Cherry wine without water. Making homemade cherry wine

Due to their widespread availability, cherries are often used in amateur winemaking, and quite successfully. I'll tell you how to make cherry wine at home using the right technology. The recipe is very simple, and the resulting drink will delight you with excellent taste. whole year. Cooking does not require rare ingredients, as long as there is a sufficient amount of fruit.

Dark sour cherries are ideal, but if this variety is not available, use any ripe berries. First, you need to carefully sort through them, removing spoiled, rotten and moldy ones. Even one bad berry can ruin the entire wine. Containers should be rinsed with boiling water and wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

Cherry pits contain a lot of tannins, so the recipe requires only pulp and juice. But those who like a slight tart flavor can crush a few seeds and add them to the wort (cherry juice before fermentation) in the second stage.


  • ripe cherries – 3 kg;
  • water – 4 liters;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

Attention! For normal fermentation, it is advisable not to wash the cherries so as not to remove wild yeast from the skin.

Cherry wine recipe

1. Sort the berries, remove the stalks. Squeeze out the seeds, being careful not to splash the juice; it should remain in the same container as the pulp.

2. Heat the water to 25-29°C (not higher, so as not to kill the yeast) and pour over the processed cherries. Add 500 grams of sugar. Mix. Tie the neck of the container with gauze (to protect against flies), then put the wort in a dark, warm place (18-27°C) for 3-4 days.

After a day (often earlier), signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam, sour smell. This means that everything is going fine. You need to stir the wort clean 2-3 times a day wooden stick or by hand, drowning the pulp that has floated to the surface in the juice - a “cap” of particles of skin and pulp.

3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer to filter out any remaining cherries. Squeeze the cake well; it is no longer needed.

4. Add 0.5 kg of sugar to the future cherry wine. Stir until dissolved.

5. Pour the juice into a fermentation container. Fill a maximum of 75% of the volume to leave room for foam, carbon dioxide and new portions of sugar. Install a water seal or glove with a hole in the finger (pierce it with a needle). Leave the vessel in a dark, warm (18-25°C) room.

Fermentation under a water seal Example with a glove

After 4-5 days, add the next portion of sugar (250 grams): remove the water seal, pour 150-200 ml of juice into another container, dilute the sugar in it, pour the resulting syrup back and close the water seal again. After another 5 days, add the remaining sugar (250 grams) according to the described technology.

Depending on the temperature and yeast activity, fermentation of homemade cherry wine lasts 25-60 days.

If the process takes longer than 55 days, the wine must be carefully drained from the sediment through a straw into another container, then placed under a water seal to ferment, otherwise a bitter aftertaste may appear.

6. After the end of fermentation (the drink has become lighter, the water seal does not release bubbles for several days or the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom), drain the wine from the cherries through a straw without touching the sediment.

To taste. If desired, sweeten with sugar or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% of the volume. Adding strong alcohol promotes storage, but changes the aroma and makes the taste harsher.

Fill the storage container with wine, preferably up to the neck, so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close tightly.

7. Transfer the vessel to a dark room with a temperature of 6-16°C and leave for 6-12 months for maturation, which will significantly improve the taste.

As sediment accumulates (2-4 cm), first once every 15-20 days, then less frequently, filter the wine by pouring it (always through a straw). The finished drink can be poured into bottles and sealed tightly.

Finished black cherry wine

The output is cherry wine with a strength of 11-13%. Shelf life in the refrigerator or basement is 5-6 years.

The intoxicating berry – cherry – has long been the basis of recipes for liqueurs, liqueurs, and wines. Home wine It is easy to prepare from cherries and does not require significant financial costs. This drink is especially popular among summer residents, rural areas, where cherries grow in almost every yard. The availability of cherries and the ease of preparation make it possible to enjoy the taste of wine everywhere.

Read also the article: - a simple recipe.

What berries should you use?

The taste of the drink is affected by the variety and ripeness of the berries. How to make cherry wine at home tasty and aromatic, with a rich color? For good result Several nuances should be taken into account.

Sweet varieties will add a corresponding flavor to the final product. Sour varieties will make the wine more masculine. In addition, preparing a drink from such berries will require more sugar. For high-quality wine, it is necessary to select ripe, unspoiled cherries. There is no point in hoping that the berries will ferment anyway. Rotten cherries will hopelessly ruin the taste of the wine.

If you peel the berries from the seeds, the drink will be soft and tender. If left, the taste of cherry wine with pits will become richer and a little tart.

Some connoisseurs leave the stalks on to speed up the fermentation process. This is not important, and without stems the wine ferments well and has a pleasant taste.

What you will need

Making a drink from berries is not difficult. The recipe for homemade cherry wine is simple and even a novice cook can handle it.

To prepare the drink you will need the following supplies:

  • fermentation containers;
  • gauze;
  • a lid with a water seal or a medical glove;
  • drainage tubes;
  • dishes for settling;
  • wooden spoon for stirring.

To make cherry wine at home you will need the following ingredients: 3 kg of berries, 4 liters of water, 1.5 kg of sugar. We prepare the ingredients and dishes.

Before starting work, all utensils are thoroughly washed and dried.

You can make wine from cherry juice, but you can keep the process simple and make a drink from the berries

Making a drink

Step-by-step recipe for wine made at home:

The longer homemade cherry wine is infused, the brighter its taste.


It is good to place the dishes with new wine in the basement, where there is constant low temperature. From time to time check the presence of sediment in the containers. If sediment is found at the bottom, the wine is poured into another container, preventing sediment from getting into the liquid. Good stuff is infused for at least 12 months.

After this period, the finished product is bottled and stored sealed.

A homemade drink will cost much less than a store-bought one. The great advantage of making it yourself is that the person chooses its strength and uses natural ingredients in the process. What kind of wine to make - soft, from seedless berries, or to make homemade wine from cherries with pits - is up to everyone to choose depending on their preferences.

Video recipe for making cherry wine

Cherry wine, thick and aromatic, will always be a valuable drink for any feast or quiet evening on a hard day. When prepared at home, it is guaranteed to preserve the valuable properties of fresh berries, preserve their color and unique spicy aroma.

What cherries can be used for home winemaking?

The quality of the raw materials directly affects the final result. cherry will take all the best from the berry, but it can easily be spoiled by inattention when selecting fruits.

Cooking principles alcoholic drink:

A cherry wine recipe may involve pitting. Lost in the process a large number of juice, as well as energy and time. The drink, prepared with whole berries, has a specific “tannin” taste, which gives it nobility. This method is definitely worth a try.

A simple recipe for homemade cherry wine

To make cherry wine at home, you should get a simple kitchen utensils, such as:

  • stainless steel container with a capacity of at least 10 liters;
  • a wooden spoon that can easily reach the bottom of the pan;
  • gauze or filter paper;
  • latex gloves.

All dishes should be treated with boiling water and wiped dry. Calculate the amount of ingredients based on the available supply of cherries and the capacity of the dishes. It should be remembered that the pan is not filled to the top with wort.

Product stacking proportions:

  • 3 kg cherries;
  • 2 kg granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of filtered water.

The step-by-step cooking process looks like this:

When the berries and dregs settle to the bottom, an important stage begins - removing the drink from the sediment. Pour off the wine slowly and carefully, being careful not to stir up the yeast suspension with pulp at the bottom of the container. To do this, use a tube or scoop out the liquid with a ladle, periodically letting the mixture settle.

Place the drink in a dark place where the temperature is maintained no higher than +16ºС. After a week, the sediment is again drained and filtered. Only now can you pour young wine into beautiful glass storage containers. All bottles and caps must be sterilized first.

To achieve a mature taste, the drink will need at least 60 days. The best wine is considered to be one that has matured for more than six months.

Fortified wine recipe

Cherry table wine has excellent taste, but stronger drinks can be made from the same raw materials. Natural “wild” yeast that ferments drinks can only raise the alcohol level to 15°.

If you want to try a stronger cherry, then you resort to two methods: introducing special yeast cultures into the recipe or adding strong alcohol.

Strong cherry wine is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • ripe sorted cherries - 10 kg;
  • clean drinking water - 5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • dry wine yeast according to instructions.

When buying “cultured” dehydrated yeast, carefully read the instructions on it, strictly follow the dosage and method of use.

The entire preparatory process occurs in the same way as in the previous recipe, until the berries are chopped. Next steps:

  1. The mashed raw materials are placed in a colander and part of the juice is filtered into a saucepan.
  2. Add all the sugar, place the bowl on the lowest heat and stir until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. First pour water into the syrup, then add all the pulp and mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour in dry yeast or pour in yeast prepared according to instructions.

The fermentation process occurs more actively than in the previous method, and you should watch the wort more carefully. The remaining steps for plain and fortified wine are the same. Only the ripening period differs. Strong drinks take longer to reach excellent quality. Such a wine will achieve a balanced taste only after a year.

Frozen cherry wine

You can make cherries using ready-made alcoholic drinks from frozen berries. Cherries cooled to sub-zero temperatures retain all their properties. You can add sugar to the raw material without defrosting it. The proportions of ingredients are taken from the first recipe, this is a classic combination. Next, wine is prepared from frozen cherries in the same way as from fresh ones.

If you need a fortified drink, then choose the moment to add alcohol when fermentation subsides. At this time, the highest degree is reached and the fermentation process of the wort can be stopped.

The amount of alcohol is calculated per 1 liter of wort depending on the strength:

  • 40° - 100 ml;
  • alcohol 96° - 50 ml.

Many winemakers recommend using vodka to fortify homemade drinks. good quality. But the fusel taste will be felt for a long time in the finished drink. Therefore, gourmets prefer to add alcohol distilled from the same culture to wine. Since Kirschwasser (pure cherry) is rarely prepared, and buying German original drink unprofitable, then pure alcohol remains the best option.

After adding alcohol, the wine mass is settled and drained in the same way as without fortification. Store the finished product in sealed bottles at a temperature not exceeding +16ºС. Fortified wines aged for 2 years have the best bouquet.

Cherry wine with pits

The kernels in the wort give the drink a slight bitterness and almond flavor. That's why best recipe homemade cherry wine is one where such subtleties are taken into account. It is important not to destroy the membranes of the seeds during the preparation process, which makes the drink not only bitter, but also unsafe.

Cyanide, or hydrocyanic acid, according to scientists, does not form in cherries immediately and only after six months can it penetrate through the dense shell of the core into the pulp. This is more dangerous for jam and compote than for wine.

Exact holding time and adherence to sugar proportions neutralize possible harm. After removing the wort, the pulp is simply thrown away. The time spent on removing nucleoli is not compensated by the quality of the product. Hand-made wine from cherries with pits surprises with a rich bouquet reminiscent of amaretto.

The tradition of celebrating any more or less significant event by uncorking a bottle of wine has long been established throughout the world.

Well, if it’s homemade wine from frozen cherries at home, then there will be more positive emotions from the holiday.

If you are still a complete layman in winemaking, then use our step by step recipes, and then you can become an excellent winemaker very soon.

Features of fruit wines

In winemaking, the technology for preparing fruit wines is practically no different from the classic grape-based wine.

However, you should not miss one very important nuance: grapes are the product in which the acid content is perfectly balanced, and this is what makes fermentation optimal in every sense.

With other fruits the situation is different. For example, cherry juice can ferment very quickly, and this is a plus. However, increased acidity of the berries clearly indicates a deficiency of sucrose, which can negatively affect the quality and taste of the wine.

That is why, to prepare an alcoholic drink from cherries, some adjustments are made to the original wine recipe, namely, water and granulated sugar are added.

Is it possible to make wine from frozen cherries?

Cherry is a very unpretentious berry and grows everywhere in our latitudes. For home winemakers, a rich cherry harvest is always a joy. However, on winter days, when fresh berries cannot be found during the day, you have to be content with frozen ones.

Looking ahead, it should immediately be noted that from frozen cherries you can make very delicious wine. However, some amendments will still have to be made to the traditional recipe. For good fermentation, wine yeast and raisins should be added to the composition to speed up the fermentation process.

Homemade wine from frozen cherries: a classic recipe


  • Cherry (frozen)— 2.5 l + -
  • — 2.5 l + -
  • — 800 g + -
  • Raisins - 1-2 tbsp. + -

How to make wine from frozen cherries

This recipe is perhaps the most popular on post-Soviet space. It was this technology that was used to prepare the best cherry wine for the holidays by our fathers and grandfathers. So we can safely say about this recipe that it is time-tested.

  1. Remove the cherries from the freezer and leave to thaw at room temperature. After the berries become soft, remove the seeds from them, pour the pulp into a blender and puree.
  2. Mix the resulting cherry mass with raisins, transfer to a three-liter jar and leave in a warm place for 48 hours.
  3. After 2 days, pour warm (up to 40°C) boiled water into the container, mix everything and drain the liquid through three-layer gauze into another clean jar. We squeeze out the pulp and throw it away.
  4. Pour granulated sugar into the resulting composition, pull a latex glove or a special closure with a tube over the neck of the jar, after which we leave the wine to mature in a warm room, for example, in a pantry. The fermentation process can last from 20 to 40 days.

A sign that a wine is ready is its color. If the surface of the drink is lightened and the sediment has sunk to the bottom, then the wine is ready. The end of fermentation is also indicated by the absence of gas bubbles. If the glove stops swelling (or no bubbles come out of the water seal tube), you can pour the wine into small containers.

6. There are two ways to pour wine into bottles without lifting the sediment from the bottom:

  • Wine pipette. Carefully lower the end of the pipette to the middle of the jar and carefully “suck” the drink without sediment, and then pour it into the bottle.
  • With a straw. We put the container of wine on the table. We lower one end of the tube from the dropper into a jar of wine, without reaching the bottom, and insert the other end into a bottle, which should stand on the floor or a low chair. Fill all containers with wine and seal with corks.

Place the spilled and packaged wine in a cool, dark place for several days to infuse.

Fortified wine from frozen cherries: recipe with vodka

This wine recipe will appeal more to those who... classic drinks prefers fortified ones. The drink gets stronger very quickly, and its taste is significantly different from wine prepared according to the recipe described above.


  • Frozen cherries – 2.5 l;
  • Raisins – 1 tbsp;
  • Boiled chilled water – 0.5 l;
  • Granulated sugar – ½ kg;
  • Vodka – 100 ml;
  • Wine yeast – 1/3 sachet.
  1. Thaw frozen cherries, pit them, grind them in a blender and mix with raisins. Infuse the resulting mass for a couple of days and fill it with water.
  2. After this, strain the liquid through a fine sieve, squeeze out the remaining berries and add wine yeast to the resulting drink. We close the jar with a water seal and leave it warm for 10 days.
  3. Later specified time, using a pipette or straw, pour the wine into a clean container, without capturing the sediment. Then add sugar and dilute with vodka.
  4. The wine should be infused in this composition for another 10 days, after which it is filtered again and bottled. The bottled drink must be stored cool.

Making wine from frozen cherries at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is to follow all the rules of winemaking, and then you will be rewarded with a gorgeous drink.

Everyone knows that wine is the oldest of the alcoholic drinks invented by humanity at the dawn of its existence. But, contrary to the name, of course, it is prepared not only from grapes. And in some eastern and even European countries wine made from cherries with pits is even considered something of a national symbol, and the technological methods for its preparation are passed down from grandfather to father, from father to son, by inheritance. In addition, a good glass of high-quality berry drink is both an integral part of a dinner party and an addition to business meeting or a warm feast with friends and colleagues. Why not use a good recipe?

Cherries are no worse than grapes!

This drink, prepared with your own hands in kitchen conditions, can become the real pride of the owner of the house. And making homemade wine from cherries with pits is a real hobby, for example, for an experienced gardener or a novice distiller. It’s not a sin to pamper your friends and family with a bottle of natural wine. After all, its creation, let’s not be afraid of this word, requires skills and certain efforts. But those who can properly manage their reserves of patience may want to try making it themselves using the recipes given below. And believe me: your resource will not be wasted. After all, simple wine with seeds, although perhaps inferior to some types of grape drink, is quite confidently superior to other fruit and berry wines. This is a tasty and aromatic, healthy and rich in microelements and vitamins alcohol. After all, it is done with seeds from pure heart, with the addition of pulp, seeds, water and sugar. In turn, I would like to offer several simple and proven recipes for this drink: fortified, table semi-sweet, liqueur. Well, are you ready to try cooking?

The first step on which a lot depends

Homemade with seeds is made from pure, non-hybrid varieties. The berries, of course, must be selected fresh, ripe, juicy, color scheme- preferably dark-colored. It is better to immediately discard spoiled fruits with brownish spots and dots at the sorting step. We should not forget about this fact: a harvest that was stored in the refrigerator for more than three days after the end of harvest is considered not entirely suitable for making proper homemade wine. The best option- own The Cherry Orchard and the harvest just harvested with one’s own hands. To get excellent homemade wine from cherries with pits, regardless of the differing nuances of recipes, it is worth taking the first step for its production: careful selection of raw materials.

Berries are important!

The berries must be sorted and the seeds must not be removed. In our recipes, this is exactly what we need to do: in order to obtain an almond flavor, which, undoubtedly, will be an audible note in this wine when you use whole berries. Then the fruits (in some recipes, by the way, the cherries are not washed at all) must be kneaded and filled with purified, prepared water (it’s best if you buy it in a store). After a day, the entire mass must be thoroughly squeezed out. The resulting wort will become the basis if you decide to make wine from cherries with pits.

The following advice will help you in making the drink: if the wort has stood for a couple of days, and the fermentation processes have not yet begun or are extremely weak, you need to add a handful of unwashed natural raisins to the liquid (wine yeast lives there). On final stage winemaking, you will strain it along with the rest of the unnecessary sediment. However, now the fermentation of wine will begin to occur very actively, and all your efforts (products, by the way, too) will not be in vain, and the future drink will not suffer from this either, on the contrary, it will benefit.

Calculation of the final product

If you are planning to create wine from cherries with pits, then calculating how much of the final product you will earn in the final is not so difficult. The finished wine will have somewhere a little more than half of the initial volume of the entire mass (that is, berries, plus sugar, plus water). For example, from ten liters of raw materials you can get about six liters of the purest and most delicious wine. Naturally, with a general increase in the volume of ingredients, the final yield of the drink will also increase.

Assorted - it's possible!

It may happen that you want to make not pure wine from cherries with pits, but some kind of assortment, where the base is this berry. Don't be afraid of this experiment. You can add currants, plums, and raspberries to the cherries. This procedure will not spoil the precious product, but will only give it a spicy twist. The main thing is that cherries make up at least 50% of the total fruit mass.

A little about dishes

For winemaking you will have to use a full arsenal of vessels and various containers: a barrel for fermentation or a food container, several ordinary 3-liter jars, narrow bottles 0.5-0.75 for the finished product, a watering can, a ladle and similar accessories. Acceptable materials are glass or stainless steel, metal with enamel, food-grade plastic. We do not recommend that wine lovers use a wooden barrel to make a drink in the kitchen. This container will greatly complicate the whole process. Don’t forget about lids with a shutter, and gauze bandages, and a culinary strainer, and other necessary equipment!

Cherry wine with pits. Step by step recipe

It should be noted that the drink has a spicy almond flavor, slightly reminiscent of the famous Amaretto. The wine has a beautiful rich ruby ​​hue, an extraordinary aroma with tart notes of spices. We will need: a bucket of cherries with pits, two buckets of purified water, 7 kilograms of granulated sugar.

To make the wine aromatic and pleasant, we choose ripe, not overripe, sweet and sour berries. As we have already said, there is no need to wash it so as not to remove bacteria from its surface that improve fermentation. We also do not remove the pit. We take spring or artesian water, heating it to room temperatures. As a result of these ingredients we should get more than 20 liters of excellent table wine (semi-sweet).

Preparing the wort

We will use a plastic barrel as a container for drinking water with lid. The mass of the wort should occupy three quarters of its total. The cherries must first be crushed in a container convenient for these needs. Then put the berries with the pit into a barrel, pour some water into it, add sugar, mix everything thoroughly, close the lid loosely and set aside in a warm and dark place for fermentation.


This process can last differently, depending on conditions and variety - 15-20 days. At this stage, the foam actively passes through, and the cherry fruits rise to the top. Optimal temperature- up to 25 degrees, not lower than 20. To reduce the temperature of the fermenting wort, you need to crush a small piece of ice. And if you need an increase, heat a little of the contents of the container, not to a boil, but so that it is hot, and pour it back. From the second day the wort is stirred at least twice - this continues throughout the first week.

Quiet fermentation, sediment removal

We cover the container with the fermenting mixture loosely with a lid and place it in the dark and cool (a cellar, where the temperature is about ten degrees, is good for these purposes). There the drink should stand for 10 days or 2 weeks. After settling the dense 2-centimeter sediments, we perform a transfer, straining the wine using a hose from container to container (some people prefer to do several transfers). We repeat the procedure until the fermentation process is complete (we check by placing the auricle to the bottle: there should be no hissing in the complete absence of bubbles). The taste of the drink at this time is without excessive sweetness, not alcohol waves are felt in the aroma, but the smell of good cherries with pits completes the next steps.

Wine maturation, bottling

We pack almost ready-made young wine into bottles using a familiar hose, then seal it. Now the drink needs to be kept in dark place, then it will be as transparent as possible, different in color and aroma.

Cherry wine with pits, with glove

Our people are cunning when it comes to inventions! Here is another fairly common, fairly affordable recipe for cherry wine with pits. Prepared from cherries at home, this alcohol will have a tart and spicy taste. So, a simple recipe for cherry wine with pits - for your close attention!

Ingredients: cherries with pits - 10 kg, granulated sugar - 3 kg, prepared water - 10 liters.

  1. We prepare carefully selected cherries. Knead, sprinkle sugar, fill with purified water and squeeze lightly.
  2. We place the resulting mass in jars of three liters each. Glassware should be two-thirds full.
  3. We put a rubber glove on each jar (available at a pharmacy or hardware store). After a few days, the wort begins to ferment; this process can last about 30 days, but no more.
  4. At this time, the glove on the can rises and straightens, as if giving us a greeting. When the air comes out of the gloves and the bubbles disappear in the containers, this means that the drink is ready for consumption. Pour into beautiful bottles and seal. To keep it longer, add (but not necessarily) a little vodka with a strength of 40 degrees (fix it).


Cherry wine with pits and vodka for those who like it “hot”! We offer a simple recipe for a homemade drink. Soft, pleasant to the taste, with subtle aromas fresh berries ripe cherries with a bone - that's his character! And what’s surprising: wine can even be made from frozen cherries.

Ingredients: 3 kg of cherries in a bag from the freezer, 8 liters of purified water, half a kilo of sugar, half a glass of vodka. It is better to take good vodka, without additives and essences - pure (or diluted alcohol). How to make wine from cherries with pits according to this recipe?

Now you know, with bones. As you can see, there are various interesting ways to prepare this wonderful, healthy cherry alcoholic drink: simpler and more complex, more traditional and according to individual recipes. At least, from cherries you can make, if desired and the appropriate skills, table, semi-sweet, vodka-fortified wine, as well as liqueurs and excellent liqueurs. However, preparing the latter is a topic for a completely different conversation. Bon appetit!

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