that in this way it is possible to transmit everything that radio waves still transmit - sound, image. It turned out that the “flight” speed of the torsion signal is billions of times higher than the speed of light. For comparison: a radio signal reaches the Moon in 10 minutes, a torsion signal - instantly.

Anatoly Evgenievich, in order for us to use the power of electric current, scientists around the world have made hundreds of inventions - from a light bulb to an electric train. And so Russia became the birthplace of the inventors of the first torsion bar technology. You called it the technology of the third millennium. Why?

We've come quite a long way in our development since 1986. Ten years of research by theoretical physicists, engineers from our center, scientists from the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics of St. Petersburg, Tomsk University and another 120 scientific institutes in Russia were spent to find out main question: which is cheaper and more efficient - radio wave transmitters, electric motors or torsion wave transmitters and torsion engines. Now it is clear to us that everything with torsion bars is millions and trillions of times more effective, more economical, and more reliable than what we use now. We are also convinced that the use new strength perhaps wherever electricity now “works.” Now we can quite accurately imagine how people will talk on a torsion bar telephone in the 21st century, what they will use to fry eggs, and why the terrible words “gasoline price” will forever lose their edge. The fact is that when scientists and engineers invent torsion technology and it replaces the one we use today, the world will change. The dream of the “greens” will come true: the land will no longer be damaged by quarries and oil wells. A torsion engine does not require fuel. Its “heart” will be a part that rotates in a certain way.

So, each of us (like any matter consisting of rotating atoms) can be considered a source of torsion radiation, in the usual sense - a biofield. I wonder how human radiation interacts with each other?

In science there is a model of the brain that explains its work (thoughts, ideas, illness and health) by a certain orientation of rotating atoms. Their orientation can be changed in two ways: by exposure inner life body and external influences. So, it turned out that the torsion field of a psychic can change the orientation of rotation of the atoms of the brain of any person. The subject, under the influence of the psychic’s biofield, without feeling anything, recovers or falls ill. Moreover, he may have new thoughts and images. Here is an explanation for the transmission of thoughts at a distance. You and I already know that torsion signals are transmitted instantly, which means that communication between a psychic and a friend who may be located not only on the other side of the Earth, but also in another galaxy is quite possible. This does not require heavy-duty broadcasting installations - any torsion signal is transmitted almost instantly.

In the ancient Indian philosophical Vedas of two thousand years ago we read: “When you are angry, you attract currents of evil from the ether. Even after you have calmed down, the storm in the atmosphere around you will rage for at least another two days,” or: “Be the force that absorbs the waves of irritation of those you meet and extinguishes them, like earth fire.” Agree that it is written as if the sages had an idea about torsion fields and waves.

And in ancient times there were psychics who saw human torsion fields. Now we understand that when they wrote “fire” and “light,” they attached a completely different meaning to these words. The fact is that torsion radiation, like electromagnetic radiation (light), has different frequency, which is perceived by people as different colors(rainbow). The human torsion field is very diverse in frequency, which means that psychics see it in color. Moreover, by the color and its intensity they judge which organ in a person is not in order. The ancients were wrong about only one thing. Human torsion fields can be this or that not for two days, but for any number of years. They can generally exist separately from us. We discovered this using instruments.

So this means that the shadow of his father could appear to the Prince of Denmark?

Well, why only Hamlet's father? For example, you finish the conversation, leave, and your shadow (“phantom”, as scientists say) will calmly remain in my office. Unclear? I'll explain in more detail. We have already found out that torsion fields have much in common with magnetism. In the 7th grade, when studying magnets, they conduct the following experiment: metal filings are poured onto a sheet of paper, a magnet is brought from below, and the sawdust is aligned along the magnetic field lines. We remove the magnet, and the sawdust continues to represent its field. Something similar happens with the torsion field. Only it “builds” not sawdust, but the space in which it is located. It is important to understand what kind of space it is. The ancient Hindus called it “pralaya”, Newton - the ether, modern science - the Physical Vacuum. This is what remains when, say, all the air is pumped out of a light bulb and every last elementary particle is removed. It turns out that what remains there is not emptiness, but a kind of matter. Recently it became known that it is the Physical Vacuum that is the progenitor of everything in the Universe; atoms and molecules are born from it. And it is no coincidence that we write these words with a capital letter. They are equivalent to the concept of God or the Absolute. So, the torsion field violates (physicists say: “polarizes”) the internal strict order of the Physical Vacuum, like a sawdust magnet. And when we remove the source of the torsion field, its exact picture, imprint, shadow, whatever you want to call it, remains in space. This shadow - the imprint of the torsion field - is recorded by our devices.

It turns out that we live in the kingdom of shadows (phantoms). It is difficult to imagine how many imprints of human torsion fields are located, say, not far from the Moscow Kremlin.

All this is true, only torsion fields can maintain their spatial structure until other torsion fields disturb them. It happens that a psychic introduces a program of self-stabilization and stability into the structure of the torsion field. Then such a field is indestructible. And your shadow will occupy this chair until someone comes and sits on it. It will turn out as if a slide was superimposed on a slide, everything will be blurry. May with to a greater extent it is possible to assume that somewhere in a secluded corner of Mikhailovsky or Trigorsky, where numerous pilgrims do not penetrate, it has been preserved exact copy Pushkin’s torsion field, and in Yasnaya Polyana lives the undisturbed shadow of Tolstoy.

You mentioned a device that records the so-called “biofield”. Please tell us more about it.

The first such device was known more than two thousand years ago to the ancient Chinese and Indians. This is the frame of a dowsing specialist. Many people know that any rigid wire bent at a right angle begins to turn in your hands. A ring suspended on a thread begins to rotate in our hands - this is where torsion fields manifest themselves. Since ancient times, with the help of frames and wicker flyers, they determined where to build a house and where to place a bed. The fact is that the earth is also a source of torsion radiation, which can be positive and negative (and in scientific terminology - right and left). The alternation of plus and minus in the torsion field of the earth occurs in a strictly defined sequence. Scientists have discovered a so-called “grid”, where the positive field occupies a square of one and a half meters of the earth’s surface, the negative one - a longitudinal strip of 40 cm. When we walk, we find ourselves thousands of times in one or another field, and in the positive one more and more often . But when we sleep or sit at the table, we don’t have a choice: we can be exposed to a harmful negative field for a long time. It disrupts the structure of cells, and the person begins to complain of feeling unwell. The negative (left) margin is where the frame in your hands turns to the left. There are also people with a negative torsion field (for the most part we are all positive). He may be a decent person, but it will be bad for us with him, and for him with us. Scientists who study torsion fields have found that they act completely opposite than electromagnetic ones: like torsion charges attract, and opposite ones repel. But if you find that your bed is on the negative field line, don't despair. In our Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Center, a material has been found from which it will be possible to make a rug, put it under the bed, and it will act as a torsion field reflector. We have already found a contractor for the project, and I hope that soon such rugs will be sold in kiosks along with Snickers and detective stories.

It means that scientific discovery embodied, as they say, in a commercial product. Meanwhile, the physicists' thoughts move on. And we certainly have something to be surprised by.

Yes, the torsion field presents its researchers with a lot of surprises. Recently a discovery was made: a torsion field can arise on its own and without any rotation. Physicists already know when this happens. Any geometric figure violates (“polarizes”) the strict order of the Physical Vacuum, and a torsion field immediately forms next to it. Curious people have long tried to understand why there is a feeling of lightness and beauty next to one building, but unpleasant to be next to another. They called this the "shape effect." So, this effect is the action of torsion fields with which the Physical Vacuum reacts to the beauty of architecture. It is known that near the Cheops pyramids two torsion radiations are formed, positive (right) at the top and negative (left) at the foot. If you draw a pyramid on paper, the same picture will appear: at the top there will be a (of course, very weak) field with a plus sign in the corner opening, at the bottom - with a minus sign. So we came to the conclusion that any letter or comma in its own way violates the space of the Physical Vacuum, to which it immediately reacts with a torsion field. It follows from this that any book or article is millions of rainbows (physicists say “spectra”) of bizarre torsion fields. They undoubtedly interact with our field, the reader's field. So reading books, articles and poems is not as simple a process as it seems.

Well, let’s hope that we will soon learn more about this, if only because more than a hundred scientists in the world are now working on torsion fields. And half of them live in Russia. You said that your center’s programs are supported by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Ministry of Science, and that you have close ties with scientists in various fields of knowledge, including doctors. Do you think that physicists’ experiments will change scientists’ ideas about human nature?

In order to be absolutely sure that the video, where luminous waves pulsated in the skull and around it, makes the torsion field visible, you need to do one simple thing: place between the person and the electronic equipment that so successfully records the radiation, transparent but impenetrable for torsion waves screen. We know how and what to make it from. Remember, I talked about rugs that you can put under the bed and sleep peacefully in geopathogenic zone? Our screen will be made similar to such a rug. If, having placed the screen, we do not see anything on the monitor, that is, the biofield cannot pass through our barrier, the conclusion is clear: the technology records precisely torsion radiation and makes it visible. I can promise the readers of The Peasant Woman that they will learn about the results of the experiment.

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