All social networks in the world. Latest Social Networks: List

Social networks with the largest number users

  • Created: October, 2010
  • Founders: Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger (later joined by others)
  • Number of accounts: 200,000,000

Brief description: they say that some normal people use this application to share their photos and videos with friends. However, overextended guys with an inflated feeling self-importance We were even more delighted with the new enticement, which allowed us to share with the whole world the appearance of our lunch, dinner, carpet, toilet and slippers.

9th place. Classmates

  • Created: March, 2006
  • Founders: Albert Popkov
  • Number of accounts: 205,000,000

Brief description: they say that among domestic social networks, Odnoklassniki ranks first in terms of the amount of downloaded pornography. Odnoklassniki is also remembered for its paid registration from 2008 to 2010 (you could only create a stripped-down demo version of the account for free). Average age users: about 30 years.

8th place. Tumblr

  • Created: 2007
  • Founders: David Karp
  • Number of accounts: 210,000,000

Brief description: social network for bloggers. You write a blog, post pictures and reveal your amazing personality to others. inner world. Your friends do the same. To encourage each other in this is not simple matter, you can like and comment on individual elements of individuality disclosure.

7th place. Badoo

  • Created: November, 2006
  • Founders: Andrey Andreev
  • Number of accounts: 220,000,000

Brief description: perhaps the most popular international dating site, which includes all the elements of a social network.

6th place. LinkedIn

  • Created: May, 2003
  • Founders: Reed Hoffman
  • Number of accounts: 225,000,000

Brief description: business social business network. The site interface is available in 20 languages. Representatives of about 200 different countries are registered on the network. Users have the opportunity to leave a resume, find a job, publish lists of available vacancies, search for information about various enterprises, establish business contacts, share information about upcoming conferences, business meetings, visits, etc. In a word: boring. And no "Funny Farm".

5th place. In contact with

Brief description: of course, this social network is no worse than others. But it is annoying solely because of the meaning it plays in the minds of schoolchildren and teenagers: in the most clinical cases, you can admire real network addiction. Zhiza... Characteristically, the creator of the century, Pavel Durov, retired in the spring of 2013 and now has only a “historical” relationship to Vk.

4th place. Sina Weibo

Brief description: It’s easy to be a popular social network if your homeland is China. Sina Weibo combined the functions of Facebook and Twitter, targeting Chinese audiences. The Chinese said “Ni hao!” and since then they have been living together. By the way, this is the only social network from our rating that does not have a Russian interface.

3rd place. Twitter

2nd place. Google+

Number of accounts: 540,000,000

Brief description: the funny thing is that many of your opponents of social networks have become involved in the Google+ sect. And it all started harmlessly: with the acquisition of a tempting mailbox from Google. Its attractiveness lies in the following: firstly, it ends on kosher, and secondly, as a nice bonus, each user receives virtual storage on Google Drive.

And so you use your email, upload a couple of photos, +1 the posts of your friends and quietly laugh at the losers who have been sucked into social networks.

What’s interesting: Google named privacy as one of the main principles of its work (this is already funny). At the same time, the information that the user posts, sends/receives by mail, directly affects the results of search queries. Google says it's personalization, but George Orwell says big brother is watching you O.O

Facebook is a large and crowded resource, and if you are just looking for a place to chat with family and friends, then you will obviously feel uncomfortable in such a crowd. As the most popular social site on the Internet, Facebook gives you more online connections than any other resource, and that's the problem.

However, there are alternative solutions. Whether you are looking for friends with similar interests, or want to exchange experiences with other mothers or photos with family and friends, there are many specialized sites at your service that do not intimidate you with the amount of preliminary preparation. Below is a selection of 15 resources that are just as easy as Facebook in terms of communication convenience, but easier to navigate.

Show everyone what's dear to you, connect to your favorite online sites and share news with your loved ones. The website is one of the top five most visited on the Internet, so it is great for promoting your business and communicating with family/friends. It's far superior to Facebook in terms of ease of navigation, and in general, it's my favorite on this list.

Whether you're looking for kids you went to school with or just want to look through yearbooks, check out this site. Here is the largest collection of graduation albums on the Internet, and for meetings with classmates best place can not found. Well, except perhaps for Odnoklassniki itself.

What are you interested in? Whether it’s Japanese cuisine or some TV show that you can’t live without, write about it. There are thousands here interesting options to choose from.

The number one site for moms on the Internet. Almost any thematic communities can be found here. Chat about your weaknesses and share your parenting experiences with other moms.

Discuss music, movies, and your favorite TV shows with fellow fans like you. Share photos, news, videos and opinions.

Get closer to friends and family by getting to know each other better through questionnaires.

Play, chat about interests and meet new people. An excellent place for romantic dating.

An analogue of “MySpace” for mobile communities. Chat, play and stay connected to your community on mobile.

Meet new people in your community. There are over 120,000,000 members here, so you are sure to meet new friends who share your interests.

Chinese video sharing site. Share your video files with family and friends, make new friends.

Someone once noted that a stranger is a friend you just don’t know yet. Communicate online - via video bridge or correspondence - with people you don't know.

Another community of mothers, issues of motherhood/paternity and family relationships, and the deepest interest in small children.

And again, a site for communication based on interests, here everyone can satisfy their curiosity - from a film buff to a collector of materials about the childhood of various celebrities.

Create your own page, publish your photos and join communities on various topics, for example, “Different people - different lives”, “Travel”, “ fashion clothes", "Animals", etc. A great place to meet family and friends and share photos.

Communicate with people around the world via video bridge. Chat with the residents of a particular city, guys, meet girls from different countries, and girls, find guys in distant lands. A site that advertises its unrivaled appeal to online fun lovers.

Connecting with friends and family and meeting new people becomes much more fun when you know the right places. By visiting these 15 sites, you will definitely find a new place for your meetings.

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Experts have identified ten services that occupy leading positions in the world rankings and have managed to gather a record audience in their spaces. In global projects there are the most different people, living in different countries, professing different religions, differing from each other in level of income, age, interests, etc.


For several years now, the fast and modern Facebook network has confidently occupied a leading position in all ratings. The site has already become the most popular and widespread project of this type in the world, but the number of users continues to increase every day, tending to the number of all owners mobile devices. The quality of FB is also growing - new tools and capabilities are regularly introduced, work is accelerated, and integration with smartphones is improved.


It would be unacceptable not to include this one in our list of social networks, which unites millions of Google account holders. Any person who has registered email on the service of a popular search engine, can easily connect to Google+. The project is constantly evolving, and now in terms of the abundance of functions and capabilities, the service is practically not inferior to the leader - Facebook. So, just recently, developers provided users with the ability to create group video chats.


It is no coincidence that Twitter is included in the list of social networks that are most popular. After all, this is the most convenient service for publishing short messages. Twitter provides its users with tools for publishing photo and video materials, and almost everyone uses it, including influential politicians and stars of world show business.


This is a real paradise for photography lovers. Not long ago, Instagram was taken over by Facebook, but it still looks like an independent project. Every day, millions of new photos appear on the pages of the site, processed using beautiful bright filters. Users are happy to rate and comment on new publications.


Without Foursquare, the list of social networks would be incomplete. This service provides opportunities to communicate with friends online, but this is not its “trick” at all. By registering on the site, you register at a specific location on the map. And by adding friends, you get the opportunity to monitor their movements and meet if possible.


One of the fastest growing social networks on the Internet. It operates on the principle of a blog, which ensures its fast operation and enormous popularity among users. You get the opportunity to maintain your own online magazine, as well as view news and interesting publications from other participants.

What do we have?

So, let's continue to compile a list that includes the best social networks. Russia for last years has released several promising projects that have every chance of breaking into the world TOP. Thus, the VKontakte website is breaking new and new traffic records. Besides limitless possibilities for communication (including via webcam), VKontakte users have access to a huge number communities of various topics and orientations, the largest libraries of video and audio recordings in Runet. In addition, the Odnoklassniki and My World projects from attract attention with many interesting functions and ease of use.

Specialized social networks

We wouldn’t even have enough pages to even just list all the social networks in the world. In this case, the list would also contain thousands of not too large-scale, but interesting projects that allow people of a narrow circle to communicate with each other. For example, many researchers, scientists and those who are simply interested in science use with great pleasure. And, for example, the CafeMom service allows you to chat and find a lot of interesting and useful information to young mothers. Christians also have their own social network, and it is called

Every year more and more similar projects appear on the Internet, and therefore it is easier these days than ever to find like-minded people or advertise your product to those who will be truly interested in buying it.

Social mediaThe best way keep in touch with your friends and/or relatives, look for new acquaintances, exchange music, films, photographs. It's the end of two thousand and sixteen and now there are several hundred platforms intended for building social relations in the Internet. In this article we will look at some of the most popular ones in the world.

5 Tumblr

The number of users of the Tumblr microblog reaches two hundred and twenty million. This social network is very popular due to its simple interface, no restrictions on the content of posts and the ability to publish any images or videos. Registration is not required to view posts, but is required in case of publication. In many media, Tumblr is referred to as “ in the simplest way blog."

4 VKontakte

The most popular social network in the territory former countries Soviet Union, fourth in the world, according to SimilarWeb. In conversations it is most often referred to as VK. According to Wikipedia, there are about three hundred and eighty million accounts. Registration is free. A general social network with the ability to search for friends, read various public pages, listen to music, watch videos, etc.

3 Twitter

The microblogging network, but, unlike Tumblr, has limitations (it is possible to write posts only one hundred and forty characters long). About five hundred million people use Twitter around the world. Registration is required to use. According to company statistics marketing research Pear Analytics Forty-one percent of “tweets” (the name of online posts) are small talk, thirty-eight are conversations, nine are retweets (repeated messages), only four percent are news, and the rest are self-promotion and spam.

2 Google+

In second place by the number of users – five hundred and forty million accounts. Registration is required. In the announcement of the network's appearance Google company assured that the emphasis will be on users, privacy and live communication. The work of a social network is based on so-called “circles”, thanks to which a person regulates his communication. Users create their own “circle” (for example, “Relatives”) and add there all the people who fit this category. There are similar details with blogs.

1 Facebook

According to all existing companies specializing in Internet marketing, Facebook is the most popular network in the world. The number of users reaches one billion and seven hundred million. This social network allows you to create your profile with a photo and a detailed profile. There are many ways to communicate with each other on Facebook, including chat, virtual winks, and a wall where you can leave messages for other users.

It is no secret that social networks are visited by millions of Internet users every day. They communicate with each other, download, view videos, pictures, photos, etc. The lion's share of activity in World Wide Web falls precisely on these sites called social networks. But which one is the most popular and visited? Below is a list of the ten most popular social networks. networks in the world.


Vine is a service and mobile application that allows you to create and publish short videos no more than 6 seconds long. The service was founded in June 2012 by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll. However, before its official launch, Vine was acquired by Twitter, Inc. for $30 million. Vine debuted as a free app on January 24, 2013 and was initially only available for iOS devices. However, it later became available for Android and Windows Phone. On April 9, 2013, the application became the most downloaded free application in the App Store. At the end of June, it already had 13 million users, and about 1 million new videos began appearing on the service every day. Vine has about 42,000,000 visitors every month.


In ninth place in the ranking of the most popular social networks. networks there is Flickr - a site for posting photos and videos, as well as viewing, discussing, rating and archiving them. Allows you to communicate and create thematic groups. The service was launched on February 10, 2004, and in March 2005 it was bought by the American company Yahoo! As of March 2013, Flickr had 87 million registered users and more than 3.5 million new images uploaded per day.

In contact with

VKontakte is a social network based in St. Petersburg and owned by Mail.Ru Group. The project was launched on October 10, 2006. The site is available in several languages, but it is especially popular among the Russian-speaking audience. Like other social networks, VKontakte allows its users to exchange messages, images, audio, video, create groups, public pages and events, and also play Flash games using a browser. As of January 2015, the site's audience is about 71 million people per day.


Instagram is a free application for sharing photos and short videos with the ability to distribute them through its service to other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and launched in October 2010 as a free mobile application. The service quickly gained popularity. As of April 2012, it had 100 million active users worldwide, and 300 million as of December 2014. In April 2012, Instagram was acquired by Facebook for approximately $1 billion.


The sixth place in the list of the most popular social networks in the world is occupied by Tumblr, a microblogging service that allows users to publish text messages, images, videos, links and audio recordings to their tumblr blog. The site was founded in 2007 by David Karp. May 18, 2013 Yahoo! acquired the service for $1.1 billion. As of 2015, there are about 220 million blogs registered on Tumblr.


Google+ is a social network developed and owned by Google Inc. The service was launched on June 28, 2011. And two weeks after its launch on July 14, 2011, Google announced that the Google+ social network has more than 10 million users. As of September 17, 2012, the site’s audience is 400 million users, and the active monthly audience has reached 135 million people.


LinkedIn is a social network designed for finding and establishing business contacts. It was founded in December 2002 by Reed Hoffman and launched on May 5, 2003. The site is available in 24 languages ​​and has over 380 million registered users representing 150 different business sectors from 200 countries. About half of the users are residents of the United States, 25 million are from Europe.


Third place in the list of the ten most popular social networks in the world is occupied by Pinterest - social. network, photo hosting, allowing users to add and share images. The site was founded by Ben Silberman, Paul Sayer and Evan Sharp in March 2010. As of February 2013, Pinterest has 48.7 million users worldwide.

Twitter - social a network and microblock service that allows users to create and exchange public short messages of up to 140 characters. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and launched in July 2006. The service quickly gained popularity around the world, with more than 100 million users posting approximately 340 million tweets per day in 2012. As of May 2015, Twitter has more than 500 million registered users, of which more than 302 million are active. As of 2012, the company employs more than 900 employees.


Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world and is available in more than 70 languages. Owned by Facebook, Inc., headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, USA. The site was launched on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard University roommates and classmates Dustin Moskowitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes. As of July 2014, Facebook's audience amounted to 1.32 billion users, and the average daily audience of social networks. The network has 968 million users (approximately every 7th person on the planet is registered on Facebook). The site is valued at approximately $100 billion, making Mark Zuckerberg, at 23, the youngest billionaire on the planet.

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